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Pixies Insight Part 3

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Pixies Insight Part 3

Post by Gee »


Behind the door at the back of the hall was a staircase to the right and an elevator to the left.

With 8636’s legs cuffed, it would have been difficult, if not dangerous, for her to use the stairs, so Thomas decided to take the elevator to the basement. A woman in office attire, grey jacket and pencil skirt, and moderately high-heeled shoes, was already waiting for the cabin to arrive while carrying a ring binder.

“Do you mind if we ride the elevator with you?” asked Thomas.

“You can go first” answered the woman. With a nod in the chained girl’s direction, she added “this looks stressful. I guess she would like to get to her destination fast.”

Gwyneth, not knowing what her destination was nor what would await her once she got there, wasn’t so sure about that.

The door opened and she took two steps back to let Thomas through.

As he was about to enter, two men came around the corner and entered the cabin. Thomas followed them and, complying with unofficial lift protocol, turned to face the door while they were standing at the back. The woman who at first wanted to let Thomas use the elevator first and then wait for the cabin to come back, stepped inside and stood on Thomas’ right side, her back to the wall.

“Could someone push the button to go down please?” asked Thomas no one in particular.

“I didn’t know slaves had a button for that.” joked one of the men and punched the buttons for third floor and basement in that order. The door closed and the cabin started moving upwards.

“I thought they were voice-activated.” added the other man.

“This one’s ready to use. Just chain her up and choose which side to use.”

Gwyneth possibly wouldn’t complain about being used that way right now. To her surprise and in spite of the humiliating ordeal at the front desk and in the backroom - her pussy and her ass were still burning - she already had been wet. And walking handcuffed and chained as she was, with no choice but to go where her handler led her, and with his fingers in her crack she got hornier with every step. And even the two men behind her, undoubtedly watching her reddened backside, didn’t diminish her excitement.

“That’s a way to make a living! Having all that slave pussy available.”

“I bet he is used to getting that much pussy, he has to push the get-down-button on the first slave he handles in the morning in order to keep his balls from bursting.”

“And that slave will be fed for the day.”

Although the men weren’t completely wrong - he was after all young and around naked attractive girls most of the time and actually had to release the built-up pressure regularly - Thomas was uncomfortable to speak, respectively been spoken to, about this by total strangers. Due to the way he was holding 8636, he stood slightly turned to the right and so he saw the woman looking as uncomfortable as he felt. He flashed her an apologetic smile.

The doors opened on the third floor and the two men left the cabin. The second man gave the chained girl’s back a pat on his way out and said “Keep living the dream for us and make use of this pleasure slut, will you?”

As the door closed, Thomas said “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. These two were rude, not You.”

“Didn’t you push a button?”

“I have to go go to the archive.” she answered, tapping at the binder, and added “Basement.”

After a short pause, she asked “So, are You ‘living the dream’?”

Gwyneth had fantasized about being chained and handcuffed, so that part was a dream come true, but she didn’t dream about being firmly held and steered naked through a busy building.

“I like what I do, but slave handlers are not just … having fun with the inventory all day. It’s work after all.” Thomas answered.

“You sound very serious,”

“I am. I was told I have to get serious and get a grip on life, so I looked for something I would like to do and take it seriously. And here I am.”

“Looks like you got your grip on life all right,” she said. And with a look on Gwyneth, she added “Doesn’t she mind you having a grip on her?”

“This one doesn’t.”

Gwyneth found being talked about this way extremely humiliating. Yet she still got hornier. But held in check like she was, she could not do anything about it. Unless…

8636 pressed her thighs together and started to move her hips slightly. “Oh yes, on the contrary, It seems,” said the woman as she noticed that movement.

Thomas tightened his grip on the girl’s head, so she stopped moving.

“Do all the girls just become horny pleasure sluts once You’ve chained them?”

“Some do, some don’t. They usually only find out when they are chained.”

The doors opened as the cabin reached the basement.

“I guess I better run before You catch me and I find out about myself.” the woman joked as she left the cabin.

In his short time as slave handler, Thomas already had a few encounters with girls and women who had shown a peculiar interest in slavery after they learned about his occupation. He supposed that most of them would like to feel like a slave without becoming one. And they thought that maybe they could use a slave handler to safely get some slave treatment.

A colleague had told him that some handlers preyed on these girls. After playing around a while, they would try to get them to sign up for voluntary enslavement of 30 days with the handlers as prearranged buyers. But they’ll get them slave hot before signing, so the girls won’t notice that the no-international clause was missing. Then the handlers could sell them internationally for a higher price because their enslavement would become permanent in most countries. Even if they were shipped back after those 30 days, they would still be registered as permanent slaves, because that’s the status they had when they reentered the country.

