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Smugglers Blues

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Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »


It had been a busy year for mom, and Cheryl had been on her ass about taking a break.
Cheryl and her husband Jack had recently returned from South America, and they just raved about how much fun they had, especially when it came to sex with the local people.

Cheryl and her husband Jack were big time swingers and they liked swapping up multiple partners.

Now I’ve got to admit mom as I know can be a down right slut, but she ain’t got nothing on Cheryl.
Cheryl just has the looks and personality that just attracts handsome well hung men. And with her husband Jack who stands at 6’8 300 LBS and has a thick 11 inch cock, it takes a hung man to complete with all that. But somehow she finds them.

Mom’s always has been quite jealous of Cheryl. When it comes to her ability to to find quality men to fuck, cause as we know moms known for hooking up with pure losers and unfortunately that happens quite often.

It had been a long time since mom had truly taken a vacation. And she’d never left the country.

Cheryl convinced her that she could handle everything here at home.
Cheryl and Jack didn’t have children so them keeping both Misty and Crystal who were both 16 at the time was a down right pleasure for the two of them.

Mom was skeptical about that one, cause at the time she was usually up at the high school on a weakly basis getting Misty out of some kind of trouble.
Misty got into lots of mischief, usually she’d get into a fight or skipping class. And once or twice she’d been caught giving a boy a BJ.

Wonder who she’d learned that from?

But anyway Misty could be a handful, but in hindsight mom was told she was a perfect little angel when mom was gone.
She’d even gotten told that by Kim Beasley who was the principal at the high school.

That really struck a cord with mom, she sort of started questioning herself as far as her parenting skills were concerned.

Mom finally gave in and let Cheryl arrange her trip for her.
Mom of course had to go apply for her passport, that two was a nerve racking experience. You know when you’re living your adult life as a fugitive slave, going into any government building can be quite stressful to say the least. But surprisingly her fraudulent SIN card holds up again. And she received her passport in the mail a few weeks later.

Cheryl convinced mom she needed a new style. Yeah the Farrah Fawcett look as sexy as it was, was getting old.

Mom learned that from some spike haired teenage girl that yelled at her from across the high school parking lot.

“ Hey lady!…1975 called and said they want there hairstyle back! “

Hearing that kind of pissed mom off but it did encourage her to change a little.
Maybe not extreme enough to get herself a spike, but she did opt for the big 80’s perm look. And for a while she rocked that look quite well.

I remember seeing her with that in her sunglasses and makeup all dolled up in a miniskirt, hose, heels and her blouse unbuttoned enough that she tempted every guy to look down it, including myself. I remember the smile she gave me, when she caught me.

I then caught her gaze, staring straight at the growing bulge in my jeans.
I sort of blushed a little realizing that I was getting hard. I was still quite young myself at the time, and not even got myself no pussy yet.

I remember getting home that day. I went straight to my room and stripped down and laid back on the bed pleasuring myself thinking about Misty’s mom of course. And when I shot my load the blast hit me powerfully straight in the face. The next shot just covered my chest in my hot sticky white spunk.

Damn! I wish I could shoot a load like that now.

Misty for that matter was sort of halfway finding her sexy look. One day she’s dressing like a Tom boy, the next it’s like a little slut.
The slut look quickly wins out. Probably cause of peer pressure you know, when a girl has to dress to impress, and play the part acting like a totally spoiled little bitch and talking like some damn Valley girl.

That had its own unique sound. You supposed to sound sophisticated like your from the valley which I suspect is somewhere in California judging by the movies anyway.

But when you mix it with that redneck mumbling hick talk it doesn’t quite turn out right. But it got tried quite often around the cafeteria table among that pack of little sluts that wanted to be all grown up and 20 something and getting them some cock. Cause apparently the girls were just like the guys in the locker room. Everyone is getting it or everyone is lying about it.

I just know at the time I was just getting my fist on a daily basis. Or sometimes multiple times a day.

But back to mom’s trip, after her new perm Cheryl took her out shopping for several new bikinis, summer dresses sandals and shorts, cause down there it’s summertime year round apparently.

And mom went on her way to enjoy the trip.
She liked the warm weather and sunshine but being a fair skinned redhead she elected to spend the daylight hours in the casinos and bars. It would have been nice if mom would have met some good men but apparently her bad luck in picking men followed her down there.

Though she did get some good sex along the way, conversations with these shady men she’d been hanging out with quickly turned to business.
They wanted her to deliver something to there contact person in Memphis.

“ You be cool for 20 hours and I’ll pay you 20 grand. “

Mom didn’t even ask the content of the delivery her eyes just lit up hearing that she’d make 20 grand so easily.

On her final day she let the man pack her suitcase while doing so she was bent over the bathroom counter getting a good fuck from behind by his partner, so she had no idea what was inside her suitcase.

After taking his load the man stumbled from the bathroom and collapsed in a chair. The two men watched as mom cleaned herself with the bathroom door wide open. She then slipped on a pair of bikini panties over her stockings and garter belt. She then buttoned her blouse deciding to return to the United States bra less. During her time in South America she liked going bra less and even totally nude on the nude beaches at night. They seemed much more casual and relaxed there when it came to how they dress.

But back at home mom was expected to look professional going bra less made her feel like a renegade like she was doing something exciting. The men in the room watched her finish putting her makeup on then fix her hair. Wasn’t much effort had to go into that. It sort of had that Wild unkept look going for it. Sort of like you just stuck your finger into the light socket.

They watched her step into her skirt, tuck it in and zip the tight black skirt up.
She proceeded to then sit on the bed and pull on her tall sexy black fuck me boots. Giving both men a teasing peak of her porcelain thighs above her sheer black stocking tops.
She zipped up the boots and stood tall in front of the two men, who then got up. She watched the one that just got through fucking her. His long flaccid cock flopped about as he pulled up his khaki shorts.

Mom of course likes the confidence a man’s got that goes commando.

The men carry mom’s suitcase to the Taxi that was waiting.

Off to the airport she goes. Everything through customs goes smoothly, probably cause they’d all been bribed.

Hours later the plane touched down in Dallas, where there was a layover. Mom of course was expected to check in at customs, handing over her new passport to be stamped.
She couldn’t help but get a little nervous as a woman goes through her suitcase, inspecting her lingerie and outfits. And giving mom a certain look that just gave mom the creeps.

A foot or two from her the hound growls as it looks up her booted leg.

Mom looks nervously down at the hound, wondering if it was what was inside her suitcase or her slave stink, setting him off.

But actually the growl of the hound drew there attention away from the suitcase, and solely on mom.

She gulps seeing them as they size up her dressed body.
The woman officer took the purse from mom’s shoulder while looking her straight in the eyes.

“ We’re gonna need you to undress! “

Mom just nods as she unbuttoned the blouse, then unzipped the skirt. It fell freely to her feet.
She paused for a moment with her blouse open so both her bra less tits were visible.

“ Keep going! “
The woman said, tapping her foot on the floor.

“ What about my flight? “
Mom asks, not wanting to miss it.

“ I’d suggest hurrying up then! “

In a huff mom took the blouse off and threw it at the woman.
She then quickly took off her boots and handed them over.

They were quickly handed back to her.

“ Put them back on!…And I’d suggest getting some odor eaters at one of the shops and using them when you take these off tonight. “

Mom felt sort of embarrassed being told of her foot odor, but hoped they were done with her. But unfortunately for mom they wasn’t.
Cause as soon as her boots were back on, they were asking for her panties.

Mom gulps again, knowing her branded ass is gonna get noticed.

“ Oh wow! Look at this! “
The man said noticing it first, as mom’s panties fell to her feet.

“ That’s a slaves brand! “
The woman said giving it a look.

Then from the floor the hound starts to growl viciously through his clinched teeth.

The woman then pushed mom down across the end of the table, then shoved her fingers straight into mom’s cunt.
While working them in and out of mom, she looks up at the man.

“ Stick your head out the door, and call some of the guys in here and y’all work her over! “

As he did that, she quickly zipped mom’s suitcase back up and placed it out of the floor. Seeing that of course relieved mom but what she did next didn’t. Cause she immediately took off her skirt and panties.
She then hopped up on the table and laid back, insisting that mom eat out her hairy cunt.

Mom didn’t care for that. In her mind a woman supposed to keep her cunt clean of all hair, like she does.

As mom was having box lunch at the Y, two more men comes into the door. From behind she hears the sounds of belt buckles jingling and zippers being pulled down.

Then she felt a man’s cock press into her cunt from behind.

For the next half hour the men take turns sampling all three of mom’s holes. After of course she makes the woman squirt in her face.

Once with all her holes filled with cum, mom swallowed the last load. And was pissed off that she wasn’t even offered a paper towel, wet wipe of a shower to freshen up. As she slipped on her panties the cum from her cunt and ass just ran out and soaked them thoroughly.
She was then handed her suitcase and passport.

“ Have a nice day. “

“ Thank you. “
Mom said back with a forced smile.

As she turned to walk out the hound growled again and starts following her.

He then whimpers as he’s struck by his owner from behind.

“ Stop that! “
The man said scolding the dog.

“ What’s wrong with him? “
The woman agent said.

“ He smells pussy, he’s a slave hound were trying to turn into a drug dog. I told them you can’t get the pussy out of him. But they insist that dogs can do both. “

As mom walks away she was relieved that was over. The growl of the hound though brought back terrorizing memories that still haunts her today.

Years back mom remembers her run as she escaped the slave pens in Alabama. And packs of hounds chased her for hours before she escaped them by jumping in the river.

Mom then goes to the airport lounge, where she sits at the bar for a drink along with a plate of n wings and a smoke to follow.

She found herself intrigued with this conversation from a nearby table by two men. One named Jake, the other named Skeeter.

They were just going on and on about slaves. And skeeter was all about wanting to stick his cock into one of the South American slaves they were there to pick up.

“ There wasn’t no slaves on my flight! “
Mom blurts out turning toward the two men.

She notices Skeeter was wearing a Big D slave market tee shirt.
But she was then taken back by the icy look she’d gotten from Jake.

Mom feels her pussy instantly start to juice up, as she sits on that bar stool, she quickly turns back around to mind her own business as she take a slow draw from her cigarette, the two men just stare a hole straight through her.

“ Oh Gawd! What have I done? “
Mom wonders.

“ Who is that Fucking cunt? “
Jake asks Skeeter.

“ Hell I don’t know!…She looks pretty hot for an old slut! “

“ Boy! Where the Fuck are your standards? That ain’t even close to Prime! “

Mom’s face turns red. In a way she was pissed but in another way it was pure fear. And in another she was turned on knowing they were looking at her. Even though she’s dressed she almost feels as if they can see her branded ass straight through her clothes.

“ Every slave has a story Jake…You just got to get them out of there clothes to find out what it is.”

He looks at mom even harder.

“ I’d like to get her out of them boots! “
Skeeter said.

Mom’s toes curl up instantly as her feet start to sweat within the confined space of her boots and stockings.
Mom had heard about the Big D slave market.

She imagined herself naked with the gritty feeling of sand as it sticks to her bare feet as she stands for auction at the Big D.

“ Skeeter you ain’t wasting my auctioneers time with an old skank like that! “

“ Auction? I ain’t talking about putting her on the block! I just want to take her to the holiday inn!…lm gonna go talk to her! “

Skeeter gets up from his chair and picks at his crotch as he tries to straighten his growing cock.

Jake then gets up from his chair.

“ Let’s get out of here and go check on our slaves! “

Skeeter kind of sighs as he looks moms way as they pass.
Jake takes a card from his pocket and half heartedly tossed it across the bar towards mom.

After they walk out mom picks up the card. It’s got two eyes looking at you, and below it it says.

“ The eyes of a slave baron are watching you! And they don’t like what they see! “

Mom’s heart skips a beat. Another sense of fear comes over her, as she remembered another card that was striking similar to that one, she’d gotten many years before.
After she’d spent the evening at Joes place listening to the blues. She’d gone off with one of the black men in the band to the motel.

The next morning she found a card under her windshield wiper that said.

“ The eyes of the Blank…Blank…Blank are watching you! And they don’t like what they see!”

When mom got that card she was looking over her shoulder for months. It puts a very similar sense of fear into you just like the slave baron card does.
Anyway mom decides to move on towards her next flight before she finds herself caught up into something that she shouldn’t.

On the way she looks outside the window and sees workers unloading kennels of enslaved women from the cargo area of the plane she’d just gotten off of.

“ I guess those are the ones going to the Big D? “
She watched for a moment imagining herself naked inside a kennel being transported that way.

Her pussy juiced again. She looks at her watch, then raced off to a nearby restroom to rub one out in the privacy of a stall.

“ I can’t believe I’m still so horny after what just happened to me? “

She said imagining herself at the motel with Skeeter and Jake, sucking them both. Of course Jake’s not impressed but when she slips that satin bikini bottoms down her stockinged legs and he sees her brand. He’d know she’s worthy of his big dick. And he fucks her brains out before collaring her and taking her straight for remedial training at The Big D.

Mom then let out a moan as she climaxes. Her hand was soaked with the juices of her pussy.

Then there was a loud knock on the stall door.

“ Excuse me! But are you finished? “

Mom quickly slipped up her panties and skirt. She blushes again as she passes the younger woman exiting the small restroom.

“ That’s disgusting! She didn’t even wash her hands! “
The woman said after mom left the restroom.

By then mom parted again with her suitcase and got in line to step up onto the plane.
Last edited by mikey22 on Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by kaylee36dd »

mikey22 wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:33 pm 1985

It had been a busy year for mom, and Cheryl had been on her ass about taking a break.
Cheryl and her husband Jack had recently returned from South America, and they just raved about how much fun they had, especially when it came to sex with the local people.

Cheryl and her husband Jack were big time swingers and they liked swapping up multiple partners.

Now I’ve got to admit mom as I know can be a down right slut, but she ain’t got nothing on Cheryl.
Cheryl just has the looks and personality that just attracts handsome well hung men. And with her husband Jack who stands at 6’8 300 LBS and has a thick 11 inch cock, it takes a hung man to complete with all that. But somehow she finds them.

Mom’s always has been quite jealous of Cheryl. When it comes to her ability to to find quality men to fuck, cause as we know moms known for hooking up with pure losers and unfortunately that happens quite often.

It had been a long time since mom had truly taken a vacation. And she’d never left the country.

Cheryl convinced her that she could handle everything here at home.
Cheryl and Jack didn’t have children so them keeping both Misty and Crystal who were both 16 at the time was a down right pleasure for the two of them.

Mom was skeptical about that one, cause at the time she was usually up at the high school on a weakly basis getting Misty out of some kind of trouble.
Misty got into lots of mischief, usually she’d get into a fight or skipping class. And once or twice she’d been caught giving a boy a BJ.

Wonder who she’d learned that from?

But anyway Misty could be a handful, but in hindsight mom was told she was a perfect little angel when mom was gone.
She’d even gotten told that by Kim Beasley who was the principal at the high school.

