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Return to slavery #4

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Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Story 3 told about moms life from young runaway slave. To marriage and being a mom. Then a young widow. Then on to her becoming a rich successful real estate tycoon.

Story 4 is gonna tell mom’s story about. What happened at the slave center in Dallas.

So now moms in her poodle cage. Gagged and but plugged. And on her way.
The trailer is dark. The Sob’s obviously forgot to turn the inside lights on.
The cages on top of hers kind of rocked back and forth and side to side. They would squeak and bump together.
It was definitely a stressful situation.
Other than that all that could be heard was whimpering and muffled crying.

Thankfully though the trailer was climate controlled. The air would kick on and run until she felt chilled. With her naked nipples growing hard.
Then it would go off.

The truck didn’t seem to have any interest in stopping. It just cruised along smoothly down I-40.

Unfortunately like on any other long drive. Nature calls. Not for Deb though at the time anyway. But she started smelling piss. And looked up, hoping it wasn’t the cage above hers.

“ Maybe her mat will absorb it? “
She hoped if it was the girl above her.

Adapting to a poodle cage was gonna take some getting used to. Mom may have just been 5ft tall. But she had a chubby belly, big tits, wide hips and a fat ass. And not real flexible either.

She couldn’t remember a time that she’d ever been locked inside a small cage. She’d been locked inside the shit house. But usually just chained up like a dog inside the barn. Where she usually resided. When sleeping, resting or whenever there was no other work to be done.

“ This really sucks!…Why did I do this? “
She asks herself. As the truck just keeps on going.

Hours and hours later.

The truck stops and goes. It makes turns. She feels the trailer as it rides up on a curb and bounces off making a booming sound and a hard bump.

Finally it stops and they hear the air brakes.
The inside lights comes on. The back doors open.
It’s dark outside. She sees lights from the open door of the wear house.
Truck starts to back up. Then it rams against the dock. Air brakes lock down again.

Fork lifts start working. Unloading and unsticking all the cages. There all lined up side by side. And another row across from them was lined up.

Mom takes a look around. Seeing that they all were young women. All were naked just like she was.
She was keeping her eyes open hoping to see a man slave, or a bull.
But for now she didn’t notice any.

Finally someone came along unlocking and opening there cages.

They were all told to get out and line up, in a line. They were then led to a large restroom. There but plugs were all removed. And dropped into a bin of soapy water. They were allowed to use the toilet. No privacy though.
That to was gonna take some getting used to. Being naked and using the toilet in front of anyone and every one. At least except for the handlers everyone was naked. So there obviously wasn’t gonna be no status type of thing between the girls. Or at least from what mom could tell at the time.

There was no toilet tissue either.
The slave girls were all expected to wash each other’s ass and cunt.
That to was unnerving to do for the first time.

They were then all led to another large room. And to more cages. These cages were slightly bigger. They were large enough to sit up in and long enough to lay down in. Each cage had a mat, blanket and a pillow.

Finally someone came along and took three gags out.
But no talking wasn’t allowed.

In front of the cages were two bowls. One with kibble. The other with just plain water. They were all expected to get down and eat and drink from the bowls like a dog.

By this point mom was hungry enough she could eat anything. And dog food is exactly what it appeared and tasted like. And with her 4 tooth bridge being confiscated earlier. Chewing the kibble wasn’t an easy or appetizing task.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

She continued to try to eat the kibble and slurp up the water. But nothing about it came naturally at all.

About half an hour later. Some other slaves, that obviously were already there. Came through and collected the food and water bowls.

Everyone was then told to stand in front of there cages.
It seemed they were being counted by there handlers.
They were then forced to line up and walk again into a shower room. There ankle, and wrist restraints were then removed. But the collars around there necks remained.
There were soap dispensers mounted on the walls.

They were all told to take a shower and wash everything.

Mom assumed they were all probably fixing to be checked out or examined. Because she noticed a man with a doctors coat on observing them.

“ Maybe they won’t like me. And send me on my way. “
She said with a slight bit of hope.
Judging by what she could see so far. She appeared to be the oldest one there. That included the doctor and the handlers also.
All the girls around her in the shower all looked to be either in there late teens. Through probably there mid to late 20’s.

Water comes on. It’s cold and warms slowly. Far from being hot enough for a comfortable shower.

“ How could I have been so stupid?
I could be at the Fuzzy Duck lounge right now having a beer? Or on my back getting a good fuck? Or maybe be at home relaxing in front of the Tv? Or Hell I could be at my office? Waiting on my next possible client to walk through the door? “

Mom was definitely having doubts and second thoughts on doing this. But in her heart there had to be a reason that circumstances placed her in this position.

She quickly washed her hair and her entire body. And after a few minutes the water shut off.

They were all led to a dryer type of thing. That did heat up and blow them dry for the most part.

They were then shackled at there ankles and wrists again. And walked back to there cages. And told to kneel on the little mats in front of them and wait.

Many of the girls in the room were falling apart emotionally. Crying hysterically. Some were down right pissed off. And cursing and were wanting to go.

And the handlers dealt with them in a variety of ways by either whipping them or shocking them. It was obvious that the collars had a device that would shock the shit out of them. By just a touch of a remote control.

But who could blame them for being pissed. A short day before if that. They all were living there regular lives. Before falling for whatever trickery trap they got swindled into. To sign away there lives. And snatched away from there loved ones. And be stripped of there clothing with all there possessions taken away and placed in a cage to be shipped off, for no telling what could or would be done to them.

Moms mind went back to slave mode. Just be still and quiet and don’t draw attention to yourself.
As the handlers dealt with the unruly ones.
Slave 1213 was to her right. A young blonde girl. Looked to barely be out of high school.

On her left was 1211 She was a tall black girl. She looked a little older.
They both took notice of mom. Seeing her branded ass and the faint scars on her back. They did there best to kind of copy what mom was doing. And the handlers seemed to leave them alone.

One or two girls would be taken from the room at a time. The handlers also moved on.

“ Hey you been here before?…You a slave?…What’s your name? “

1211 would ask in a whisper.

“ Deborah “
Mom would say softly.

“ I’m Tamika. “
1211 would say.

“ My name is Jill. “
1213 would say.

Moms motherly instincts kind of kicked in. She felt a need to try to nurture or mother these girls in some way.
Maybe that was her purpose to be there she kind of thought.

“ I was a slave a long time ago. But it was nothing like in a place like this. “
She explained.

“ You goal here is not to get beat. Stay quiet and do everything they ask of you. They don’t want to beat you either. They risk damaging there merchandise if they do. And they won’t be able to sell you for as much. “

“ They gonna sell us?…How do you know? “
Tamika asks.

“ That’s what they were gonna do to me a long time ago. That’s when I ran away.”

“ That’s what we need to do now! “

Mom shakes head.

“ When I ran. I was in the country. I knew my surroundings. They watching every move we make. See the cameras? “
Mom gestures towards the wall to there right.

“ Besides if we got out. We don’t know where we’re at. We’re naked and chained. We’d stick out like a sore thumb. Be cool and just go with it. “

Jill turns and looks at mom.

“ You look familiar. You look like that pretty redheaded lady on the billboard signs around Memphis. With the blue dress and pearls? “

Mom smiles proudly and nods.

“ That was me until yesterday. “

“ You Deb Jones? “
Tamika asks directly.

“ That’s me. “

“ You kicked my momma out of the bottoms and burned her house down! “

“ How’s your momma now? “

“ Oh she’s great! Come to think about it. That was the best damn thing that ever happened to us. Getting out of that damn shit hole! “

“ Kind of funny how life works out ain’t it?”

“ Yeah!…You got that right!…How’d somebody like you end up here? “

“ They propositioned me and my son in law to do one of those casting couch fuck flicks. Said they’d pay us $1,000 each. “

“ You and your son in law?…Thats kinky as Hell! What happened? “

“ I got my ass plowed by one of there bulls! “

“ He had a big dick? “

“ Yeah! “

“ Damn! “

Jill looks over again.

“ You think that’s what they want to do with us? “

“ Probably “

“ Shit!…I ain’t never had a big dick before! “

Tamika looks past mom at Jill.

“ A body like you got? And you ain’t had no big dick? “

“ I’m just 19! “

“ That don’t make no difference! “

“ Y’all quiet it down!…Here they come! “

The three of them on there knees just looked straight down at the floor. As another girl was taken away.

To mom the situation kind of reminded her of sitting around at the county jail. Waiting to get booked on one of her DUI charges. Lots of waiting around and chatting with the other women. Except for the fact then she was still dressed except for her high heels that was taken with her purse, when she came in.
In this case. The strip search happened first. Now they just wait naked and chained.

The handlers moved away again.

“ What you think they doing to them?…Ain’t none of them came back yet? “

“ Don’t know. One of them looks like a doctor. He’s probably examining them. “
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Eventually the handlers came for Jill. Mom was next.

“ Damn! I sure could use a cigarette right now! “
Mom said as a sense of dread of the unknown came over her.

Minutes later she saw them coming. She gets to her feet. And is led away from Tamika.

In no time at all she was led into the examination room. She sees the look on the doctors face. That told her he wasn’t pleased by her naked appearance.

He sighs in disgust, as the handlers remove her restraints.

“ Step up on the scale! “
He tells her.

They both watch as the digital numbers just kept climbing and stops at a hefty 175 pounds.

“ Fuck! “
He says in disgust.

She stepped off the scale and stood against a height chart. Standing bare foot she was just barely 5 foot tall.

She stepped away from the wall. He slowly walked around her. She feels his fingers tracing along her scarred back.

