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Acccidental Slavery

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Acccidental Slavery

Post by cardman314 »

By Cardman314
(This was part of two short stories that were set in the time following the 34th Amendment legalizing slavery. The original was a rush job and really deserved to be expanded. I started over so if you didn’t read the first one, you will still have a complete story. I hope you enjoy as I am going to try to be more descriptive like ‘Joe’ and ‘Carl’, my inspiration. Any similarity between these characters and anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are 18+.)
The main title is a subsection of that amendment which allows for self-enslavement, commonly known as the “Betelgeuse” rule throughout the industry, but generally considered to be a myth within the general population. The 34th Amendment, Article 5, section c. states “Pursuant to this subsection, anyone, who in any manner, exhibits any interest in life as a slave and openly declares someone as ‘Master or Mistress’ three times, or confesses themselves to be a slave or want to be a slave, the afore-mentioned three times, is hereby enslaved to their Master or Mistress for a period of 4 years.”

“What’s in the box, Sally?” asked Tara, her BFF and next-door neighbor. She looked curiously at the ornate, mahogany box Sally was carrying. The corners of the box were shiny brass. The lid was inlaid with a sterling silver script which read, ‘FOREVER YOURS’.
“Is anyone home besides you?” Sally asked nervously looking around.
“No, come on in, it’s just me. Dad is out of town and Mom went to a matinee with a couple of her girlfriends. She said she’d be home around 4 and then we could go for pizza. Why the drama?”
“My sister just finished her voluntary, 4-year indenture as a nanny to Mr. Flynn, that handsome, young widower. She looked after his two, young daughters during the day while he was working and generally did everything their mom used to do, and I do mean, ‘EVERYTHING’. He proposed the day she was freed and she said, ‘yes’. They just got back from their honeymoon and she said she was coming by to pick up some of her clothes. I was rummaging through her stuff to see if there was anything I could wear and I found this box in her lingerie drawer. She won’t need these anymore,” and opened the box to reveal a beautiful, stainless, slave collar and matching wrist and ankle cuffs. She set the red velvet-lined box carefully on the kitchen counter and pulled out the collar and remote.
“Whoa, that is the classiest set I have ever seen. They look very expensive. I guess if you own multiple car dealerships, you can afford nice stuff for your slaves,” Tara replied. “Look at the ornate, scroll work all over this stuff.”
“I know, right? There’s a complete set in here, the collar, USB recharging cord, wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, butt plug, and Ben Wa balls. Do you want to try them on? I’ve been playing with them in my bedroom for about an hour and they really are a turn-on.”
“I don’t think so, those things are dangerous.”
“Nah, like I said, I was playing with them before I walked over here and the magnetic clasps are easily separated. Watch, I’ll do it.” Sally slipped the cuffs on her wrists and there was a mild click as the halves snapped together. A quick tug and off they came. “See, nothing to worry about. I even tried locking and unlocking them with the remote and it works perfectly. I’ll put the remote away and you can just try them on with the magnetic clasp.” Sally tipped her head and gave a little pouty look at Tara.
Tara finally caved to Sally’s request and said, “Okay, I guess.”
“Great, STRIP, slave girl,” Sally giggled, “Let’s see how well you remember your slave yoga from school.”
“You’re not going to take advantage of me, are you?”
“Of course, I am and then you can take advantage of me,” Sally said, while wiggling her hips and grinning.
Tara slipped quickly out her clothes and assume the “Present” position. At the “Collar” command, she lifted her hair and Sally slipped it on and kissed her full on the lips. Tara tried to kiss her back but Sally pushed away laughing and said, “Put all the cuffs on, I want to take your picture then I’ll try them. You look gorgeous. Are you feeling anything?”
Tara twirled around and around, waving her arms in a sensual way like she was trying to hypnotize a sultan saying, “These make me feel like a bewitching harem girl. They are kind of fun.”
“Well, cast your spell upon me, slave,” implored Sally, as she lifted her skirt, dropped her panties and sat down with her legs spread.
Tara crawled over and began to pleasure Sally, being deliberate to edge her over and over, until Sally begged her for release.
“You’re the real slave here, a slave to sex.”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Sally shouted as her release finally came.
Tara giggled and said, “Your turn! Tara unclipped the cuffs and the collar, putting them in the box and got dressed again except for her panties and shorts.
Sally couldn’t wait to get her face in Tara’s slit and was naked and in collar and cuffs before Tara finished dressing. She smiled at Tara and said, “Okay, get a couple of pictures first, and smiled for the camera in Tara’s phone.
“Hey, who’s the slave, you please me first then we’ll see if you deserve to have your picture taken. Did you bring the clip that locks the cuffs together, I want you cuffed like a real slave girl. BACK HANDS!” Sally giggled and followed her ‘slave poses’ training from high school as Tara clip the cuffs together.
“Yes, Mistress, may I please you now?” ….and please her, she did. Afterwards she got dressed but left the collar and cuffs on. “I want to wear them a little longer. They make me feel valuable, like a treasure to be opened. Here let me show you something cool,” as she picked up the remote. “I’m going to say, ‘I love you.’ She pushed the button and “N- g-h N-n-g-g-h-h-h N-n-g-h!” came out in perfect pony-ese.
Tara couldn’t catch her breath from laughing so hard.
“That’s not all, ‘……………’, automatic silencer, no need for Devox spray. Here’s a really fun one, ‘I love you’ but it came out like she had been breathing helium, all high and squeaky.
Tara lost it again. “How much have you been playing with this stuff; do you want to be a slave?” asked Tara.
“Do I want to be a slave? (beep) I don’t think so but my sister didn’t mind it and look where she ended up. Did you hear a sound?
“I think it was the wind chimes by the outside kitchen door.”
“If I decided that I want to be a slave (beep), I’d want to be able to choose my Master like my sister did. Hmmm, it wasn’t windy when I came over here. Are you sure that’s what it was?”
“It could have been the smoke detector doing a battery check, I suppose, I probably should put new ones in as it’s been a while since the last change.”
“What do you think? Am I slave girl material?
“Most definitely,” quipped Tara with a smile as she kissed Sally on the forehead.
“So, I’m a slave girl, huh?” Beep! Beep! Beep! Clunk! and the pocking pins in the collar and cuffs sprung home. “What was that?”
“I think it came from your collar. You’d better get it off.”
Sally pulled on the cuffs but they wouldn’t budge. The collar was the same.
“Quick, try unlocking them using the remote,” suggested Tara.