That really struck a cord with mom, she sort of started questioning herself as far as her parenting skills were concerned.

Mom finally gave in and let Cheryl arrange her trip for her.
Mom of course had to go apply for her passport, that two was a nerve racking experience. You know when you’re living your adult life as a fugitive slave, going into any government building can be quite stressful to say the least. But surprisingly her fraudulent SIN card holds up again. And she received her passport in the mail a few weeks later.

Cheryl convinced mom she needed a new style. Yeah the Farrah Fawcett look as sexy as it was, was getting old.

Mom learned that from some spike haired teenage girl that yelled at her from across the high school parking lot.

“ Hey lady!…1975 called and said they want there hairstyle back! “

Hearing that kind of pissed mom off but it did encourage her to change a little.
Maybe not extreme enough to get herself a spike, but she did opt for the big 80’s perm look. And for a while she rocked that look quite well.

I remember seeing her with that in her sunglasses and makeup all dolled up in a miniskirt, hose, heels and her blouse unbuttoned enough that she tempted every guy to look down it, including myself. I remember the smile she gave me, when she caught me.

I then caught her gaze, staring straight at the growing bulge in my jeans.
I sort of blushed a little realizing that I was getting hard. I was still quite young myself at the time, and not even got myself no pussy yet.

I remember getting home that day. I went straight to my room and stripped down and laid back on the bed pleasuring myself thinking about Misty’s mom of course. And when I shot my load the blast hit me powerfully straight in the face. The next shot just covered my chest in my hot sticky white spunk.

Damn! I wish I could shoot a load like that now.

Misty for that matter was sort of halfway finding her sexy look. One day she’s dressing like a Tom boy, the next it’s like a little slut.
The slut look quickly wins out. Probably cause of peer pressure you know, when a girl has to dress to impress, and play the part acting like a totally spoiled little bitch and talking like some damn Valley girl.

That had its own unique sound. You supposed to sound sophisticated like your from the valley which I suspect is somewhere in California judging by the movies anyway.

But when you mix it with that redneck mumbling hick talk it doesn’t quite turn out right. But it got tried quite often around the cafeteria table among that pack of little sluts that wanted to be all grown up and 20 something and getting them some cock. Cause apparently the girls were just like the guys in the locker room. Everyone is getting it or everyone is lying about it.

I just know at the time I was just getting my fist on a daily basis. Or sometimes multiple times a day.

But back to mom’s trip, after her new perm Cheryl took her out shopping for several new bikinis, summer dresses sandals and shorts, cause down there it’s summertime year round apparently.

And mom went on her way to enjoy the trip.
She liked the warm weather and sunshine but being a fair skinned redhead she elected to spend the daylight hours in the casinos and bars. It would have been nice if mom would have met some good men but apparently her bad luck in picking men followed her down there.

Though she did get some good sex along the way, conversations with these shady men she’d been hanging out with quickly turned to business.
They wanted her to deliver something to there contact person in Memphis.

“ You be cool for 20 hours and I’ll pay you 20 grand. “

Mom didn’t even ask the content of the delivery her eyes just lit up hearing that she’d make 20 grand so easily.

On her final day she let the man pack her suitcase while doing so she was bent over the bathroom counter getting a good fuck from behind by his partner, so she had no idea what was inside her suitcase.

After taking his load the man stumbled from the bathroom and collapsed in a chair. The two men watched as mom cleaned herself with the bathroom door wide open. She then slipped on a pair of bikini panties over her stockings and garter belt. She then buttoned her blouse deciding to return to the United States bra less. During her time in South America she liked going bra less and even totally nude on the nude beaches at night. They seemed much more casual and relaxed there when it came to how they dress.

But back at home mom was expected to look professional going bra less made her feel like a renegade like she was doing something exciting. The men in the room watched her finish putting her makeup on then fix her hair. Wasn’t much effort had to go into that. It sort of had that Wild unkept look going for it. Sort of like you just stuck your finger into the light socket.

They watched her step into her skirt, tuck it in and zip the tight black skirt up.
She proceeded to then sit on the bed and pull on her tall sexy black fuck me boots. Giving both men a teasing peak of her porcelain thighs above her sheer black stocking tops.
She zipped up the boots and stood tall in front of the two men, who then got up. She watched the one that just got through fucking her. His long flaccid cock flopped about as he pulled up his khaki shorts.

Mom of course likes the confidence a man’s got that goes commando.

The men carry mom’s suitcase to the Taxi that was waiting.

Off to the airport she goes. Everything through customs goes smoothly, probably cause they’d all been bribed.

Hours later the plane touched down in Dallas, where there was a layover. Mom of course was expected to check in at customs, handing over her new passport to be stamped.
She couldn’t help but get a little nervous as a woman goes through her suitcase, inspecting her lingerie and outfits. And giving mom a certain look that just gave mom the creeps.

A foot or two from her the hound growls as it looks up her booted leg.

Mom looks nervously down at the hound, wondering if it was what was inside her suitcase or her slave stink, setting him off.

She was relieved as her suitcase was zipped up and her passport handed back to her.

“ Have a nice day. “

“ Thank you. “
Mom said back with a smile.

As she turned to walk out the hound growled again and starts following her.

He then whimpers as he’s struck by his owner from behind.

“ Stop that! “
The man said scolding the dog.

“ What’s wrong with him? “
The woman agent said.

“ He smells pussy, he’s a slave hound were trying to turn into a drug dog. I told them you can’t get the pussy out of him. But they insist that dogs can do both. “

As mom walks away she was grinning from ear to ear, knowing she’d just escaped a slave hound.

Years back mom remembers her run as she escaped the slave pens in Alabama. And packs of hounds chased her for hours before she escaped them by jumping in the river.

Mom then goes to the airport lounge, where she sits at the bar for a drink along with a plate of n wings and a smoke to follow.

She found herself intrigued with this conversation from a nearby table by two men. One named Jake, the other named Skeeter.

They were just going on and on about slaves. And skeeter was all about wanting to stick his cock into one of the South American slaves they were there to pick up.

“ There wasn’t no slaves on my flight! “
Mom blurts out turning toward the two men.

She notices Skeeter was wearing a Big D slave market tee shirt.
But she was then taken back by the icy look she’d gotten from Jake.

Mom feels her pussy instantly start to juice up, as she sits on that bar stool, she quickly turns back around to mind her own business as she take a slow draw from her cigarette, the two men just stare a hole straight through her.

“ Oh Gawd! What have I done? “
Mom wonders.

“ Who is that Fucking cunt? “
Jake asks Skeeter.

“ Hell I don’t know!…She looks pretty hot for an old slut! “

“ Boy! Where the Fuck are your standards? That ain’t even close to Prime! “

Mom’s face turns red. In a way she was pissed but in another way it was pure fear. And in another she was turned on knowing they were looking at her. Even though she’s dressed she almost feels as if they can see her branded ass straight through her clothes.

“ Every slave has a story Jake…You just got to get them out of there clothes to find out what it is.”

He looks at mom even harder.

“ I’d like to get her out of them boots! “
Skeeter said.

Mom’s toes curl up instantly as her feet start to sweat within the confined space of her boots and stockings.
Mom had heard about the Big D slave market.

She imagined herself naked with the gritty feeling of sand as it sticks to her bare feet as she stands for auction at the Big D.

“ Skeeter you ain’t wasting my auctioneers time with an old skank like that! “

“ Auction? I ain’t talking about putting her on the block! I just want to take her to the holiday inn!…lm gonna go talk to her! “

Skeeter gets up from his chair and picks at his crotch as he tries to straighten his growing cock.

Jake then gets up from his chair.

“ Let’s get out of here and go check on our slaves! “

Skeeter kind of sighs as he looks moms way as they pass.
Jake takes a card from his pocket and half heartedly tossed it across the bar towards mom.

After they walk out mom picks up the card. It’s got two eyes looking at you, and below it it says.

“ The eyes of a slave baron are watching you! And they don’t like what they see! “

Mom’s heart skips a beat. Another sense of fear comes over her, as she remembered another card that was striking similar to that one, she’d gotten many years before.
After she’d spent the evening at Joes place listening to the blues. She’d gone off with one of the black men in the band to the motel.

The next morning she found a card under her windshield wiper that said.

“ The eyes of the Blank…Blank…Blank are watching you! And they don’t like what they see!”

When mom got that card she was looking over her shoulder for months. It puts a very similar sense of fear into you just like the slave baron card does.
Anyway mom decides to move on towards her next flight before she finds herself caught up into something that she shouldn’t.

On the way she looks outside the window and sees workers unloading kennels of enslaved women from the cargo area of the plane she’d just gotten off of.

“ I guess those are the ones going to the Big D? “
She watched for a moment imagining herself naked inside a kennel being transported that way.

Her pussy juiced again. She looks at her watch, then raced off to a nearby restroom to rub one out in the privacy of a stall.

She imagined herself at the motel with Skeeter and Jake, sucking them both. Of course Jake’s not impressed but when she slips that satin bikini bottoms down her stockinged legs and he sees her brand. He’d know she’s worthy of his big dick. And he fucks her brains out before collaring her and taking her straight for remedial training at The Big D.

Mom then let out a moan as she climaxes. Her hand was soaked with the juices of her pussy.

Then there was a loud knock on the stall door.

“ Excuse me! But are you finished? “

Mom quickly slipped up her panties and skirt. She blushes again as she passes the younger woman exiting the small restroom.

“ That’s disgusting! She didn’t even wash her hands! “
The woman said after mom left the restroom.

By then mom parted again with her suitcase and got in line to step up onto the plane.
Love where this is going.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

kaylee36dd wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 5:11 pm
mikey22 wrote: Wed Feb 07, 2024 4:33 pm 1985

It had been a busy year for mom, and Cheryl had been on her ass about taking a break.
Cheryl and her husband Jack had recently returned from South America, and they just raved about how much fun they had, especially when it came to sex with the local people.

Cheryl and her husband Jack were big time swingers and they liked swapping up multiple partners.

Now I’ve got to admit mom as I know can be a down right slut, but she ain’t got nothing on Cheryl.
Cheryl just has the looks and personality that just attracts handsome well hung men. And with her husband Jack who stands at 6’8 300 LBS and has a thick 11 inch cock, it takes a hung man to complete with all that. But somehow she finds them.

Mom’s always has been quite jealous of Cheryl. When it comes to her ability to to find quality men to fuck, cause as we know moms known for hooking up with pure losers and unfortunately that happens quite often.

It had been a long time since mom had truly taken a vacation. And she’d never left the country.

Cheryl convinced her that she could handle everything here at home.
Cheryl and Jack didn’t have children so them keeping both Misty and Crystal who were both 16 at the time was a down right pleasure for the two of them.

Mom was skeptical about that one, cause at the time she was usually up at the high school on a weakly basis getting Misty out of some kind of trouble.
Misty got into lots of mischief, usually she’d get into a fight or skipping class. And once or twice she’d been caught giving a boy a BJ.

Wonder who she’d learned that from?

But anyway Misty could be a handful, but in hindsight mom was told she was a perfect little angel when mom was gone.
She’d even gotten told that by Kim Beasley who was the principal at the high school.

That really struck a cord with mom, she sort of started questioning herself as far as her parenting skills were concerned.

Mom finally gave in and let Cheryl arrange her trip for her.
Mom of course had to go apply for her passport, that two was a nerve racking experience. You know when you’re living your adult life as a fugitive slave, going into any government building can be quite stressful to say the least. But surprisingly her fraudulent SIN card holds up again. And she received her passport in the mail a few weeks later.

Cheryl convinced mom she needed a new style. Yeah the Farrah Fawcett look as sexy as it was, was getting old.

Mom learned that from some spike haired teenage girl that yelled at her from across the high school parking lot.

“ Hey lady!…1975 called and said they want there hairstyle back! “

Hearing that kind of pissed mom off but it did encourage her to change a little.
Maybe not extreme enough to get herself a spike, but she did opt for the big 80’s perm look. And for a while she rocked that look quite well.

I remember seeing her with that in her sunglasses and makeup all dolled up in a miniskirt, hose, heels and her blouse unbuttoned enough that she tempted every guy to look down it, including myself. I remember the smile she gave me, when she caught me.

I then caught her gaze, staring straight at the growing bulge in my jeans.
I sort of blushed a little realizing that I was getting hard. I was still quite young myself at the time, and not even got myself no pussy yet.

I remember getting home that day. I went straight to my room and stripped down and laid back on the bed pleasuring myself thinking about Misty’s mom of course. And when I shot my load the blast hit me powerfully straight in the face. The next shot just covered my chest in my hot sticky white spunk.

Damn! I wish I could shoot a load like that now.

Misty for that matter was sort of halfway finding her sexy look. One day she’s dressing like a Tom boy, the next it’s like a little slut.
The slut look quickly wins out. Probably cause of peer pressure you know, when a girl has to dress to impress, and play the part acting like a totally spoiled little bitch and talking like some damn Valley girl.

That had its own unique sound. You supposed to sound sophisticated like your from the valley which I suspect is somewhere in California judging by the movies anyway.

But when you mix it with that redneck mumbling hick talk it doesn’t quite turn out right. But it got tried quite often around the cafeteria table among that pack of little sluts that wanted to be all grown up and 20 something and getting them some cock. Cause apparently the girls were just like the guys in the locker room. Everyone is getting it or everyone is lying about it.

I just know at the time I was just getting my fist on a daily basis. Or sometimes multiple times a day.

But back to mom’s trip, after her new perm Cheryl took her out shopping for several new bikinis, summer dresses sandals and shorts, cause down there it’s summertime year round apparently.

And mom went on her way to enjoy the trip.
She liked the warm weather and sunshine but being a fair skinned redhead she elected to spend the daylight hours in the casinos and bars. It would have been nice if mom would have met some good men but apparently her bad luck in picking men followed her down there.

Though she did get some good sex along the way, conversations with these shady men she’d been hanging out with quickly turned to business.
They wanted her to deliver something to there contact person in Memphis.

“ You be cool for 20 hours and I’ll pay you 20 grand. “

Mom didn’t even ask the content of the delivery her eyes just lit up hearing that she’d make 20 grand so easily.

On her final day she let the man pack her suitcase while doing so she was bent over the bathroom counter getting a good fuck from behind by his partner, so she had no idea what was inside her suitcase.

After taking his load the man stumbled from the bathroom and collapsed in a chair. The two men watched as mom cleaned herself with the bathroom door wide open. She then slipped on a pair of bikini panties over her stockings and garter belt. She then buttoned her blouse deciding to return to the United States bra less. During her time in South America she liked going bra less and even totally nude on the nude beaches at night. They seemed much more casual and relaxed there when it came to how they dress.

But back at home mom was expected to look professional going bra less made her feel like a renegade like she was doing something exciting. The men in the room watched her finish putting her makeup on then fix her hair. Wasn’t much effort had to go into that. It sort of had that Wild unkept look going for it. Sort of like you just stuck your finger into the light socket.