“ Cat O’ nine tails I see? “

Mom nods in agreement.

Bend over touch your toes.

He sighs again as she feels him touching her hideous looking brand.

“ Drop down!…Give me 20 push ups! “

Mom gets in position and down and up she goes. She gets to 9 and collapsed in a heap in the floor.

“ Get back up! “

Mom gets to her feet.

“ Run in place until I tell you to stop! “

Mom takes off. With her 42 DD’s just bouncing and flopping about.
She soon starts to sweat and reeks of alcohol. And soon starts a hacking cough.

“ Okay…Okay!…You can stop now!…I don’t want you to have a heart attack!
Fucking drunk and a smoker! Shit!…Get up on the table! “

He proceeded to listen to her heart and lungs.

She could tell he wasn’t pleased. Maybe this was her ticket out? She hoped.
He felt the glands of her neck. Then moved to her breasts. She raised her arms up over her head, allowing him to examine them thoroughly. She watched his fingers as they teased her wide sensitive areola’s. Her thick puffy nipples quickly responded by getting hard.

“ Lay back! “

He moved down pressing on her abdomen.

Without being told she went ahead and placed her feet in the stirrups.
He looks down at her fat bald pussy.
He then looked at her chart.

“ Oh this explains it. Your from the Magnolia State?…You don’t miss many meals down south do ya? “

“ No sir Boss! “

“ You can loose that Boss shit right now! Your at Southwest now! And you will refer to us as your master! “

“ Yes sir Boss…I mean master! “

“ You’ll get the hang of it!…If you don’t. I’ll assure you we’ll find us a cat o nine tails and whip your ass with it!..Understand? “

“ Yes master! “

“ That’s better. “

He lubes up his hand and slides it into her pussy.

“ Damn!…This is the loosest fucking cunt I’ve felt in a while!…I could barely get three fingers inside the one before you! “
He said with four fingers and most of his hand inside her, while rubbing her swollen clit with his thumb.

“ So 1212 You like a big cock? “

“ Mmmm!…Yes master! “

“ That’s good!…Cause we got some Texan bulls that can tear this shit up! “

Mom lets out a moan with her eyes closed, imagining that.
He pulls his hand out of her cunt. Then pointed to the mat on the floor.

Mom gets off the exam table and gets back on her knees again.
Even though the doctor teased her with the thought of her getting it on with a real Texan bull she knew her new master wasn’t pleased at all.

He studded her chart for a moment.

“ Damnit JP!…Why did you send me this red necked hick cunt? “

He then picked up the phone. So he could call JP himself and find out why? “
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by ZeeChromosome »

mikey22 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:40 amMoms motherly instincts kind of kicked in. She felt a need to try to nurture or mother these girls in some way. Maybe that was her purpose to be there she kind of thought.
I like the fact that she's momming the other slave girls there. That adds some Humanity to your story and I like that. One thing we should always keep in mind is that slaves are people, too - regardless of what the law says.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Phone ringing.

“ Fun time entertainment. JP speaking. “

“ JP this is Dr. Ron with Southwest. “

“ Yes sir. I hope you found the shipment we sent to be to your liking? “

“ For the most part yes. But I’ve got slave # 1212 right here in front of me. And what I want to know is. Is this some type of practical joke? Your trying to play on us? “

“ No sir. The e-mail y’all sent out, said you wanted older full figured motherly like types for slaves. “

“ Yes but it also said the potential slave had to also fit with in the quality standards of appearance that are listed in the Southwest handbook. I’ll be glad to forward you the link to it. If you like. Cause it’s obvious that you need to look them over.

Out of curiosity. What do you think #1212 could be useful to us for? “

“ Well I saw her as a potential dancer. “

“ Is that right? Maybe you should have put her in a thong and heels. And put her on the stage at The Pony club y’all got in Memphis. And see what kind of audience reaction you would have gotten. Before shipping her to us. “

“ She looks good in heels sir. She had a pair on when she came in. “

“ She should have put them back on and walked out the door to. “

“ Sir I thought also she’d be a perfect candidate for overseas. “

“ JP you might think we just send all our undesirables overseas. But you should keep in mind that we warranty our slaves. And I’m not shipping her to the other side of the world to have her shipped back at Southwests expense. “

“ Maybe you could trade her off to Slave Co? “

“ Don’t make me laugh JP. Not even they would take this.
She’s got months of exercise, diet. Right now I’m looking at a boob lift, extreme tummy tuck, a mouth full of new dental implants. Liposuction and lots of Botox injections. Probably a face lift. “

Moms thinking.

“ Damn! This might be alright?…I might be getting myself a full mommy makeover? “

“ How old is this fucking hag anyway? “

“ Her application says she’s 39. “

“ That’s bull shit! She’s probably 59! “

“ She’s also a runaway slave. If you haven’t already noticed?…Slaves that are born into slavery don’t know how old they are. “

Dr. Ron looks at mom. On her knees looking straight ahead with no emotion. With her chest pushed outward.
With her hands resting on her thighs.

He puts the phone down for a moment.

Then kneels in front of her, taking her by her wrists and turning her hands so her palms are facing upwards.

“ This is what we want. “

“ Yes master. “
Mom says with a nod.

Dr. Ron picks back up the phone.

“ I can tell she’s been around some slave like life before. She’s obviously had the cat o nine tails treatment. Maybe the plastic surgeon could do something about these scars. And this brand I suppose could be cut out. And replaced with some of her excess skin from her fat belly.”

“ Oh that would be great! “
Moms saying to herself.

“ But these damn freckles? Ain’t nothing can be done about them. This cunt is gonna cost us a fortune! And she’s never gonna grade prime! If the bounty hunters would have just brought her in 20 years ago. She’d be much more valuable to us. “

“ She’s also a billionaire sir. “

“ Really? “

“ Yeah she’s a pretty big deal around these parts. She’s in real estate. “

“ Well all right then. That might change some things. I’ll let the IT guys know. Maybe they could hack her bank account and we could recoup some of our money. “

“ Shit! “
Mom says under her breath.

“ She’s also been a politician. You ought to see some of her political stuff. “
JP says with a laugh.

“ Yeah coming from where she’s from I’m sure she’s been quite controversial. “

“ We shot a demo with her and a 454 model bull. “

“ Yeah I could tell some big bull has got a hold of her. If I tried I could get my entire fist into her loose cunt. How’d she do? “

“ She’s a good fuck for an old woman. She sucks cock good to. “

Dr. Ron stepped in front of mom. And pointed to his crotch.

She reached up, unbuckled his belt. Opens his pants and eased them down to his knees with his boxers.

“ Nice! “
She accidentally said out loud. As she looks at his thick 7 inch cock.

He glared at her, with an angry look for speaking out loud.

“ I’m sorry master. “
She said just before taking the head of his cock into her mouth. She looks up into his eyes for approval as she goes down on it, taking his entire length.

“ Mmmm!…You might be right on her cock sucking skills. She’s sucking mine right now. “

“ You could also use her as a worker. She’s got the look of being worked hard.”

“ There’s no doubt about that. And she’s gonna work. But sex is what sells. And if she can’t grade prime we’re just wasting our time. “

“ She’s also got twin daughters. “

“ Really how old? “

“ I’d say mid twenties at least. I’ll e-mail you there pictures and everything thing we can find out about them and #1212. “

“ Yes you do that. Looking forward to talking to you soon. “

Dr. Ron puts the phone down and runs his fingers through moms hair. And spots a little gray from the part in her hair.

“ Fuck we got to add hair coloring to the list….Mmmm! But damn she sucks good! “

He soon pulls out and gets behind her sharing her mat. On all fours with her big tits hanging. He slides in and mounts her from behind.

“ Oh yeah! I like this! “
Mom says to herself as Dr. Ron pounds her loose wet cunt.

He smacks her ass hard.

“ Tighten up Bitch! “
He yells out smacking her fat ass again. Continuing to fuck her.
She reached between her legs and rubbed her clit fast. While feeling his balls slapping the back of her cunt.
Moms pussy tightens up. Her body tensed up and shook as she comes.
And Dr. Ron just kept fucking her. For a solid 20 minutes straight.
Giving mom multiple orgasms.

“ Shit!…Being a slave might not be bad after all? Maybe I should have been sold off years ago. If I’d known it would have been this good? “
Mom says having a conversation with herself.

She feels Ron holding her tightly. Balls deep inside her, with his dick twitching. She tightened up on him again. Feeling the awesomeness of his load filling her up. She milks his fucking balls dry.

He pulls out.
She’s back on her knees again, sucking his dick clean.
He pulls his softening cock out from her mouth and pulls his pants back up.
All she’d get was a nod of approval. Not even a smile.

“ Damn! That was cold! “
Mom says to herself. Resuming to the pose of sitting with her palms up. On her knees with legs apart, with her leaking cunt. With cum dripping and stringing from it.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

ZeeChromosome wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:55 am
mikey22 wrote: Sat Nov 13, 2021 2:40 amMoms motherly instincts kind of kicked in. She felt a need to try to nurture or mother these girls in some way. Maybe that was her purpose to be there she kind of thought.
I like the fact that she's momming the other slave girls there. That adds some Humanity to your story and I like that. One thing we should always keep in mind is that slaves are people, too - regardless of what the law says.
That’s a side of mom I’m trying to experiment with. She’s usually power or money hungry. In her business adventures. In her personal life she’s an absolute wreck who drinks a lot. And stays depressed. Cause as s widow she can’t find a man that measures up. Or one she feels that’s not just out to take advantage of her wealth.
The slave topic of stories with mom is a totally new thing to me. So I’m still trying to figure this stuff out.

