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THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

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THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by kaylee36dd »

Hi everyone and thank you for all of the kind comments and likes. Have the next installment, and hope you enjoy it. Love hearing what you think of the story, and helps motivate me to type more. Thank you again and enjoy!!

THE YARDS--Kaylee's Story

Chapter 3

The week went by quickly, with the highlights of the week being all the clever ways Morgan, and I avoided pervy Mr. Talbert. We had both spent a couple hours after school watching and practicing slave yoga and Morgan's house. Then at night I would watch more videos and practice in the privacy of my room. I felt like I was getting pretty good at them, and the thought of doing them in public would cause my pussy to instantly juice up.

Ten minutes after the bell on Friday, Morgan and I met by her car and quickly drove to our teacher's house.

My palms were sweaty, and I had not been able to eat all day. The anxiety and anticipation were almost too much, and I was wondering if Morgan was feeling the same way. “Are you nervous?”

“Of course, I am scared out of my mind,” she spoke fast like she always did when she was anxious.

“Me too. I don't understand why Miss Pierce said we would be gone until Sunday, but my parents think we are doing some kind of charity training so I am good.”

“I know right. I thought the grading only took a little while, like an hour, and they have that new Sluts R Us store in Omaha so I would think we should be done and back here before 10pm.”

“I know I don’t get it either,” our conversation abruptly ended as we pulled up on her street and saw our teacher in her car waiting for us.

Morgan shut off her car and we both got out, Miss Pierce was getting out of her own can and walking toward us. I grabbed my backpack and tossed it over my shoulder.
“Ok we are in a big hurry,” Miss Pierce started talking before we even had the car doors closed, as she handed us each a brown paper bag. “Let’s get inside. I need you both to change, and be in a hurry about it. We need to be on the road in 20 minutes.”

She pointed to the door and rushed us into her house. “Morgan, you can change in the bathroom, put on everything in the bag and you can leave everything else here, you won't be needing anything else.” Morgan was a little shell shocked, but moved down the hall where she had been directed to go and found the bathroom and closed the door behind her. “Now Kaylee, come with me to the bedroom.”

I followed her around the kitchen to a spare bedroom, and crossed the threshold followed by my teacher who closed the door behind us. “I need you to strip out of your clothes and lay back on the bed and spread your legs please.” I looked at her hesitantly, and she responded by raising her eyebrows at me, “really Kaylee we don’t have time for this.”

I slowly began to disrobe. First removing my tank top, looking at her trying to get a better read on what was happening and why she was not leaving me alone. Standing in front of her in just a white and black polka dot bra and jean shorts; I carefully folded up my shirt and set it on the side of the bed.

“Kaylee please,” she looked at her smart watch, “we need to be on the road in 15 minutes to make it to our next stop.”

I looked her in the eyes, and somehow felt content. Although I felt butterflies in my stomach it was not from trepidation, but rather excitement. I gave her a shy smile and quickly unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to the floor and then slid my panties down my long legs.

“Ok that’s good, now lay back on the bed you can finish when we get this next part done.” She was rushed when she spoke to me and stepped closer as I sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back on my elbows. “Ok, lift your feet up and put them on the edge of the bed and keep your legs spread.”

She knelt at the foot of the bed and my heart began to race, I could feel the heat rising up in my cheeks as I saw how close she was to my sex. “Miss Pierce please I am not sure I am um,” she reached into the bag and pulled out what looked like a flesh-colored heart shaped men’s protective cup. I thought it was for a moment as she turned it in her hand, but it was too flat. She reached in the bag again and pulled out some kind of spray can, laying it on the bed between my feet.

“Relax this is to keep your precious cherry safe.” she said as she held it up for me to see before laying it on the bed by my pussy. I was trying to figure out what was happening as I watched her pull on some latex gloves. “I am happy you shaved down here that will save us some time and pain later for sure.”

“What is it?” I asked, my heart was starting to slow down knowing she was not about to violate me.

She shook up the can and started to spray my skin all around my pussy. “This is super strong flesh adhesive. It is designed to only stick to this device or devices made of this material,” she held up the heart shaped thing, then she touched me. She found my clit with her thumb and forefinger and gently pinched lifting it up toward my navel. A surge went through my body as I felt her latex covered fingers manipulating me. She then pressed the crease of the heart up to my clit until it was pressed firmly against it, and then released her fingers. I was looking down and my clit now rested between two humps of the heart. Next, she pressed the device against my body and I could feel my skin sticking to it. I became aware of a crease that ran down the middle of the device that pressed into my pussy forcing my labia apart. She pulled butt cheeks apart slightly and I felt a small nub stick to the skin just before my ass hole sealing my pussy away tight. She moved her hand and gave it a tag, pulling me along with it. “Good, that is nice and tight, and should protect your virginity from any intentional mishaps, while still leaving your clit available for grading purposes.”

I looked down at the device sealing my vagina from the world, a bright red V ran from one hump of the heart shape down to the bottom then back up to the other side. I tapped it with my finger feeling how rigid it was. “Thank you for this Miss Pierces, I really appreciate it.”

