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Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Proud, educated, professional women who secretly long for humiliation, discipline, or slavery have their fantasies fulfilled.
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Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by imreadonly2 »

Hey Abner,

My wife Paige runs a hedge fund in New York, and went down to see some clients in West Palm Beach. As she doesn't get to see much nature working in Manhattan, she rented a car and drove into the everglades to do a little site seeing.

All went well until she was pulled over by a redneck sheriff who wanted to know how a "hot little number like you can afford to drive a lamb-oh-geene?", which, truth be told, was a dumb car to drive into rural Florida where the roads aren't the best. He asked her for her driver's license, and her slave registration card. My wife gave him her New York Driver's license, and explained that she didn't have a slave identification card, as she wasn't a slave, and she hadn't been registered, as she didn't believe in slavery.

The fat Sheriff frowned, and explained that under Florida's new "Free Women & Families Protection Act", he had a right to detain for 48 hours any unregistered woman without a Florida license plate whom he suspected of being an escaped slave.

My wife literally laughed. She showed him her Iphone 14, her Platinum Credit cards, and her rolex watch. She showed him her leather bag, "which is worth more than your squad car." But the more proof she gave that she wasn't a slave girl, the more convinced he became that she must have stolen the money.

"You got a rich husband," he asked.

"Define rich," she said, looking over her sunglasses. "Rich to you, but next to what I pull down in my hedge fund, he can shine my shoes."

The Sheriff asked her to step out of the car, and she was soon in "frisk position", with the sheriff kicking her legs out and apart, then taking his time groping her breasts and giving himself a nice, leisurely feel. "If you ayn't a slave girl, you should be," he said, slipping his fat finger up her skirt and worming it into the crotch of his panties. He took his time, until he found her clit, and then started to slowly, slowly tease her, while whispering in her ear."

"I think you're an escaped Pleasure Slut, with a hot tight pussy and a smart mouth. I think you killed some guy named Page, probably fucked-him--to-death, then stole his lambo. That's it, slave girl, don't fright it, let's get those juices flowing. A little wet there, are we? Nothing to be ashamed of. We are, what we are."

Like many successful career women, my wife does have slave girl fantasies. But she wasn't prepared to be stripped naked roadside, cuffed, and taken to a room in the county jail where she was collared and held in a slave kennel. The room was like a puppy mill for accused slave girls, and hot as hell, and the guards wouldn't give her any water unless she "showed her slave moves" by masturbating herself to orgasm for her, or sucking them off between the bars of her dog cage. Some of the girls refused, and passed out. My wife did not pass out.

About noon the next day, with no explanation, my wife's cage was loaded in the back of a roasting hot panel truck and driven somewhere unknown. She was horrified when she realized that they had taken her to a slave market, and watched in horror as several protesting girls were taken off the truck and stacked next to the auction block. Much to her relief, she was allowed to remain on the truck and driven back to the Sheriff's office.

The fat Sheriff offered no apology, suggesting that she might want to "get yer dumb ass registered, for faster service." He even offered to drive her back to the market, where "my cousin can give you a real good deal on a professional grading." My wife said she had no desire to be registered, "and show my SIN number and BEEF grade to every smirking asshole with a badge."

After noting my wife "still had a mouth on her," the Sheriff released her into the street naked, then dumped her purse and clothes onto the street. She had to get dressed and call an uber, as her Lambo had been returned without her, a week later, after the Sheriff's office enjoyed a few joy rides.

My wife was TOTALLY pissed off when she went back to Manhattan. She wanted to sue the Sheriff, but discovered to her horror that under Florida's new law everything that happened to her was perfectly legal. However, getting even with him is her obsession, and all she talks about is what it was like to be naked and collared and caged. She also thinks that the girls who were auctioned at the slave market were probably free, but the Sheriff had arranged some sort of shady deal to sell them. She's wasting a ton of time researching his department, and searching for complaints against him, and even hired a private detective in Florida.

Paige's psychiatrist says that her obsession with the Sheriff is because he showed her that she was "slave hot" and "awakened a need deep inside of her." She fired him, and is looking for "a woman therapist who will understand me." Know any good Manhattan psychiatrists, Abner?