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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by ZeeChromosome »

mikey22 wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:27 pm That’s a side of mom I’m trying to experiment with. She’s usually power or money hungry. In her business adventures. In her personal life she’s an absolute wreck who drinks a lot. And stays depressed. Cause as s widow she can’t find a man that measures up. Or one she feels that’s not just out to take advantage of her wealth.
The slave topic of stories with mom is a totally new thing to me. So I’m still trying to figure this stuff out.
I think you're doing well. Oftentimes, in search of simplicity, we authors will make characters orphans or widowers whose entire family died tragically or something like that. It's an entirely valid tactic for keeping things simple.

On the other hand, it denies us the opportunity to explore familial relationships in the context of slavery. In my "Stallion" series, I plan to introduce Hank/Hammer's parents as recurring characters. For example, due to past instances of family members smuggling in contraband (drugs and stuff), Hank's mom isn't allowed to hug him on visiting days. It's not a huge problem with pleasure ponies, but for a racing pony who has to be 100.0000% drug free, it's a risk not worth taking. Mom can hug you 4 years from now when you're done racing. That will be a good day for all.

Other characters' family situations will appear from time to time. For example, Meadow, who you met in "Atonement Session" finishes her indenture. She get's manumitted... and no one picks her up. Don't worry, I have her happily-ever-after all planned out. She's a sweet girl, she deserves it. Mistress Harriette thinks so too, and steps in to assist after her parents abandon her.

So yeah, I think it's important to remember that our enslaved characters are people, too. They came from somewhere and sometimes that's worth exploring. So, kudos for you for taking on that writing challenge.

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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Mom is then led out, into another room.

Where another group of handlers are there to insert her barcode. Then her inner lip tattoo. Thankfully they gave her a big shot of pain killer like at the dentist office.
After that she got the painful ear piercing. That showed her new brightly yellow tag. With the #1212 on it. Just like something a cow would have.

She didn’t know quite what to think about all this.
She just assumed that there were so many slaves. These things made it easier for the powers that be can keep up with them better.
The collar she wore was nothing like the collar and chain she wore around for Boss Cole. This one was high tech. It had a special key to remove it, and it fit tight. And also had the potential to shock the shit out of you from a remote like device. It also had GPS capabilities. So if you did slip away they could find your exact location pretty fast.

In her young slave life. Boss Cole had none of these things. Just leather collars, restraints, logging chains. Whips, switches and a pack of hounds that would track you by your scent.

Mom knew she was in deep shit at this place. The only thing more restrictive than this. Is when the feds locked her up in solitary confinement. During the White water scandal. And at least then she got 3 hot meals a day. And her bright orange jump suit and flip flops. So when they peaked into the little window at her. She had something on, unless they caught her sitting on the toilet.

After the three torturous things they just did to her. She was put back into her restraints. And led into something that resembled a class room. She sat at a desk right between 1211 and 1213.
They then had somewhat of an orientation. Where a man Master. He didn’t give his name but master. Told them all that they’d be put into little groups every day to perform work. There was inside work. And outside work. He didn’t specify what they’d be doing. But the entire place was impeccably clean. So she assumed it was cleaning work. Which mom liked. Coming from her slave life, nothing was clean on that farm.
They were told they would shower at least once a day. Maybe twice if outside work in the summer months, could be grueling and hot.

They were told they would get an enema every day. They were expected to keep there teeth brushed there hair fixed nicely. And there bodies shaved or waxed clean of any obvious hair. Besides the hair on there heads. There fingers and toes also were expected to be kept manicured and polished.
Inspections would be done daily.

There was time set aside daily for exercise. Cardio and weight training. They wanted there slaves to be fit. And they had a master and mistress specifically to train and push them to be there best.
Mom had a long way to go on that one. They all were kept on a routine.
And punishment would be swift and harsh for not complying.

After the short class. The slaves were allowed a little time to get to know one another. The entire group gravitated to mom. She would be all of there moms with in time.
They all wanted to know most of all how to survive this major ordeal that all but mom, fell into totally by accident.

Mom did her best to describe slave brain.

“You block everything out, except the task at hand. “
She explained in her back woods hick like voice.

“ What about being whipped? And beaten?…How do you deal with that? “
Another slave girl asks.

“ Again it’s slave brain. You got to go to your own personal space inside your brain. They can’t take that from you. You go there and no matter what they do besides killing you. You will survive. It’s gonna hurt. Don’t get me wrong. There’s gonna be pain. But you will survive. “

“ How and where did you learn this? “
Another one asks.

“ Most of it in a cotton field. “

They all let out a gasp of shock.

“ That’s illegal? “
One of them asks.

“ Yeah it was. But that was the life I was born into. And I knew nothing else, until ran away and met a man that took me away from all that, and made me his wife. I owe everything I’ve ever done or had since to that great man. “

“ What happened to him? “

“ He died in the war. “

“ Over in Iraq? “

“ No Vietnam. “

“ That was a long time ago? “

“ Yeah I’m a lot older than you all are. “

Mom holds out her hands palms up.

“ I know there old. But look at my fingers. There soft today, but you can still see it. There not like you alls are. “

Mom lifts her right foot.

“ Look at the soles of my feet. There not like y’all’s. I never wore shoes until the day before I got married. “

“ Look at them scars on my back. That’s from switches and whips. All these damn freckles. Most of that’s from sun damage…My point is that if I could survive the Hell I lived through back then. We can all survive whatever these bastards are gonna do to us together. You just got to get your minds right! “

That’s when another Boss Or Master walks in.

“ Line up and kneel! “
He barked like a drill sergeant. And carried a riding crop in his hand.

They quickly got in formation in numeral order. Everyone copies mom. On knees, legs apart. Chest out. Palms up. All looking straight down at the floor.

He slowly walks down the isle, looking them over. There was no whimpering, no crying. You could have heard a pin drop.
He gets to the end of the line and stands with his back to them for a moment. Then quickly turns his head, looking back. Everyone of them was as still as a statue. He turned his head back straight and cracked a smile.

“ This is a good group. “
He says to himself.

“ On your feet! Let’s go! “
He yells out, leading them off to whatever task he has in store for them next.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

A few weeks later. Back in Mississippi.

Crystal moms daughter comes into the office. She sits in her moms comfy high backed leather chair. Behind her cluttered mahogany desk. And logs into her computer, and starts checking e-mails.

“ That’s interesting. “

There was one Life Lock e-mail after another. Saying that they stopped there identifies from being stolen.

Phone rings.

“ Delta Reality Crystal speaking. “

“ Hey this is Amanda down at the bank. Are any of you in Dallas Texas? Right now? “

“ Um no! “

“ Where is your mother at? “

“ I can’t explain that right now!..What’s wrong? “

“ I think you need to come down here and look at this!…Y’all loosing money fast! “

“ I’ll be right there! “

She bolts out the door. Not even taking time to lock it back. Running in her high heels and mini skirt. She jumps in her little Toyota Corolla and burns rubber out of the parking lot. Blowing her horn and running every stop sign and red light along the way.

She slid the car sideways into the bank’s parking lot, and raced inside Amanda’s office.

“ What’s wrong? “

“ It’s your moms account! It’s loosing thousands by the minute. “

“ Shut it down!…Shut it the fuck down! “
She yells out at the top of her lungs.

They freeze all the bank accounts and assets that’s connected to mom or Delta Reality.

“ What is this Southwest place? “
Amanda asks.

“ That’s a damn slave company!…They got mom! “

“ What?…Are you serious?…How? “

“ Her and dumb ass Mikey were fooling around again! And she got suckered into a contract with them. “

“ Oh my God! I can’t believe your mom fell for some shit like that? “

“ Leave it to mom! You know sometimes mom ain’t always the brightest bulb in the box?..we were hoping by Mikey being her personal assistant he would look out for her better than that. “

“ I’m so sorry! Y’all ain’t heard from her?”

“ No she’s gotten herself enslaved! Slaves don’t talk to anyone on the outside! “

“ Y’all trying to get her out of it? “

“ I’ve got our lawyer working on it. But it’s not looking good. “

“ Damn! That really sucks Crystal. I’ve been wondering why we ain’t seen her around. I’ll put out a prayer request for her on Sunday at the church. “

“ We appreciate that Amanda. I better be going. I guess I got an office to close until we get some accounting issues settled. “

“ When you get things figured out. Come back and we’ll get you all new bank accounts. “

“ Thank you Amanda. “

Crystal goes back to the office. Finding Misty waiting at the front desk.

“ The door was unlocked? Somebody been here besides us? “

“ No we got problems! “

“ What? “

“ I had to freeze all our accounts. Those people that got mom are stealing our money! “

“ My account to? “

“ Yeah yours to. “

“ What the fuck am I gonna do? “

“ We’re gonna use cash. “

“ What’s that? “

“ Don’t play that dumb shit with me! We got to do things the old fashioned way. “

They go back to moms office and Crystal opens the closet and kneels to open moms safe.

“ What’s the combination? “

“ I ain’t telling you!…Thats between me and mom. “

Crystal opens the safe and hands Misty a thousand dollars.

“ Can’t I have more than that? “

“ No that’s more than you get a week anyway! “

“ You know your a tight wad just like mom? “

“ We got to make this last!…I’ve got a lot of work to do! Figuring out how much money we got left! Go around to all the apartments complexes. If you got any dead beats. Put the screws to them and make the pay or get the fuck out! We need money! “

“ You know I will! “

“ And be careful! I got a bad feeling something bad is gonna happen to us! “

“ Like what? “

“ Probably the same thing that’s happened to mom! “

“ They ain’t gonna get me!..I’ll kick there ass! “

“ Yeah I’m sure you will. Just be careful. I love you. “

“ I love you to. “

Misty gets to work checking her books, looking to find somebody to shake down.

