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The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

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Mr. Smith
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The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by Mr. Smith »

I had this idea and wanted to throw it out there. Right now I am working on incorporating it into a story. Below I added "juicing" to my slave yoga section from my slave society. What do you guys think?

Slave Yoga classes started out as an exercise program targeted for female slaves, a way to make them more agile, centered, and compliant while igniting their slave heat. Pleasure sluts performing slave yoga were often touching themselves, often to climax, as they practiced their moves; otherwise known as block moves. Slaves preparing for the auction block practiced these sequences for hours making their block routine look graceful and effortless.

Free women and slave pleasure sluts alike regularly used slave yoga as a form of sexual foreplay targeting their master, mistress, husband, fiancé or boyfriends with their moves. These women performed their routines for the benefit of their partners while also revving up their own arousal, often referred to as slave heat. Women regularly used slave yoga in this manner well into their fifties as a means of enhancing their sexual pleasure.

Slave yoga, besides being excellent exercise, mentally conditions women to be slaves. It incorporates yoga’s mental exercises by substituting traditional yoga mantras with slave mantras that augmented the repetition exercises used to break in female slaves. Performed in the nude slave yoga transforms the drills into conditioned responses where slaves practice their slavery using imagery, visualizing sexually serving their master or mistress. In this way slave yoga re-programs the woman's mind so that she internalizes her slavery, comes to see her slavery as natural, identifying as a slave and not her former free self.

Slave Yoga was developed and even taught to girls in high schools and colleges across the nation. In the state of Texas all women were required to complete a one hundred twenty-hour slave yoga physical education class senior year as a high school graduation requirement. Students could enroll in high school slave yoga upon attaining the age of consent in Texas. The class had a minimum of ninety hours of practical exercise, thirty hours of home study and a course final consisting of passing an individualized auction block routine.

Students were issued standard one and a half inch width black leather training collars if they could not afford to purchase their own for wear during slave yoga classes. Most girls purchased their own training collars, keeping them for personal use after completing the course requirements. Often these collars emitted a distinct odor from the accumulated sweat of the owner during practice.

The tradition of “Juicing” these training collars was common in Texas where young women often practicing Slave Yoga naked at home would rub the collars in their sopping wet cunts, soaking their pussy juices into the collars adding their distinct aroma to the collar. When training in groups, women would juice their collars in their training partner’s wet snatches soaking up additional vaginal fluids adding to the panoply of fragrances emitted from the collars. Students regularly traded their collars overnight with friends for additional juicing with the goal of developing a strong, overpowering fragrance.

These collars over time due to sweat and juicing emitted a heady bouquet of aromas that enhanced the conditioning inherent in slave yoga. The perfumes of sex emitted from the properly juiced collar, especially when enhanced by the moisture from the sweat of the wearer, complemented the use of imagery by the woman as they visualized sexually serving their master or mistress. While these women moved from position to position the odors wafting from around their necks helped them imagine the taste of their master’s cock in their mouths, feel the ridges of his hard prick penetrating their needy cunts, and being pinned to the ground as they are penetrated by his cock or her strapon all the while living their sexual servitude in their minds.

The slave yoga requirement could be completed during a student’s senior year in high school or within one year of turning eighteen. High school diplomas were revoked for failure to timely complete this educational requisite. Universities and colleges in order to ensure that their students met this obligation offered this block of instruction in order to maintain their state accreditation.

Although these courses were conducted fully clothed it was common for these students to practice fully nude in their bedrooms with their friends as they masturbated pretending to be slaves performing their block moves at auction. It is rumored that many students were able to earn extra credit for performing their original block routine nude and collared where the evaluator awarded additional points for quality orgasms and vaginal moisture levels.
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Re: The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by Mr. Smith »

Just for the record. If anyone thinks I've lost it posting this I attribute it to my new intermittent fasting diet and yes, today is a fasting day.

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Re: The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by Carl Bradford »

This is an interesting concept. Perhaps, in fact, friends and family would cite juicing as proof that the woman in question is, quite literally, hot for the collar.
Of course, my evil mind runs to other things one could do with a collar. Perhaps there are the equivalent of roofies in this society, where unscrupulous girlfriends or boyfriends coat the practice collar with pheromones or something else that causes the wearer to get "carried away" (again literally) and enslaved when all she intended to do was get a slave grading. Imagine a devious boyfriend giving his girl an 18th-birthday-present, a special slave yoga practice collar that, when activated by sweat, makes her surrender her freedom to him. Or the jealous female classmate who dopes the girl's collar just before she goes to the slave market. Just one more excuse for the usual "slave-grading-gone-wrong-for-secretly-submissive-female" plot line. Or maybe we don't need any more such stories?
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Re: The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by imreadonly2 »

Leather collars are popular for this sort of training, as the color of the leather darkens with sweat and exposure to the sun, or from the girl rubbing the leather between her legs during her training. The darker and more worn the leather, the more prestigious the collar, as the dark burgundy patina represents (literally) the sweat the girl put into learning her routines.

"Girls can wear clothes for their slave yoga classes, but we do have one section where all the students are over 18, and clothing is optional," said Principal Piggyson. "They all use leather collars, and insist on practicing out in the sun the collars get the most wear. "We have an endowment, where the girl who has the brownest collar gets a free 4 year ride to the school of their choice. Needless to say, this has made it pretty competitive, as a lot of brightest students from the best families happily put their embarrassment aside when that much money is at stake. I shouldn't say happily, as some of the girls complain about their teachers in the AP classes coming to eat their lunch in the bleachers and watch the girls juice themselves. It's hard to take a girl seriously as an academic powerhouse after you watched her paddle her little pink canoe for you 30 minutes before. But it certainly does get the dads to come to parents night!"
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Re: The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by gary »

Really like the idea here, I have no idea if it would work in real life, but then phooey on real life. If we wanted real life we wouldn't be reading and writing these stories would we?
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Re: The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by Mr. Smith »

Last edited by Mr. Smith on Mon May 03, 2021 12:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by Mr. Smith »

Carl wrote,
Imagine a devious boyfriend giving his girl an 18th-birthday-present, a special slave yoga practice collar that, when activated by sweat, makes her surrender her freedom to him. Or the jealous female classmate who dopes the girl's collar just before she goes to the slave market.
I think Gary needs to incorporate Carl's "Magic Collar" into his stories where the Pussy Post Trap catches Amy and then puts on the collar while the Pussy Post Trap revs her engine causing her to break out in a sweat activating the collar.
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Re: The Practice of "Juicing" a Slave Yoga Training Collar

Post by Mr. Smith »

So I posted the rewrite of the rewrite of part of chapter 2 in the Allison story that contains my attempt to incorporate "juicing" into the story in a couple of places. Hopefully it added to the story. I only addressed the odor emanating from the collar, not the color which I did not consider.

I confess, I have never seen female masturbation described as "paddling her little pink canoe". The creative mind of Mr. Doe always seems to leave me in wonder.

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