They watched her step into her skirt, tuck it in and zip the tight black skirt up.
She proceeded to then sit on the bed and pull on her tall sexy black fuck me boots. Giving both men a teasing peak of her porcelain thighs above her sheer black stocking tops.
She zipped up the boots and stood tall in front of the two men, who then got up. She watched the one that just got through fucking her. His long flaccid cock flopped about as he pulled up his khaki shorts.

Mom of course likes the confidence a man’s got that goes commando.

The men carry mom’s suitcase to the Taxi that was waiting.

Off to the airport she goes. Everything through customs goes smoothly, probably cause they’d all been bribed.

Hours later the plane touched down in Dallas, where there was a layover. Mom of course was expected to check in at customs, handing over her new passport to be stamped.
She couldn’t help but get a little nervous as a woman goes through her suitcase, inspecting her lingerie and outfits. And giving mom a certain look that just gave mom the creeps.

A foot or two from her the hound growls as it looks up her booted leg.

Mom looks nervously down at the hound, wondering if it was what was inside her suitcase or her slave stink, setting him off.

She was relieved as her suitcase was zipped up and her passport handed back to her.

“ Have a nice day. “

“ Thank you. “
Mom said back with a smile.

As she turned to walk out the hound growled again and starts following her.

He then whimpers as he’s struck by his owner from behind.

“ Stop that! “
The man said scolding the dog.

“ What’s wrong with him? “
The woman agent said.

“ He smells pussy, he’s a slave hound were trying to turn into a drug dog. I told them you can’t get the pussy out of him. But they insist that dogs can do both. “

As mom walks away she was grinning from ear to ear, knowing she’d just escaped a slave hound.

Years back mom remembers her run as she escaped the slave pens in Alabama. And packs of hounds chased her for hours before she escaped them by jumping in the river.

Mom then goes to the airport lounge, where she sits at the bar for a drink along with a plate of n wings and a smoke to follow.

She found herself intrigued with this conversation from a nearby table by two men. One named Jake, the other named Skeeter.

They were just going on and on about slaves. And skeeter was all about wanting to stick his cock into one of the South American slaves they were there to pick up.

“ There wasn’t no slaves on my flight! “
Mom blurts out turning toward the two men.

She notices Skeeter was wearing a Big D slave market tee shirt.
But she was then taken back by the icy look she’d gotten from Jake.

Mom feels her pussy instantly start to juice up, as she sits on that bar stool, she quickly turns back around to mind her own business as she take a slow draw from her cigarette, the two men just stare a hole straight through her.

“ Oh Gawd! What have I done? “
Mom wonders.

“ Who is that Fucking cunt? “
Jake asks Skeeter.

“ Hell I don’t know!…She looks pretty hot for an old slut! “

“ Boy! Where the Fuck are your standards? That ain’t even close to Prime! “

Mom’s face turns red. In a way she was pissed but in another way it was pure fear. And in another she was turned on knowing they were looking at her. Even though she’s dressed she almost feels as if they can see her branded ass straight through her clothes.

“ Every slave has a story Jake…You just got to get them out of there clothes to find out what it is.”

He looks at mom even harder.

“ I’d like to get her out of them boots! “
Skeeter said.

Mom’s toes curl up instantly as her feet start to sweat within the confined space of her boots and stockings.
Mom had heard about the Big D slave market.

She imagined herself naked with the gritty feeling of sand as it sticks to her bare feet as she stands for auction at the Big D.

“ Skeeter you ain’t wasting my auctioneers time with an old skank like that! “

“ Auction? I ain’t talking about putting her on the block! I just want to take her to the holiday inn!…lm gonna go talk to her! “

Skeeter gets up from his chair and picks at his crotch as he tries to straighten his growing cock.

Jake then gets up from his chair.

“ Let’s get out of here and go check on our slaves! “

Skeeter kind of sighs as he looks moms way as they pass.
Jake takes a card from his pocket and half heartedly tossed it across the bar towards mom.

After they walk out mom picks up the card. It’s got two eyes looking at you, and below it it says.

“ The eyes of a slave baron are watching you! And they don’t like what they see! “

Mom’s heart skips a beat. Another sense of fear comes over her, as she remembered another card that was striking similar to that one, she’d gotten many years before.
After she’d spent the evening at Joes place listening to the blues. She’d gone off with one of the black men in the band to the motel.

The next morning she found a card under her windshield wiper that said.

“ The eyes of the Blank…Blank…Blank are watching you! And they don’t like what they see!”

When mom got that card she was looking over her shoulder for months. It puts a very similar sense of fear into you just like the slave baron card does.
Anyway mom decides to move on towards her next flight before she finds herself caught up into something that she shouldn’t.

On the way she looks outside the window and sees workers unloading kennels of enslaved women from the cargo area of the plane she’d just gotten off of.

“ I guess those are the ones going to the Big D? “
She watched for a moment imagining herself naked inside a kennel being transported that way.

Her pussy juiced again. She looks at her watch, then raced off to a nearby restroom to rub one out in the privacy of a stall.

She imagined herself at the motel with Skeeter and Jake, sucking them both. Of course Jake’s not impressed but when she slips that satin bikini bottoms down her stockinged legs and he sees her brand. He’d know she’s worthy of his big dick. And he fucks her brains out before collaring her and taking her straight for remedial training at The Big D.

Mom then let out a moan as she climaxes. Her hand was soaked with the juices of her pussy.

Then there was a loud knock on the stall door.

“ Excuse me! But are you finished? “

Mom quickly slipped up her panties and skirt. She blushes again as she passes the younger woman exiting the small restroom.

“ That’s disgusting! She didn’t even wash her hands! “
The woman said after mom left the restroom.

By then mom parted again with her suitcase and got in line to step up onto the plane.
Love where this is going.
Thank you! Hope you enjoy where it goes.

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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Part 2

The Flight between Dallas and Memphis goes quite smoothly except for a few comments from some of the others all crammed up closely in mom’s vicinity.

“ What in the world is that small? “
The woman sitting directly behind mom.

“ I ain’t smelt a smell like that since I was in that French brothel, back in the war! “
An old WW2 vet said.

“ I ain’t smelt nothing like that since Vietnam! “
A younger vet said.

And one in particular outspoken black woman just stands up from the front and with her hand on her hip she just yells out, looking back towards everyone else .

“ God damn! Who’s pussy stinking? “

Mom just sat there blushing, and just wanted to crawl up under her seat to hide and cry. But fortunately besides that the flight seemed fast. It felt as it was no time after taking off that they were landing.

Cheryl told mom to call her as soon as she landed and her and the girls would come pick her up. But unfortunately mom had the business of whatever was in this suitcase to deal with first. And no way did she want to get into that discussion with Cheryl. Cause Cheryl did warn her in advance to be careful about who you talk to down in South America. It’s sort of like you should trust your instincts and be skeptical if anyone offers you something to good to be true.

Mom let all that flow through one ear and out the other, cause in her mind 20 grand is 20 grand, and all she had to do was deliver it to this address that was on a paper tucked away into her purse, and she’d walk away with 20 grand.

So outside the terminal with suitcase in hand she stepped into a cab and handed the driver the addresses.
He said nothing and just started to drive.

A half hour later he parks in front of a blue and white house. Nothing seemed extravagant about the house it neither was big or expensive, nor was it old and run down. Just a house in a working class neighborhood.

Just as she was getting out of the cab a Porsche pulls into the driveway and a tall well dressed man with sunglasses and slick backed hair gets out.

“ That must be the one that’s gonna pay me. “
Mom says to herself as she struts herself towards him with that suitcase.

Before either of them got a chance to introduce one another to each other.

Cars and police come from all directions. It was Swat, vice, FBI, DEA, TBI and any other government agency imaginable.
In lighting fast speed mom and the man were shoved into the backseat of a waiting unmarked sedan. As it sped away gunfire erupted like the whole neighborhood was a fucking war zone.

The gunfight lasted for hours as the occupants of the house claimed to have hostages then it was negotiate…negotiate…And negotiate. Finally just like you’d suspect the Feds just bombed the place burning it down and killing them all.

It was a real shit show as far as live Tv goes.
It sort of reminded me of the Waco fiasco that happened years later, but on a smaller scale of course.

In the mean time mom and this man who it was said was just a business man from Miami, was rushed off to the local federal building. And they were put in this little smoke filled room for hours for questioning.

There were three cops primarily doing all the talking. One was in a pink tee shirt, white pants and a white jacket, and he didn’t have any socks on.
The other was a black man with curly hair. He wore a Hawaiian style flowered shirt, blue pants and white shoes. He often spoke in either a Colombian or Jamaican accent.

Then there was this older man in a black and white suit. He was all business. He had black hair, thick mustache and a cratered face from scars from acne.

The three of them looked quite familiar to mom. They reminded her of that Tv show that Misty liked watching called Miami Vice.

“ No it can’t be the three of them? “
Mom mumbled to herself.

Across the table was that business man constantly talking about the smugglers blues, almost as if it was some song or something.

Mom looks at him pretty hard, cause he looked familiar to her to.

“ I swear if he had longer hair, he’d look just like that singer from The Eagles? “

Cause back when mom lived in California she’d go watch the eagles at the Trinidor club.

“ No that can’t be him. “
Mom says dismissing the thought as a coincidence.

But they’d found a million dollars worth of cocaine fixed inside the inner lining of her suitcase. And when she learned that she knew she was in trouble.

The questioning went on for hours. And mom was looking pretty rough as she smoked one cigarette after another. Her permed hair was starting to fall. Her blouse unbuttoned enough that almost her entire left breast was exposed.

“ I’m glad I’m not wearing that 18 hour bra! “
Mom says to herself, as she moves about in her chair to stretch they all looked straight at her amazing tits.

“ When all else fails turn to sex. “

That was one of mom’s sayings.
That always worked in real estate sales. She wondered if it would work here.

From under the table mom casually slides her booted foot up and down that guys bare leg.

“ I wonder if they’d mind if I take my boots off “
Mom wonders thinking she could entice the men by sliding her nylon clad foot up and down his shaft.

In mom’s view all three of them were good looking, almost as if they did belong on Tv.
She could really see herself getting it on with them.

But they were Hell bent on breaking her down.

“ I know nothing an about this…I’m just a realtor. “
She said often.

Another thing mom had learned primarily from Misty is to just act dumb.

Misty plays the dumb card everyday at school. And it gets her out of a lot of work. When others strain there brains trying to cram to ace a test in some advanced class. Misty just sits back and keeps a C average in her special Ed classes.

“ Why exert yourself? We’re all gonna get the same diploma in the end? “
One of Misty’s notable quotes.

But mom playing dumb with the police didn’t go over quite as well as it does with Misty.

It kind of pissed them off. They checked her out enough to know her being a professional realtor, developer and quite well known in the Memphis and north Mississippi areas they felt she was no idiot. And could easily put together a drug dealing ring.
Possibly her entire business was nothing but a front for a drug operation.

They quickly got a warrant and sent a team of investigators to mom’s office, home, and even to the high school.

Where Misty and Crystal were called into the office for there first humiliating strip search.

Even though it was done by Mrs. Beasley and behind the private doors of her office. The entire school found out about it anyway.

Cheryl was pissed off big time as she watched her and mom’s office as it got turned upside down.

And in the front room with the blinds torn off the wall she was forced to strip off her dress and step out of her high heeled mulls to take a finger up her ass and cunt, while everyone from town could look on from the outside.

It was plainly obvious that mom’s greed and stupidity had serious consequences for everyone.

The officer gets right into mom’s face, threatening her with a thirty year enslavement.

Mom was wondering if she could do that time at The Big D with Jake and Skeeter. But they were threatening her with Rikers Island slave camp in New York.

“ Shit! It gets cold up there! “
Mom didn’t like that plus she didn’t think she’d fit in with them fast talking Yankees.

Finally after hours and hours some big shot attorney comes in shuttling down the interrogation.

“ Okay on your feet! “
A uniformed woman said.
As soon as mom gotten to her feet, she felt the handcuffs as they locked around her wrists.

“ Where am I going?

“ Processing “
The woman said with a smile as she looked down mom’s blouse.

“ No bra today? “

She then looks at the men.

“ I’ll guess she’s thinking she’s gonna keep that blouse? “
She then laughed as she looks at mom’s backside, and spots the zipper of her tight skirt.

Mom turned and followed the woman’s eyes as she looked up and down her booted and hosed legs.

“ Let’s go! “
The woman said firmly.

From the hallway the men watch as mom struts as she’s led away, with her legs slipping in and out of the split that went up the back of her tight black skirt.

On to the elevator she walks, and straight down to the basement she goes.

“ What about my bail? “
Mom asks the woman.

She just busted out laughing in mom’s face.
Last edited by mikey22 on Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Part 3
Moms processing.

The elevator hit the basement floor with a thud, the doors quickly opened. With a gentle shove she was pushed out into a hallway, then guided through an automatic gate that quickly slid open and slammed with a clang after she stepped passed it.
Down the hallway she walks hearing cat calls and whistles from many men locked away in nearby cells.

“ At least they like what they see. “
Mom says to herself feeling somewhat flattered by the attention she was getting from her unfortunate situation, as she was guided into a room that said intake above the opening where a doorway should be but wasn’t.

She stood there quite nervous at a counter with her hands cuffed in front of her, as the uniformed woman starts filling out paperwork.

“ What’s your name? “

“ Deborah Renae Jones. “

“ How old are you? “

“ 39 “

“ Bull shit! What is your birthday? “

“ November 15 1942. “

“ Your 43 you stupid cunt! “

“ Hey you can’t blame a woman for trying! “

It was obvious that the uniformed woman was not in a good mood. She seemed quite a bit younger than mom and was probably either on the rag or not getting fucked very well.

About that time another uniformed man walks up. He was tall and built with a shaved head and beard, the woman addressed him as Chris. He called her Kelli.
As mom stood there she watched as Chris wasted no time plundering her purse, dumping out her makeup and personal things. He handed Kelli mom’s billfold and mom a half pack of cigarettes, which she was glad to keep a hold on.

“ Let me know when you need a light. “

Mom immediately put the Marlboro Longhorn 100 to her lips and he lit it for her, as Kelli raided her billfold.

“ Shit this cunt is loaded! “
She said taking several of the $100.00 bills and putting them into her own pocket.

“ You know how it is most drug dealers are loaded.

“ I’m not a drug dealer! “
Mom tells them quick.

“ Yeah right! Your charged for trafficking drugs with a million dollars worth of cocaine inside your suitcase! “
Kelli reminded her again, as she finds mom’s Mississippi driver’s license and her SIN card.

“ Mmmm….Whats your slave grade? “

“ Choice “
Nom said without hesitation.

Both Kelli and Chris looks her dressed body over again.

“ Yeah right. “
Kelli said as she punched mom’s SIN number into the computer.

30 seconds later she looks at the monitor.

“ She’s lying again, says here she’s Select minus.”