Crystal gets to work analyzing all moms and the companies assets. Or whatever is left of them.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Back at the slave center.

Besides the hours spent cleaning along with maintaining the grounds, and of course there exercise routines.

Mom and the other slave girls. Were introduced to pure bondage and hours of sexual torture.

They’d all be led into a large room full of different kinds of frames and restraints. Where they’ll all locked down. For there masters, mistresses, wranglers and handlers. Would use a variety of canes, whips, paddles.
Across there tits, pussies, ass’s, inner thighs. Even the soles of there feet.

Any and everything goes. Depending on whatever the master over them decides to do.

Thankfully none would be viciously whipped with the intention of hurting them. But it would be firm enough to let them all know, who was in charge.

For the more well endowed women like mom. There breasts would be wrapped in ropes. To the point that there tits would turn red, clamps with weighted chains would be attached to there nipples.

For some there would be cloths pens. Attached to many places on there bodies.

Some would be attached to electronic devices that would shock them, and stimulate them in a variety of ways.

Different sized vibrators. But plugs and other stimulating devices would be used to tease and torture there sexual parts.

Some would be locked down to fucking machines. Others would be hung from there wrists. With there ankles restrained together to just flop about, while there pussies would be stimulated. Or they to would be whipped in some sort of fashion.

Usually after a long session of going through that. It was time for the masters, handlers to strip down themselves. And usually the bulls would also be brought in. To fuck all the new slaves.

Mom in particular loved this. There was no listening to some bull shit by some middle aged man. Saying he’s all that. Just to take her to the motel for a two minute fuck. And leave her barely warmed up while he falls asleep snoring.

These guys knew how to fuck. And mom was loving every second of it. She liked feeling the stretch of a big cock inside her pussy.

And taking a cock from both ends was awesome.
She’d even take it in all three holes at once. Even though she didn’t care for having her ass pounded. But the intense and multiple orgasms that came from all this was none like she’d ever had in her entire life.

For mom and some of the older women of the group. They adapted quite well.

But for the younger ones who wasn’t as sexually experienced. They had quite an adjustment to get through.

Unfortunately for Southwest. None of the younger ones were found to be virgins. Through there medical examinations. Which is always a hope, when selecting there victims.

When a virgin graded prime or prime plus, went up on the block. The bidding would just go through the fucking roof.

And as again when the sexual torture and fucking would start. Every chance the younger ones had. They would look to mom. And watched how she took it. And they all would learn with in time. Not only by listening to her wisdom. But just by watching her.

Usually after these marathon fuck sessions. The slaves were rewarded by having some time out of restraints. Along with a hotter than normal shower. And some pleasant time to relax and recuperate. And talk freely but quietly among themselves before lights out.

All the younger ones loved mom. Maybe not with the intention to. But in her own way. She was helping the masters groom the girls into nothing but pleasure sluts that would make Southwest millions.

Outside work.

This was always an interesting time. A bunch of naked slave girls, maintaining the grounds. There were no fences. But none would dare try to leave. With the electronic collars.

Cars would pass by. People of all ages would turn and watch as the naked girls with there boobs bouncing as they rode there zero turn mowers around.

Mom would walk behind her battery operated self propelled mower. Feeling the soft grass beneath her feet. And though being naked with a collar. Being outside gave her the feeling of freedom.

She’d look up to the highway and see people looking. With shocked looks on there faces. And she’d just smile and wave, like it was no big deal.

Mom and the others already gotten used to being naked. That to had a certain degree of a feeling of freedom.

Freedom of clothes? That was an interesting thought. No more worrying about what to wear. No laundry to do. No uncomfortable corsets, bras, spandex or pantyhose. To deal with. And though they always looked good. High heels were always uncomfortable.

It had been a long time since mom had gone barefoot as much as she was now. And she really enjoyed that. And as long as the temperature was right. Being naked was no big deal at all.
As far as she was concerned anyway.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Mom was really making progress. With the diet of kibble and water. Along with all the constant exercises. She was slimming up and muscling up fast.

So Dr. Ron at Southwest decided to go ahead and got mom scheduled for her transformation.
They loaded her into her poodle cage. And into the back of a van. And drove her to the hospital, for her boob lift and tummy tuck. Luckily for mom, they didn’t make her ride in the poodle cage back.

She got treated pretty good while recovering from that.
A few weeks later. They took her to the oral surgeons office. Got the rest of her teeth yanked and a whole mouth of dental implants put in.
Again they treated her good. During her recovery time. She was entertained by watching other types of slaves coming through the system.
The ones coming through from the criminal justice system.
Apparently Southwest worked with the court system to rehabilitate convicted convicts. Non violent convicts of course. Instead of warehousing the women away in the state or federal prison system. Where they would be just sitting on there ass for years.
They would turn them over to Southwest.
Which was a good deal for Southwest. They would be paid by the government. For there services. Then they would lease out the women as slaves for whatever duration of sentence they’d receive. So it was a win win situation for all involved. The new women slaves would be punished. And would have some much needed self discipline instilled into them. As they learned the trade of being a pleasure slut slave.

For mom it was pure entertainment. She always got excited when the van from whatever county courthouse would drive up and park out front.
The side door of the van would slide open.

“ Out! “
Usually a hard and stern speaking mistress would bark.
About between 8 and 10 women would climb out of the van. With there hands cuffed behind there backs. And usually there ankles in restraints also. All usually attractively dressed in there conservative dresses, skirts or pants suits.

They would all be lined up and counted. The mistress might belittle them with some degrading speech, while she looks each well dressed woman over from head to toe.
Most all would have that shattered and shocked look on there faces. Most would be crying or bitching out loud. About how unfairly they’d been treated. The ones that did that would always receive a quick and forceful slap across the face. To rein in that smart ass angry attitude. That shit wouldn’t be tolerated. And they’d all find that out real fast.

They would then be marched straight through the front door and led into the processing room. Where there new handlers would remove all there restraints. And return them to whoever transported them there.

They would all then be forced to strip. Everything would come off and be in a little pile in front of each woman.
There clothing would all be donated to the local shelters. If they were stupid enough to arrive with valuables like jewelry or anything else. All that would be taken to a local pawn shop. And Southwest would keep the money from those sales.

They were all then led to the shower and toilet room. For there first enemas.
Toilets were all side by side with no privacy whatsoever. For most it was the first humiliating time they’d have to shit and piss in front of others. Like all slaves it would be something they’d all have to get used to. It was then into the showers again.
After which other slaves would wax or shave all there body hair off. It was rare for a convict to show up. That would be even close to Southwests cleanliness and or hygiene standards.
They like all slaves get there own collars, bar codes, tattoos, and restraints. They then would be led to a separate wing of the complex. Away from the other slaves. So they could be monitored more closely. And be broke down and broke in to what’s expected of them as new slaves.

The processing usually took several hours. Depending on how many women came in.

Mom would watch and take mental notes. Thinking back on her own process. Kind of comparing the experiences.
Feeling that it was harder on these women than her own. But after all. To a degree mom came in on her own. Signing a contract and admitting to being a runaway and sort of turning herself in. Was kind of the way she thought of it.
Plus these women were convicted of crimes. And they were meant to be punished. So that to may be a factor of them being treated more harshly, than the ones that may be tricked into slavery or for those few, that come in wanting to experience being a slave on there own.

As far as slaves went. Mom was a unique case. And she also got exposed to another humiliating tasks that most slaves didn’t.

Through just general conversation between some of the slave handlers and law enforcement. The DA. Got word that Southwest had captured a runaway slave that had been on the lamb for a long time.

The DA. Pitched the idea to Southwest executives that mom should be on public display.
And could be used as a tool to educate the public to be aware of wayward slaves the portray themselves as law abiding citizens.

Southwest loved this idea. Especially since they were renting mom out for the day.

So mom got loaded into the poodle cage again. And in the back of the van.

This time she’d be transported to the local zoo. Where they fixed her up a secure place. Where she could be observed.

They fixed her up a swing set, monkey bars. Along with a slide.
And they gave her a red rubber ball to play with.

And told her to entertain everyone that watched. And no way was she allowed to leisurely sit around. A touch of the button on the remote control. That gave her a little shock. Kept mom on her toes.

There were little dispensers around the display that contained kibble. When someone put a quarter in to it. It dispersed a few pieces of kibble. It would then be tossed through the bars. And mom was expected to get on all fours to eat the kibble from the ground. Then smile and act appreciative to the one that tossed it in. Without speaking of course. Which she couldn’t do anyway. Since they sprayed and paralyzed her vocal cords. So she wouldn’t have to wear her red ball gag.

Outside the display. There was information posted about slave #1212

Gender Female

Age Middle aged. Somewhere between 45 and 60.

Body type. Short BBW type.

Originated from Southeast Delta region of Mississippi.

Slave #1212 was born a slave. And was raised to be a laborer and later to be sold off as a cunt.

There was then a picture drawn of what they think mom may have looked like as a teenager. Stringy unkept hair, freckled face and dirty.

These slaves were never intended to walk among the free public as a citizen.

Slave #1212 was an escapee. Who somehow dodged all the security measures of the time. That should have been in place to apprehend her.

There was then another drawn picture of mom running from a pack of hounds.