She had stood up, peeling off the gloves, and tossing them into the trash, “sure thing now get dressed, and hurry we only have about 5 minutes before we need to go.” She then turned and was out the door.

I got off the bed and tapped the device covering my vagina again. It was hard to the touch but not uncomfortable. I could feel the pressure on my clit as it was pressed tight in the crease. The feeling was not unpleasant, and felt nice. I could hear the muffled conversation between Morgan and my teacher, and it reminded me that I need to move quickly. I reached behind my back and unclipped my bra. My 36 double d breasts spilled out into my arms as I dropped the bra to the bed. I opened up the bag and pulled out the meager contents. There was a pair of thin flip flops, a white sheer slave dress, and a black slave collar. I held the collar in my hands for a moment feeling the cool metal in my fingers contemplating it for a moment. I was trying to understand why, but deep down I knew why. Slaves no matter if they were FINO, indentured, or lifers had a variety of restrictions when in public. Collars were always required and had been since the amendment took effect. The slave dress and flip flops on the other hand were fairly new.

BOOM BOOM BOOM. I jerked and nearly dropped the collar from the banging on the door. “WE NEED TO GO!”

Scrambling, I kicked off my tennis shoes while pulling the thin sheer dress over my head. Then sucking in a big breath, I opened the collar at the hinge and put it around my neck hearing it click of the auto lock snapping it into place. I then stepped into the flip flops as I walked to the door. I opened it just as Miss Pierce was about to knock again.

“Ok good we can't be late; we need to go.” She turned and moved quickly through her kitchen, as I followed closely behind. Once in the kitchen Morgan was already standing by the door waiting for me. She was dressed like me except her dress was pink instead of white. She opened and held a door open in the kitchen for us to go through, and as we did, I was thankful for small blessings. Rather than stepping into the warm Nebraska afternoon sun, we stepped into the garage. It was hot and smelled of oil. The car in the middle of the bay was not Miss Pierce's late model sedan, but rather a new minivan with tinted windows. She pushed the button on a key fob, and the side door slowly rolled back, opening the vehicle. She motioned for us to get in.

Morgan had been silent the whole time and led the way to getting into the van. The dress barely covered her and when she stepped into the van, I got a perfect view of her exposed bare pussy. I shuddered a little as I followed behind her knowing how exposed we both were. We both quickly took our seats and Miss Pierce entered the van to the third row behind us.

“So, I know that you are not officially property yet, but there are still some federal laws that we must abide by, and since we are running short on time, I do not want to jeopardize your safety or legal status. So, I will be securing you as slaves for the duration of the trip.” she was working on something as she spoke then I felt my head being pulled back and then heard and felt something being clipped to the ring in the back of the collar. Instinctively I tried to pull my head forward and found that it was secured to the back of the head rest. She quickly did the same thing to Morgan. We could both turn our heads inside of the collar but all other movement was no longer available. She then clipped leashes to the ring in the front and dropped the chain letting it fall in front of us between our breasts. She then moved between our two seats and kneeled down looking at both of us. “I am not going to secure your hands, but I will have to once we get to the magistrates office, but I need to secure your feet.” She quickly wrapped a police style zip restraint around Morgan's ankles and pulled it tight pulling her feet together. Then she clipped a small chain to the thick plastic hook in the front of the cuff securing her feet flat to the floor.

“There we go. Now it’s your turn,” she said as she patted Morgan's thigh and turned to me. I was still looking at Morgan's feet as I felt the plastic being tightened around my own ankles, and I looked down as I heard the click of the chain securing my feet to the floor. She pulled out her phone as she moved to get out of the van, and looked at the screen. “Oh, fuck we are 10 minutes late.” Miss Pierce took a step out of the door and turned around holding up her phone. “Smile!” the phone flash and the telltale sound that a digital picture had been taken rang in my ears. She took three or four more before clicking the key fob. The door started to close, and the metal latches engaged at the same time the driver side door opened and our teacher hopped into her seat. The garage door was soon opening, the engine roared to life and we were backing out of her driveway and moving down the road.

We drove in silence and I looked out of the window as we drove through our little town. I reached out my hand for Morgans and she took it, gripping it tightly. I was sure I was flush with embarrassment and excitement as we drove by people that we knew. Even though they could not see through the dark windows, I could not help but feel exposed and vulnerable in front of them. We turned down Main Street and got to the T at the main highway. I heard the clicking of the turn signal and looked and saw we were turning right instead of left.

Miss Pierce made a right turn and started to accelerate away from our town. “Why are we going this way? Omaha is the other way.” I looked over at Morgan who seemed to be just as confused as I was.

“We are not going to Omaha. We are headed to Kansas City for your grading.”

“I don't understand, Omaha is so much closer, KC is like 3 hours away?” Morgan had spoken for the first time since we left and her voice was unusually quiet as she spoke.