Thomas didn’t intend to do such thing but was inclined to take a girl up on the ‘offer’ of training her as a slave one time. Or to find out if a woman was a pleasure slut once chained…

The woman had taken off for the archive. Thomas and 8636 had to walk along the same corridor so they got a good look at the ‘fleeing’ woman as she went ahead of them, her heels clicking loudly on the stone floor. Used to seeing naked girl’s butts all the time, he found the view of a woman wearing a tight pencil skirt and heels to be a welcome change.

He reached the door of their destination. The door consisted of a comparatively small metal frame and a large shatterproof window. That way no one was able to hide behind the door and surprise someone entering. The room behind the glass door was as long as the backroom above it but not as wide. It didn’t contain the cages, they were in a second room behind a door near the end of the room on the right side. On the left side stood a desk and several cabinets and opposite the door to the stockroom was a small sink. Behind the sink and the door was a tiled area below a high cellar window. They were several rings fixed at the walls and the floor and three pulleys with hooks were hanging from the ceiling.

Thomas opened the door and led 8636 to the tiled area at the end of the room. He pulled down the hook in the middle, connected it to the girl’s waist chain between her hands, and pulled the hook up again without lifting her from the ground. Without Thomas holding her anymore, she now had to stand on her own. She could not fall down but hanging on her waist chain would have been painful for sure. So she couldn’t get down and, with her collar still connected to the leg-cuffs, she couldn’t stand up.

Now he stood beside her head which slumped down now without him holding it. He held the middle fingers of his right hand, wet with her juices in front of her face.

“Clean them slave!” he ordered. Gwyneth immediately started to suck them clean.

“I see that you get Your kicks by the way you were handled. But I am not here to entertain You. You might have enjoyed what You experienced so far, and I don’t mind you having fun, but if You make my work difficult to get your kicks, I will find something to deter you.”

And with that, he switched his fingers for his thumb. The thumb looked clean and wasn’t completely repulsive, but Gwyneth knew where it has been. She had no doubt that despite his young appearance he knew how to deter slaves from doing what they shouldn’t do. In fact, she already experienced firsthand how able he was to get a slave in line.

Thomas went to the sink to wash his hands and thought about how to proceed. All cages were occupied, two even with two slaves. But 2390 was scheduled for grading in about 30 minutes so he thought it would be best to let her switch places with 8636.

He looked at 8636, his shock-stick still at her neck. He opened one side of the cuffs at her elbows, removed the stick, pulled back the noose, folded the stick, and holstered it again.

Gwyneth was beginning to feel the strain in her shoulders because of the cuffs, so she was relieved to have them opened at least on one side. The slave handler went on to open the other side as well and he removed the cuffs altogether. “When you cause problems these cuffs will return.” he warned her.

8636 was standing steady, not in danger of being seriously hurt, and he could still monitor her through the open door, so he decided to leave her standing here and get 2390 from her cage to make the switch here.

Thomas opened the door. Behind it was a grate so that no one could hide behind the door when the handlers entered the room. He opened the grate and entered the stockroom. To his left at the outer wall were three of the high cellar windows. Beneath it stood a long cabinet, about 3 feet high, with drawers.
To the inner wall to his right stretched 4 rows of five cages each. One row along each wall, two rows of cages back to back in the middle, forming two aisles.

Thomas saw 2390 sitting in her cage. As she realized that he was coming to her cage she got on her knees, her arms behind her back. “Good slave! Grading hasn’t started yet, but I will tell your grader how eager you are. You have still to wait 30 minutes but I will get you out and have you wait in the next room because I need this cage.” He opened the cage, attached a leash to her collar, ordered her to stand up, and went to 8636 in the next room.

Emily recognized the short-haired blonde from the front desk and got alarmed by the way she was chained. Was she going to wait here chained like her? Would the slave handler be doing something to this girl while she had to look? She started to tremble while the slave handler connected her leash to a ring at the wall.

Thomas noticed that the girl was trembling. She already seemed nervous before, but now it had gotten far worse. She could lose a whole grade if she got graded like this. Maybe more if she stalled completely during grading. The young handler thought that this would be a pity. 2390 could get a top rating, given how sweet she looked, how fit she was, and how eager she was to follow orders until now. A top rating could make the difference between getting a student loan approved or not. As he looked at her and 8636, standing bend over with her head pointing in 2390’s direction, he had an idea.

“So, You are going to college?”

She nodded yes.

He went to one of the cabinets and opened a drawer. “You’re getting graded to back a student loan then?”