As #1212 portrayed herself as a citizen. She was a pure menace to society. With a manipulative personality and a true criminal mind. That would stop at nothing. With her quest to become rich and powerful.
With fraudulent credentials. She created herself a thriving real estate business. Then set her sites on becoming a politician. So she could control and enslave everyone else. To do whatever she demands.

Thankfully Southwest apprehended this menace. And probably saved the entire world by doing so.

Below is a series of pictures, which document the transformation from fraudulent free citizen. That claimed to be Deborah Renae Jones. To Slave #1212.

All pictures would show two sides of mom. One frontal and one profile.

Pic. #1
Was of her fully dressed in the professional and pristine business suit and heels she wore. When she walked into the Funtime adult entertainment office. Looking all innocent and conservatively sexy.
With her beautifully styled auburn hair and makeup. While dressed she looked like any other woman of her age.
After a interview and background check. She admits to being a runaway slave. And was taken into custody.

After the first picture was taken. The slave was ordered to strip down.

Pic. #2
Shows she’s top less. With her big 42DD’s on display.
Along with her three inch wide and sensitive light pink areola’s. And thick puffy nipples. That quickly became hard.

Side note.
When a woman suspected of being a slave. Is told to strip down. That’s exactly what it means. Always top first.

Pic. #3 Shows her without her trendy black pants. As she stands there in her black sling backed high heels, thigh high tanned stockings. And light blue big full backed granny panties.

Pic. #4 Shows her slave naked. Collard with wrist and ankle restraints. Stripped of her makeup and her body freshly waxed free of body hair. Along With manicured nails.

Underneath the series of pictures. Was information on how to identify a escaped slave.

Of course moms naked picture was an example.

Showing her from behind. An arrow pointing to her branded ass.

Most if not all slaves are branded somewhere usually on there rear end.

Another arrow pointed to her scarred back.

Slaves may be scarred from being whipped.

Other tell tell signs you maybe looking at a slave.

Callused feet.

Slaves always go barefoot. If you notice a woman’s feet that’s tough enough to walk over hot coals or broken glass. Your probably looking at a slave.

The dressed slave.

A slave must not have access to there own clothes. And unless required by cold freezing weather. The dressed slave must remain collared and in restraints.

The slave must recognize that clothing is only a privilege that has to be earned. And given only by the owner. Only if the owner or master sees it fit that they need to be dressed.


If you suspect someone of being an escaped slave. Never try to apprehend them yourself. There not only manipulative. They can also act out violently.

Always call the authorities.

Mom was a hit for all that watched. Everybody couldn’t get enough of the slave exhibit.
Mom worked extra hard that day playing as if she was a child on a playground.
She was physically spent. And she fell fast asleep in her poodle cage on the ride back.

Sports entertainment slave style.

Sporting events also were established for the public to watch.


The girl slaves were fitted with different colored collars to tell the teams apart. One team was from Slave Co. The other Southwest.

Mom was to over the hill to participate in the fast paced action. So she acted as Coach. Since after all she was mothering all her team from Southwest. It was kind of her roll to be the Coach.

Mom don’t know shit about basketball. But the whole point was just to watch a bunch of naked slave girls. Dribble and throw a ball around from one side of the gym to the other.

Pro wrestling

This was more of mom’s expertise. She’d been friends with Jerry the king Lawler for years. And been to many wrestling events. Plus watching it on Tv. So she knew the act as a wrestlers manager.

On her side of the ring she’d yell and do her best to distract the referee. So her girls could double team and beat the shit out of the other.

Or from the floor she’d grab the other girls leg and ram her knee into the steel corner post.
Or bring out a hidden steel chair from under the ring. And sling it into the ring for her girls to use.

Her and the other girl manager would talk smack and chase one another around the outside of the ring.

Mom knew exactly how to control the chaos. And just as Tv time would run out. All the girls would be in a brawl. So you would have to tune in next week to see who wins.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Meanwhile back in Mississippi. Thanks to the quick action of there friend Amanda at the bank. The damage to moms Delta Reality company from Southwest was minimal.
New bank accounts were created. And Crystal through her IT expert. Put the best line of security on there computer system that money could buy.
And it was not long after that moms medical bills started rolling in.

“ WTF? We ain’t even got to talk to her?And Southwest is forwarding all her bills to us? “

Yes Crystal was pissed. And she took those to the lawyers office also. But was told there was nothing they could do but pay them.

During that time all the new slave girls schooled by mom would be graded prime plus. All except mom. All will be auctioned off to rich anxious millionaires. Who would take the up most care of there own new slaves.
All except for mom. Who went to the block three times, and had no takers.

She felt kind of alone and depressed with them all gone.

It probably would have been best for Southwest to make mom into some type of trustee or something. To help train the young incoming slaves. But instead they decided to ship her COD back home. And set there sites on abducting her twin daughters. Thinking they would be a more profitable avenue to take.
Little did they know. They we’re gonna have there hands full with those two.

The day mom comes home.
As explained in part 2. Mom arrived by Fed EX. With a $5,000,00 shipping charge. In her poodle cage. Inside a cardboard box on a pallet. That said Live animal. This end up.

Truck driver turns cage on side, and roughly rolls her end over end through her office door. Then upside down after she’d done pissed her mat. With a leaking but plug. If not for that she’d probably be covered by her own shit.
Crystal and Misty work feverishly to free her from her cage and restraints and collar.
While the Fed Ex man looks on amused and taking pics with his phone. So he’d have something unique to tell his buddies about back at Fed Ex.

Mom goes straight to the bathroom to clean herself up. And stays naked. Going into her office. Sitting in her high backed leather chair, behind her mahogany desk. With her bare feet propped up.
Misty and Crystal both sit in the chairs facing her opposite of her.

“ I shit my cage cause the damn truck driver showed up before my anima! And he wouldn’t stop for me a restroom break! “
She sighs in disgust.

“ You look great mom! “
Crystal would say. Noticing her boob job, teeth, liposuction. And of course the tummy tuck.

“ Well it wasn’t good enough. All my girls got sold off to millionaires. And nobody wanted to buy me!…I didn’t even get to go overseas to experience a suck bar. Or a strip joint! “

Misty and Crystal both just looked at one another with bewildered looks.

“ Mom your already a millionaire. Why do you want to be sold to a millionaire? “
Crystal asks.

“ Just for the experience of it I guess. “

Misty pointed to the closet door.

“ There’s a dress and shoes in the closet. If you’d like to get dressed? “

“ Not really. I’ve been naked ever since I’ve been gone. I kind of like it that way. You get used to it you know? “

“ No we don’t know!…Plus the preacher from First Baptist has been coming buy every day. Checking to see if we’ve heard from you. “

“ Well if he comes by now, he’s really gonna get an eye full. “
Mom says with a laugh.
She looks at Misty.

“ Let me have one of your cigarettes. And pour me a drink please. “

“ Yes mom. “
Misty takes off to her purse and brings back and throws the pack of Marlboros to her mother. Then off to the liquor cabinet and pours her a big glass of bourbon.
Mom lights up her a smoke.

“ Mom how long has it been since you smoked? “

“ Ever since I left. “

“ Then why are you starting back? “

“ Cause I missed it. “

Misty opens the closet door and takes out the stylish blue dress and a pair of heels and set them on moms desk.

“ I’ll put them on before we go home. And on the way home. We need to stop off at the pet store. “

“ We don’t have a pet. “
Misty reminded her.

“ I know. But I need kibble. That’s what I’ve been eating. And I kind of like it. “

The twins look at one another again. Mom was different. And there was gonna be some adjustments that all three of them was gonna have to make.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by ZeeChromosome »

"“ I know. But I need kibble. That’s what I’ve been eating. And I kind of like it. “

The twins look at one another again. Mom was different. And there was gonna be some adjustments that all three of them was gonna have to make."

Mike, this was pure belly laughs, bro.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

The conversation between mom and her twin daughters continues.

“ Mom your acting as if you enjoyed being enslaved? “
Crystal says.

“ Yeah I did. “
Mom admits.

The girls again looked at one another. With bewildered looks.

“ Mom after all the misery you went through when you were young?…How and why did you go back to that? “
Misty asks.

“ It was the same but very different girls. It’s hard to explain. “

Mom paused to think for a moment.

“ You know girls? What we should do is close the office one Friday. And the three of us fly out to Dallas. And we can get you two slave graded? “

“ What’s that? “
They both say together.

“ Oh it’s simple. You get there and strip naked. They put a collar and restraints on you. And treat you like a slave for a day or two. Then they grade you. Women come through all the time doing it. And if you grade prime plus. They’ll give you the big D brand.
I’ll even do it all with you. And even pay for it for you.
Think of it as quality mommy daughter time. We don’t hardly ever do anything all together any more.
What y’all think? “

“ No! “
Crystal would say firmly.

“ Hell No! “
Misty would say.

“ Y’all should think about it. It’s really not as bad as you think it is. “
Mom try’s to explain.

“ Get dressed mom. If you want to go to the pet store? “
Misty says to her.

Misty and Crystal gets up and leaves the room, while mom gets dressed.

“ She’s gone bat shit crazy? “
Misty would say.

“ We need to keep a close eye on her. Maybe look for her a shrink or something. “
Crystal says agreeing with Misty that mom was crazy.

Mom comes out of the office. Holding her collar.

“ I’m gonna put this back on. I feel naked without it! “

“ Mom the entire time you wore that?…You were naked? “
Misty pointed out.

“ Yeah that’s true. Think of it like Linus and his security blanket. That’s kind of how I feel about my collar. Y’all know what I mean? “

“ No mom. We don’t. “
Crystal says with a sigh.