“I know, but with Kaylee’s dad being so connected, and his campaign against Sluts R Us, I didn’t think it was wise to go there for your grading,” she looked left, checked her mirrors, and changed lanes passing a slower car on the right. “Last thing I need to deal with is her or both of you getting taken and enslaved. You might just be too well known to do anything like that in Omaha. Besides, Sluts R Us is affiliated with out-of-state southern slave markets. I decided to take the both of you to The Yards.” She eased back into the right lane and looked back at us in the rearview mirror. “I don't know much about The Yards other than it is big and modern. I also know that the big three slave markets in Texas have a reputation of tricking, coercing, bribing, and outright taking advantage of women when they see money to be made.”

“Thank you for thinking about all of that and keeping us safe, I know that we do not deserve it considering what got us here, but I really do appreciate you.” I gave Morgan's hands a squeeze as I spoke, “but how do you know The Yards is any different?’

“Well, I don’t, but it cannot be any worse, so we just have to be careful, and I am doing it as much for me as I am for you. I mean if you two get stolen away how am I going to manage what I have to do over the next year?” She smiled at us in the mirror.

“Good point.” Morgan responded looking at me shrugging her shoulders, “I guess we should not feel too important or entitled.”

Miss Pierce let out a strong laugh, “no your right, but after this weekend feeling entitled will be the last thing you will feel.” She looked back at us again and smiled. “Anyway, we are headed to Auburn. I have an appointment with the magistrate there to get the ownership power of attorney papers in order, then we should be at The Yards by 7pm tonight.”

I looked at the clock on the dash, and saw I would be secure in my seat for some time. I looked out the window and saw the bleak Nebraska corn fields slipping by in a blur.

“I think I am going to take a nap.” Morgan announced letting go of my hand looking for a way to recline the seat. Fortunately for us the seat movement was not restricted, and she was able to recline the seat back. She crossed her arms in front of her and closed her eyes.

I stared at her for a few long moments, noticing that her slave dress had ridden up fully exposing her. Then I looked down at myself and saw that mine had ridden up as well, but the virginity protection device offered a small bit of modesty. I then lowered my own seat and quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 4

I woke up as the van’s tires bumped the curb. Opening my eyes, it took me a moment to realize where I was, and what was going on. “Ok we are here, scoot your seats up so I can unhook the both of you. Our teacher opened the side door and quickly unhooked Morgan’s collar from the seat then cut the zip ties around her ankles. “Ok, step out and keep your back to the van.”

Morgan did as she was told, while Miss Pierce took her leash and hooked it to the handle in the ceiling of the car so she could not get away. I looked out the door past Morgan as Miss Pierce moved to unhook me. I could see a small crowd gathering around the van. I could feel my palms get sweaty as bile started to churn in my stomach. I knew why these people were watching. This was probably something very new to them and the town. We might be the first slaves they have ever seen here. There was a buzzing in my ears, and I knew Miss Pierce was talking but I had not heard anything she had said, as I was trying to keep from passing out. I felt a tug on my leash as she backed out of the door and I followed. She then hooked my leash to the back of Morgan’s collar, then just as quickly she grabbed Morgan’s leash from the handle and started to walk toward the court house. I had to hunch over a little due to the short length of the chain and our height difference. It forced me to look down as we walked, and I was glad that I had someone to follow. The key fob chirped and I heard the door begin to close behind me. The small crowd was whispering and murmuring as we moved to the sidewalk and up the grand stairs to the county courthouse.

Once we were inside, she led us to the reception area for directions. “I am looking for the magistrate's office.”

“Of course, you are.” Her tone dripped with disgust as the woman in her late 60’s looked us all up and down. “His office is on the third floor.”

“Thank you, can you point me to the elevator?”

“Slaves are not allowed to ride the main elevator, and you should know that they must have their hands secure behind their back in any federal or state offices.”

“Thank you I did know that, but they haven’t signed any paperwork yet, that’s why we’re here.”

“Fine, but I am not going to allow you to ride the normal elevator with them.” She had her hands on her hips glaring at all three of us. “You can take them to the freight elevator and maintenance will bring them up, or you can ride along with them if you like.” she smiled or rather smirked at us.

“I understand, they need to learn their place in this world anyway. Can you direct me to the freight elevator?” Miss Pierce was being incredibly polite and kind to this horribly rude state worker.

“Take the first hall on your right all the way to the end then turn left and take that hall all the way to the end and you will find the elevator.” she motioned the directions as she spoke. “Then press the assistance button if you want them brought up for you.”

“Thank you, mam you’ve been very helpful.” She turned and tugged on Morgan's leash and led us down the halls to the elevator at the delivery area at the back of the building. “Ok girls this is your first test. Keep your mouths shut, and do what you're told. We need this to go smoothly, to keep us all out of trouble.”

She pressed the assistance button and waited. We could hear it ringing and on the third ring a video monitor popped to life and we would see a man in a gray uniform. “Yeah, how can I help ya?”

“Um yes I have two slaves that I need brought up to the magistrates office on three.”

“Ok, lock the lead in the hook by the elevator door, and we should be able to get them up there in 15 or 20 minutes.”

“Thank you for your help.” she responded but he just nodded his head and the screen popped off.

“Are you riding up with us?” Morgan asked.

