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Crystals slave grading adventure part 25

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Crystals slave grading adventure part 25

Post by mikey22 »

As Crystal walks out into the reception area. She spots her mother standing there, looking downward at Misty. Who was still bound, gagged and crammed inside the small cage.

“ Oh no! What happened? “
She says in a shocked squeaky voice.

“ I’m not sure. They snatched her away from me pretty fast, and this is how they brought her back.”
Mom explained.

“ She must have been bad? Look at her rear end!”
Crystal pointed out.

“ Yeah I see that. Knowing her though, it had to be her fault. “

“ You’re probably right. You can always count on Misty to create a scene. “

Misty’s only response was shaking her head in disagreement. And made lots of grunting noises.

“ You just need to calm down, before you hurt yourself in there. “
Mom says to Misty.

About that time one of the workers comes in with three envelopes. He placed them onto the counter, and proceeded to kneel down to unlock Misty’s cage door.

He then hooked a leash to her collar, and proceeded to pull her from the cage. Once up onto her feet. He placed the envelope into her cuffed hands.

He didn’t offer to remove the cuffs or the gag.

Misty opens the envelope, takes out the paper and unfolds it. As she reads it, you could see the look of pure happiness appear on her face. Even though the red ball gag was crammed into her mouth. You could easily tell she had a beaming smile on her face.

“ Well What does it say? “
Crystal yells out.

Misty turns the official grading certificate around so mom and Crystal could see.

It red like this.

This slave ID # 9151968B AKA Misty Jones. Has been professionally graded by the state of Mississippis Slave market at Natchez. She meets the criteria of a slave grade of Choice Plus

At the bottom of the certificate there was the Mississippi State seal and an unrecognizable signature, that looked like it was in Latin. Like the scribbling that a doctor would do for a script.

Misty grunts into the gag.

“ I’m choice Plus! I’m choice Plus! “
She Jumps up and down with excitement.

Mom and Crystal throw their arms around her for a group hug.

“ I’ve been telling you your to pretty to be just Select! “
Crystal blurts out with tears in her eyes.

Mom and Crystal then take a closer look at the certificate.

“ They use your birthdate for your SIN #. “
Mom explained.

“ So my SIN will be the same? Except I’ll be an A? Because I was born first? “

“ Yeah that’s true. You squirted right out of me. “
Mom then looks at Misty.

“ You put me through 18 hours of pure Hell! Before they knocked me out and took you. “
Mom then pointed down at her C section scar. Showing Misty what the doctors had to do to her to get her out.

Mom was then handed her envelope.
While Crystal takes off Misty’s gag.

It was bigger than Misty’s and Crystals envelope. She took it and opened it up.

It contained a glossy black and white photograph from the early 1960’s

“ OMG! Mom look at that body you had! “
Crystal yells out.

“ Mom you were hot! “
Misty adds.

“ How old were you then? “

“ I don’t know! Probably y’all’s age. “
Mom said trying to play down her daughter’s excitement.

“ Notice how perky my tits were back then? “

“ Yeah they were like two torpedoes! “

“ Yep that’s how they were before y’all sucked on them and made them sag! “

Mom was quite hot back then, she had that perfect hourglass figure. Big perky tits with a slim waist, sexy legs. With long flowing red hair. A freckled face with the same signature pug nose that the three of them possess.

At the bottom of the picture the slave grader wrote a note.

I can only grade you as Select today. But you should have been graded Prime back then.

He too wrote his signature in Latin.

But what was puzzling was what else was inside the envelope. It appeared to be several papers that looked to be Bills of sale throughout history.

“ What the Hell? “
Mom said looking through the paper trail. The oldest was a photo copy of a fragile yellowing paper from the New Orleans slave market, in the Louisiana territory. With the SIN # that red.

This Slave ID 11241776

Seller New Orleans slave market. This slave was sold at auction. For the sum of $10.00

Below it had a bad cursive signature of the auctioneer. That had the name of Roy Reynolds.

Buyer Buford Greenfield of the Mississippi valley.

“ Mom? What is this? “
Crystal asks looking at the bill of sale.

“ You could not have been born in 1776? “

“ And sold for only ten bucks? “
Misty adds.

Mom snatched the papers from the girls and crammed them back into the envelope.

“ Mom I think there’s some things you need to be explaining to us? “
Crystal demands with her hands on her hips, while tapping her bare foot on the floor. As she waits for an answer.

Moms face turns red with anger. There was a lot of questions that the girls had. And it was obvious that mom didn’t want to talk about it.

The man standing at the counter noticed how stressed out mom looks, he helps out by handing Crystal her own envelope.

Crystal opens it and looks it over.

“ I’m Prime Plus! I’m Prime Plus! “
They then all have another group hug. All three of them were crying when they finished. The man behind the counter quickly dried his own eyes, and was embarrassed for them to see him get emotional over their happy moment.

“ Looks to me there is a branding in order. “
He said looking down at Crystals paperwork.

Crystal then starts shaking and stuttering in fear.

“ Stutter….mumble…growl…stutter. “

Mom swiftly smacks Crystals ass.

“ Stop that shit! You sound like an idiot! “

“ But mom I don’t want a brand! “

“ I told you the other night! If you’re gonna have the grade of Prime! You’re gonna get the brand that goes with it! “

“ But mom! “

“ No Butts about it! I didn’t drive you all the way down here, and kneel and walk aroused here naked all day for you to half ass this torturous shit! “

Mom then turns around to Misty.

“ Have you got our clothes? “

“ No I thought you did? “

“ Great! Just great! I guess we’re going home naked then! “

“ Put me inside the trunk, I’ll ride back there. “

“ No I’m gonna put you back into that cage, and strap you to the roof of the car. “

“ No way! It’ll be daylight by the time we get out of here! “

“ That’s right! And your Choice Plus now, so you should be proud to show it all off! “

“ Really mom? That’s just mean! “
Crystal says with a laugh.

The man behind the counter hands mom some papers.

“ Just follow the torch lit path, down to the blacksmith’s shed. I promise the line will move faster than the grading line did. “

Hearing that didn’t settle Crystals nerves at all.

“ Come on! Let’s get this over with! “
Mom said taking Crystal by the arm, dragging her towards the torch lit path.
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure part 25

Post by submit63 »

Thank you, Mikey for this delightful installment Richard
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure part 25

Post by JustBob »

Nice chapter. Can't wait for the next one!
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Re: Crystals slave grading adventure part 25

Post by reddbunnz »

A master of answering questions from earlier chapters, and then introducing new ones. Keep up the good work. I have totally enjoyed the entire series.
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