They proceeded to take mom to the pet store. And watched as she picked her out some kibble.
They then noticed the strange looks she was getting from the cashier. Who also noticed her collar. But didn’t dare question it.

On the ride home she tore open the bag, and started eating it.

“ Mom we’ll be glad to stop to get you something to eat? “
Misty asks.

“ No I’m fine. Y’all want to try some of my kibble? “

They both just shake there heads.

As soon as they get home. Mom immediately gets naked, except for her collar of course. She gets her a bowl, pours the kibble into it. Then gets herself a cold beer from the fridge. And a pack of smokes that were in the carton that stayed on top of the fridge.
Then sat in her recliner, turned the Tv on.

“ Mom we’re gonna go now. You call us if you need us. “

“ Y’all ain’t got to go so soon? Y’all should get naked and stay with me? So we can visit. “

“ Maybe next time. “
Misty said with a laugh.

By then mom had only been back a few hours. But in that little bit of time. She herself was driving the twins crazy. They’d never seen her this way before. Mom was definitely different. And the two of them was concerned.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Mom continues to wear the collar as if it’s a fashion accessory. With her low cut dress’s and business suits. The collar was easily seen by others. Some would stare. And mom would just smile, hoping that some would ask.

In a way she kind of wanted to be a recruiter. To sell the idea of being a sex slave to young women. Without trickery or scams. She wanted to sell it on a warm personal level.
She wanted to convince the potential slave that she’d love the experience of it. And wouldn’t regret it.
She also thought it would be a great way to make more money. Possibly on a commission basis? When she recruits one. Then maybe a percentage of the sale when that slave is put on the auction block?
The possibilities was endless in moms mind.

But nobody at Southwest mentioned this to her.
She felt they didn’t appreciate her abilities to sell.
Mom brokered millions of dollars worth of commercial real estate deals.
And she could sell the stink off of shit. When it came to selling the average home.

There had to be a way of going about doing it.
If Southwest wasn’t interested in her abilities. Possibly Slave Co would?
She ponders approaching them with the idea.

But in the meantime she does other peculiar things she’d never done before.
At lunchtime she’d close the office. And strip down and kneel on her mat beside her desk. With her palms up and her newly jacked up tits sticking out. And she’d just meditate in slave mode. Wishing she was back at the slave center. With a new group of girls to train.
She was already missing it.

Away from the slave handlers and bulls. That always satisfied her sexual needs. She found herself back in the routine of hooking up with losers at the fuzzy duck lounge. And was more disappointed than ever, with there lack of desire to please her.
The Married men just looking for some strange pussy. Of the biker or the blue collar construction guys just wasn’t gonna cut it anymore.

Mom moved down to The Hopping Frog club. Which was a rock and roll type of joint that caters to a younger crowd.
The sex got better there. Especially when she could hook up with two guys at once.
But the loud rock and roll music made her head hurt. And besides sex she had nothing in common with any of them. And just felt lost and out of touch in general conversation.

She also tried down at Joes place. Which was a blues club. After all mom had the blues quite often feeling depressed. She’d always heard that many black men were more well endowed than a lot of the white men she’d been with. And discovered that was true. But outside of just spontaneous sex. She felt out of place among them.

Feeling let down with clubbing scene. She started staying home and surfing the internet. And did find a close by bondage group to check out. It was in a guy’s basement. And had that dirty dungeon type of feel to it. Unfortunately it was not as good as anything like the facilities at Southwest. And the guy would charge her $100.00 an hour. Before she’d be allowed to strip down. And be tied up and be whipped, tickled and tortured. With a variety of different sex toys.

The guy would dress up in a ski mask. Leather pants with biker boots. And look like somebody from a Mad Max movie. This was about as close to what she get as far as having that slave type of feeling again. She loved the feeling of being vulnerable hanging from the rafters or chained to the wall, hog tied with her mouth gagged. Or with her writs tied to her ankles. While he slapped her fat cunt. And probed her with different sized sex toys.

But this guy was no bull. He was just a banker with a fetish. And when there hour long session. Mom would get dressed and leave. While he goes and fucks his wife. With the boner mom knew she was responsible for. And she felt cheated by him not fucking her for real.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

For myself I was glad to see mom was back.
I showed up at her office as usual. At 8:00. It would be the first time I’d be alone with her, since the day we parted at the Southwest terminal.
And mom looked great. Between the boob job, tummy tuck, liposuction. And the kibble diet, and exercise of course. She probably did drop 40 pounds.
And it definitely showed. Her new teeth was like icing on a cake.
When she smiles she looked more beautiful than ever.

But mom wasn’t smiling that morning. She had her Tv on watching the markets on the Bloomberg channel.

“ Hard times are coming! “
She said sipping her coffee and nibbling on a piece of kibble.
Mom had impeccable instincts when it came to the market.
And the odd thing was. That 9 times out of 10 mom was usually right.
Though her expertise was in real estate. And not finance or stock broker stuff. It all effects everything.
And when it effects her bottom line. She tightens up big time.

“ Come ride with me. “
She said taking her last draw from a burning cigarette, that lay in the ashtray.
When she stood from behind her desk I got a good look of her sexy ass. Because of her recent weight loss. She had to do some shopping.
And to my surprise she was that day in a new pair of designer jeans. That was a real surprise. Kind of business casual at the beginning of the week. Mom before dressed professionally in business pants suits or skirts.
Around home she’d dress down in her bell bottoms that she’d been wearing since the 70’s. Or a pair of Daisy Dukes during the summer months.
But jeans at work was a new one for me. And she filled them out perfectly.

Mom caught me looking her over. With my dick growing hard.

“ Like my new look? “
She winks and smiles. And shakes her ass as she leads me out the door.

I already could tell there would soon be an affair. But unfortunately she had business on her mind that had to be dealt with first.
She grabbed up a rolled up set of blueprints as we exited the office.

Instead of getting into her Cadillac. She led me to her Toyota 4X4. Pickup. And drove me to her Delta Ridge phase 3 subdivision. Which was currently under construction. The truck splashed through the mud and the muck.
She spots where the crew was working. Framing up the stick built home.

“ They should be further along with this project! Shit maybe I should have left Misty in charge of construction? “

It’s sort of like when the cats away. The mice will play.
Mom was gone a long time. And Bubba and his crew had definitely been slacking.

Mom finds a place to park and changed out of her stylish heels and into her work boots. And of course her pink hard hat.

In the distance we spot Bubba. An older gray haired man. Shirt less in overalls and work boots. He tossed a half drank can of beer off into a scrap pile.
It wasn’t even 9:00 AM and he probably had his first six pack in.

“ Tighten up boys! The boss lady is back!”
He yells out to the rough looking crew of 9.

Mom climbed up the steps and walked around looking over the craftsmanship of what would be a $300.000 home.

“ It’s good to see ya back Deb. You have a good vacation at the slave resort? “
He said taking out a can of Copenhagen. Getting himself three fingers worth of the snuff and packing into his lower lip.

Deb gives him an angry glare.

“ By the looks of this place. I’d say y’all were the ones on vacation?
And if you don’t catch up. All y’all are gonna be replaced with some slave girls that really know how to work! “

“ Yeah right! Work at what? Sucking cock don’t get houses built? “

“ If I buy them. I’ll train them! And you and all them will be in the unemployment office! “
Mom points out with authority.

“ Now Deb that’s no way to be. We have had a lot of rain. That’s why we’re behind. “

Mom sighs looking around the site.

“ I just ordered the Chinese dry wall. Y’all gonna be ready for it in 3 weeks? “

“ It’ll be ready Deb. “
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Mom looks up towards the roof.

“ On the house we were building before I left?…Didn’t I tell you to spread the rafters out? “

“ Deb this ain’t no shack your building! It’s got to support the roof! “
Bubba argues.

“ It’ll hold it at least until the warranty runs out!
Come on down to the truck. I got some things to show you. “

Mom leads the two of us. To the back of her truck, where she had bundles of roofing and some samples of siding, floor tiles and spools of aluminum wiring. All of it was ACME brand. With a picture of none other than Wille Coyote on it.

“ From this day forward, we’re gonna use ACME brand products. I got a good deal on this stuff. “
Mom explained.

Bubba looks the stuff over.

“ Deb you can’t use this shit! It’s illegal! Most of this stuff has asbestos in it! And you can’t wire a new house with aluminum wiring! It will never pass code! The inspector will turn us all in for this! “
Bubba said shaking his head.

“ Bubba you just build the God damn house! Or I’ll bring in a crew of naked slave girls that will! “

“ What are you gonna do about the inspections? “

“ I’ll handle that inspector myself! Now get to work! “

Mom then stops for a moment, remembering the blueprints she had in hand.

“ Bubba one more thing! “

She unrolled the blueprints. And looks at what would have been a fully bricked home.

“ Just brick the front! Stucco the rest. And when it’s time for landscaping use just one gallon plants across the front. Sod just the front yard. And throw out a few handfuls of cheap seed in the back and straw the rest! “

“ Yes mam. “
Bubba said spitting between his rotten teeth. And shaking his head.
Mom was definitely tightening up. And Bubba knew it.

Me and mom got back in the truck. She took off her hard hat and changed back into her heels.
And we were on the road again.

“ Mom you serious about using slave girls for construction? “

“ I’m thinking about it. If they keep screwing up I will! “

“ Will they be slave naked? Like you were? “

Mom thinks for a moment.

“ They'd be close. They’ll need tool belts with there collars. And Id have to get them some work boots. I can’t make them go barefoot around a construction site. That would be dangerous. But everything else will be exposed, or as far as weather permits. “

“ Cool! “
I said imagining seeing a bunch of slave naked girls building a house.