Sally picked up the remote. Nothing changed, she was still locked in. “What happened? I’m scared. Let’s go get my mom.”
Grabbing the box and remote the two of them scurried out the kitchen door and ran across the back yard into Sally’s back yard and slipped into the house. “Mom, help!”
Sally’s mom, Dee, (short for Delores), came up from the laundry room carrying a basket of clothes. “What’s all the commotion? Here, help me put the clothes away.” It was when she looked up that she saw the collar and cuffs. “OMG, what have you done?”
“I don’t know, I was just showing Tara how they worked but now they won’t come off?”
“Did they beep by any chance?”
“Yes, but we thought it was the wind chimes. What is it, mom?”
“I think you have somehow invoked the ‘Betelgeuse’ rule by accident and now have enslaved yourself.”
“Betelgeuse? I thought that was just a myth. I can’t be enslaved; I start my freshman year at the community college September 10th. What can we do?”
“Let me call the Texas Board of Agriculture and Enslavement and see what can be done.” 10 minutes later, Sally’s mom put down the phone. “We have to go to the Ag board right away. A runaway slave BOLO has already been issued; we’ve got to hurry. Get in the car.”
Just as they were backing out of the driveway, Sonja, Sally’s sister pulled up in front of the house.
“Leave your car there and jump in here with us, we’re in a hurry. I’ll tell you all about it on the way,” said Dee.
“Does this have anything to do with a call I got from the Ag Board asking if I would like to register my new slave? When I told him I didn’t have a new slave, he just hung up on me.” She glanced over at Tara and Sally and gasped, “Why are you wearing my slave collar and cuffs? Tell me you didn’t self-enslave.”
“We are afraid she may have,” replied Dee, “It’s very complicated.” Hearing all of this caused Sally to finally breakdown in tears, only to be comforted by Tara and Sonja.
Arriving at the Ag Board itself was a relief. They had managed to avoid being stopped by any slave catchers, which would really have made a mess of things. Dee approached the window in the lobby and asked, “Where is the enslavement department, please?”
“Second floor, end of the hall,” the clerk said without ever looking up.
Opening the door to the office, they were greeted by the manager, Mr. Hansen, who asked, “Who did I talk to on the phone a few minutes ago?”
“I called you,” said Dee.
“Does the collar belong to you?”
“No, sir, it is my old collar,” replied Sonja. My sister, Sally is the one who put it on.”
“Then you must be Sonja Benkstrom, is that right?”
“Yes, sir, except I’m Sonja Flynn now. I married my master immediately after manumission.”
“Here’s the issue. Everyone listen carefully. I first have to determine if all of the conditions of self-enslavement have been met. You put on the collar and cuffs so you have obviously expressed, at least a passing interest, in slavery. That satisfies the first clause of section 5. Did you declare yourself to be a slave or call someone Master or Mistress three times?
“No, I didn’t,” exclaimed Sally.
“Okay, let’s check. Let’s see what went wrong.” With that he plugged a cord dangling from his computer into Sally’s collar and said, “The sensors in the collar record every enslavement confession, so let’s listen.” He hit ‘replay enslavement statements.’ The computer speakers played it back: “Do I want to be a slave? (beep)’ If I want to be a slave (beep), So, I’m a slave girl, huh?” Beep! Beep! Beep! Clunk!” “Now that’s interesting. The sensor couldn’t tell the difference between a question and a declaration. That’s a glitch that needs to be rectified immediately.”
“I am going to have to talk to Cesare over at the U.S. Department of Involuntary Servitude (USDIS) and see what he has to say and what he recommends be done about this. I am also going to cancel the BOLO so you won’t have to worry about slave catchers chasing you around. Just wait here a few minutes, I’ll be right back.”
Manager Hansen spent a good 20 minutes talking to Cesare and told him about the malfunctioning of the sensors’ analysis. Cesare told him it was clearly a case of involuntary servitude and he should remove the collar and cuffs unless Sonja and Sally were willing to go through with the program that they proposed. Cesare agreed to notify IT support to look into glitchy collar software.
The minutes passed like hours and Sally would have been in tears if Tara wasn’t cuddling her and Sonja wasn’t holding her hand. Everyone brightened up when Manager Hansen came back in the room with a bunch of papers in his hands and a smile on his face.
“Okay, there is good news and there is bad news and there is good news and then there is possibly better news but that depends on all of you. Cesare says that you did not enslave yourself under the ‘Betelgeuse’ rule so we could get a tech to remove the cuffs and collar for $100. But here’s the bad news, according to Article 5, section e of the 34th Amendment, the punishment for unauthorized use of enslavement devices is branding as a criminal and 6-months enslavement minimum. Then here’s the good news, Cesare said since the ‘unauthorized use’ was accidental not malicious, like trying to enslave someone else, we won’t have to brand you as a criminal and you will only have to serve the minimum sentence of six months of slavery to your sister, who owns the collar you put on. There isn’t any point in removing the collar you have now as I would just have to issue a government one anyways, and that one is very beautiful.”
Everyone looked at each other in astonishment and confusion. “So, I am going to have to be a real slave for six months anyways. Is that what you are saying?” asked Sally.
“Yes, I am afraid that’s true. Now the question becomes, as with a firearm or other dangerous items, who allowed access to the collar and cuffs? Do I have to send Sonja to criminal court?” Mr. Hansen paused to let the gravity of the situation sink in. “Sally, come over here and please stop crying, I’m not going to arrest Sonja and send her to slave court.” As Sally approached, he took her in his arms and tried to reassure her that things would be okay. “I talked to Cesare (USDIS) and he and I came up with a proposal that will benefit everyone and educate people that still think the ‘Betelgeuse’ rule is a myth. It could save a lot of people grief and prevent some young life from being ruined. Are you interested?
“I’ll do anything to help Sonja, sir.”
“Here’s the proposal, first we issue a SIN and then register you as Sonja’s slave. Second, you will have to get graded, fingerprinted and photographed for the National Slave Registry. Then over the next 6 months, we will film a series of short public service announcements, (PSA’s), warning others of the dangers of playing with enslavement devices, or even pretending at being a slave. We should have done this when the Amendment was first passed. It would have prevented several accidental enslavements. Anyways Cesare has money in his budget he has to commit to spending before the fiscal year ends in October or they will reduce his budget next year, stupid government bureaucracy. So, here’s the deal, starting now in July through December, you and Sonja will earn $2,000 each for each episode. Sonja will receive a $5,000 signing bonus if she signs this contract with the USDIS. Upon completion of these steps, you will be Sonja’s slave. When your service to us is over, you will be granted immediate manumission, unless of course, Sonja wants to keep you or sell you,” he said with a smirk looking into Sally’s eyes.