She turns the monitor around so mom and Chris could see it.
Chris got a nice boner seeing mom’s fully frontal mug shot from 1963.

“ I can see why she denies being Select. She had a body back then! “
Chris said in ahh at her black and white picture that showed her perfect well rounded and firm breasts that looked almost like two torpedoes sticking straight out.

“ Look at how small my waist was! “
Mom said with a beaming smile.

“ Shit I’m looking at those legs! “
Chris said as he moved about to straighten a growing erection.

He then looks down again at her booted legs with wonder.

Keli then removed the handcuffs from mom’s wrists.
Mom watched as Kelli pressed her fingers into the ink pad and pressed them onto the official form. Once finished she handed mom a tissue to wipe them clean.

Mom was then guided to a height chart for her first mugshots to be taken.
Mom was surprised that Kelli didn’t make her take her boots off first, cause they made her stand a whole four inches taller than she actually was.

Mom didn’t offer to take them off either she elected to keep them on as long as possible hoping that that attorney might come in with the news that she could be freed to go.
You know how some jails work like a revolving door.

Innocent until proven guilty you know.
But considering the nature of her arrest and the shootout that followed that really wasn’t gonna be in the cards for mom.

“ Squat spread and cough! “
She hears a man say in a demanding voice.

From a room across the hallway she sees the man that was being questioned with her. They all ready had him out of his clothes.
She couldn’t help but get horny seeing his long flaccid cock dangling between his legs.

After they looked into his anal hole the man was shown towards an open shower, where he was deloused and showered off, with cold water of course.

As Kelli took mom’s first mugshot, Chris noticed her looking across the hallway at the man.

“ She needs a shower to! I can smell her stinking cunt from here! “
Chris said with an evil grin.

Mom starts to blush knowing she’d soon be parting with her own clothes.

“ Turn to the right! Put your toes on the red line! “
The camera flashed.

“ Turn to the left! “
Camera flashed again.

The glossy colored pictures took only moments to develop. Kelli handed a full frontal picture of mom’s shameful look to Chris.

“ Go give this one to the press! “

That would be the picture that was blasted across everyone’s Tv screen. Including mine where both my parents were watching the evening news.

And this was big news around our area.

My mom looks at Debs picture on the Tv.

“ See there! That woman ain’t nothing but trash! She’s not even got on a bra! “
My mom points out.

I looked another time at the picture until it disappeared from the screen, wondering where I could get one for myself to jerk off to, cause even though it appeared that Misty’s mom had hit rock bottom. She looked sexy as Hell during her 15 minutes of fame.

“ You need to break up with that daughter of hers! I can see her being the same way! “
My mom said as she scolded me.

I just stormed off to my room to call Misty, after a jerked off again first.

After moms humiliating mugshots we’re out of the way, she stood again next to a table as a clear plastic box was placed on it.

“ Okay take off your clothes!…Everything! “
Kelli said as she placed a tube of lube on the table and started putting on a pair of latex examination gloves.

That’s when Chris walks back in with a beaming smile across his face. Cause after all what man wouldn’t want to watch a hot middle aged Milf. Strip off her clothes.

Mom sighs and reaches halfway up the front of her blouse to slowly unbutton the remaining buttons. Her big round breasts jiggled and moved freely with a slight sag. Her nipples like Misty’s were thick and puffy as they stuck through the thin satin blouse. Mom takes hold of the blouse opening it, it pulls free from the tight fitting skirt where it was previously tucked in.

Mom did nothing to hide her breasts like a nervous woman would, once it was off of her and in Kelli’s hands to search mom felt a certain degree of freedom that she hadn’t felt in many years.
Though she was behind bars the freedom she was feeling was that what only a true slave could feel.

Mom’s hands then moved to her backside. Chris rushed to her backside so he could get a closeup view as mom’s fingers unzipped the tight sexy skirt. The zipper quickly parts revealing her sexy black shiny satin bikini panties.

“ Now bend at the waist and slowly pull those down. “

The submissive side of mom takes over. She was loving this as she bent forward and reached behind her for the elastic waistband she slowly pulled them down uncovering her garter belt and the straps that connected to her stocking tops. Her pale white fat ass comes into his view along with the backside of her fat pussy. And then the hideous brand that was pressed into her right ass cheek. A large P and a F with a circle around it.

“ Shit she is a slave! “
Chris said as Kelli takes a camera and snaps a closeup picture of mom’s brand.
Mom then slipped the panties all the way down, pulling her right booted foot from them. She spreads her legs wide, then grabbed her ass, spreading her cheeks and pussy wide, while opening her mouth and looked back toward Chris and Kelli, with all three of her pink holes on display for them to see.

Chris couldn’t resist sliding his fingers into mom’s sopping wet cunt.
As he fingers her with four fingers with ease, he pressed his thumb into her ass.

“ Shit! You could drive a Mack truck through that fucking gap! “

Hearing that of course made mom smile with pride.

“ Yeah you don’t see a gap like that on these young cunts that come through here. “
Kelli said taking a turn for herself by fingering mom. No lube was needed whatsoever. Mom’s juices from her cunt was more than enough to lube up her ass, as Kelli slipped her index finger deep into mom’s rectum turning and twisting it as far as it would go.

Once Keli was satisfied with those holes she smacked mom on her naked ass.

“ Now have a seat and take them damn boots and stockings off! I want to see those feet bare! “

Mom plopped her fat ass down into a cold metal folding chair, and slowly proceeded to unzip her right boot. Kelli and Chris watched as the zipper comes downwards.

“ No hands off let me! “ Kelli said. Mom lifted her foot towards Kelli and watched down her leg as Kelli took a form hold of the boot at the back of mom’s heel. She watched the other woman as she firmly pulled the boot from mom’s hosed foot. She immediately handed it over to Chris to inspect for any weapons or contraband. Mom then looked past her left boot as Kelli’s fingers quickly unzipped it. They look each other in the eyes as the boot is firmly pulled from mom’s foot.

“ Damn! She’s got some sexy legs! “
Chris said gazing at mom’s sheer black stockings as mom sat there with her legs spread wide.

Kelli takes mom’s left foot massaging it, as Chris takes her right one. Mom couldn’t resist reaching for her clit as the two of them thoroughly examined her feet and hosed legs.

Mom’s a lot like Misty. They both get horny as Hell when there legs get touched by others.

Mom watched as Chris couldn’t resist licking the soles of her right foot. And just like a dog he licked his way all the way up to her thigh, before taking the garter loose from it.
Mom watched as she continued to rub her clit while the two of them peeled the stockings off.

She was then surprised that the two of them took turns eating out her cunt, especially after all the rude comments she’d heard on the plane about her stinking slave stink.

“ Now I got the power! “
Mom said as she slid forward in the chair, allowing the shaved head man to please her.

That’s the power of a true slave. Mom’s referring to.

“ Don’t stop! “
She begs with a moan holding his shaved head deep into her crotch.

“ Let me at her! “
Kelli begged.

Chris moved back as Kelli planned her face right into mom’s cunt. Mom runs her fingers through the brunette’s thick hair, moaning constantly until she squirts and gushed all into her face.

Mom pants in exhaustion after her powerful orgasm. Kelli quickly wiped her face and got her composure back.

“ Now getting that slutty looking garter belt off! “

Mom stood and slipped it down, while stepping out of it she collected her stockings and panties to hand them over.

“ You can throw that shit in the trash! “

“ But there my clothes! “

“ You won’t be wearing those no more where you’re going! “

As mom went to drop her lingerie into the trash, Chris grabbed her satin panties and stuffed them into his pocket.

Mom again stood at the table watching Kelli, as she placed her boots, skirt and blouse into the box with her purse.

“ We’ll keep these for you to wear at court. But just so you know they’ll go straight into the trash after that…Now take off your jewelry! “

Mom parts with her hoop earrings, gold chain and wedding band. Kelli puts them into an envelope. If you like I can mail these to your family.
Mom just nods figuring that might be best.
Last edited by mikey22 on Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by timerider »

I like where this going. :cheers:
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

I edited and added some stuff to part 1 and 2 of this story.

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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Mom was then marched towards the shower area.

“ I think we’re forgetting something? “
Kelli said, as she heads back to her desk for the official slave handling handbook. She thumbed through some of the pages.

“ Here it is! Right here!…It says we have to give her an enima. “

Mom didn’t care to hear that one.
But again she knew she wasn’t gonna get a say and just accepted it as it came. As she watched Kelli prepare the enima bag, by pouring the Fleet brand solution into it.

“ Down on the floor! “

Mom gets down on all fours and feels Kelli’s fingers part the cheeks of her ass. Then felt the plastic tube as it’s pushed in passing her sphincter.

With clenched teeth mom growls.

“ That’s far enough dumb ass! “
Mom says to herself feeling the tube going deeper and deeper into her rectum.
It was obvious that Kelli didn’t do this very often. And she sure wasn’t gentle either.

Mom feels her bowls filling.

On all fours she clenches her but cheeks as the tube is pulled out.

She holds it in as long as possible before leaping to her feet and racing to the nearby toilet.
With a red face she squats over the bowl to expel the solution pumped into her bowls, as Chris and Kelli stares at her.

As sits there, Kelli picks back up the book. Mom then reached towards the toilet tissue.

“ No! You’re not to use that! “
Kelli says to her sternly.

Mom knew that but wasn’t happy about it.

“ Stand up so I can look! “
Mom stood from the toilet. Kelli looks into the bowl.

“ We better do that again! “

“ Shit! “
Mom mumbled under her breath as she got back down on her hands and knees for a second round.

After expelling the second enima, Kelli seemed satisfied with what she saw in the toilet.
And pointed mom on towards the shower.

With cold water mom quickly washes her face, hair and everything else. Though it was cold, it was refreshing. Mom had been a stinking mess ever since she’d left South America. And while there the motel had obvious iron water that stained all the fixtures. and no matter how much of that water you use you never feel clean afterwards.
So returning to The United States had its perks. And clean water was one of them.

After her shower she also was denied a towel.

“ You gonna give me some of those striped outfits? “

“ No it says right here in the book that it’s customary that the slave remain naked…Follow me! “

With mom dripping wet, Kelli leads her back out into the hallway. She soon opens a cell door that was a padded room probably for the drunks or the ones on suicide watch.

“ Just so you know! I supposed to get my own kennel. “
Mom informed her.

“ What do you think this is? The vets office? “
Kelli said as she shoved mom into the padded cell.

“ How about some kibble to tie me over until breakfast? “

Kelli just slammed the door shut.

“ Kennel?…And kibble? “
Kelli said thumbing through the manual as she went to her office.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Part 4

Am I a slave or not?

That’s the question on mom’s mind, as the days turned into weeks. And time just drug on painfully slowly. As she remains naked without collar.

Officer Kelli was doing nothing towards accommodating mom’s desires to be enslaved. She had the handbook but only enforced the rules, protocols and procedures that she wanted. Normally in most cases like mom, being a fugitive slave meant that you’ll be turned over to the department of agriculture, and they’ll assure that you’ll be on your way to market.

They took pictures of mom’s brand, but what they did with them was nothing. You could say that the offense moms charged with means that she has to remain jailed until trial. But to her knowledge she’s not even been charged yet. She’s not had her one phone call, nor has she been offered an attorney free or her choice by hiring one.

But she has been kept silent, considering that she’s housed away in that padded room and out of general population as if she’s on death row or something.

“ Why don’t they just collar me and get it over with? “
Was another question on mom’s mind.

The collar defines the slave.

Free people just don’t go out in public naked. And the ones that do get picked up and taken for a psych evaluation.

But the slaves are different. The collar identifies the slave, and she’s out in public to serve the public. As a punishment for some sort of crime. Or she’s being whored out by her pimp for a price. Meaning that she’s owned by an individual or slave company.

Mom might be without clothing, jewelry or makeup. But until that collar is around her neck, she’s not technically a slave.
But Kelli and Chris along with the rest of the guards were using mom as if she was.

The constant daily sex was the only thing mom liked about this situation. It had been a long time that mom didn’t have to work at looking for sex. In here the sex came to her regardless of if she wanted it or not.

As the man or men entered her cell, she’d immediately get on her knees and start freeing the mens cocks so they could do with her as they pleased.

But as they left her sexually pleased, she was saddened by the loneliness that followed.
Slaves need to be needed. You can observe that in a public setting. In the background you just see them out sweeping up, look at how happy and content they are as they may talk quietly among each other with big smiles on their faces. Slaves love to serve, regardless of if there assignments are of a sexual nature or not.

By the end of the third week, Kelli comes to mom’s cell.

“ You have a visitor today. “

“ Really? “
Mom said leaping from the padded floor to her feet.

“ Yep you get half an hour. “
Kelli said leading mom from her cell. They stop by the break room where Kelli gets mom a CocaCola , pack of crackers and a pack of cigarettes from the vending machines.

Apparently Kelli did put some of mom’s money into an account so she could at least purchase her snacks and a few things that she needed during her incarceration.

She was led to another room, where there was a table and chairs and not really nothing else but cameras looking down on them.

Mom sits and opens her crackers and Coke. A minute or two later a different door opens and in walks Cheryl.

Mom leapt to her feet with excitement her and Cheryl quickly embrace and hug lovingly. They both start to cry.

After a few moments they pull apart from one another and sit across from one another, wiping there tears away.

“ Deborah why are you naked? “

“ They took my clothes during processing. I’ve been naked ever since.

Mom noticed that Cheryl was barefoot and bra less.

“ Where are your shoes and bra? “

“ They strip searched me before I was allowed to see you. Said I wasn’t allowed to wear heels, bra or panties. “

“ What kind of panties was you wearing? “

“ I had a cute little thong on. “

“ You’ll be lucky if you get those back. They made me throw my stockings and garter belt away. And one of the guys kept my panties. “

“ I noticed you were without a bra in your mugshot? “

“ You saw my mugshot? “
Mom asked with excitement.

“ Yeah you looked like a damn slut! Everyone is talking about it. “

Mom couldn’t help but to smile from ear to ear.

“ So Deb have you talked to a lawyer yet? “

“ No they haven’t even offered me a chance to hire one. They haven’t even charged me yet! “

“ They say on the news charges are pending. But being caught with a million dollars worth of cocaine in your suitcase is pretty serious. Tell me how did that come about? “

“ I was offered 20 grand to make a delivery for these people. “

“ Didn’t I tell you to be careful about who you talked to down there? “

“ Yeah you did. “

“ Deb this is gonna cost you more than 20 grand to get out of this! You might be facing serious prison time! “

“ I figured the cartel would furnish me a lawyer. “

“ Deb the cartel ain’t gonna furnish you a lawyer! “

“ They shut down there interrogation the day they arrested me and that Miami business man. “

“ That was not a cartel lawyer that was his personal lawyer. “

Cheryl then leans across the table.