I looked at mom to. Imagining what she might look like with her new look. And of course she still had her collar on.

“ Back on that day at Southwest. I really wished it would have been you to fuck me before I got shipped off. “

“ Me to but they said I wasn’t worthy enough. “

“ That was nonsense! We should have been allowed to have our movie shoot. I’m gonna make that up to you. “

She reached over and gave my cock a teasing little squeeze. As she winks and smiles.

“ What was it like for you? To see me getting slave naked? “

I thought back to watching her. As she parted with her pristine business suit. Which was probably being worn by some homeless woman now.

My dick throbbed.

“ Watching that was great! But I want to know why you did it?…Did you know they we’re gonna ship you off? “

“ It was all in the fine print, if you would have taken the time to read it? “

“ I thought it just had to do with shooting the porn flick? “

“ No! It was an indentured servitude contract. I voluntarily tuned myself over to be enslaved. “

“ But why? They slapped you around and tortured you? “

“ Yeah but I’m a runaway slave. And it’s been eating at me a long time. And turning myself in was the way I had to deal with it. “

“ Mom the slave catchers never would have come for you! You could have lived out the rest of your life a free woman. “

“ Yeah I agree I could have gotten away with it. But without my papers that states that I’d been freed. I could never feel really free. So that’s why I did it. “

“ But they slapped you around and talked to you like you were pure shit? “

“ Yeah I ran away and cost them a lot of money. So I got treated the way I deserved. “
Mom said as we returned back to her office.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Mom parked the truck.
My dick was hard as a fucking rock. I just wanted to jump her fucking bones right there and then.

But mom still wanted to talk about her slave experience at Southwest.

“ Ive tried to talk to the girls about this. And they just blow me off and say I’m crazy. “
Mom said as she lit her a cigarette.
She inhaled deep and slowly exhaled, blowing the smoke out the window.

“ I feel more comfortable talking to you about it. Sense you were there to see me off and all. “
She reached over and took my hand in hers and squeezed it. As she held it.

“ Remember when we were in the food court at the mall? And that guy came up propositioning us to shoot that flick? “

“ Yeah I remember it well. “

“ That was really a scam. “

“ Yeah I know. “

Misty and Crystal both cussed me like a dog. For falling for that. In there eyes I was supposed to look out for mom. So I let them down. And probably mom to. But what was surprising was mom took the entire experience as a positive one.
Most girls that fall into that trap are usually shipped off to never be seen or heard from again.
But mom was right back where she started. Reveling in her experience as being a slave.

“ When I saw his collar. You wouldn’t believe how fucking scared I was. “

“ Really? “

“ Yeah I was as nervous as a fuzzed up cat! I just knew that I’d been caught.
I looked around with in the crowd of all the shoppers. And expected at any second the slave catchers were gonna grab me right out of my chair. Strip me naked collar and cuff me. And parade me around my own mall like a trophy or something. “

“ Damn! Is that what they really do? “

“ Yeah catching a runaway slave is serious business! “

“ But you know what? “

“ What? “

“ Im kind of ashamed to say it. But I wish that was what would have really happened. “

Wow! Was Misty and Crystal right? Has mom gone off the deep end?

“ Mom I don’t understand why you feel that way? That would have been embarrassing? “

“ Oh it would have been humiliating! But I was scared to death. But my pussy was juicing like it never had before.
The whole time that guy was talking to us. I was just clenching my thighs together.
When I took off my pants. And I was standing there in my stockings, heels and panties. Didn’t you notice how wet my panties were?…It was just like I peed on myself but I didn’t! “

“ I noticed they were kind of wet. “

“ Yeah I ain’t never been that damn horny before in my entire life! “

I watched mom clench her thighs together.
My mouth watered for her slave pussy.

“ How’d I look stripping down? Was you turned on? Watching me being degraded like that? “

“ Mom I was as hard as a rock! You looked awesome! “

“ Think I could get a job at a strip joint? “

“ Probably but you better practice climbing and swinging around that pole, better than you did at that place. “

Mom laughs.

“ Yeah I kind of busted my ass didn’t I? “

“ Yeah you did. Maybe we could set you a stepper pole up in the garage or something? “

“ hmmmm. I like that idea.
Oh if only I could be young again! “

“ You know I’ve tried to convince the girls that they should go get slave graded? “

“ Really? How’d that conversation turn out? “

“ They both turned me down. I even offered to pay for it. And go through the whole process with them. Maybe you could bring it up with Misty and try to convince her. I think a little slave time would be good for them both. “

“ I’ll try mom. But I doubt she will go for it…Whats that all about anyway? “

“ Getting graded is like your on a stage. Putting yourself out there for the experts to see you. It’s kind of like being on the block. When they crack that whip. Demanding you get on all fours like a dog and just push your dripping cunt out into the crowd. “

“ What’s that like? “

“ It’s exciting! I loved every second of it! “

“ How’d you grade? “

“ Not good enough. Otherwise I’d still be there. I went on the block three times and nobody wanted me. That was kind of depressing. But I am kind of over the hill for that kind of shit.
I think Crystal would grade prime. Possibly even prime plus with the right training.
Misty’s like me though. She’s to fat to grade prime. But she needs it just for the experience aspect of it.

“ So was that guy at the mall? Was he a slave? “

“ No I doubt it. He was just a salesman. “

“ Are there men slaves? “

“ No not really. The men mostly are called bulls. Like that 454 model that broke me in. That you got to see. “

“ That guy was fucking huge…Scary huge! “

“ Yeah I know!…Right? “

“ What was that like? “

“ It fucking hurt like Hell! He stretched and gapped my fucking cunt out! I like feeling my walls being stretched. But my hot dripping slave pussy felt so full and tight that I thought he was gonna rip me apart, with that big cock inside me.

Then he pounded my ass balls deep with that thing! My ass ain’t never had a fucking like that before! “

“ Damn! “

“ Now if you would have had a nine or 10 inch cock like that guy. They probably would have took you. The bulls get treated pretty good for the most part. They get all the pussy they want.
But besides the bulls, handlers and wranglers. I didn’t notice any guy slaves.
I mean there might be some queer slave camp somewhere. But thank God it wasn’t around where I was.
I did though eat a lot of pussy while I was there. “

“ You did? “

“ Yeah Think of it like a cattle farm. You might have 100 head of cows but only 2 or 3 bulls. So there’s not enough bulls to go around. And girls have to get themselves off. “

“ So your turning into a lesbian? “

“ Hell no! Lesbians are crazy as Hell. That kind of drama would drive me nuts! You ain’t got to worry about me going that way! But going down on a woman is no different than you going down on me. It feels damn good. I just wouldn’t want all the drama that goes on with being gay. You know what I mean? “

“ I guess. “

I started imagining mom going down on another woman. Mmmmm! That would be hot to watch for sure.

Mom looks down at her feet.

“ You know? That was a $300.00 pair of heels I was wearing that day? “

“ No I didn’t know that. “

“ I loved those shoes! They got mens attention when I walked around in them.”

“ Maybe you could go online. And surf the thrift store sites and buy them back?”

“ I doubt it. Some slut right now is probably on her back getting fucked. Wearing my stockings and heels. “

“ Mmmm! That’s a good possibility. “

“ You know at Southwest. Girls just strip down in the parking lot. And walk in naked? “

“ No I didn’t know that! “

“ Yeah I saw it quite often. That’s what Misty and Crystal would have to do if there ever convinced to go get graded. If you value your clothes. You best remove them before going in. Cause they damn sure ain’t gonna keep up with them for you. “

“ And those girls that are sent there by court order. There usually dressed nice for court you know?…They make them strip down as soon as they come in. And the employees get there pick of whatever they want. And the rest goes straight into the dumpster. “

“ I thought they donated there stuff? “

“ They probably do some, just for a tax write off I’m sure. But Good Will would have to keep a trailer there all the time to keep all that shit hauled off. “

“ Damn! Is there that many girls going through that place? “

“ Hell yeah! Southwest in Dallas is a fucking slave hub. Nothing sells like hot dripping slave pussy! “

“ Maybe we should get into the slave business? “

“ Yeah I know that’s right! I’m getting horny as Hell just talking about it! You ready to get slave naked with me? “

“ Yeah let’s go! “
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Mom leads me inside her office. She turned and locked the door. Then closed the blinds.
We pass through the front office and straight into her back office.

“ I’ve got something for you. “
She says reaching towards her desk. Pushing back some cluttered papers, then holds up a slave collar.

“ No! …No!….No!…No! “
I said shaking my head.

“ Oh come on now! It’s not like mine! I just picked it up at the toy store. This will be fun. “

She then leans into me puckering her lips. We kiss. I put my arms around her and squeezed her ass. As she drives her tongue into my mouth.
Her hands move down unbuckling my belt.
She breaks the kiss and raised her arms with collar in hand and slipped it around my neck and fastened it securely.

“ You look good in a collar. “
She says with a smile, flashing those new pearly white teeth.

With that smile she looks down while unbuckling my belt. She backs away slightly pulling the belt from my pants. Then raised it into the air and struck it straight to the floor, popping it like a whip.

“ Now strip! “

WTF? I’d been playing around with mom for years. But never seen her like this.
It was like instead of slave mom. She was being more like mistress mom.
I guessed being around all those masters, mistresses or as she referred to them as bosses. Had finally effected her in other ways also.

I guess I was moving to slow for her liking.