She simply nodded and smiled back, “Uh, Mr. Hansen, how many videos would I have to shoot?”
“Just one a month, so July, August, September, October, November, and December. At the end, you’d have $12,000 waiting for you in a trust fund and Sonja would have $17,000 and it’s all tax free.”
Mr. Hansen turned to the Benkstrom family and asked, “Well, what do you think? You should decide this as a family matter but let me tell you the rules Sally would have to abide by, if you all agree to help us: 1. Slave naked except at Sonja’s choosing, 2. Collar must be visible at all times, even if clothes allowed, 3. Daily ‘slave yoga’, 4. Complete subservience and instant obedience to all free persons, and 5. Failure to film all six announcements requires that all moneys paid to date must be returned plus a 20% fine. I’m going to go out for 10 minutes so you can talk it over.”
As soon as the door closed, the discussion began in earnest. Sonja piped up first, “I’m game, that’s for sure. I could use extra hands around the house with the kids. We don’t need the money, so I’d add my share to Sally’s trust fund.”
“Well, as embarrassing as it would be, if I have to be a slave anyways for 6 months, I may as well get paid for it.”
Tara added, “Gee, would you let me walk your slave on a leash to our community college in the fall, Sonja?”
“No way,” snapped Sally, “I could never live that down. I’d be so embarrassed. Besides, I only have to obey my Mistress.”
Dee stepped in, “Mr. Hansen said you’d have to obey any free person. Think about that….and the money, of course.”
Sally did think about that and the more she thought about it, the hotter she got. “Well, I have to get graded anyways someday for other college loans if I want to go on with my studies, why not do it and pick up an extra $29,000 in the meantime. Besides, it may prevent someone from making the same silly mistake. Are you okay with it, Mom.”
“I think it will be a great learning and humbling experience and build a stronger bound between you and Sonja.”
“Oh wow, you have guts, girlfriend. I’ve got your back if anyone gets out of hand,” Tara said, then gave Sally a big kiss.
When Mr. Hansen returned, he was elated to hear the good news. “Let’s hurry and get to the vet down the hall, then you can go to get graded. There is a ‘Sam, the Slave Man’ shop in the mall so you get your grading done in private rather than be put on public display at Longhorn’s or HCI.
You can all wait in the hall outside the vet’s office, except Sonja, as she has a contract to sign. There are some benches there, so make yourselves comfortable. This should only take 10 minutes. I think she deserves some privacy her last few minutes as a free woman….you know, the whole breast chip and shots thing.”
The vet greeted Sally and told her to fold over her lower lip. A quick but painful zap with a handheld laser and she had her Slave Identification Number, 0720-6233. Sally answered a few quick questions, which the vet encoded onto her chip, including her SIN and sister’s name as her rightful owner, then injected it under her skin next to her right breast. She uploaded the information to the National Slave Registry and Sally was done….almost.
Doc Lily said, “Okay, drop your shorts and panties, I have to give you your shots, the first is to prevent pregnancy for up to one year and the second is a special concoction of ‘horny juice’ to help you get the Prime grade you deserve.”
Sally smiled broadly and whispered, “Thank you, Mistress. May this humble slave worship your body, Mistress”.
“Normally, I’d be honored to let you but I have a dinner date so, you are done, 233, now get dressed and get out of here.”
Sally dressed and gave Doc a big kiss on the way out.
As they were leaving, Mr. Hansen called out, “Sonja, bring your slave here, 10 a.m., Thursday, and we’ll shoot the first Public Service Announcement.”
As they all piled into the car, Tara pulled out her cell phone and called her mom. “Hi Mom, how was the movie? (Pause).. that lame, huh? That’s too bad. Hey, the reason I called is, Sally is getting graded today and I want to go with her for support. Can I get a rain check on our pizza date? (Pause)…. Really, that’s great! Thanks, Mom. You’re the best. I love you. See you later.” Tara could barely control her excitement. Mom suggested that I get graded too rather than wait until after community college. I have my own credit card but if they ask for a sponsor since my mom can’t be here, will you help me Mrs. Benkstrom?
“I’d be glad to sell you into slavery, Tara,” responded Mrs. ‘B’ with a wink and everyone laughed, which eased the tension of the moment greatly.
Traffic was light before the traditional ‘rush hour’ and they reached the mall just at 4 o’clock when most of the people started to head home for dinner. Sonja started fishing around looking for something to use as a leash. Mrs. ‘B’ indicated that there might be some rope in the trunk and sure enough there was. It was just long enough to thread through the ring on the collar and have about 6-8 feet for a lead.
“Let’s start breaking you in right,” said Sonja, “STRIP”.
Sally’s eyes got as big as saucers but she didn’t dare hesitate and was standing naked next to the car in the parking garage in less than a minute. Tara took the opportunity to slap Sally on the ass and then kiss it as Sonja finish connecting the leash.
“Heel!” and off they went in search of Sam the Slaveman. They passed a middle-aged couple and the man reached over and gave Sally’s right tit a squeeze and got punched hard on the arm by his wife. He smiled to let the world know it was worth the pain, not knowing he was headed for the couch tonight if he didn’t perform in bed.
They found the entrance to Sam’s to be baren. The decal signage on the glass door had a decorative, full-color Shibari image of a woman suspended upside-down but the display window was empty except for a spanking bench and a locker. That seemed weird to all of them.
“Here we are for your big moment, girls. Are you ready?” asked Mrs. ‘B’.
Sally was oh-so-ready, she was practically dripping. Tara not so much, as she was shaking slightly wondering if she could get aroused enough to get a ‘Prime’ grade. Without a doubt, both girls were cute enough and their bodies trim enough from playing field hockey in high school helped. Being blondes, having perky, 34C tits on their 5’4 frames certainly added to their appeal but physical assets were only part of the evaluation. For example, a nice-looking girl, who you would think would grade ‘Choice’ could easily get ‘Prime(–)’ if she displayed sufficient sultriness and ‘slave heat’. Tara enjoyed sex and was easily aroused but in her troubled mind, it wasn’t truly ‘slave heat’, was it?
Sally practically dragged Sonja into the store. Sonja jerked the leash and spun Sally around. “Listen up, slave girl, you are always supposed to hold the door open for others. Now go back out there and hold it for Tara and Mom or I’ll show you what that bench in the window is for.”