“No.” she looked back and forth at both of us. “The drive here, dressed as you are, was to help you to begin to get comfortable with what was going on.” She took our hands in her own. “From this moment forth you will have genuine slave experiences. In just a few moments you will be giving up your freedom to me, and so there are laws and rules that have to be followed no matter what type of slave or level of service.”

I could feel myself getting light headed as she spoke.

“This is not a game; this is real and a result of a situation that you put yourselves in. Now be good, do what your told, say yes sir or mam, and don’t fuck up, or we all might leave here in chains.” She then turned and walked away.

Morgan and I watched in silence as she walked back the way we came and disappeared around the corner. We both started to shift and fidget as we waited.

“I am about to freak out right now, and I really need to pee.” Morgan shifted and leaned up against the wall tugging me along with her. “I knew this was going to be tough, but I had no idea she was going to put us in slave dresses and collars.”

“I know right, I thought we would stay in our regular clothes till we got to Omaha, but then she decided to go someplace else, and I am so confused and lost right now,” I whispered and lifted the hem of my dress, “she also glued this thing over my pussy to protect my virginity.” I saw Morgan look at it, and I quickly dropped the hem of my dress back down, not that it really concealed anything.

“Holy fuck! Does it hurt?”

“No, it was a little uncomfortable at first, but I am mostly used to it by now. It's pressing pretty tight to my clit, and the bumps in the road are interesting.” I said, smiling and winked at her.

She smiled back but it was brief as we heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway. Two men stepped from around the corner and Morgan and I found ourselves moving closer to each other. Almost instinctively we crossed our arms over our chests and looked down as the men approached.

“MMMMM looks like someone left us a bit of a treat.” The shorter of the two men was the first to reach us, licking his lips, and wiping his greasy hands on his pants.

The taller man was in coveralls that had the name Luke on the pocket. “Sure, the fuck did.” He stepped really close to me, and I could smell the cigarettes on his breath. He pushed the hair back from my face, and ran his fingers down my cheek to my chin lifting it so that he could look into my eyes.

I looked away and could see the other guy running his hands up Morgan's thighs to her butt and roughly squeezed. She whimpered as he gripped her butt. I saw her trying to look down avoiding his gaze.

“Does my little slave like her ass played with? He smirked at her as he ran his hands up her sides under her dress to her breasts and pinched her nipples. I could see a tear run down Morgan's cheek, as she bit her lip. I could see her famous resolve as she stiffened not wanting to give this guy the satisfaction of her crying out.

I had been so focused on what was happening to Morgan, and ignoring my guy that I jerked away when he pinched my own nipples through the dress causing him to pull on them as I moved away from him. “Ohhhh damn that hurt.” I had spoken out without thinking, and he seemed to pinch them harder.

“I think these sluts need some training, that one seems pretty wild. What do you think, Luke?” The smaller man ran his fingers along Morgan’s slit, and I felt her jerk away causing the chain connecting us to pull tight and I stumbled after her.

Luke released my nipples and pressed the call button on the elevator. “We need to stop Chet, these sluts still is technically free women.”

“Dink!” The chime of the old muted bell marked the arrival of the old mid century elevator.
“Damn this one is all wet and ready.” He stepped back from Morgan and put his fingers to his nose breathing in deep. “And her cunt smells so nice.”

“Well maybe we can have a go at them after they are legal.” The freight elevator door opened, and Luke unhooked us and pulled us through the open door.

Luke stood beside me and Chet beside Morgan. Luke put his hand on my butt and was gently groping it. I looked down and saw that I now had dirty fingerprints on the front of my dress where my nipples were. I heard a soft moan beside me as the doors clanged shut and the elevator lurched to life. I looked out of the corner of my eye and could see Chet had Morgan's legs spread and was working two of his thick callus fingers in and out of her.

“Dink” I was never so happy in my life to hear that sound. The two men straightened up, stepping away from us as the door opened. Luke yanked on Morgan’s lead causing us both to stumble out of the elevator. Luke took long strides forcing us to walk briskly down a mirror of the halls we had been in downstairs. With Chet following behind us, his hand grabbing and pinching my butt as we moved along.

“Mmmmm this one has a nice ass too. How many cocks you have up your ass slut?”

I did not answer. I was not sure what to say. I just wanted to keep moving.


“OOHHHHHH” he open palmed slapped my butt as we were walking. I tripped over my own feet as I yelped taking a quick hop step away from him.

“I said how many cocks have you had up that tight ass of yours?” SMACK

“OWWWWW!” I cried out again, “none, sir, I am a virgin.”

“Holy shit Luke we get to fuck a virgin when this is all done.”

“Yeah, well I doubt they let the likes of us take a slaves cherry, now shut da fuck up we are about to open the door into third floor reception,” He opened the door and pulled us through into the third-floor public areas of the court house. The ceilings with expensive marble columns and floors. There were only three people standing around that stopped talking to stare at us as we were led through the center of the room to the other side, before we went through yet another door. This door led to a back hallway with a series of doors on each side. We did not walk very far before Luke stopped and softly knocked on the one that said magistrate.