“ Deb did you know that guy you were arrested with is the lead singer of the Eagle’s? “

“ Oh my God!…It was? “

“ Yeah you didn’t recognize him? “

“ You know? I thought it looked like him but I really wasn’t sure, cause I hadn’t followed them much since they broke up. But he’s so hot though. You know they strip searched him in the room across from where I was? “

“ They did?…Was he hung?…Tell me? “

“ Yeah he’s got a big dick! He’s probably in some cell around here somewhere. “

“Oh no Deb he’s out. He probably got out that night or the next day. He’s probably even out of the country right now. “

Mom didn’t like the sound of that, feeling that if she’s ever officially charged with the crime, she’ll be alone in court caught with the bag.

Mom then lights herself a smoke and offers Cheryl one.

The door then swings open.

“ Five more minutes ladies! “
Kelli said.

“ I’m gonna help you find a lawyer Deb, you’re gonna need it! “

Mom then anxiously changed the subject.

“ How are my girls? “

“ Well when they arrested you. They sent the law over to the high school and they did a complete cavity search of both of them. “

“ Oh no! I had no idea they did that! “

“ Yeah Crystal was a total basket case for the entire weekend afterwards. Misty took it better. I think it upped her popularity quite a bit. “

“ They didn’t do that in private? “

“ They did but the reporter from the news announced it right on Tv that they did that. So everyone at school knows. “

“ Oh I’m so sorry that happened to them! “

“ Yeah and whoever searched Misty’s car stole 5 of her Ozzy Osbourne tapes! And she’s pissed about it! And she wants to know if we could get her a lawyer to sue the government? “

“ Cheryl just take her shopping and replace the tapes or buy her whatever she wants. “

“ I tried that and she refused it saying that she’d bought them tapes with her own money, and they owed her personally for them. “

Mom nods understanding. Cause that’s kind of how Misty is, she’s got her job and buys her own shit.

“ I did though have to go have a conference with Mrs. Beasley. Misty got caught smoking last week. They suspended her for two days. “

“ And what did she do for them two days? “

“ She went to work. “

Mom smiles proudly hearing that.

“ I told Mrs. Beasley that I didn’t understand what the big deal was? I graduated from the same high school in 64 and we had smoking areas. Everyone smoked back then! I also informed her that Misty’s been smoking since she was 5 years old and it ain’t hurt her yet. “

Cheryl pauses to cough several times.

“ Yeah They got there rules “
Mom said crushing out her own cigarette.

“ Anything else going on that I needed to know about? “

“ They showed up at the office and your house with warrants and completely wrecked both places. And strip searched me in front of everyone that could see in the front of the office. “

“ Oh Cheryl I’m so sorry that happened. “

“ It’s okay Deb I liked the attention of it also. “

The door opens again.

“ Okay ladies times up! “

Mom and Cheryl embrace once more. As Cheryl hugs mom she looks over towards Kelli.

“ Did you know that brunette got her entire fist inside my cunt a while ago? “
Cheryl whispers in mom’s ear.

“ I’m not surprised. She does me the same way. “

“ I love you! “

“ Love you to. “
Cheryl was led out. Then mom was taken back to her cell after a quick cavity search.

Seeing Cheryl made mom homesick. She missed the girls and wanted to go home more than ever after there visit.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Cheryl took up the challenge of being mom’s personal representative on the outside. But finding the right law firm was not an easy task. In the phone book there are pages and pages of law firms that deal in slavery.

Then there are all them Tv commercials.

The Whipped Ass law firm.

Have you been unjustly enslaved?

Are you facing an enslavement?

Give us a call at 1-800- We’ll Fuck you over the right way!

With adds like that you just know it’s gonna be expensive.

Through Cheryl’s research she discovered there were two ways to possibly free an enslaved person.

One was to let the legal process play out in court. And another was to barter for one’s freedom in a back room deal. Which is strikingly similar to the way the drug dealing cartels operate.

Thankfully Money wasn’t a problem. Mom had enough in assets to probably win her freedom. But unfortunately money wasn’t the only thing necessary.

District attorney Jethro Wiggins didn’t know mom personally, but he did know Cheryl from high school where he had a big crush on her. And seemed sympathetic towards her needs. But keeping mom jailed of possibly enslaved was no big deal to him whatsoever. She might have enough money, but looking at her aged body in her naked mug shots didn’t do nothing for him.
But digging into her personal life did entice him to offer something.

He holds up a picture of Moms daughter Crystal.

“ Insure me her virginity up to her 18th birthday. And let me have one night with her plus $50,000 and I’ll free Mrs. Jones. “

From Cheryl that wasn’t declined with a No! But Hell No!
There was no way Cheryl was gonna use Crystal for a barging chip for mom’s freedom.
Plus that was still years away from that time.
Cheryl wanted something much faster than that.

As Cheryl sat across from Jethro she did notice him checking out her sexy legs. And everything else that her dress didn’t conceal.

He then made another offer.

“ $500.000 of Mrs. Jones money plus your body! That’s my final offer. “

Cheryl gulps hearing that one.

“ Seriously Jethro?…My body? “
Cheryl asks back to him gesturing to herself.

“ Out of all the women out there? You find me that appealing? “

Jethro did think Cheryl was very appealing because a man like he is is used to getting his way. And he views Cheryl as the only thing in his life that ever got away.

Cause apparently Jethro tried hard during high school to win Cheryl over, but lost out to only Big Jack. And as we all know throughout life, especially when it comes to how well endowed a man is to a woman size matters.
And Jacks 11 inch cock is something most men can’t compete with including Jethro. But for some reason Jethro still wants Cheryl despite the fact that his more average sized cock would just fall into her as if her cunt was a gaping hole.

“ Well you shot down my only other offer? “
Jethro said with a big smile.

“ I can get you the money wired over to you now! And I can suck your cock now if you’d like? “

“ Oh no! I want much more than just a blow job! I want your body for myself! “
He smiles again.

“ My body? For how long? “

“ I’ve not decided that yet. “

“ You do know? I’m a married woman? “

“ Oh I know, but the rumor going around tells me that you two like to swing a little bit? “

“ Swinging means there’s usually at least another woman involved? Does this mean that your better half is gonna offer herself up for my husband? “

“ Oh No!…No! Absolutely not! “
He said with a laugh.

“ And why not? “

“ Let’s just say she doesn’t approve of that lifestyle. “

“ Is it the lifestyle or does she not know? of your feelings and intentions you have for me? “

“ Neither my wife is off the table. But I don’t mind Jack being present to sit in the corner and watch me make passionate love to you. “

“ Is there another way? “
Cheryl asks knowingly that Jack wouldn’t like this arrangement.

“ Yes a matter a fact there is. “
He smiles big again, looking down her dressed body.

“ You ever heard of the part time slave program?”

Cheryl’s eyes gets big as she looks back at him with her mouth agape.

From a desk drawer Jethro brings out a black leather collar like a large dog would wear.

“ Ever worn one of those? “

Cheryl shakes her head from side to side, shocked at what’s being proposed to her.

“ I think 3 days a week for an undetermined amount of time, plus of course the $500.000 you know? “

Cheryl didn’t accept or decline the offer, she still seemed pretty shocked by it.

“ Why don’t you go home and think about it? Discuss it with your husband first. “
He then let out a hysterical laugh as she exited his office.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Part 5

As Cheryl ponders over Jethro's proposal, mom remains slave naked within the padded room 23 out of 24 hours a day, with the exception of her daily shower she’s allowed one hour confined inside a caged in space to either play basketball or do pull ups on a pull up bar.

She’d jump hang and swing her body back and forth a few times and then struggle to pull herself up. But within a few days she’d gotten the hang of it and continued to add reps to it. She’d do the same with push ups and sit ups, and within a few weeks she was starting to feel much stronger.
With the feeling of strength back into her middle aged body she seemed to be getting anxious to get out. Though most of the guys on the force and a few of the women came around throughout there shifts to use mom sexually as a slave, which she appreciated it wasn’t the same as being a free woman who could choose the men she’d pursue.
As we all ready know mom prefers a young stud in his prime, and not no fat slob who just wants to get himself off.

If she could be again a legitimate slave out in public, she’d hope that lots of those obnoxious college boys would use her at some of them wild frat parties that goes on quite regularly. As we can tell by most college grads of today, its all about partying cause if they’d gotten themselves a legit education they’d pay there college loans back and not get enslaved.

The thrill of escaping also crossed her mind also. Mom’s no idiot she’s built home’s apartments, condos and numerous shopping centers. So she knows blue prints and how things are constructed.
As she lays on the padded floor of her cell she looks up at the vents and the plumbing that goes from the sink and toilet into the sewer. And she knows there’s got to be places to access those areas where she could possibly escape from.

She imagines herself living life on the run like a true fugitive that has to constantly look over there shoulder. Though it could be thrilling she’d probably have to turn to a life of crime to get by, and she couldn’t really imagine herself being that way towards people like some con artist could be.
So she sighs and hopes that Cheryl could come up with a good lawyer and a plan.

As described earlier Cheryl wasn’t thrilled with her options. Because of a severe car accident that took the life of the child she was carrying within her womb, and almost her life also Cheryl couldn’t have children of her own, so she was mom number 2 for Misty and Crystal which for her and Jack was a true joy.
The problem now was they both were moody teenagers especially Misty, who all ways was the rebellious trouble maker.
And Cheryl found herself in mom’s place by having to go to the high school to discuss these matters with Mrs. Beasley.
Cheryl found these encounters to be embarrassing. Mrs. Beasley has that school teacher mentality and likes to talk down to adults just like there first graders.

“ I just don’t know how your mother puts up with this? “
Cheryl says to Crystal, who doesn’t hesitate to tell Cheryl what needs to be done.

“ You have to whip her ass! That’s what mom does! “

But Cheryl just can’t seem to put herself into that roll. Even though she’s particularly at fault for Misty being the way she is because her and Jack have always spoiled the girls by buying them whatever they wanted when they wanted it.

Mom warned them about that shit. But Cheryl all ways said they wouldn’t have anything if it was up to Deb cause she was such a tight wad.

So Cheryl knew what she had to do. And she didn’t discuss it with Jack cause she felt he’d probably get pissed off, and might kill Jethro then he’d be in prison for the rest of his life.

So she sucked it up, went to the bank for the cash, that was neatly placed inside a briefcase and dressed like the professional business woman that she is, she made her way to the 3rd floor of the courthouse and unannounced she walks into the lobby.
And was confronted by his receptionist.

“ May I help you? “

“ I need to see the DA. “

“ And you are? “

“ Just tell him Cheryl. “

“ Do you have an appointment? “
She asks looking down at his schedule.

“ No I do not! “

“ District attorney Wiggins is a very busy man. I’d suggest that you call and make an appointment. “
She said in a snobby condescending tone.

Cheryl leans over the desk, getting right into the young woman’s face.

“ Now you listen to me! You little bitch! I’m here on important business! And I don’t need a God damn appointment! “

Little does Cheryl know in about a half hour she’s gonna regret acting like a stuck up bitch herself lol.

The younger women seemed kind of shocked at Cheryl’s crudeness, with attitude she snatched the phone and pushed a button.

“ Yes Jesica what is it? “

“ There is a woman named Cheryl out here demanding to see you…I told her you were busy and to make an appointment. “

She was then cut off.

“ It’s okay Jesica by all means send her on in here. “

“ Are you sure sir? I could call security? “

“ No it’s fine let her in! “

She then looks back up at Cheryl as she slams the phone back down on to the receiver.

“ Right this way! “
Jesica said with a huff as she got up from her chair. She walks quickly leading Cheryl to the door that leads into Jethro’s office. She opens it and allows Cheryl to pass. She then stood there with an angry look as Cheryl turns back towards her seeing that she was being sized up by this little 20 something bitch.

“ I’d love to slap that smirk right off that little cunts face! “
Cheryl says to herself seeing the icy cold stare coming from the little bitch.

Jesica closes the door and stood there with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

“ That will be all Jesica. Leave us. “

With a sigh of discontent Jesica opens steps through and slams the door. With a growl and a few choice words she stomps off with her high heels clicking with every step she took.

“ So did you decide to take me up on my offer? “

Cheryl placed the briefcase of cash onto Jethro’s desk, turning it so it’s facing him, she opens the case, then she quietly sits down in a chair and proceeded to cross her sexy hosed legs.

Jethro smiles as the thumb’s through some of the stacks of cash. He then closed the briefcase then reached downward and from behind the desk he brings out a simple cardboard box, placing it directly in front of Cheryl. And with a devilish grin on his face, he looks her dressed body up and down from head to toe.

“ I think you understand what the box is for?…Get to it! “

Cheryl rolls her eyes.

“ Seriously Jethro? Must we do this? “

“ Yes! Your clothes! Take them off!…Now! “
He said in more of a demanding voice.

“ Shit! “
Cheryl said under her breath as she stood and lowered her purse from her shoulder, placing it into the box.

She reluctantly and slowly unbuttoned and took off her blouse. Then reached for the zipper of her skirt.

“ Turn around first! “
Jethro said with excitement, as Cheryl turns so her ass is facing him.
The skirt splits apart easily revealing her bikini covered ass and garter belt.
Jethro smiles big as the skirt hit the floor, she picks it up and placed it to inside the box.

In her sheer black lingerie and fuck me heels she looks down at Jethro.

“ Ain’t this good enough? “
Cheryl said looking like a true slut.

“ As tempting as it is…I’m afraid it’s not. “
He said sliding his desk drawer open. He then again took out the leather collar he’d showed her weeks ago.

“ Slave naked means slave naked! “

“ Can I at least keep my jewelry? “

Jethro pondered that question for a moment, as he stares at her big tits. His cock throbs as he looks hard at her wide areola’s that looked amazing concealed behind the sheer see through bra.

“ You can keep everything but your wedding ring! Toss it in the box with your clothes! “

“ But I’m a married woman? “

“ Not with me your not! “
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Cheryl continues to strip down in front of Jethro, parting with her sexy sheer black bra. He gets up from his chair and as she leans down and forward with her big round 42 DD’s hanging he cops a feel of them while she’s taking off her high heels.

“ Turn around for me and slip those panties down nice and slow! “
He says to her.

She hooked her thumbs into the waistband and bent over to slowly lower them down.
She jumped with surprise as he quickly slipped 4 fingers right into her cunt from behind.

“ Yeah you’re a little loose but it sure is wet! “
He said with a smirk before slapping her naked fat ass.

Her garter belt falls to the floor next. Last but not least, She placed her right foot up on to the chair where she was sitting just moments before and she slowly rolls down and peels off the sexy sheer lacy topped stocking from her sexy leg.
Jethro watched intensely as more and more of her bare legs and feet comes into his view.
Her manicured toes were painted red as she placed her bare feet onto the cold tiled floors. A chill flowed throughout her body making goose bumps and her nipples harden.

Jethro sees her shiver as she folds her arms across her big breasts.
He looks over her naked body admiring it. For a woman of her age she had almost flawless porcelain skin with very few blemishes.
He notices her shiver again.

“ It’s all right you won’t be cold long. “
He said placing a hand on each shoulder and firmly pressing downwards.