“Yes, Mistress,” she replied as she bound back out the door, barely avoiding Sonja’s swipe at her bare ass.
Once they were all inside, they realized that the saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover” definitely applied to this place. It was amazing. The owners had taken out the wall between the stores when the store next door had gone out of business during “the time of the troubles”. Every manner of device and equipment were on display for pleasure, control, restraint and discipline on the walls and on the floor. Even some were suspended from the ceiling. Display cases showcased an array of collars, cuffs, chastity devices, slave jewelry, stimulators, shock batons, gags, etc. Items to numerous and tempting to list. Sonja squeezed her thighs together as memories of her adventures during her time in her collar came flooding back as she, with her eyes closed, fondled her left nipple ring.
“Welcome to Sam the Slaveman’s,” chirped the bubbly salesgirl, Linda, snapping Sonja’s mind back into the present moment. “Are you here to sell your slave girl today?”
“Uh, no just looking to get these two officially graded,” nodding towards Sally and Tara.
Linda was minorly bummed out at not getting a big commission, at least, not right now. She knew that her store had the highest conversion rate from grading to enslavement in the corporation and would continue if she didn’t get too greedy. Linda just donned a big smile and asked to scan everyone’s chips.
Sonja pushed Sally forward as Linda lifted up her scanner and touched her right breast. “Ping! Got it.” Linda looked stunned but didn’t skip a beat as she stated, “Sally Benkstrom, slave, age 18, 5’4”, 115 pounds, blonde, shots current, self-enslaved, today, July 20, 2030, owner Sonja Flynn. Is that information, correct?” Sally almost made the mistake of answering but Sonja slapped her butt and said, “Yes, it is.”
“Okay, who’s next?”
Sonja unbuttoned her shirt and stepped forward.
“Ping! Okay, it says here Sonja Flynn, free woman, age 22, 5’6”, 120 pounds, blonde, shots expired, self-enslaved as Sonja Benkstrom, manumitted July 6, 2030 by Robert Flynn. Oh, wow! You married your Master just two weeks ago. Is that right?”
“Yes, we just got back from our honeymoon yesterday.”
“Well, congratulations,” she smiled warmly. “Who’s next?”
“Neither Tara or Mrs. Benkstrom are chipped so Tara is starting from scratch.”
“Mrs. Benkstrom, don’t you want to be graded with your daughter? That could make a really cool ‘Mother-Daughter Day” memory. The whole procedure only takes 20 minutes once I set up the booths. We run on very low staffing levels as we are the newest and most high-tech organization in the whole slave industry. I can even give you a group discount on everything. You’ll be out of here in plenty of time for dinner and you’ll feel great, guaranteed! Come over to my counter and I’ll figure it out for you.”
The front of the counter had a beautiful, ornately stylized Sam the Slaveman logo running vertically down the face. Two gradings with laser SIN, chips, photos, fingerprints and shaving….Mrs. Benkstrom, yours is free, comes to $300 plus tax. Basic slave jewelry set is $60 each, again I’ll comp your mom’s if she wants them, Sonja.”
“What’s in the basic set?” asked Sonja.
“Just the nipple rings and the clitoral hood ring. Nose, bellybutton and labia rings are extra.”
“So, with tax, it’s about $450, I’d guess. I just got a big check today so it’s my treat ladies, or should I say ‘slaves’. She turned to the girls and her mom and opened her shirt to show her rings. “I have the other one too and it’s my favorite and Robert’s too. You’ll love them.”
Sonja and Sally both smiled and pleaded with their mom, saying how cool it would be as a family to all be graded and what a surprise Dad was going to get. Besides it was free. Even Tara begged her as she could be Tara’s emotional support and help her with her initial uneasiness while being graded.
Elaine Benkstrom finally caved to the pleading looks of her daughters and Tara’s nervous squeezing of her hand. “Oh, all right, what do we have to do?
“I just need to create an entry for you and Tara to get your SIN numbers, put you in inventory, give Sonja the claim tickets and we can start. Here’s a bag, now STRIP. Everything, clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. in the bag. You have 60 seconds or earn a punishment, three spanks in the front window for every 5 seconds you’re late. Go!” The big timer on the wall started is threatening countdown. The women were frantic but Sonja, Sally, and Linda just laughed. Sally was really glad she was already naked so she could just watch.
Outer clothes were no problem but Elaine and Tara stared at each other before getting up the nerve to off their bras and panties. Tara’s fingers fumbled nervously with her bra clasp and she panicked. Elaine saw her struggle and made the mistake of helping her before removing her panties. The time flashed red then green and started counting up. At four seconds, Elaine started to struggle to get her wedding ring off. Tara finished at six seconds, earning only three spanks. Elaine spit on her finger in desperation and at the count of twelve it finally came off, earning her six spanks.
The three onlookers cheered and then Linda said, “Okay, you two, ‘COLLAR!’” After two years of slave yoga and sex education in high school, Tara dropped to her knees and used her left hand to hold up her hair. Sonja signaled her mom to do the same and Elaine dropped next to Tara.
Linda was quick to snap the temporary collars on both of them and then delivered her little speech. “You are now temporarily slaves and as such are under slave discipline. You will obey every command without hesitation or be disciplined in the window so all the passers-by can watch. We don’t use archaic shock collars as we feel emotional distress is a stronger motivator. Now come over to the computer station and fill in the questionnaires, so we can get your SIN. Sonja if you will help them, I’ll go warm up three grading stations.
Five minutes later, she reappeared to find the forms all completed and the women all huddled together shivering. “Sorry about the A/C but it is July in Texas after all. The testing pods are much warmer and so is the shower.” It was at that very moment her computer pinged twice with both SINs. Linda loaded Tara’s number into her laser tattoo gun and had Tara fold over her lower lip. The laser made a slight crackling sound the second it touched Tara’s lip and it was over with Tara barely feeling the sting. “Tara, remember this number 0720, which is today’s date followed by 7881, which meanings you were the seven thousand, eight hundred and eighty-first entry in the National Slave Registry today. She asked Elaine to do the same as she set the new number and wiped the laser with disinfectant. Again, there was just a crackle and minimal pain. “Can you guess your number?”
“0720-7882” Mrs. ‘B’ was no dummy.
“Correct! One final bit of business before I hook you up and that is ‘first punishments!’ Sam’s has a tradition that each new enrollee receives six spanks to help them develop a little more ‘slave heat’ before getting into the pod. Some people respond to humiliation and some respond to pain but either way, punishing slaves in the front window draws in a lot of new lookers. 881, you will get nine swats and while 882, you will get twelve. Everyone come behind the counter and enter the front window for your introduction to discipline.”