“Come in.”

The door opened with a creak like all old wooden doors a century old do. Luke quietly entered the room pulling us along after him. Miss Pierce sitting in a deep leather chair. There was a man busy reading papers behind a desk beside us.

“Where would you like them to kneel sir?
He did not look up from the papers and just pointed. “Here beside my desk.”

Luke gently pushed down on Morgan’s shoulders, and I was pulled down beside her. I assumed one of my yoga poses on my knees sitting on my heels with my palms up looking down. I was comforted when I felt Morgan’s arm touch mine beside me.

“Gentlemen if you would wait at the back of the room please.” he spoke to Chet and Luke. Chet unhooked my leash from Morgan's collar and let it fall to the floor between my breasts, then I heard them move away from us. “Ok Miss Pierce I see that most of your paperwork is in order with the exception of time limits.”

“I am sorry I don’t understand, I had an attorney draw these up, and there was not a concern of any kind brought to my attention. So, if you don’t mind me asking what are your concerns about time.”

“Miss Pierce, I understand what you think you have here, but what you are asking for is a monthly indenture service that does not last more than 3 days with a few exceptions here and there.” I could see him toss the contract onto his desk. “I understand your dilemma, normally a short-term weekend enslavement could be signed and approved by a notary of the public, but as you know you are not allowed to enter into more than 45 days of service without a judge or magistrates signature”. He then leaned forward in his high back leather chair. “What you're asking for is too much for a notary, and I do not want or have the time to see you every few weeks, and beyond that I am not sure that it is completely legal. This agreement you are asking for could very well be the first of its kind, and I am sorry I really don’t want anything to do with it. Especially if it gets any kind of challenge in court, I would rather not be associated with it all.”

"But sir I can assure you that It won’t take up too much time, I am sure there is something we can negotiate to get this done.” There seemed to be a touch of panic in Miss Pierce's voice.

“There is nothing to negotiate unless you want to do an extended enslavement that would cover all of these dates?”

“Sorry I don't follow you”

“Miss Pierce it is simple these slaves would need to sign up to let me see,” He started to fumble through the contract again, “9 months of service. That would cover all your dates, keep you out of my office, and on the right side of the law.”

“I can make that work, but I think it best to extend it to 10 months just to be sure.”

“Miss Pierce, you seem very willing and quick to decide the fate of these girls. This is also very different from what you may have discussed with them so it is my intention to ask them if they are sure about these terms since it is them that will be under contract. They are not your property yet and still have a voice.” He turned to look at us. “Ladies if I could have your attention.” We both looked up to him. It was the first time we got to see him. He was an older white-haired man in his late 60’s. He looked fit, and his face was tan with deep lines in it. “Have you both listening to our conversation?”

I nodded yes.

“Excellent! Now are you two smart enough to know that you are here to give up your freedom to this woman?”

I nodded yes again.

“Very good, then are you both willing to enter into a 10-month indentured service agreement with Miss Pierce?”

“Yes!” I quickly answered without even thinking.

The magistrate shook his head at me then looked at Morgan, “and what about you, 10 months is a long time.” he looked at her, almost pleading with her to say no.

“Yes sir, I agree.”

“Ok then so be it.”

We watched him make some edits to the documents, and pushed it to Miss Pierce to sign. She glanced quickly over it and signed them both.

“Ok which one of you is Morgan?” Morgan raised her hand and he pushed a clipboard with the contract in front of her. You need to sign by the red X please. She signed and then another contract was put in front of me which I promptly signed. “Very well by the power invested in me by the great state of Nebraska, I now proclaim you indentured for the term of 10 months in front of God, the state, and these witnesses. He knocked his gavel on his desk and the sound reverberated through me. The bang was an echo of my freedom falling away. Miss Pierce, I must remind you that these slaves must be registered with the Department of Agriculture through a state recognized agency within five business days, failure to do so will result in dissolved ownership rights and the state assuming ownership, until such a time when they can be sold.’ He turned in his chair to face us, “Now as an officer of the state I am allowed to attest to your new status by claiming each of you. I however am a married man and faithful to my bride for 37 years. So, I will bear witness to Luke and Chet receiving oral service as your first act as an indentured property.” He gestured and they both moved toward the desk. “Luke, if you could take the brunette, and Chet the blonde.”

This was happening fast, my mind blanked as Chet grabbed my leash from between my breasts pulling me toward him as fumbled with his belt. It took only a moment and I was face to face with my first penis just inches from my face. I looked over at Morgan and Luke had already pressed his to her lips, but she was refusing to open them.

“It’s ok girls you got this.” Miss Pierce's voice was quiet and calming, but seemed so far away.

“Yeah, you got this slut!” Chet pulled on my leash and I opened my mouth in surprise. His short stubby cock slid into my mouth.

I was new to this. I was not sure what to do, but I had seen enough pictures and videos on the internet to have an idea so I started to lick and suck the penis in my mouth.

“Mmmmmm that's it sucks that dick” Chet moaned as I started my first-time efforts.

“They ‘re not very skilled, are they?” the magistrate said.