Cheryl falls to her knees and sees him reaching for the collar. With her hands she lifts her long auburn tinted hair up away from her neck, allowing him to collar her.
With the leather collar secured in place. He looks down at her again.

“ Take out my cock! “
He says in a demanding tone.

She reached up unbuckling his belt. It jingles about as she unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, they fall freely to the floor. His cock bulging from his boxers as she pulled them down. Compared to her husband Jethro wasn’t impressive average at best, Cheryl just hoped he knew how to use it. But before she knew it she felt him slap it against her soft cheek. She parts her lips and he enters her hot mouth. With her lips and tongue she starts to pleasure him. Before feeling his hand, pressing against the back of her head, holding it in place, with her nose nestled into his unkept and unruly pubic hair as she was forced to take in his musky scent.

Little did she know at that moment that this was just a precursor of how her day was gonna go.
After a few minutes of sucking his dick, he pulls out and by the hair of the head he roughly pulls her to her feet and throws her across his desk. From behind he slides into her cunt.

“ You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been wanting to do this to you? “

“ Tell me! How long? “
She asks curiously.

Jethro ignored her question but he’d been jerking off thinking about just her since he was 12 years old. And at 47 at the moment that was a long time ago.
He though was getting frustrated with how loose her cunt was.

“ Tighten up! Bitch! “
He said giving her fat ass another slap.

“ Maybe you should grow one that’s big enough to please me! “
Little did she know she’d soon regret those words.

With his dick just lubed from the wetness of her cunt. He slides out of her and immediately shoved it up her ass.

With clenched teeth she lets out a painful grunt as he pounds her ass.

Cheryl doesn’t mind anal sex, she’s always been a three holed type of girl but there’s a right way to do it, and Jethro was definitely doing it the wrong way. And it was obvious that Jethro didn’t care.

Cheryl remembers the nice boy that Jethro was I. Junior high. He was the boy that held the door open for her, the one that carried her books and helped her with her homework.
That Jethro was long gone. But the truth is is that Cheryl broke his heart and hurt him bad when she chose Jack over him, and now it was his turn to get a little payback.
And Cheryl was gonna pay dearly.

A few minutes of her getting her ass pounded she feels him explode and fill her ass with his hot sticky spunk. He then slipped out of her ass and looked at his watch.

“ Shit! I got court in 15 minutes! “
He said as he pulls up his boxers and slacks, after quickly tucking in and fastening his slacks and belt, Cheryl watched with concern as he snatched up the box that contained her clothes, purse and wedding ring and he stomped across the office opens a closet door and drops the box into the floor as if it was nothing but a box of junk. He slammed the closet door and locked it with a key.

She knew then she’d have no access to her clothes on her own.
Cheryl had always been comfortable to an extent in her own skin. But this slave naked shit, she didn’t know about but unfortunately she was fixing to get a crash course in knowing exactly what it’s all about.

Jethro picks up the phone and pushed a button that rings at the receptionists desk.

“ Jesica come into my office and bring a leash! “

“ Yes sir! “

Within seconds Cheryl hears that 20 something year old bitch approaching with her high heels clicking and clacking as she walks.

Into the room she walks with a beaming smile as she sees that Cheryl the smart assed older woman who’d talked down to her earlier was now stripped down and collared.

“ She’s all yours for today! “
Jethro informed her.

Jesica hooked the leash to Cheryl’s collar.

“ Let’s go!…Cunt! “

“ My name is Cheryl! Not Cunt! “

“ Just shut the fuck up! “
She said giving the leash a firm yank.

Back into the lobby with the doors out into the hallway was wide open for everyone to see the new naked slave.

Jesica rolls her chair back then reached under her skirt to ease her own panties down. She then sat down lifted her skirt and placed her feet up onto her desk.

“ Now get between my legs bitch! “
Cheryl gets down between Jesica’s legs and was appalled at her nasty unruly dark bush.

“ You’re not even a true blonde! “
Shut up! And eat my pussy! You Bitch! “

With no other choice Cheryl gets between her legs and gets busy to hopefully hurry up to get this bitch off. But was unaware that as soon as she was satisfied there would be someone else waiting.
By 11:00 AM Jesica had transformed the prestigious lobby of the district attorney’s office into nothing more than a sleazy suck bar. And by mid afternoon just getting off the elevator the entire flor stunk like a filthy whore house.

Men and women from all over the building lined up to get their way with Cheryl. It was obvious that word got around fast.

By 4:00 it was time for a break Cheryl was allowed a shower and a chance to dress.
She drove herself home in a state of shock and totally had no idea how she got home, not remembering the drive.

Cheryl had always considered herself a true slut. Throughout her life she’d had countless sexual experiences with men and women and numerous couples but what she experienced that day in the district attorney’s office as a slave was nothing like she’d experienced before.

Her body didn’t just feel rode hard and put up wet. It felt totally trashed.
Cheryl again stripped down and lowered herself into the hot tub outside on there back deck with not just a glass of wine but the whole bottle.

She wondered if she’d made the right decision. Through the glass door she sees Crystal and Misty in the kitchen starting to fix dinner for Jack.
She wondered how Crystal might react if doing what she’d just done or if she would have done it to free her mother.

About an hour later she climbed out of the hot tub with a buzz, she puts on her robe and goes straight to bed. Informing Jack and the girls she wasn’t feeling well and needed rest.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Part 6

Ever hear that to much of a good thing is bad?

That unfortunately is how Cheryl felt about sex, or at least for the moment anyway. She’d awoke during the night sick as Hell. Not sure if it was from the three holed pounding she’d taken that day or the bottle of wine she’d consumed earlier in the evening.
In the days that followed she’d have flashbacks of the traumatic experience and even wondered if she was coming down with PTSD?
Then she became obsessed with her oral health cause apparently no matter how much she brushed her teeth she couldn’t get the taste of cock out of her mouth.

She’d even considered the thought of not going back and letting the courts decide whatever to do with mom.
The only thing that pressed Cheryl forward into this journey was the girls. Though to her and Jack they were a pure joy for the most part, but it was obvious that they did need there real mother.
Especially Misty who became even boulder and rebellious as she acts out.

With mom locked up and Cheryl busy with work and all Misty and Crystal had mom’s house to themselves. And that meant lots of time for me and Misty to hook up.

Unfortunately Crystal was always the party pooper on all this.

“ Seriously y’all when is enough?…Enough? “
She’d yell through the closed door, as she listened to her sister moan loudly as the bed squeaks and the headboard slams against the wall.

I’d then even spend the night with them, thinking I was doing the right thing figuring that the two of them needed a man around the house. But Crystal didn’t act like she appreciated seeing me walk around the house in just my briefs with a full boner bulging from them.
Then Misty would just walk around in a thong being bra less in just one of her slutty tops.

Then came party night when about 50 people showed up with weed, booze and the entire house got trashed and Misty got into a fight right in the front yard and the police came and broke the whole thing up.

Cheryl was furious about this, knowing that mom wouldn’t put up with that kind of shit going on at her house.

“ You have to whip her ass!…That’s what mom would do! “
Crystal tries to explain to Cheryl.

But Cheryl just can’t seem to put herself into that roll.
So to save Misty from her own self she knows she has to resume being Jethro’s slave at least for the time being anyway.

But as she reports for round 2. She’s horrified that her humiliation wouldn’t be just contained to the floor where his office was. Oh no she again was slave naked, collard, leashed and paraded around just not the courthouse but the whole town wherever Jethro went almost as if she was some sort of pet or service animal. Of course she wasn’t allowed to speak or give an option on anything.
She just hoped soon this whole situation would be over with.
Especially as Jethro whored her out to his friends and colleagues some times for just as little as $5.00 that really pissed Cheryl off, cause she knew escort girls that made $500.00 an hour, and she’s giving some sleaze bag around the world treatment for $5.00
She felt so insulted by that amount.

Then came the slave exhibit that was put on at the zoo, where Cheryl was put on display and was made to climb around on playground equipment to keep the crowds of onlookers entertained.
She found this to be very degrading especially when you hear people point and talk.

“ Hey ain’t that the nice lady that sold us our house? “
She’d hear a teenage boy ask, as he squeezed his cock for a quick moment while his mother wasn’t looking.

The entire event was awkward and humiliating. And again Cheryl was exhausted when the day was finally done.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

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The following Saturday

Both Misty and Crystal was gone from the house. But unfortunately for Cheryl I was there when she drove up into the driveway bringing the girls a few bags of groceries, along with some personal feminine products that girls of there age needed.
Being the gentleman that I am I helped her carry the groceries into the house, of course my attention was drawn towards the feminine products two matching boxes of OB brand tampons, and a few bottles of fragrant smelling stuff to clean them cunts out when the bitchy week ends.
I smiled as I held up the box.

“ I bet you could use a few bottles of this stuff for yourself? “

In return I got a look of rage glaring back at me.

Which I could understand, cause no girl or woman wants to be told that her pussy stinks.

I contemplate the thought of sniffing my nose and ask if she smells that fishy smell?
But decided against it fearing that I’m fixing to get the shit slapped right out of me.
But before she reacts that way, she noticed me pointing towards the newspaper that was lying on the kitchen table and right there on the front page was the headline.

DA. Uses local realtor for his personal slave.

And below that headline was a color picture of a naked Cheryl on her knees outside the courthouse with a man’s cock in her mouth, and a group of men all standing around waiting there turns.

“ I’m gonna assume that Big Jack doesn’t get the paper? “
I said insinuating that I make sure that he sees it.

Though Cheryl may attempt to play it off that her and Jack have an open relationship, considering that there into the swinging lifestyle and her and Jack have had many affairs behind each others backs with and without the other finding out.
But for Jack seeing his wife of over 30 years slave naked in public and sucking multiple cocks of men neither of them knew, might just be a bridge to far even for them.

Cheryl kind of knew what I was driving at, as she saw me staring at her breasts.
Dressed in a tee shirt, white shorts and sandals. She watched me as I took off my own tee shirt.
Just before she drove up I’d just finished mowing the grass and was fixing to take a shower. Standing top less and barefoot before her, I slowly reached for the snap and zipper of my cut off shorts, as my zipper came down is was as if I was letting the horse out of the barn, cause my dick just stood rock hard as I even flexed it for her, as I showed off my young jock like muscular physique.

“ Your turn. “
I said to her, as I reached for her sunglasses. Taking them off and dropping them onto the kitchen table.

“ Slaves don’t wear sunglasses. “
I reminded her.

She then slowly stripped in front of me.
I then had to point to her sandals.
Without question she quickly unbuckled the straps around her ankles and slipped them off.

“ Now what? “

I just pointed towards the hallway, for her to lead the way, passing Crystals bedroom. She attempts to step through the doorway of Misty’s bedroom.

“ No! “
I said firmly she paused for a moment just long enough for me to nudge her towards mom’s bedroom.

I can’t believe she was stupid enough to think I’d fuck her in my own girlfriend’s bed. What kind of a guy does she think I am? Even I have some morals and fucking another woman in your own wife or girlfriend’s bed just ain’t right.

It ranks right up there with this story I red a while back about this guy that cheated on his own wife with a fucking dude. He fucked him in the backseat of the family car, right on top of his wife’s coat and purse. What kind of son of a bitch does shit like that?

But in my view mom’s bed was just fine, cause it was obvious she wasn’t gonna be using it anytime soon. And as Cheryl crawled up into the bed, I crawled in right behind her, mounting her doggy style.

My dick just slipped into her so easily.

“ Your so wet?…You can’t deny you didn’t want me! “

I said to her as I pounded her from behind thinking I could do her loose and gapped out cunt any justice.
Eventually I just had to pull out and get her to just suck me off. I blew it out filling her mouth and she swallowed every drop, just like a pro.

I then took myself a shower, when I got out she’d all ready dressed and left, taking the newspaper with her.

I then drove around to all the newspaper sale boxes to buy another edition but unfortunately all were sold out, so I’d never get to pull that trick on her again.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

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In mom’s absence things went from bad to worse for both the girls, at the time I found myself grounded for bad grades. And was side lined at home, on the night that Misty had won us tickets for the wrestling show at the mid south coliseum. And for some odd reason instead of asking one of her other friends to join her, she asked Crystal if she’d like to go.

“ I don’t know…pro wrestling is so fake and cartoonish. What would my friends say if they knew I’d gone to something like that? “

You know how Crystal is? She’s into a more sophisticated crowd more so than the average teenager.

“ Oh come on! We don’t never get to do anything together anymore. It’ll be fun!…I promise. “

Crystal thought about it for a moment and gave in.

“ You’re right, maybe it will be fun. “

Misty, Cheryl, Jack and even mom had been watching wrestling for years. Mom even got in on it as a trade off for convincing Jerry the king Lawler to be in one of her Tv commercials, she’d be his valet for some of the events. Mom liked dolling herself up to strut around the ring, flaunting her sexy dressed body on Tv. While men all whistled, cheering her on and even yell out.

“ Take it off baby!…Take it all off! “

But unfortunately wrestling has to be a family friendly type of show and because of the children in the audience her clothes had to stay intact. But underneath them mom was hot and horny as Hell, and nothing would have made her happier than to take it all off in front of them all.

On the drive to the coliseum Misty and Crystal had the best time talking and laughing and just having more fun together than they’d had in years. Once there they bought pop corn, Cokes and made there way to there seats. About four rows back from ring side.

“ This is great! We’re gonna see everything here!”
Misty said happily.

“ Yeah we might be to close, I don’t want to get hurt. “

“ Hurt? I thought you said all this was fake? “

“ You know what I mean. “

It wasn’t long before the show starts and a couple but during the first match Misty’s hit from behind by a large cup of soda and pop corn dumped over her head.

Startled she turned around to see her arch enemy Connie smiling back towards her with a shit eating grin on her face.

“ Fucking Bitch! “
Misty yells, leaping from her seat climbing over and upwards over the cheering fans to get to Connie.

“ No!…Misty!…No! “
Crystal cries out, begging Misty not to do this now.

Fists go to flying as the girls scrap through the crowd. Both trip, fall and roll down the stairs wrestling one another, kicking, gouging and pulling hair.

At ringside the match in the ring stops as the entire packed coliseum watches the two teenage girls slug it out, exchanging blows.

“ Let them have the ring! There putting on a better show than we can. “
One of the mid card wrestlers said.

So in the ring they go for a one fall 10 minute time limit. Finally with in the confines of the squared circle these girls can finally end this once and for all. And they disappointed no one by putting on one Hell of a show, throwing one another across the ring, bouncing themselves off the ropes towards one another with flying body blocks, high flying drop kicks, arm drags in all directions.

The crowd responded with every chop across the chest.

Both got there bells rang as each grabbed the other by the hair of the head, raced towards the turn buckle and slammed there heads into the corner posts.