The good news is that we have incredibly hot sex, as now Paige wants to play slave girl every night. How do I cure my wife's obsession with getting even with the Sheriff, assuming I want to?
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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by lovethissite »

Joe: Welcome back. Is this the start of another series or a one and done?
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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by jeepster »

Love it! Waiting for Abner's reply!
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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by Mr. Smith »

Abner will work on a response. Right now he is working on a historical article "The Origin of Horny Juice".
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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by Jim927 »

This looks like it could be the start of another great story by Joe. While I am all for that, I am still hoping that he gets back to finishing my wife’s hospitality or slave parade or lady charlotte. Please Joe, find some time to finish your existing stories while you also work on these new ones.
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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by Hagenherz »

Diesem schließe ich mich auch an !!

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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by Belinda »


Thank you so much for understanding successful women with submissive feelings. To live a life of an authority figure who longs desperately to give in to those feelings and lead a life of dedication to others pleasure and service is a true dilemma many of us face. Your stories so let us unfortunates find solace in fantasy. For this I am eternally grateful.



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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by reader158 »

This one looks very promising. I like the 3rd person perspective. I really wish for it to take a dark path similar to "the old prison farm" many years ago by watcher

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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by Johnny Lawrence »

I'm sure the sheriff wouldn't be up to anything unethical. Those women who were auctioned off were probably legally enslaved by the court. Of course they'd say things like "this is all a mistake", what do you expect them to say? After all, the sheriff could have auctioned Paige off there, and didn't.

Although, I wonder what Paige would do if the private investigator she hired called her up one night, and said he'd found some crucial information that he couldn't share with her over the phone? If he said she had to rush down there immediately, and if they acted fast they could nail that sheriff for good, what would she do? Would her desire for revenge cloud her judgment, or would she show caution? Heading out to the middle of the Florida swamp for a secret meeting surely wouldn't backfire...
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Re: Hey Abner - Under Florida Law

Post by Mr. Smith »

Mr. New York City,

Your wife Paige sounds like a successful career woman that is a smart, attractive, aggressive, sassy, and outspoken woman who uses these attributes to publicly project a certain type of persona in both her professional and personal lives. Paige's interaction with the sheriff where her slave pussy drooled all over his fat finger while he took control of her body and “searched” her opened a window into her soul that scared her, showing her that who she purports to be and who she needs to be are two different people altogether. I bet your wife climaxed all over that good public servant’s finger when he whispered, “We are, what we are,” when she suddenly realized she had a true calling for a collar. Her sudden craving to become a submissive piece of slave pussy shocked her value system.

Paige's fascination with the sheriff is a form of psychological projection, a defense mechanism that people subconsciously employ to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. This involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.

Here Paige’s obsession with the poor sheriff masks her own newfound desire to be treated like the common pleasure slut she now dreams of becoming. Has she ever told you what really happened to her while she was naked, collared and caged? Did she describe how much she truly enjoyed climaxing while being used repeatedly as a mindless human fleshlight for her betters? If she denies feeling anything, ask her how she avoided injury when she (supposedly) failed to juice when used. Any good slave psychologist will tell you that admitting your excitement is the first step towards recovery, which for Paige is becoming your FINO slave.

Taking a two-pronged approach, the first step is finding the right female slave psychiatrist or psychologist that Paige can bond with to develop a level of trust to guide her through the transition from free woman to your FINO slave. I do not aware of any good female slave psychologists in New York City but would recommend a few that she could consult with via Zoom. I personally believe you need one that is attractive and has experience being trained and/or used as a pleasure slut during her own enslavement. There are two that come to mind. As a successful businesswoman with money to spare, why not start with the best, Dr. Nikki Sheldon, America’s favorite slave psychiatrist? She guided Amber through our current FINO. Also, in Texas there is Dr. Grace Allen, a slave bride graduate of Broadstone Academy who still performs in competitive dressage ponygirl events for her husband and FINO Master. Amber and I met her at a function last year and she’s great.