“They haven’t had any training yet, and the one is still a virgin,” Miss Pierce piped in, trying to defend our sexual inexperience to the old man.

I started to bob my head trying to mimic the women I had seen in porn videos. I made my lips into an O, and tried to keep it tight against the shaft as I moved my head up and down, all the while continuing my efforts sucking on his penis in my mouth. A sense of pride ran through me when I garnered a moan from him, smiling to myself knowing I must be doing something right. I looked up at him as I sucked and moved. He was looking down at me smiling. His hair was greasy and he was missing teeth. I could hear gurgling beside me and I strained my eyes to see what was happening. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Luke had his hands on Morgan's head, with his fingers tangled in her hair. He was moving her head back and forth quickly. I was confused about how this was a blow job. I had seen men use the women on the screen like that, but I still could not understand the appeal. Luke was rocking his hips forward as he pulled her face to his crotch making her gurgle and gag each time he did. Then at the same moment it dawned on me what he was doing Chet spoke. “Fuck that bitches throat, bet these sluts ain’t never had real men use them.”

“Fuck she has ni..”

“Gentlemen language we have a lady present '' the magistrate chimed in as he leaned closer to watch these men use us.

I felt a hand on the back of my own head, “sorry mam we didn't mean no disrespect.” Chet said as his fingers were weaving into my own hair. I knew that I was about to experience the same fate a s Morgan any moment.

“Sorry magistrate, we know better sir, and sorry mam about our course language.” Luke nodded to Miss Pierce not missing a single thrust as he did.

“No offense taken, but I am in a hurry so not trying to be rude, but could we perhaps speed this up we still have a few hours’ drive to KC.”

Chet’s grip tightened on my head and the more aggressive thrusting began.”

“Taking them to one of the slave stores down there, there are three of them, right?” The magistrate asked as he stood up and moved between Chet and Luke.

Luke’s grunting was starting to rival those coming from Morgan.

“No, I want the best possible grading for these two, and I feel like the retail outlets tend to have hacks working for them, and with all the impropriety that occurs at those establishments it seemed way too high a risk to take them there so I opted for The Yards,”

“Well, I heard the stories about all the women bein’ slaves against their will, but it does not seem to be the case with these two, “he responded as his pants fell to the floor around his ankles. His penis was free and he started to stroke it toward the both of us.

Morgan and I both were watching him approach out of the corner of our eyes best we could as our faces were being assaulted by the two men in front of us.

Chet was the first to let out a low groan. It sounded more like a growl from deep in his throat. He held his penis all the way in. My nose was tickled by his pubic hair and my chin resting on his balls, and I could feel the flesh moving under my chin.



“GODDDD!” He corrected himself and I felt his penis seem to inflate. Then I felt it jerk in my mouth. Something warm and thick hit the back of my throat. He stepped back, holding onto it and stroking. I watched as it jerked again in his hand and a blob of white goo shot from the slit in the tip, and hit my nose and open mouth. Another jerk and glob shot out just as quickly as the first, but this time hitting me on my chin. I felt it on my chin and was surprised that it had weight as it dripped from my chin to the top of my slave dress on my breasts. The next glob was not as powerful and landed about where the drip had on my breasts. His sperm quickly seeped through the thin material to my skin making the dress stick to my breasts. He recovered enough and stepped forward to my open mouth as the last few small jerks his penis emptied onto my tongue. The taste was different, and not at all what I expected. Just a warm slimy salty goo with no real flavor. I swallowed. I then started to suck and lick his penis as he quickly deflated in my mouth.

Stepping back, he pulled up his pants and nodded to Miss Pierce, “she has a very talented mouth for being a virgin.”

“That is good to know thank you.”

I looked over at her as she checked her watch. Then I turned my head to the left to see how Morgan was faring. Luke really pounding into Morgan’s mouth, with the magistrate standing beside him stroking his penis. I could see that she had a few drying tears on her cheek, and she was just glaring up at him as he used her mouth. Luke started to grunt rhythmically with each of his thrusts, and the magistrate put his hand on the side of my head and pressed my face to Morgan’s so that we were cheek to cheek.

“Cum on both their faces Luke really glaze these sluts,” the magistrate was pressing me to Morgan and stroking frantically with his other hand. Luke did the same pressing his hand to the side of Morgan's head pressing us tight together. “Open!” the magistrate panted as his stroking was picking up pace.

I did what I was told, and a moment later felt the warm goo hit my cheek where Morgan and I were pressed together. I looked up just in to see a glop shoot from the magistrate’s penis and hit me across my eyes. I closed my eyes and felt more of it hitting my forehead, then my mouth, and more landing on my dress. A penis was pushed into my mouth, and I immediately started to suck what was left out of the softening penis.

I kept my eyes closed when the man took himself out of my mouth, and I heard multiple belts and zippers and knew they were both finished with us.

“These are fine slaves, we don't get many through here, and it is safe to say of the few we have had, these two are the best,” The magistrate spoke as his voice moved away from me.”

“Yup they sure is.” I heard Chet agree. As I felt hands under my arms pulling me up helping me to my feet.