She tilted her head left and right while slightly nodding.

He came back with two broad black straps with Velcro. “Kinda?”

Now she nodded.

He placed the straps behind 8636 on the floor. “So I guess you need a good grade?”

Again nodding, but with a more worried face.

He got on one knee and opened and removed the leg-cuffs from 8636’s legs. “I’ve seen how eager you are and what an exceptionally sweet girl you are, so I think You could get a prime rating.”

She smiled a little at that.

He put two fingers under 8636’s chin and lifted her up to stand upright and unhooked her waist chain from the pulley. “But I can also see how nervous you are and that could affect your grade negatively.”

The smile was gone again.

He laid a hand on the blonde girl’s shoulder and pushed her down to signal her to kneel, which she did. “Now I have not been here for ages but I’ve already seen some nervous gradees and I’ve seen what helped them to get good grades.”

She looked at him with a quizzical look.

He wrapped a strap around each of 8636’s legs, tying her legs into a frog-tie. “8636 could do something to get on my good side again and to simultaneously help You.”

Now two quizzical looks were directed at him.

He unhooked the chain still dangling from 8636’s collar, connected it to her waist-chain at the front, pulled it through a floor-ring between her legs, then through another ring just behind her, and with a little pulling was able to connect it to her waist-chain at her back. She now was pinned to the ground. “2390, You are aware that You are treated like a slave, expected to obey orders like a slave, and will be punished like a slave if You don’t?”

She gulped and nodded

Thomas stood up, got beside 2390, reached around her back with his left hand to take her left hand, and he took her right hand with his right. Now he shoved her forward until her crotch was merely inches away from 8636’s face, directed her hands to the kneeling girl’s head, and made 2390 grab her hair. “Now slave 2390, use 8636 to get as close to orgasm as You dare. Do not climax, but get close. You have to get slave hot to get a good grade. And to avoid punishment by me after grading. Slave 8636, get her close but do not let her climax. You will get punished as well if she isn’t slave hot when she leaves to get graded.”

Emily wasn’t getting any less nervous. She had never had anyone besides a doctor near her nethers, let alone touch it. A slap at her bum made her jump. “Get on with it slaves!” said the handler. She pulled the girl’s head closer and when she first touched her, Emily twitched like she had got shocked, but then let the kneeling girl continue.

At home, Emily didn’t use any tools to masturbate, so she not only felt being touched, but also she felt touching herself. And when she did it, she knew what was coming. Now she didn’t know what was coming. Would the girl kiss her, lick along her lips or suck at them? And Emily could focus on how it felt being touched ‘there’ And she soon got lost in that feeling. She was still nervous, but not about her grade anymore but about experiencing her first oral sex.

Thomas saw that the two got started and went to the other room to leave them to themselves. From time to time he checked through the open door whether they were still active, but he didn’t feel that he had to or should intervene.

Gwyneth did experiment in college with a girl but was in no way experienced in what she was doing now. And the girl in front of her was very nervous. As Gwyneth started to kiss her lips she would flinch, but soon she started to get comfortable with her kisses and even became demanding and she pulled Gwyneth’s head into her crotch.

After a while she got the standing girl so excited, she had to pull her head away, alarmed, as she came already close to climax. After that Gwyneth continued cautiously to play with her tongue between the girl's lips.

Gwyneth found what she was doing exciting, but not overwhelmingly so. Then she heard the clicking sound of heels on the stone floor of the corridor. And she remembered the glass door. And whoever passed that door and looked into the room would see her and the girl she was licking.

The clicks got louder.

But Gwyneth couldn’t get away, she was pinned down with a chain. An even if she weren’t, her legs were bound so she couldn’t get up. She couldn’t hide.

The clicks grew louder still.

And she couldn’t stop licking the other girl’s honeypot for she held her head in place and they would get punished by the slave handler if she stopped.

The clicks got quieter… and stopped.

And even if she’d have stopped, she would still kneel here with Emily’s juices and her own saliva smeared on her face, unable to wipe it off.

A few clicks followed.

Gwyneth imagined the woman with the pencil skirt watching her, as the other girl used her to get slave hot. Her breathing became heavier, but not just because her face was buried in Emily’s groin.

A telephone rang. The clicks were back, faster than before and fading.

“Hello? … OK, I’ll get her ready. Bye.”