I hate repeating myself when responding to letters but feel compelled to do so here after having Dr. Nikki as a guest on our TV show Ask Amber and Abner last week since she brought to light some additional helpful information. In her study of married, college educated, professional women she found that 78 percent reported fantasies involving enslavement and becoming a pleasure slut, either to their own husbands or to unidentified free males. Specifically, more than 58 percent fancy being forced to have sex with their owner, 52 percent said the thought of being sold at auction revs them up, 48 percent longed for a spanking or some other form of slave discipline, and 42.4 percent fantasize about being strapped down on a branding bench and made to hump the branding iron to climax while only 24 percent actually wanted to feel the kiss of the branding iron on their buttocks. The study concluded that after a busy, often frantic day at the office having to make important decision after decision these women were attracted to the tranquility of submission as a slave at home and the simplicity of focusing on meeting the needs of their Masters (husbands).

Dr. Nikki disclosed that the percentages are 10-15 points higher for women surveyed in places like San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Boston, and New York City. She attributes this to the taboo nature of slavery in those locations while pointing out there are just as many slaves (and slave-minded free women) per capita in New York City as Dallas. It is just not as visible, kind of an out of sight, out of mind way of thinking in these places. The taboo nature of becoming pleasure sluts heightens the desire of these women to experience enslavement and your wife falls right into this grouping leading us to how you as a loving husband can help ease Paige into her new reality.

The Ananke Academy specializes in training wives who are FINO slaves in the sexual arts that all certified concubines and consorts learn during their training. Not only do they learn to serve their masters but also how their bodies work to better find enjoyment in a wide variety of sexual activities, especially those activities that acknowledge their subjugation. The school has flexible scheduling that works with a busy businesswoman’s schedule along with immersion programs with multi-night kenneling services for those needing a more intense training schedule. For more information visit their website at

Enroll Paige in the Slave Yoga fitness class and set up an appointment with one of the Mistresses who can explain the entire curriculum. I bet she will be pleasantly surprised when she discovers she knows a number of the fellow students already with FINOs who will help ease her into the program. There is even an Ananke badge that can be burned into your wife’s ass once she graduates from the school. It is an extremely prestigious brand to show off. It is truly amazing how many driven women like your wife become obsessed with earning that badge for bragging rights much like they drive a lambo or wear a $4,000 pair of heels.

I suspect that Paige’s treatment will include a few weeks of immersion training once she understands the program. You really need to encourage an intensive training program right away, even before you get the FINO in place. The best part is that you will reap the rewards of turning your wife into your own personal pleasure slut to use as you see fit. Once properly trained she will climax when you blow a wad in her mouth or on her face and enjoy, no crave anal sex. Once her vaginal muscles are properly trained, she will give you the vaunted Singapore Kiss literally massaging your cock with her vaginal muscles until she sucks the cum out of your balls. It is a skill set that I, as Amber’s Master, insure she maintains her proficiency in.

If I might be so bold, for on topic bedside reading get Paige a copy of my wife's best seller Five Years a Pleasure Slut about her many adventures as a concubine. It will be sure to rev Paige's engine if you know what I mean. If Paige has any additional questions needing a female perspective have her write Amber at, or write to: Amber’s Mailbox, c/o THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS 1954 Commerce St. Dallas, TX 75201.



Ask Abner is written by Abner Armfield, advice columnist and author of the New York Times bestseller "The Redneck Guide to Home Training Your Slave". Please email your questions to, or write to: Abner’s Mailbox, c/o THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS 1954 Commerce St. Dallas, TX 75201.

Mr. Abner Armfield is a direct descendent of John Armfield, the founder of Franklin & Armfield, the largest slave trading firm in the country prior to the Civil War. He is on the board of the reconstituted Franklin & Armfield that owns the Old Slave Mart chain amongst other interests. He graduated with an MBA from the McCombs School of Business after undergraduate studies at Ole Miss. He met his wife Amber Post while working as a trainer at the Pearson Pussy Ranch right after graduating from McCombs. Ms. Post, a fellow trainer at Pearson’s, wrote the best seller Five Years a Pleasure Slut about her many adventures as a concubine and currently has her own syndicated column. At age 19 she received her concubine certificate after six months of in-depth training at the Venus Academy where she graduated with honors. The couple co-star in the highly rated syndicated TV show Ask Amber and Abner now in its seventh season on the Slave channel. Amber is currently in the fifth year of a FINO enslavement to Abner and the happy couple have three children.

I would like to thank Carl Bradford for his quick turnaround time editing this work.
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