“Thank you, gentlemen, now if there is nothing else, we really need to be going.” I heard a rustling of clothes and assumed that Miss Pierce was getting her things together.

I tried to open my eyes, but his semen was already starting to dry my eyes shut. My eyes were fluttering as I tried to open them.

“Here let me help you.” I felt my dress being lifted at the neck then the material was used to wipe away the sperm from my eyes. I was able to open them and saw Luke in front of me holding the top of my dress with a large smile on his face, before letting it go so it could fall back and stick to my body.

“Thank you, sir, for helping me.” I nervously smiled at him.

“Girls, is there anything else you would like to thank these fine state officials for?” Miss Pierce stood at the edge of the desk looking at both of us.

Morgan quickly answered, “thank you sirs for teaching us our place, and letting us serve your magnificent cocks, with our mouths.”

I turned my head to look at her a bit flabbergasted by what she said. I was not surprised that she said it, but more of how quickly she said it like she had practiced and knew how to talk to our betters.

“Slave Kaylee?”

“Um yes thank you for allowing us to um suck your penises and um blessing us with your um with your sperm.”

The room exploded in laughter, and I was wildly embarrassed but I was not sure what I should be embarrassed about. I just wanted to shrink into the closest wall. I looked over and saw that Morgan was stifling a giggle.

“That one has some growing up to do pretty damn quick I think,” The magistrate sat back at his desk. “Please see Miss Pierce and her slaves out if you would boys.”

Luke grabbed both Morgan and my leash in his hand, ran the leashes over his shoulder and started to walk to the door we had used to enter the magistrate's office forcing us to walk side by side as he tugged on the leash. Chet and moved quickly ahead of him and opened and held open the door for Luke. “Mam.” I heard Chet say behind us as we moved into the hall.

“Thank you, Chet,” our teacher said behind us. We were quickly led back to the elevator and Luke pressed the call button.

Luke turned to face us. He did not say a word as he pinched the nipple of one of my breasts, squeezing it, and moving it back and forth between his fingers while he looked me in the eye without saying a word. The only sound that could be heard was the labored motor of the elevator. He pinched a little harder and I sucked in my breath biting my tongue to avoid crying out.

“She sure does got some nice tits, don’t she, Luke.” I could feel Chet staring at me as Luke fondled me.

With his free hand he hooked my leash to Morgan’s collar. Grinning he pinched a little harder causing me to clench my fists fighting through the discomfort.

“DINK” the door lazily slid open on the old elevator. Luke turned, letting go of my nipple and pulled on Morgan’s leash leading us all into the elevator. Just as Miss Peirce was about to get on the elevator with us, he put up his hand and pushed her back.

“You can take the stairs.” Then handed Morgan's leash to Chet and gripped my breast with his free hand, squeezing it and pulling me to him as the door closed. Leaving our teacher in the hall alone.

“Give your slut a hickey Chet, mark her like you own her.”

Chet chuckled and without saying a word leaned forward taking Morgan’s neck in his mouth.

“Ahhh no please don’t, ''Morgan cried out as he started to suck on her.

I felt Luke clamp down on my own neck. First, he bit me, “OUCH please no!” Then he started to suck and lick on the exposed flesh above my collar just under my jaw. He groped and squeezed my breasts as he did. I could feel my dress lifting over my butt as he groped, pulled at my breasts. I was pressed back into the wall of the elevator feeling the cool sides of the walls against my bare bottom. I could just see that Morgan was getting the same treatment with the exception that Chet had his hands under her dress fingering her pussy again as he sucked on her.

Luke kept sucking and biting my neck with only short breaks when he would move the collar up a little so he could suck on my neck below it. After what seemed like an eternity, but more like 5 or 6 minutes before Luke came up for breath. He was panting and licking his lips. He smiled at me and pushed the 1 button and the elevator began to lurch down.

Looking over at Chet, “come on finish up before the door opens, it is already past 5 and we got bowling tonight.”

Chet stopped sucking and his face was wet and red from sucking so hard. When Morgan turned her head toward me, I saw the biggest hickey I had ever seen. It went from the front of her neck to just below her ear. It was above and below the collar and looked unnatural like some strange neck birthmark,

“Holy fuck man, we should call you sucker fish.” Luke was laughing and slapped Chet on the back.

Chet smiled and laughed, “well you said to mark her!”

“Well fuck you did that!”

“Dink!” The door opened and all of us looked out seeing Miss Pierce standing there waiting for us.

She started to speak then saw the large bruises on our necks, and paused, then took a breath, “well I see why that took so long.” She stuck out her hand, “we really need to get going, maybe the next time we are in Auburn we can make an arrangement for you to spend some quality time with my pets here, so if you don’t mind.”

“Of course.” Luke handed the leash over.

“Maybe next time you're passing through we could entertain them for the night.?” Chet piped in.

Miss Pierce took the leash, turned on her heel and pulled on the leash quickly moving toward the back service entrance.

“Wait I think you're forgetting something.” Luke said, coming up behind all of us. He handed Miss Pierce two police zip cuffs.