“ Oh no!…Let me! “
She said dropping the belt and reaching for the buttons of my preppy button up Polo shirt. Slipping her fingers into my shirt she just ripped it apart, buttons popping off everywhere. My sports coat and shirt were basically torn from my body. She grabbed my tie as if it was a leash, spinning me around and shoving me down on to the couch.
My loafers and dress socks were snatched off. My khakis and underwear came off in one smooth motion.
Probably in 30 seconds flat I was collared and slave naked on her couch. With my hard cock sticking straight up. With her looking down on me.

“ That’s how it’s done right there! “
She said proudly.

“ You must have seen that a lot? “

“ I saw it happen every day. But what’s different is. I never saw when the panties came off. None of them had one of these. “

She then dropped to her knees between my spread legs. And took my cock in her hand and lowered her head and took my entire length into her hot mouth. Looking straight into my eyes, the entire time she sucked me.
Mom loved sucking cock. But I could definitely tell she’d even got better at it while she’d been enslaved. Her lips and jaws worked like a damn machine. She could probably suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
I couldn’t hold back any longer and just exploded inside her mouth. And not even a drop of cum escaped her lips. She sucked me clean and swallowed effortlessly.

“ Fuck! “

Mom got to her feet and stood before me, unbuttoning her blouse. I watched intensely as she opens and parts with it. Her belly was almost flat. With no stretch marks. She reached around her back unhooking her bra. Those big tits bounced free. But didn’t sag a bit.

I looked at her beautiful body and wondered.
How could Southwest let this go? A mother of twins and a grandmother of one. At probably right around 60 years old. After all we don’t know what moms true age is. But her body looked more like a 30 year old.

She might not grade prime. But she sure wasn’t ready to be kicked out of the pasture either.

“ Get on your knees and take down my pants! “

I didn’t have to be told twice.
With my face right at her crotch. I could smell her hot and wet slave pussy right through the denim of her designer jeans.
I quickly unsnapped and unzipped her jeans. And underneath there wasn’t no fat granny panties. Mom was wearing white bikini panties. And the crotch of them was sopping wet. Her pussy bulged through the satin material. With that perfect camel toe look. I slipped the jeans down, looking at her thighs. They to were really slimmed up. And slightly muscular. Probably from doing all those squats and yoga moves those slave girls do on the block.
She pulled her feet from her high heels and jeans. Wearing nude nylons that were just below her knees.

She watched me go for her nylons slipping them down her calves.

“ You can get to everything without taking those off. “
She says to me.

“ Yeah but you wouldn’t be slave naked?”

I remembered her standing in the Southwest office in Memphis that day. Stripped down to her sexy sling backed heels and thigh high stockings.

And JP saying.

“ Take them off! Slaves don’t wear stockings and heels! “

She lifted her foot as I slipped the garment off. Her toes still manicured with clear polish. She’d Damn sure been keeping herself up well.

Mom was no longer a BBW She was hot mom. Or hot slave mom. Probably known more as plesiosaur slut as far as the slave trade goes.

Last came the panties. I slipped them down and not a single hair could be seen. Smooth and soft it was.

She turns around and bends over, shaking her ass right in my face. No hair nowhere. Not even in the but crack. I was damn sure impressed. And surprised. The brand she had also was gone. Only a fine scar from where it had been surgically been cut out remained.
They probably used some excess skin from her belly to make a patch to cover it.
But on her other but cheek. She had been branded. It was a SW with a circle around it.
She didn’t mention being branded. Guess she wanted it to be a surprise and it was.
Mom looked great! Her slave forced mommy makeover really made her hot. So hot that I couldn’t resist pulling her down into the floor with me. Right in front of her fine mahogany desk. She spreads her legs and I go down on her. Feasting on her hot wet cunt.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

I couldn’t believe how wet she was. After eating her out for several minutes.
I then reached up and slid my fingers inside her. Four fingers easily slid in. I then tucked my thumb under my fingers and made a fist. And just pushed in gently. My whole fist just felt as if it was sucked into her box.

Mom looks down at me and just smiles. As I turn my fist around in all directions inside her.

“ Mmmm! That feels good! “
Mom said with a moan.

I couldn’t believe it. I’d been trying to do that to Misty for years. And she just seemed to tight.

Yeah mom had definitely been being well used by some pretty big bulls. I thought as I thought back to our affairs we’d had before her enslavement. She wasn’t that loose then.

“ Damn! They probably destroyed her pussy! “
I feared. Figuring she’d never be satisfied by a normal sized cock again.
I pulled my fist back out and continued to just suck on her swollen clit. Bringing her as close to coming before I fucked her.
I held nothing back as I fucked her.
Again I couldn’t believe how wet she was. Not just wet but dripping wet. Between her legs on the carpet. There was a wet spot easily noticed. Where she’d been laying.
As I fucked her I started wondering if we needed to get a dildo or vibrator to take up some of the slack.
Definitely I was gonna keep that in mind for next time.
I finally couldn’t hold back any longer and shot my load deep inside her.

“ How did I do? “
I asked expecting the worst.
But she just pulls me to her, and we kiss passionately. Just like we had always done.

I don’t know where she got it from. Probably from under her desk. But she clips a hot pink dog leash to my collar.

She then gets up. But makes me stay on my hands and knees. She walks me over to her little mat, that she’d brought back from Southwest. And puts me into slave position. Knees apart, hands on thighs. Palms up. And head bowed.
She hooked the other end of the leash to the leg of her desk.

I then wanted her pour a bowl of kibble. Which she places in front of me.

“ Now eat! “
She said in a demanding voice.

“ No! I ain’t eating that! “

Mom goes to her desk. And brings out a mean looking riding crop.
She puts it right in my face.

“ Slaves don’t say no! “

“ Now eat! Or I’ll whip your ass! “

I couldn’t help but laugh. Seeing her standing over me slave naked, with that collar on. I thought for sure she was just playing.

I couldn’t believe how fast she moved with that crop. I’d never seen that woman move that fast. In my entire life. I then felt it strike my naked ass. It stung like Hell. And quickly started to burn.
It was instant attitude adjustment. Cause I wanted no more of that.
I could remember my own mom, tearing my ass up with a switch. But I don’t remember it feeling like that one strike did. Or maybe I was tougher or more conditioned to it back then.

My face was then in that dog bowl eating away. How mom acquired a taste for this stuff was crazy. It tasted awful. Maybe in slave world there’s no other choice. Or maybe it’s the threat of being whipped.

Mom stood over me, insisting that I eat it all. Cause she cares enough and loves me. And doesn’t want to see me get pore and weak.

After I finished it was time for me to go. I figured mom would take the collar off and let me dress. But no way.

“ I’m a slave now! And slaves don’t wear clothes! “
She would tell me.

To my surprise. Mom would stay slave naked to.
With her purse over her shoulder. She stepped outside her office like it was nothing. I quickly sprint to the car. Discovering it’s locked and wait as she takes her sweet time. Finally we’re in the car. And she’s driving me around. With that collar and hot pink leash hanging from it.

I felt just like a freak on a leash.
I’m kind of surprised at mom. Before her enslavement she always dressed so nicely. Now she just goes naked.
I was sure she was proud of her new and improved body. But going naked all the time was just disturbing to me.

“ You know we could be arrested going around like this? “
I said to her.

“ Well we don’t have to worry about the strip search. We’re already naked. “
She’d say with a laugh.

I’d never experienced a strip search. But mom and Misty both had. As far as I knew Crystal never had. So I guess me and her were the normal ones.
It happened to my wife quite often.
She had multiple strip searches in high school. Once when the K-9 unit detected dope inside her car. She was led straight to the office and stripped everything off.
Another time she got caught sucking my cock behind the gym.
Coach led her straight to the boys locker room. Where she again took everything off. And I got to watch with her panties crammed into my mouth. And one of her nylons wrapped around my head to secure the gag in place. I was taped down to a chair by athletic tape. While the entire football team gang banged her.

“ Oh those were the days! “

I’ll probably eventually write out all those encounters. But back to the story at hand.

Mom drives me to her apartment complex. Wheee me and Misty live. She parks in front.

“ See ya tomorrow. “
She’d say.

And out the car I go. Slave naked all the way to the front door.
I walk inside. Seeing my wife, sitting at her desk. Bra less in just a tank top. And Daisy Dukes. And her dirty bare feet crossed and propped up on her desk.
Misty’s a redneck girl. And she plays that part to a fucking T.

Her and mom are a lot alike. Both have big tits, wide hips and thick thighs. Misty has that same rambling hick like mumbling talk. Like she just walked right out of the fucking woods, and into modern society. Where she doesn’t belong. Shes a beer drinking cigarette smoking party girl. With a fire ball temper that ain’t scared one bit to throw the first punch in any fight. Win or loose never matters. It’s always just the fight.

Crystal is the odd ball. She’s prim proper and talks nice. She works out all the time to maintain her sexy athletic body. She’s also educated and extremely intelligent.

Both Misty and Crystal have red hair identical to there mother. Or until mom had to start coloring hers anyway. There both have freckles. And they both have that porcelain white skin that never tans.
I always tell them. They all have complexions that’s just a shade over warmed over death.
Maybe in some other world. They all three would be vampires. That roll would fit them well.
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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

Anyone ever wrote a story? And realized afterwards you thought up so much stuff you should have put in it?

That’s where I am with this story.

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Re: Return to slavery #4

Post by mikey22 »

I’ve been writing a slightly different version of this story. Been working on it for probably going on two weeks. I’ve posted it on the wifelovers BBW site. In the erotic story section. I haven’t got a single comment about it yet.
Most must not find this slavery fetish appealing. I think it’s kind of hot!

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