“You can’t be serious,” exclaimed Sally.
“Slaves are to be seen, not heard unless spoken to directly. You just earned six swats for yourself. Now move.”
As to be expected, the three slaves tried to disappear into the paint on the walls, covering themselves as best they could and turning the reddest, they may have ever been in their lives so far. “Come now, slaves no covering up, don’t make me cuff you. Please stand on one of the X’s behind the bench. Sally, you are the only real slave here so show the others how it’s done. Kneel on the padded, side-rails and bend over the bench.”
As Sally was getting in position, Linda grabbed a microphone hanging on the side of the locker. At the moment, there wasn’t much shopping traffic or ‘mall walkers’ nearby but that was about to change. “Ladies and Gentlemen, free and slaves, come watch three initiations at Sam the Slaveman’s located on the lower level near the Beacon Street entrance. Show starts in two minutes.”
You could almost hear the sound of jaws dropping to the floor as the three victims reconsidered their life choices. How much worse could it get they wondered as Linda had Sonja help strap her slave sister down. Linda could smell Sally’s arousal and quickly ran a finger along her labia. Her pussy was totally sopping wet. She put her fingers in Sally’s mouth and told her to suck it off. Sally blushed all the more. Linds spoke loud enough for everyone to here, “I am not going to really hurt you. My intent is to bring up your slave heat so you all get the highest possible grade. You can ask for more swats or harder swats if it helps your arousal level. Feel free to cum as much as you can while you are here today. Let’s begin.”
About 15 people had gathered outside the window, mostly teenagers. Even though public nudity was an everyday occurrence that most people were jaded to it, public punishments were rare and a ready drawing card. Linda swung the door of the locker open so the crowd could see inside as she pulled out two floggers. She waved them around in a fast, arm-crossing, figure-8 pattern showing off her technique. Turning to face the slaves she told me that this was just for show and to please the crowd. Strikes with the floggers were just warm-ups and didn’t count. This was not making the slaves feel any better but Sonja licked her lips as she knew how good it felt and what was coming next.
Linda tapped a button on the floor with her foot and the bench began to rotate as she began her assault on Sally’s butt. Sally screamed at the initial surprise but then realized it was all noise and didn’t hurt. In fact, it started to feel really nice and a pink color began to show as the blood flow to these areas increased. After one full revolution showing everyone every inch of her body and very red face, Linda stopped the merry-go-round and went to the locker again. She pulled out and oversized ping pong paddle and a leather belt. First, she held up the belt to a mild response of the now 40+ viewers and then she held up the paddle and the crowd went wild. She smiled broadly to the on-lookers and then took her position next to Sally. She rotated the platform so she was facing the crowd and Linda told her she had to keep her eyes open so they could see her emotions. “Don’t forget to say, ‘Thank you, Mistress.’”
The first swat was moderate and a low groan was heard then “Thank you, Mistress. Harder please.”
The sound of the second swat could be heard three stores away as could the scream and more people joined the party.
“Thank you, Mistress.” Sally started to rub her clit on the pad she was lying on as the next blow came down.
The sound of that cry was more guttural and she threw her head back and rubbed harder on the pad. “Thank you, Mistress,” came out very breathy. Linda stopped and scratched her butt checks with her fingernails leaving a series of white lines that turned instantly bright red. Sally thrusted wildly as a massive build up was coming.
Linda came down with the last three swings hard and fast and Sally exploded as Linda swung the bench so the crowd could see Sally squirt and her starfish pucker several times. She turned the bench back again so the crowd could see the ‘slave haze’ that had settled on her face. Elaine couldn’t believe what she had seen her daughter do and it aroused her. She never dreamed that pain could bring so much pleasure. She wanted to be next and stepped forward as Linda and Sonja helped Sally to gain her sea legs back. Sally brazenly walked to the front of the window, bent at the waist, and pressed her ass against the glass to the hoots and hollers of the audience staring at her dripping pussy and red ass. She turned and threw her arms around Linda and planted a big, sloppy kiss right on her lips and said, “Thank you, very much, Mistress.: and stepped back on her ‘X’.
Sonja busied herself strapping her mother down and then kissed her on the forehead saying, “You’ve got this, hot mama.” She wasn’t kidding. At 44 years of age, Elaine was still a head-turner at 5’10” and 125 pounds. Her 36DD tits still remained somewhat firm, although hanging off each side of the bench they looked like they needed milking. Her long, shapely legs ran straight up from the floor when she stood up, and turned themselves into two round asses. She was definitely a MILF and now she was starting to go into heat.
Linda started with the floggers again with 882 rotating in front of the now crowd of 200+. She went to the locker and emerged with a sorority paddle that looked like Swiss cheese or a riding crop on a very, springy shaft, sure to leave nasty, red welts. The first voting was too close to call but when Linda flexed the shaft on the tawse and let it snap back the cheers clearly favored that one. “This one is going to sting like a scorpion so we will take it very slowly and let you build up some endorphins since you are going to get 12 swats.” Linda turned 882 to face the crowd and took the first swing at half speed. 882 jerked just slightly and said, “Thank you, Mistress.”
Linda let fly with one at three quarter strength and 882 let out an ‘eek’ and breathed rapidly through her nose. “Thank you, Mistress.”
Four hard snaps came next in rapid succession, two on the right cheek and two on the left. 882 let out her first real, penetrating scream. Linda put the crop between her teeth and gently stroked 882’s ass with both hands and then slipped a coup of fingers into her slit to test her arousal level. She was wet but not overly so. Linda knew at this point it was going to be touch-and-go as to whether she could trigger an orgasm in 882. Perhaps a little more humiliation would add fuel to the fire and she swung the bench around to show the crowd the welts on 882’s ass. Ooo’s and ahhh’s went up from the crowd and Linda said, “Listen to all those wankers out there longing to fuck you in your nice plump ass.” 882 blushed and twisted violently after Linda licked her fingers and shoved two of them in beyond her sphincter. This was virgin territory, even after 24 years of marriage. Composing herself, she managed to spit out an angry sounding, “Thank you, Mistress.”
Linda spaced out the last six at random intervals and varying strengths as 882 was breathing heavier now and rubbing the bench just like Sally had. She was getting very close but then it was over, leaving her right on the edge and very wet indeed. “Thank you, Mistress,” came across as disappointment and disingenuous.