Misty’s fat belly gets exposed to the crowd as Connie puts her into the abdominal stretch, she even slaps it for more punishment.
With a show of extraordinary strength Misty throws Connie over, completely over the top rope, but Connie hangs on dragging Misty with her as they crash completely through the announcers table. But the action was far from over, as they continued to brawl, throwing one another into the corner posts, then chasing one another around the outside of the ring with a folding metal chairs.

Back into the ring we see Misty do the Hulk Hogan leg drop on Connie.
A spinning toe hold on Misty ends up having her in Ric Flairs figure four leg lock.

In the center of the ring she cries out in agony shaking her head back and forth, slamming her head against the mat. Struggling and jerking she finally turns over, reversing the pressure back to Connie. But unfortunately she grabbed the bottom rope and the referee breaks the hold.

The two continued to wrestle about but neither seems to gain the upper hand. Until none other than Crystal herself jumps into the ring behind Connie and hits her with a folding metal chair, then dives straight out from under the bottom rope.

“ Pen her!…Misty!…Pen her! “
Crystal yells from ringside cheering Misty on.

But no Misty’s not just gonna crawl on top of her and pen her, she’s got to do this big.

She climbed the corner post and steadies herself onto the top rope, and launched herself through the air like a high flying Kevin Vonerich would do, but at the last second Connie rolls out of the way and Misty lands with a splat right in the center of the ring.

Crystal cries out as Connie rolls Misty over, hooking her leg, holding Misty down, while glaring at Crystal in anger as the referee slams his hand down on the mat.

“ One….Two! “
The referee yells out, as Misty Kicks out at the last second

Misty was then pulled to her feet as the two then just stood there exchanging blows, until they both collapsed in exhaustion.

Both are then counted out by the referee.

The paramedics then came and loaded them both up. As Connie was rolled past Crystal she looks up at her pointing at her.

“ Your next you fucking cunt! “

Yeah looks like Crystal is gonna get her ass kicked soon.

Crystal then followed the ambulance to the hospital and had to call Aunt Cheryl to come.
Cheryl again was furious with the girls. It was now obvious neither of them could be trusted to be on their own, and had to move in with Cheryl for the time being.

Misty again was beat all to Hell, it for sure was gonna take lots of makeup to cover them bruises. Then of course the bill came from the emergency room and the dentist that got called in to fix Misty’s teeth again.

Yeah mom was gonna be pissed about this. But the following week when that episode of wrestling would be syndicated across the southeast. Cheryl felt that mom wouldn’t mind paying them bills after she gets to watch that performance.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

In mom’s absence Crystal falls from grace.

When I write about Crystal I always try to portray her character in a positive way. She’s fun loving and out going. And she’s one of those rare types of people that when your in her presence she makes you feel uplifted and happy. And can be described as a bundle of positivity.
Without a doubt this is a good characteristic for people to have. But it can get on some peoples nerves.
Like Misty for instance who has to pry herself away from Crystal so she can bring herself down into a more depressed and realistic state of mind.

Crystal also rarely fucks up in life, but just like we all do she has her moments and when she does fuck up, she does it big.

It didn’t take the girls long to get back into good relations with Aunt Cheryl. Mostly because having two teenage girls over all the time put a damper on her and Uncle Jacks party life. They like to entertain and that usually turns into major orgies. Which Cheryl really didn’t feel right about exposing the girls to.
Even though they’ve grown up watching mom bring home different men to entertain in sexual ways, as if it was no big deal. It appears that Cheryl has some degree of morals that mom doesn’t.
But there again Cheryl had never been a slave, so morals with a sense of right and wrong was still part of her psychological being.

This part of the story starts off on a typical Saturday night. Me and Misty had been out drinking, smoking a little weed, and had spent lots of time fucking.
Of course being the gentleman I am I got her home right at midnight. All she had on was one of her skimpy tee shirts, and a pair of sopping wet bikini panties.

As we kissed I was almost hard enough to fuck her again. So I slipped my fingers into her panties. But she pushed my hand away.

“ Sorry I’ve had enough. “
She said softly as we kissed again.

“ What??? “
I said to myself, braking the kiss to down the last drink of beer that was left in the can.

Suddenly we both jumped by the sound of a slamming door, and watched as some half naked guy ran around the house and off into the woods into the darkness.

Me and Misty both looked at one another with a bewildered look our faces.

“ Who the Hell was that? “
I blurted out.

“ I have no idea, but I’m gonna find out! “

“ Can I come to? “

“ No you need to go home before you get grounded again! “

She was right about that. Probably the only thing my mom agrees with Misty’s mom with is that nothing of any good happens after midnight.
So from the drivers seat of my truck I light myself a smoke and watch Misty as she kind of waddles along half drunk and barefoot, carrying her denim skirt, heels and purse, making her way to the front door.
I stay of course until she’s safely inside then race home to hopefully get her phone call, so she can tell me everything that’s going on, cause it was obvious to her that Crystal definitely had something going on.

Once inside the house, Misty heard the shower running. So she dropped her skirt, bra off into the dirty clothes hamper. She then looked down feeling disgustingly dirty with the crotch of her panties sticking to her well used pussy. So she quickly slipped them down and with only two fingers she picks them up to drop them into the hamper also. She then tossed her shoes off into her room and returned to the couch to have herself a smoke and wait for the shower to become vacant.

A few minutes after the water is turned off, Misty makes her way towards the bathroom.

“ I’m coming in sis! “
Misty says swinging the bathroom door open, catching Crystal who was still naked, standing in front of the mirror examining her cunt.

“ So you’re checking yourself Hu? “

Crystals face turns beet red.

“ Who was that boy running from the house a while ago? “

“ I don’t know what you’re talking about. “
She says red faced and looking away from Misty.

“ You don’t lie worth a shit!…Tell me! “

Crystal can’t lie about anything, her mannerisms and sense of shame all ways gives her away.

From behind Misty pushed Crystal bending her over the bathroom counter, then shoved her fingers up her cunt.

“ Feels kind of loose for somebody that supposed to be a virgin? “

“ Please don’t tell no one…And get your fingers out of me! “

“ Who was it? “
Misty asks her directly.

“ It was Craig. “

“ You mean your best friend Jenifer’s boyfriend Craig. “

“ Yea but please don’t tell! “

“ You’re such a slut! “

“ I’m not a slut! It’s no different than you fucking around behind Mikey’s back with your best friend Shirley’s boyfriend? “

Crystal argues.

“ First of all it wasn’t behind Mikey’s back because I intentionally broke up with him that Friday, so technically he wasn’t my boyfriend at the time. And it wasn’t behind Shirley’s back either cause we had a three way going that Saturday night. “
Misty explained.

“ You did all that? And you call me a slut? “

Misty then just smiles proudly.

So Craig Hu? He’s such a hunk! I bet he was hung? “

Crystal then smiles for the first time.

“ He’s a solid 8 inches! “

“ How you know that? “

“ Cause I measured it! I carry my measuring tape with me in my purse. Size matters you know? “

“ Yeah it matters but I had no idea that you’d be the girl to go around measuring guys. “

Crystal had such a good fuck from Craig there was no way she could keep it to herself, so she talked Misty’s ears off for the next 3 hours describing how the whole evening played out.

Apparently Jenifer was on the rag and had a headache, and wasn’t the kind of girl that puts out when she’s in that condition. So Craig called Crystal claiming he needed help with his calculus homework, and being the helpful friend that she is, invited him over. And as we know one thing just led to another and in no time Craig had Crystal out of her clothes and on her back and he fucked her brains out for hours.

Of course Crystal swore Misty to secrecy with this. And no way was Misty gonna betray her trust with this.

But in the weeks that followed Crystals life would drastically start to change.

2 weeks later.

Both the girls were again in the bathroom fixing their hair and makeup for another exciting day at school. Misty reached into her box of OB brand tampons and put 3 or 4 into her purse.

“ I’ve all ready been on the rag for 3 days and you haven’t even opened your box of tampons yet? “
Misty pointed out.

“ I’m just a little late. “
Crystal said with a shaky nervousness in her voice.

“ You’re never late! “
Misty pointed out flatly before exiting the bathroom.

Crystal then looked straight into the mirror and lifted her shirt, and started rubbing her belly.

“ No way! I can’t be pregnant! “
She said to herself while giving herself a fake smile into the mirror.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

A short time later.

Misty hears Crystal scream from the bathroom. As she walks in to investigate she finds Crystal crying with her head in her hands with multiple pregnancy tests lined up across the counter, all indicating that Crystal is pregnant.

“ What am I gonna do? “

“ Shit! I don’t know! Sounds like a personal problem to me! “
Misty says coldly.

“ Don’t be like that! I need help here! “

“ I didn’t help you get pregnant! You should have been on the pill! “
Misty said with a huff.

“ Maybe you should talk to Craig about it? He needs to know that he’s gonna be a daddy soon.”

“ Yeah but the problem is is that I don’t know if it’s his. “

“ What do you mean you don’t know? “

“ Cause I’ve done it with Mark, Cody and Chris and David also. “

“ Wow! And people call me a slut? “

“ Let’s be serious! What am I gonna do? “

“ I don’t know what you’re gonna do! But I’m gonna get on the phone with the Jerry Springer people and get you with all the boys and there girlfriends on the show together. “

Misty ponders that thought for a moment.

“ On second thought maybe we should do the Maury Povich show first. So he can tear that envelope open and announce to the country who your baby’s daddy’s gonna be. “

After that in a cold sweat Crystal sits straight up in bed with the cramps from Hell.
She hops out of bed and hurried to the bathroom after reliving herself she reached down to clean herself and sees blood on the toilet tissue.

Then a beaming smile breaks out across her face.

“ I’m not pregnant!…I’m not pregnant! “
She says repeatedly as she happily rips open the new box of tampons that sat on the counter, and quickly unwraps and inserts it.

In the hallway she bumps into Misty in the dark.

“ I’m not pregnant! “
Crystal scrams out as she throws her arms around Misty, hugging her tightly.

“ Congratulations! And neither am I now get out of my way! “
Misty says pushing Crystal off of her so she can also get herself a fresh tampon.

So Crystals pregnancy scare turns out to be nothing more than a bad dream.

Now back to mom.

Mom wonders what’s up with Cheryl, she hasn’t come by to visit or fill her in on anything relating to an attorney.
Mom has no idea the Hell that Cheryl has gone through being the DA’s personal slave and all.
Mom definitely owes Cheryl big time for doing all that, and still she didn’t know if it would have been enough, all she knew for certain was that moms bank account had definitely taken a hit, when she paid Jethro that briefcase full of cash.

Then one morning mom was taken from her comfy padded cell and was escorted to the shower room where on the counter sat the box that contained her clothing.

“ Get yourself a shower! Get dressed and make yourself look respectable!…But don’t get to used to it! “

“ Does this mean I’m going to court? “
Mom asks as the deputy walks off ignoring her question.

Mom quickly showers and shaves everything up in case court doesn’t go her way.

She was surprised to find a hair dryer and brush sitting on the counter as if it was placed there just for her.
She gets her hair styled to perfection, then brushed her teeth, while doing so she also noticed her purse was also in her box, she takes out her makeup bag and painted up her face hoping to cover up at least 10 years worth of wrinkles and blemishes. Spending time behind bars can definitely put some wear, tear and age on an individual.

It was then time for her to get dressed, it had been so long since she’d worn clothes that she’d adapted to being slave naked and sort of preferred it, as she reached down and picked up her silk blouse.
The blouse felt so soft against her skin as she put it on and buttoned it

Her nipples quickly grew hard and fully erect they poked through the soft thin material. Mom found the feeling to be almost painful.

When there is the feeling of pain by just putting on clothes you know slave brain is in full effect.

Mom wondered what it will feel like to be stripped right there in the courtroom?
How rough would the bailiff be with her?
Would he bend her over the jury box and fuck her right in front of them all?
Or would all the men in the room line up to take there turns?

Mom couldn’t help but to stop and rub one out right then at those thoughts. She’d grown used to having gang bangs and being used regularly.
Much more regularly than she does in her free life. Which is usually quite pathetically boring in sexual ways.

Yeah when it comes to one’s sex life, a slaves life is much more satisfying that the life of a middle aged business woman with two teenage girls. No man worth anything would be willing to take on mom with all that baggage attached.

She slips up tucks in and zipped up her tight trendy black skirt.

As she picked up her right boot from the box, she looks down at her pasty white legs with disgust with a sigh.

“ My legs look so much better with hose! “
She complains as she puts on and zipped up her sexy boots. She stands and has to steady herself being that it’s been so long since she’d worn heels.
She reached into her purse, finding a forgotten pack of cigarettes and quickly took one out and lit it. She inhaled it deeply and exhaled wondering what was to come within the next few hours.
Would she walk out of the courthouse a dressed free woman? To bond with her daughters again and get back into the business world of real estate?

Or would she walk out a stripped naked slave? With her hands and feet shackled and her neck collard, and on her way to the auction block?

“ How much is my body truly worth? “
She asks herself with wonder as she took the last draw from her cigarette, and thumps it off into the toilet before exiting the restroom.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

Mom was escorted to the courtroom, and just as you’d expect it was a packed house, including the media. All the major networks had camera crews on the scene.

“ Oh wow! I wasn’t expecting all of this! “
Mom said assuming that they were there to witness her case, being the local celebrity that she thought that she was.

She sat in the row directly in the row behind the defense table, along beside about 10 other defendants.
Mom looked down the row sort of sizing them all up. Most looked between the ages of early 20’s to 30 years old, though all attractively dressed looked to possibly being good slave like material.
They all glanced over at mom as she sat down beside them.

“ Wonder what she did? “

“ Ain’t she kind of old for this shit? “

“ Can’t believe she’s not wearing a bra! “

“ Really?…We’re all gonna get naked with her? “

“ They’ll probably have to pay someone to purchase her off the block! “

Yeah they wasn’t expecting a 40 plus year old Milf to be in slave court with them.

A loud whistle distracted the entire crowd.

“ Mrs. Jones!…I can’t wait to see you take it all off! “

Mom looks back and up into the gallery to see a young 20 something year old guy looking right at her.
It was a guy name Andy that had been renting an apartment from her for years. She smiles and waved at him.
Mom turns back around smiles and starts to gloat as she crossed her sexy booted legs.

“ I still got it! “
She says to herself as all the women looked her way with shocked expressions.

“ Really? That guy thinks she’s hot? “

Moms got her good points as the AC kicks on the vents blow downward onto the women that faced a court ordered enslavements. Mom’s thick puffy nipples grew rock hard and poked easily through her all ready sweaty thin blouse that kind of molded itself to her big breasts.
She crossed her legs and hiked up her skirt a little more, showing off her soft pale thigh to the men looking over towards her and the other women.

Just as you’d expect most of the spectators were men wanting to see a preview of the cunts that would soon be hitting the block.
But the first to be tried was a total surprise. Two bailiffs escorted a young man in handcuffs wearing a thousand dollar 3 piece suit and a Rolex watch. His thick blonde hair was slicked back.
Seeing him definitely turned mom on.