“Oh, my I surely would have forgotten all about that, I am in such a rush where is my head.” she started to take the cuffs from him.

“Mam the magistrate would be very upset if I did not help. Why don’t you let me help you with this.”

“Of course, that would be wonderful,” she smiled drily at him. Luke pressed us against the wall like the police might do. Pressing my face and breasts against the cold marble. I felt his hand brush my thigh as he grabbed Morgan’s arm and pulled it behind her back. The next thing I heard was Morgan’s quick intake of breath at the same time I heard the unmistakable sound of the sip tie. Then I felt his rough hands pulling my wrists behind my back, then the sharp plastic pulling my wrists together behind my back. I felt him let go of my wrists, and move away from me.

“Have a good day mam, hope to see you again soon.”

“Thank you, Luke, “then there was a tug on my neck and we were moving down the hall again, through an exit door and into the pale light of the setting sun. Once outside she moved briskly to the van and opened the door as we approached, she quickly led us through the door and quickly secured our feet to the floor.

“Can you help clean us up a bit.” Morgan asked quietly as our teacher was locking our collars into place to the seat, “and untie our hands.”

“I am so sorry I wish I could but I didn’t expect any of that to go that way and I don't have wet wipes or anything, and we are really late and have to get going.” She now moved back in front of us and lightly touched Morgan’s neck. “I am so sorry about that too. It looks terrible, and you're officially indentured now so you have to wear the cuffs while in transit.”

“But” I started to chime in.

“I really am sorry but there is no time, if we can make up some time maybe we can stop and get you something to freshen up or some water, but now we just got to go.”

I looked over at Morgan. Her face was red, but I could not tell if it was anger, or embarrassment, it was also covered in drying sperm, and for the first time I could really smell the sperm that was drying on my lips and face.

Miss Pierce slid the door shut before hopping into the driver's seat, and moments later we were quickly moving out of town and down the highway toward Kansas City and the unknown.
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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by Carl Bradford »

EXCELLENT re-imagining of legal slavery in a different locale. Please continue!
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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by kaylee36dd »

Carl Bradford wrote: Mon May 08, 2023 11:33 pm EXCELLENT re-imagining of legal slavery in a different locale. Please continue!

Thank you. I am REALLY glad that you are liking it.

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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by lovethissite »

Kaylee Miss Pierce I hope gets her pound of flesh from these two. She is nice to them so far doesn't even have them slave naked yet for their journey. I hope you continue this series it has tons of potential. Thank you.

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Carl Bradford

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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by kaylee36dd »

lovethissite wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 1:16 am Kaylee Miss Pierce I hope gets her pound of flesh from these two. She is nice to them so far doesn't even have them slave naked yet for their journey. I hope you continue this series it has tons of potential. Thank you.

Thank you I am glad you like it.


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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by mikey22 »

Wow! Great chapters Kaylee! I think Mrs. Pierce is gonna teach Kaylee and Morgan a lesson they won’t soon forget. Keep up the good work.

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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by kaylee36dd »

mikey22 wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 7:37 pm Wow! Great chapters Kaylee! I think Mrs. Pierce is gonna teach Kaylee and Morgan a lesson they won’t soon forget. Keep up the good work.

Thank you you are very kind
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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by Citizen1069 »

It is not looking good for the girls, with the Teachers "High pressure sales technique" she is using on the girls is a big red flag. With all of the pushing to get things done fast, even changing the contract at the last minute, makes it look like she does not want them to stop and think about what is happening until it is to late.

Is she going to keep them for herself?
Does she have a fetish for enslaving her students? Are they her first? Will they be the Last?
Does she not make enough as a Teacher, so she has to sell a few students now and then to pay her bills?
Will she give them to her Master to get an early release from her "No Limits" slave contract?
Will her Master not give her an early release because she needs to be punished for tricking the girls into a slave contract, he will of course keep all three as his slaves.
Did her Master use his new powers as his "No Limits" slave to "convince" her to help him enslave her students?
Is she working with her Master, and the girls are her "gift" to him?
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Re: THE YARDS --Chapter 3 & 4

Post by kaylee36dd »

Citizen1069 wrote: Wed May 10, 2023 1:37 am It is not looking good for the girls, with the Teachers "High pressure sales technique" she is using on the girls is a big red flag. With all of the pushing to get things done fast, even changing the contract at the last minute, makes it look like she does not want them to stop and think about what is happening until it is to late.

Is she going to keep them for herself?
Does she have a fetish for enslaving her students? Are they her first? Will they be the Last?
Does she not make enough as a Teacher, so she has to sell a few students now and then to pay her bills?
Will she give them to her Master to get an early release from her "No Limits" slave contract?
Will her Master not give her an early release because she needs to be punished for tricking the girls into a slave contract, he will of course keep all three as his slaves.
Did her Master use his new powers as his "No Limits" slave to "convince" her to help him enslave her students?
Is she working with her Master, and the girls are her "gift" to him?
Maybe it is all what it seems, and in 10 months they will all sit down for coffee, and talk about it before watching the Notebook.

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