Thomas returned to find 2390 completely unaware of the world surrounding her. She was by now edging herself for 15 minutes, not daring to cross the edge nor to back away from it. He took her hands, gently pulled them behind her back, and handcuffed her. As 8636 straightened up, 2390 let out a long quiet squeal. The slave handler didn’t have to check her pussy to know she was slave hot. So much so, she might even come when she gets examined during grading, which would earn her an even higher grade. 8636 was breathing heavy, her face wet with transpiration, saliva, and pussy juice. And she was facing him with a pleading look. He got a slave treat from his pocket and fed it to her with an open hand. She took it, he wiped his hand at her hair, and then he patted her, saying “Good slave.”

Thomas took 2390’s leash off the ring at the wall and led her to the glass door. He wanted to meet Gerald on the way to hand over 2390. He said on the phone, that people were waiting for the grading and he was a little late.

Gerald would take her to the park in front of the town hall. There was a rondel, a circular area, surrounded by a hedge, so people in the park could not see what was going on inside. On the inside, along the hedge stretched a broad stone bench. The entrance to the rondel was hidden by another hedge, placed several feet in front of it. In the middle stood a stone cuboid, meant as a pedestal for art pieces, but used by the slave graders as an examining table when it was warm enough to do so. Gerald first would have her lie down there and examine her. After that, she would have to do the slave poses on the pedestal for the audience to see and for Gerald to take her pictures for the SRF. Then she would be chained to one of the five posts opposite the entrance for ‘buyers inspection’. During inspection anyone could check her out and touch her, as long she was not bruised or her orifices entered. Sometimes rejected lovers or ignored classmates would try to get some revenge on such occasion, but usually, the handlers were quick to stop that. There wouldn’t be an auction, but people interested in buying a gradee could place a bid by filling out a form, sealing it in an envelope, and leave it with a handler. If the gradee wishes to be enslaved at the end, she could accept one of these bids, but the company had an option to buy her first by topping the bid by 10 percent.

They met Gerald at the staircase as he was just reaching the basement. He saw 2390 and was amazed by her transformation. During intake she was shy and nervous, she flinched at the sound of her closing box, and now she stood there, slave hot, rubbing her thighs together. “Dang, Boy! You really have a knack for this!” he remarked.

“Thank you. 2390 was a very good slave until now. Please watch out for her. I don’t want her to get bruised.”

Gerald sensed that Thomas might have some interest in 2390, but wouldn’t talk about that with her standing next to them. “Sure, I’ll break any arm that tries to hurt her!” he said jokingly.

Thomas knew he was joking but thought that, despite the jovial nature he showed when he talked to him, he might very well be capable to do so.

Meanwhile, Gwyneth was desperate. She didn’t want a cookie, she craved relief and couldn’t get it. Again. She tried to get her legs closed, so she could rub her pussylips together, but because she was pulled down by the chain, she couldn’t lift herself up enough to get her legs touching under her. She tried to inch forward to rub her pussy at the chain but was held back by the chain at the back. She tried to bring her pussy forward by tilting her hip, but she could barely reach the chain with her mons. She tried to reach the chain running under her but couldn’t get her pussy low enough either, because of her bound legs. All this left her pussy hanging so to speak.

She wished for someone to decide to let her come already.

Oh, how she wished for the young slave handler to allow her the use of her hands and for him to order her to masturbate, even if someone was watching from the corridor again.

Or for him to make use of her like the men in the elevator had suggested, strung up like she was before she was chained down.

Or, better still, for Carmen to return and for her to finish what she set in motion upstairs in the backroom.

It did however not cross Gwyneth’s mind to wish for her release though…

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Re: Pixies Insight Part 3

Post by jeepster »

My only complaint is the switching between name and number! It caused me to go back and verify that it was the same slave/person!
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Re: Pixies Insight Part 3

Post by Gee »

jeepster wrote: Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:23 pm My only complaint is the switching between name and number! It caused me to go back and verify that it was the same slave/person!
It's because the POV/focus switches.
Gwyneth found being talked about this way extremely humiliating. Yet she still got hornier. But held in check like she was, she could not do anything about it. Unless…

8636 pressed her thighs together and started to move her hips slightly. “Oh yes, on the contrary, It seems,” said the woman as she noticed that movement.
First paragraph Gwyneth's POV, second paragraph the woman's.

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Re: Pixies Insight Part 3

Post by Hooked6 »

Understood, and it makes sense . . . but I too agree with Jeepster; it is still confusing - especially if time elapses between reading new chapters. I'm not sure that you gain all that much but changing between name and number for the sake of perspective anyway but that is just my observation. In a story where tension is escalating keeping readers totally engaged on the action and plot, distractions such as name confusion/changing perspectives, etc. tend to detract from the reader's enjoyment each time they have to go back and clarify ambiguity - especially in this case where there are several slaves with alternating names and numbers.

That said, it is interesting watching her progress. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.


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