“ Oh I’m so wet! “
She said as she was tempted to slip her hand down the front of her skirt.

Mom being locked up for so long was sort of out of the loop on what was going on, but the exquisitely dressed young stud was none other than Thomas Kinkaid the third. Formally of the Kinksid slave company.

The problem with Thomas is that he’d gone rouge against the family business and for many years now had been an anti slave advocate. He’d used his law degree from Yale to go on his own to defend young women that faced a future of bondage. And surprisingly he was quite successful at building a firm that freed hundreds of them. Even doing it for many for free.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with this. It’s how the game is played, but unfortunately the young progressive is taken things further than what the law allows by financing radical groups that break in and steal slaves and get them new identities. Through means of plastic surgery and rebranding’s a stolen slave can be changed into a free woman.

He’s also been linked to organizations that break into slave companies finances on Wall Street and shorts there stocks causing them to free fall and bankrupt many of them.

It’s obvious that Thomas has been a bad boy.

In social circles Thomas is a rock star to the point of being a teenage heart throb to thousands of women. All of them owe him a tremendous debt. And for a long time now it’s been on the agenda of the slave barons and law enforcement to get him off the streets and into a collar.
And up until recently he’d been one step ahead of law enforcement. But in a moment of carelessness they pulled him over driving his Bentley and found a super hero outfit tucked away in the trunk that closely resembles a Bat Man costume.

Yeah Thomas was that guy, the one going throughout the night creating havoc as he broke out and freed enslaved women.
The prosecution team was confident with the evidence against him. So confident they even let his defense team pick the all woman jury that had been deliberating his faith.

Unfortunately though because of his movie star good looks there time in the jury room turned into nothing more than a masturbation session.

The bailiff walked into the front of the courtroom.

“ All rise! “
He shouts out with authority.

Everyone leaps to there feet as the honorable Carlos Medows enters the courtroom. The tall black man wearing the judges robe walks in and takes his seat behind the bench.

“ You all may be seated. “
He said with a nod to the audience.

“ Ladies of the jury, you may leave to the jury room. “

And for the fifth day in a row the women all got up from there seats to walk out.
And as they did the courtroom was filled with the smell of almost Wild sexual desire.
The smell of pussy was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Many of the reporters raced outside to give a live report on the goings on with the jury.
A lady bailiff gets up with a can of room deodorizer to try to clear the air. The courtroom stunk as bad as a French brothel in Paris.

“ Holy shit!…The cushions from the jury’s seats were even wet! “
An onlooking woman said announcing to the crowd.

Thomas’s attorney smiles with pride.

“ Don’t worry! We got this one in the bag! “
He boasted arrogantly as he slapped Thomas on the back.

Mom and the defendants that sat to her side started undressing the well dressed stud with their eyes.

“ It’s so hot in here! “
A woman cries out from the audience.

Another bailiff gets up and lowers the thermostat to a crisp 57 degrees.
And that wasn’t enough to curb the slave like heat that was quickly building.

Mom leans back and unbuttoned 2 more buttons of her sweaty thin blouse.

“ Getting Hot?…Hu? “
A bailiff said standing at her side, looking down her blouse.

She looks to her right, seeing his cock bulging from his tightly fitted uniform pants.

“ I sure am! “
She again crossed her legs beneath his watchful eyes her leather boot squeaked as she flexed her confined foot.

“ Think it would be all right if I went ahead and took my boots off? “
She said seductively.
She then watched as his bulge flexed with desire for her.

“ No I’ll be glad to do it for you, when your found guilty. “

“ You promise? “

He just smiles with a nod.

Seeing that just made moms day.
Her and the younger bailiff start to converse between themselves.

“ Are you married? “

“ No Are you? “

The defendants at her side all looked on with shocked looks as mom and the bailiff discussed hooking up almost as if they were sitting in a bar together and not a courtroom.

When she admitted that she loved being fucked in the power driven position by a dominant man. Chatter breaks out between the others.

“ I can’t believe he wants her and not us! “

“ Why don’t y’all just get a room? “

Yeah again mom was stealing the show. She casually reached into her purse for a business card.

“ If I don’t get enslaved please give me a call. “

He looks at the card.

“ Your a realtor? “

“ Yeah but if you need a place and you fuck me right, I might just let you move in with me. “

“ Lady don’t say that!…I might just take you up on that! “

He watched her eyes as she again looks towards his bulge.
She then slides from her seat and right there in the isle of the crowded courtroom she falls to her knees, and quickly reached for his belt. Quickly she unbuckled it went for the button and zipper of his pants opening and pulling his underwear down enough to free his bulging uncut cock. She quickly grasped it pulling his for skin back, opening her mouth wide she goes down on him just like a slave craving cock, looking into his eyes with desire.

Everyone gathered around and watched.

“ Hey bring that camera over here! “
A young woman reporter yells out.

Yeah mom might make the evening news after all as she plays out her own XXX rated fantasy right there in the courtroom.

Slurp…Slurp…Slurp! She goes deep throating his mule sized cock. The Tv camera zooms in as mom snatched his uniform pants and underwear down to his knees. She reached under her skirt fingering herself and with her own wetness she quickly shoved 3 fingers up his tight little hole.

The audience gasped seeing his body shake. He tightened his grip on her head as his cock pulsed uncontrollably with her fingers rubbing his prostate.

And just as the jury walks in he explodes filling mom’s mouth to the point of drowning her. As she comes up for air she pulls her blouse open, buttons pop off as her big tits are revealed to the audience.
The bailiff grabs his cock and pumps it frantically coating her tits and chest, cum runs out her open mouth dripping from her chin.

“ Bailiff!…Can’t you see the jury is in? “
The judge yells from the bench.

“ Oh I’m sorry your honor! “
He said red faced as he quickly pulled his pants back up to regain his more professional composure.

“ Call me. “
Mom says to him in a whisper as she licked her lips getting back to her seat, pulling her blouse back around her tits, she wiped the cum from her face and neck licking it seductively as the judge turned to face the jury.
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Re: Smugglers Blues

Post by mikey22 »

The jury all takes there seats, the courtroom is silent as the suspense builds.
Finally the judge looks towards the jury box.

“ Ladies of the jury, have you reached a verdict? “

“ Yes your honor we have. “
The cute young blonde jury Forman said, as she held a sealed envelope up.

The bailiff walks up and takes the envelope from her hand, then immediately delivers it to the judge.

Who then put on his reading glasses and tore open the envelope, took out the folded piece of paper, and carefully red it to himself.
He then folded the paper back up handed it back to the bailiff who returned it to the jury Forman.

“ You may read the verdict now. “
The judge says to her.

She takes a moment to cough and clear her throat as she steps up to a microphone while unfolding the paper.

“ We the jury find the defendant Thomas Kincade the third guilty as charged. “

The silence of the courtroom was interrupted by gasps of shock, and chatter among the audience.
Thomas looks at his attorney while breaking out into a sweat himself.

“ I thought this one was in the bag?…I thought you knew how to read a jury?…Shit! I’d been better off representing myself. “

“ Don’t worry none we can appeal this. “
He then looks back up to the bench.

“ Your honor Id like to request an Immediate bond hearing, so my client can go free until beyond the date of sentencing an until the appeal process plays out. “

“ That request is denied, just like your previous bond request was at the time of his request. “

“ But your honor! “
The attorney yells out in a tone of anger.

The judge just raised his hand, letting him know without saying to quit running your fucking dick sucker.

“ The sentencing will be right now. “

“ But your honor please! “
The attorney begs.

By this time Thomas was pouring sweat, he wiped his braw with a handkerchief before loosening his tie slightly.

Under most circumstances a bond may be set, but the judge here knows that Thomas has the means to flee the country and disappear.

The audience again goes silent as they wait anticipating the sentence.

The judge looks down on to him.

“ Thomas Kincade the third. This court will sentence you to 40 years and a day enslavement.”

Another gasp breaks out across the courtroom.

“ You will be placed into the custody of the department of agriculture, and they will determine where and how your enslavement will proceed. “

The slave formally known as Thomas Kencade the Third just stood there in shock with his mouth agape.

“ Slave you may remove your clothes now! “
The judge ordered.

“ Your honor please don’t strip the man here! “
His attorney again begged.

Usually a man is allowed the dignity of keeping his clothes until he reaches the slave processing center.
But the judge here feels that the severity of the crimes here against the institution of slavery is much to severe to not take full advantage of making an example out of this son of a bitch.
After all he’s been making a mockery of slave courts all across the country for years.

And so now it’s time for the courts to get a little revenge at his expense.

Also it’s customary for a woman to be stripped publicly in court, cause most are beautiful and appealing to the eyes.

So who would want to see a man stripped slave naked?

The answer to that is primarily the 12 jurors that sat there horny as Hell in the jury box.

Yep the attorney definitely red this jury wrong, thinking that an all woman jury would find him innocent, mainly because of his good deeds of being pro bono representing young women who faced enslavement. Along with his anti slave activism that happened to be the reason for his crimes.

The horny juice mixed in the water cooler in the jury room also might have had something to do with it also.

At the moment Thomas was obviously not in a hurry to get slave naked, and just loosening his tie to unbutton the collar of his shirt ain’t gonna cut it.

The judge looks over to the two bailiffs which was one man and one woman.
They look at one another, the man with his hand gestures towards the slave.

“ Go ahead he’s all yours. “

“ Thank you. “
She said with a beaming smile.

Slave world is a pretty diverse place, things like gender, race are pretty much represented fairly among the employees.
But they are not yet woke like we are in the real world, where 100 plus different types of pronouns are crammed down the throats of all us simple minded ignorant peasants by the progressively leftest elites and. The Gods of government, along with the media that rules over us.
So there was not yet a reason to hire on a flamboyant faggot to strip the stud slaves.

But that one lady bailiff didn’t even get two steps towards the newly enslaved stud. Before the women from the jury box started climbing over the railing to get at him.

“ Lord have mercy! “
The court reporter cries out.

The judge starts hammering away with his gavel on the bench.

“ Order in the court…Order in the court…Order in the court! “
He yells angrily.

But it’s no use as the women just tore the clothes from the slaves body while undressing themselves at the same time.
Fist fights breaks out between the women, as they argue over who’s gonna get fucked first.
All Hell breaking loose might even be an understatement as this shit show continued.

Finally enough bailiffs and security were rounded up to get some order back. Along side Thomas the slave who was now on his knees with his head bowed.
The 12 women of the jury all received a six week enslavement for contempt of court.
Being that most were naked or stripped down to there sexy lingerie there was not much yet to do than bonding there wrists, gagging and collaring them.

“ Courts adjourned for one hour! “
The judge said as he makes his way towards his chambers for a little fresh air and a stiff drink.

All that while the slaves were led naked from the courthouse and paraded around the town’s square, before the walk down State street to the corner of Slave and Bondage road, where the intimidating brick building known as the department of agriculture stood with the front doors open and waiting.

If I’ve not said it in previous stories the slave office is just like the morgue it’s open 24 hours 7 days a week.

You can’t get better service than that.

The courtroom pretty much cleared out, being that most everyone wanted to see the slave parade. All that was left was mom along with the 10 defendants beside her. And a handful of scouts that wanted to watch them be enslaved, so they could possibly be the firsts to bid on them whenever the auction would be posted.

The janitor comes in with a dust mop, pushing all the discarded clothing to the side of the room, and assumes there will be much more.
He stopped for a moment and picked up a pair of pantyhose and started sniffing the crotch.

One of the defendants leaped from her seat to collect the lime green speedo that the slave formally known as Thomas Kincaide the Third had worn minutes before. The women took turns including mom at inhaling the aroma of his many musky and sweaty stench.

Yeah they stunk like a filthy cock, a matter a fact the entire court room still stunk like the locker room of your junior high school.
The doors were propped open and more fans were brought in to clear the air.

Mom looks at her watch counting down the minutes of the hour. She looks at the row of women wondering whose case would be first?
She wonders if there all seated in order?
Will the judge go from left to right? Or right to left?

If it’s from right to left mom would be first.
She doesn’t mind being first she over her shoulder at the dwindling crowd.

“ Why ain’t there any media to watch me being stripped live? “

“ Don’t these people know who I am? “

Yeah mom still thinks she’s a big deal.
But nothing to her is more disappointing than what happened next.

A bailiff comes back in and drops in the laps of each defendant a little card.

One of them picks up the card.

“ What is this? “
She asks with a puzzled expression.

“ That’s a get out of slave world free card. Y’all’s cases have been dismissed, y’all free to go. “

You could tell mom wasn’t happy about this.

Her face turns red with anger as she snarls that cute little pug nose, while clenching her dentures together. Of course she growled and starts mumbling talking to herself.

“ Damnit!!!!…Whenever am I gonna get to be a real slave? “
Mom mumbling as she exits the courtroom to hunt for a pay phone to call Cheryl so she can get a ride home.

While she waits she walks out of the courthouse and gets a cup of coffee from a food truck. She then walks down to the Department of Agriculture and lights her a cigarette as she stares at the statue of that naked kneeling slave.

“ Someday…Maybe someday I can be a slave again “
She says with hope.

Yep mom again falls through the narrow cracks of slave world to go back to her usual dull life to live among the free and suffer.

A few weeks later.

It was a Saturday afternoon after waking up from being drunk the night before she stumbled across the house casually dressed in nothing but a tee shirt.

Misty was laid across the couch watching Tv. With the channel was on MTv.

Mom sort of just stood there lifting her shirt slightly to scratch her crotch.

“ Why don’t you go take a shower? Wash and shave your cunt? You might feel better?…For sure you’d smell better! “

Misty said in her way of letting mom know that her pussy stank.
She for sure is not bashful about things like that.

Mom ignored her as usual as she got caught up in this video that played called the smugglers blues.

Mom points to the Tv.

“ That’s the guy! “

“ What guy? “
Misty asks her directly.

“ The guy I was gonna meet with that suitcase full of dope! “

“ Mom that’s Glen Fry from the Eagles! “
Misty points out.

“ Yeah I know! That was the guy! “

The video continues showing him and a woman sitting at a table being questioned by the police.

“ See there! That’s just like it happened! That should be me sitting there with him in the video. “

“ Mom that’s his wife in the video! “

“ It is?…He’s married? “

“ Yes mom he’s married! “

“ Well Shit! Guess I can forget about that one to! “

“ Mom Glen Fry does not know you! That was just some sleazy drug dealer that got you caught up in that bull shit! You know you’re really lucky you didn’t get enslaved over that! “

Yep that’s Misty at only 16 years old. Sounds mature as if she’s the one that should be in the mom’s roll. Doesn’t she?

“ Now if you’re not gonna go take a shower? Can’t you at least go put some clothes on? I got company coming over and I don’t want them going to school telling everyone that my mom goes around flaunting her fucking cunt at everyone! “
Misty says pointing up at her with her finger.

Mom sort of shrugs her shoulders goes back to her room for some clean clothes and makes her way towards the bathroom for a much needed shower.

The End
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