Linda knelt down in front of her to uncuff her hands and whispered to her, “Elaine, you are ready for the test booth. Trust me, you will have an experience these two young girls won’t be able to match. Hang in there, beautiful,” and she kissed her on the lips and helped her up. 882 rubbed her butt and went to stand on her ‘X’.
Tara was shaking more than at any time in her life and lightly pranced from foot to foot like she needed to pee badly.
“Do you need to pee, 881?”
Anything to delay the inevitable, so she nodded ‘Yes’.
“There’s a drain behind the locker out of sight of the crowd you can squat over. No one will know but hurry; I promised to have you out of here by dinner time.”
The spray was slow in coming and not very much but it helped to calm her nerves and she returned, squeezed 882’s hands and finally got on the bench. Both Sonja and Linda realized Tara was on the verge of hysteria and worked quickly to strap her down. While Linda went to the locker one more time, Sally broke ranks and knelt in front of her friend and stroked her hair. “BFF’s, and I do mean forever. Tomorrow we will laugh and reminisce about how crazy this life-changing, whirlwind day has been.” Tara managed a weak smile, “Pinkie promise?” Sally hooked her pinkie with Tara’s cuffed right hand, “Always,” and kissed her full, tongue and all.
The crowd let out a collective, “A-a-w-e” which hung in the air for what seemed an hour.
Linda turned and gestured for Sally to get back on her spot, which she did quickly. She completed the flogging in less than two minutes and was relieved that 881 hadn’t freaked out. She pulled two more items from the locker for the crowd to choose. She held up a nine-foot-long bull whip and cracked it loudly. For the first time, the crowd actually booed. Somehow, they had come to like this shy, little, slave girl they didn’t even know but knew they wanted to spare her such pain.
Linda then held up a well-oiled razor strap, something like Deputy Duffy might have used. To the audience it appeared to be the lesser of two evils, so they applauded lightly. Linda realized that they had chosen sides and if she couldn’t get an orgasm out of this girl, she had no chance of attracting extra sales from this group. Quickly she donned a latex glove and knew just what she had to do. She started by parting 881’s labia and playing with her clit. Tara perked up at this familiar sensation and thought maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
SWACK! This produced more of an ‘oof’ than a scream. “Thank you, mistress,” as she tested her bonds.
SWACK! “O-o-o-o-o” It dawned on her that it could have been much harder and a sincere ‘thank you’ escaped from her lips and she began to rub the pad with her crotch.
SWACK! Her head jerked up at that one and she moaned. That was harder but then she felt fingers probing her again and said, “Thank you, Mistress.”
SWACK! SWACK! SWACK! Came in rapid succession and the first startled scream came from deep in her being. Fingers tugged on her ‘love button’ and pow the first wave hit and she moaned, “Thank you, Mistress.”
The final three swacks were quick and not so hard. 881 screamed, “Please, Mistress, more, harder, I’m so close.” It only took two more quick, solid hits to drive her into ‘subspace’ with an orgasm that rolled on and on.
When she returned to Earth, she was free from the bench and being held on Linda’s lap as she cuddled her and Sally stroked her hair. “Thank you, Mistress?” and then she kissed her. The crowd cheered and slowly dispersed, about 20 came into the store to browse around or sneak a peek at the slaves close up.
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Re: Acccidental Slavery

Post by cardman314 »

Part 2

Linda led the three of them to the back of the store and delivered their instructions. “233 go to booth one, 881 go to booth 2 and 882 go to booth 3. At the entrance, you will enter your SIN and step inside. In this booth, any hair below your clavicle will be removed. You will be scanned, fingerprinted and photographed. You will assume the poses numbered on the wall as directed by the computer. The unit will then place sensors all over your body. I hope you are not ticklish. When, this is finished the back door of your booth will open and you will see a large, recliner in what looks like an eggshell. Have a seat and place your left arm in the blood pressure cuff. The chair will place a screen at eye level, insert both a vaginal sensor and an anal probe. At one point during the test, the chair will restrain you. Please struggle as hard as you can until the program beeps. This test is a lot of fun and is over in less than 15 minutes. At that point, I will bring you, one at a time to the piercing booth for your rings, if you decide you want to add them. Alternately, I’ll bring you back up front so you can get dressed while we wait for your results to be tabulated. If there are no questions, please go to your booth.”
As the ‘slaves’ headed for their booths, Linda headed for her computer as something was bothering her badly. She was sitting there staring at the screen when Sonja came out from the other side of the store carrying a neoprene-lined, shiny, stainless-steel chastity belt and a stainless-steel leash. “This is for Sally, so just add it to my bill. I also want the control unit, the probes and a gag but they are all locked in the glass case. What are you studying so intently, if I may ask?”
“When I pinged Sally’s chip, it listed her manumission date as July 2040, that’s ten years from now! I went online and I found her collar, it’s a ‘Forever Yours’ model 250. That sucker costs $8,000. The first-time use is programmable but the second use locks it for ten years and Heaven forbid, the third use is lifetime enslavement. Did you know that? Even more importantly, does she know that?”
“Yes, I know it but she doesn’t yet. My husband and I talked about doing an extended FINO agreement when our daughters reached high school age, as I loved being his slave. Unfortunately, Sally was looking through my drawers and found it today, played with it, and here we are. I want to wait maybe a month or so when she has settled into a routine so the initial shock doesn’t send her off the deep end. I talked to my husband while you were busy and explained everything to him. We will take good care of my sister and see that she has every opportunity. We talked about sending her to a finishing school like the Venus Academy of Sexual Arts to boost her confidence going forward. We will allow her to continue her schooling and hopefully she’ll be able to maintain her special relationship with Tara. I will talk to mom about it before I say anything to Sally. It’s not a good situation but she will only be 28 with her whole life ahead of her when she is free again.”
“That’s quite a burden you have. It’s great that you love your sister that much. A lot of people would just sell her and pocket a million bucks or more. She is definitely Prime material. I’ll get the keys and you can show me which items you want while they do their tests.”
882, a.k.a. Elaine Benkstrom, typed 0720-7882 into the keypad and the door to her booth opened. She stepped in and the computer took over and directed her to grab the two transparent cylinders in front of her. As soon as she did, a beam of light ran down the tube and the robotic voice said, “Finger and hand prints complete,” and the cylinders withdrew into their compartment for cleaning.
“Please place your hands and feet on the pads as indicated by the diagram on the screen and remain still. This resulted in her standing semi-spreadeagle, kind of like DaVinci’s naked man sketch. A split clear panel came out from in front and in back of her, encircling her neck. As soon as it clicked together, she felt a warm spray hitting her everywhere. She tried to look down but all she could see was a green slime splattered on the underside of the glass. Moments later, she was struck by blasts on all sides with hot water and the glass below went clear again. Infra-red lamps turned on and dried her very quickly. The collar retracted to the voice saying, “Hair removal complete. Please turn around to face the camera and assume position 1.”
Having gone through all six required poses for the Nation Slave Registry, the voice instructed 882 to raise her arms over her head so a set of sensors could be placed on her body. It turns out there were 30 in all, and 882 giggled, as they did tickle like Linds had said. “Please exit the booth and go to your pod.”
882 was somewhat shocked but please with how her naked mound looked and how puffy her labia were. She slipped a couple fingers in and felt her arousal then quickly climbed into the chair, half-embarrassed when she heard her daughter’s booth open. “OMG, I hope she didn’t see me playing with myself,” she thought.
This was the most, high tech environment 882 had ever seen. Scanners were everywhere. It reminded her of an open MRI unit, almost medical in nature. Every part looked sterile. As it lowered a screen in front or her eyes, a sexy voice reminded her to put her left arm in the blood pressure cuff and lie back and enjoy the ride. “Inserting vaginal probe. Inserting rectal probe. Sensors activated, begin program.”
One by one a series of pictures appeared on the screen for about two seconds each, the emotional and physical responses to each being recorded by the constantly scanning sensors. The first series of scenes were basic nudity and masturbation, then heterosexual sex, followed by homosexual activities. These changed to sex in groups, then BDSM, then bestiality, then watersports, electric sex, edge play and finally ADBL (diaper play). When the first cycle completed, the vaginal probe went to work. Some slaves could cum after just the first round of stimulation, 882 was one of them, as was 233 who was hot before the whole thing began.
The second series of pictures were again at two second intervals but they were of mixed races, black, white, yellow, every combination you can imagine. Upon completion, the rectal probe was activated, a new sensation for all three and 881 was the first to cum but the other two responded well also.
The next round was scenes from the first set only with different smiling faces and body shapes and at one second intervals. Things were heating up and both probes and breast pads came to life. The restraint simulation kicked in and 882 struggled for all she was worth and came before the pictures finished. She was spent.
Four more rounds were shown cutting the interval in half each time. Smells were introduced during a brief pause at the half-way mark to see what, if any, sensitivity to aromas they had. The taste test followed immediately after that including cum and ‘pussy juice’. The final two rounds were accompanied by the loud sounds of lovemaking, deep-throating, floggings, and cummings. And then it was over. At least that’s what they thought.
Linda’s store’s success was no accident. Every month or so, the company would refine the program to get more precise readings and better understand human nature. Linda, being a computer geek at heart, took the opportunity to fill the thirtieth-of- a- second, one-frame gap between pictures with her own messages. Too fast for the eye to discern but easily absorbed into the subconscious. Was it legal? Hell No! but who’s going to believe a slave or think to look into it. The money was great and she justified it to herself thinking that it only would work on people with latent submissive tendencies anyways. She was just freeing them to truly be who they should be. A brief sample of her messages includes: I like to give pleasure. I get pleasure from giving pleasure. It pleasures me to be naked. Slaves are naked. Slaves give lots of pleasure. I want to be a slave. My collar gives me and my Master pleasure. I love my collar. I love my brand. My brand gives me and my Mistress great pleasure. I love my piercings My jewelry makes me proud to be a slave. My Master loves my rings. They give him great pleasure. I love to service my Master’s huge cock. I love the taste of his cum. I love to lick my Mistresses pussy. I love the scent and taste of my Mistress. I am very obedient. My obedience gives everyone great pleasure……and the cycle repeats with every showing. Sales in the accessories part of the store were off the charts as were piercings.
Linda’s store’s performance had caught the attention at the head office shortly after it opened and they wanted answers. She hastened to exclaim, “It’s all do to location. You put this store in the heart of the ‘Bible Belt’. What did you expect? There are a lot of guilt-ridden, sexually-repressed people here. Slavery offers them the opportunity to be set free to fuck whoever they can with no shame or blame. Maybe you should open one in Virginia or maybe Massachusetts with all its stuck-up, stuffy heritage. Free up those people.” They didn’t quite by her rant but the money was good, so, don’t rock the boat. “Keep up the good work, Linda.”
The ’slave haze’ was heavy upon all three of them when Linda came to collect them. “How was it? Did you enjoy it?
“Oh, yes, it was wonderful. Can I get my rings now?” asked 882.
“Me too, me too. I want a whole set of rings. I’d loving those pretty rings. My sister has some rings. I love my sister. I want to give her pleasure,” gushed 233. “I love Tara. Can Tara have pretty rings too?”
“Slow down, slow down. Take a breath 233. Yes, Tara can have rings too if she wants them.” Linda smiled to herself. It always made her smile when slaves begged to be pierced. “Would you like to have rings like 233?”
“Oh, yes please, Mistress, lots of rings,” said Tara as the haze slowly started to lift. “I love Sally. I love the taste of her pussy. I love to give her pleasure.”
“It’s settled then, everyone gets a complete set of rings, nose, nipples, bellybutton, outer labia and hood. We can always add more later if you want them. I only have one piercing booth so you will have to take turns but it only takes the robot three minutes, so who wants to go first? Okay, 882 step in and the supports will squeeze a little to hold you still. When the red light comes on just take a deep breath and you’ll be done in an instant.”
233 and 881 exchanged quick glances at each other and fell into a passionate embrace trying to swallow each other’s tongue and cupping the other’ ass. They would have gone into ‘69’ right there on the floor but the booth beeped and 233 was told to enter the booth as 882 stepped out admiring here new rings with a big smile.
233 took her deep breath as a shot of knock-out gas hit her in the face. The robot proceeded, as it had time-and-time before, piercing, placing and welding the rings in an instant. The 8 labia rings, four on each side took the longest but the hood ring placement had to be the most precise for the most pleasure. The coating applied to each ring assured that the piercings would heal in minutes without the possibility of infection and allow the rings to move freely. 100% oxygen flooded the chamber and 233’s eyes popped wide open and fully alert. She emerged from the booth in time to see 882 being licked by 881.
882 fingered herself to conclusion while 233 rush to fondle those DDs that she envied so badly. “Mom, I love you so much, I want to be your slave too. Let me give you pleasure.”
“Wait until we get home, I want you in my bed tonight, if it’s okay with your owner.”
881’s exiting from the booth was truly a non-event as mother and daughter stared into each other’s eyes while holding hands. She ran over to them eager to see and to show all the new rings.
“Okay, slaves, let’s go get you dressed and see your scores. Follow me up front.”
It was hard to tell who got the bigger surprise, Tara or her mom, Leslie Crane.
Tara rushed to her mom’s waiting arms, gave her a real kiss and asked, “What are you doing here? I am so happy to see you.”
“I couldn’t stand the suspense anymore and didn’t see how I couldn’t be here for your big day. Let me look at you. Oh, I love the dainty, little nose ring, it really draws attention to your pretty face. Oh my, you have rings everywhere just like a real slave. You didn’t sign anything did you? They have a reputation at being the best at getting girls to self-enslave.”
“No, Mom, but I would love to be your slave. You are so beautiful and I just want to give you pleasure.”
“Oh, baby girl, that is so sweet. Get you dressed and let’s go home.” Leslie turned to see Sally and Elaine standing there naked and holding hands. “Hi, Elaine, what are you doing here naked?
“The girls all ganged up on me and conned me into getting graded with them for moral support.”
Are you going to want to be my slave too?”
Elaine had all kinds of mixed-up emotions running through her and the suggestion of being a slave to her neighbor she lusted after, put her embarrassment and self-control on tilt. She rushed to Leslie and kissed her in a way that left no doubt in anyone’s mind how she felt. Leslie was stunned but kissed back but then the moment was over. Elaine realized what she had done. “I’m so sorry, Leslie but I’m not sorry. Today has freed me. I will never conceal my feelings again. I have love for everyone, Sally, Sonja, Tara and you, Leslie Crane. You’ll never know how happy I was when you and your family moved in next door to us. I have to bite my lip every time I see you, I have wanted to confess my love for you for so long.”
The silence was deafening as Leslie hugged the sobbing Elaine. Tara and Sally joined in the hug as Sonja just looked on. Something wasn’t right here and she wouldn’t let it go until she knew what.
The hug fest was ended when Linda picked-up the printout from the computer. “Here are the results: Attractiveness based on asymmetrical images to standard – Tara and Sally scored 9 out of 10, Elaine got 8.5 Physical fitness based on BMI and general tone- again Tara and Sally scored 9 out of 10 while Elaine got 8. General submissiveness based on bondage test – Tara showed 8 Sally got 8.5 from and Elaine got 9.5 Awesome. Arousal from vaginal/rectal stimulation – everyone got 9.5/10 in this category, that’s called ‘slave heat’ folks. Arousal from visual, auditory, smell and taste - Tara and Sally averaged 8.75 on the 4, Elaine had a perfect 10.
Since fitness and youthful attractiveness are heavily weighted, Tara and Sally both grade as pure PRIME. Elaine’s physical attributes and age would normally place her in the ‘Choice Plus’ category but adding in her hyper-sexual responses and natural submissiveness, she is awarded ‘Prime Minus’! Congratulations everyone.” Everyone there, even if they had just come in to browse, cheered and applauded as they ogled the naked slaves standing there.
“So, would either of you, Tara or Elaine, care to enslave yourselves today?” asked Linda hopefully.
Sonja jumped right into the gap before anyone could say, ‘Boo’ and said, “As the holder of the claim tickets for these girls, I have to say that no one is signing anything today. Let the euphoria of today’s events be examined in the light of day and maybe some will. This is a decision not to be made in the heat of the moment.”
“Okay, I will finish updating the registry, issue Tara and Elaine’s chips and update Sally’s chip as well. Since we here at Sam the Slaveman don’t differentiate between Prime (-), Prime, and Prime (+), you are all entitled to receive our beautiful Prime 3”-high logo, anywhere on your body, at no cost to you as a thank you for choosing us to do your grading. Here’s a picture of what it looks like, pointing to the front of the counter. Think about it while I do the record keeping. Now hand me your collars and please put some clothes on.”
“I want one, Mom, can I please get one.”
“Sonja, are you putting one on Sally?”
“Absolutely, she earned it and I am very proud of my Prime brand from Longhorn’s. I only wish they had laser branding back then. I still wince when I think about it, but my husband is very proud of it too. I think just above her left ankle would be a good spot as everyone will see it.”
“Thank you, Mistress, I will wear it proudly for you.”
“Well, we may as well make this a family affair. Three Prime women in one family is definitely something to be proud of. Let’s do, it.”
“Okay, Tara, where do you want yours?”
“Anywhere you say, Mistress Mommy.”
“How about your forehead, smarty-pants?”
“Mom!” shrieked Tara.
“Okay, just your ankle then,” and she kissed her on the forehead and gave her a hug.
Linda called Sally over to the desk and put sensor up to her breast and it binged. “You’re all up to date. I overheard you all want the tattoo above your left ankle, is that right? Sally nodded. “Put your foot up on this stool and stand very still.” She wiped her ankle with an alcohol pad and ‘ZAP’ and a scream later it was done and beautiful. “Here’s a couple pain killers, the water fountain is in the other room. Good Luck, Sally.”
Tara was next and Sally stood right next to her BFF holding hand. “Okay, Tara, lift your t-shirt and I’ll inject your chip, it’s already loaded with your information.” A quick wipe just above her bra cup in the chip was insert in her right boob near her breast bone.” She had seen Sally’s reaction and was determined not to scream when the tattoo was applied. ZAP and scream, so much for determination, but she smiled proudly anyways.
While this was going on, Leslie and Elaine were having a big lip-lock off to the side. “Elaine, your turn” caused them to separate. Her DDs gave Linda plenty of place to choose from to chip her but she stuck to the standard spot near the breast bone in the spongey tissue. ZAP and ‘O-o-o-o-o’ and a bite of her lip. “You really are a pain slut, aren’t you?” Linda teased. “Here’s a brochure that you and your husband might find interesting, I’d be glad to help you going forward,” and she handed it to her, “The Texas FINO for Loving and Trusting Couples.”
“Okay, you are all done and unless you are going to buy something else, make way for the real shoppers,” she laughed.
Sonja wasted no time herding the group towards the exit while naked Sally drew all the attention of the onlookers. Sally didn’t screw up this time and held the door for everyone. Sonja lovingly squeezed her tits, hooked her new leash to her collar and they headed out of the mall. “Mom,” asked Sonja, “May I drive, you seem a little distracted right now.”
“Okay, here are the keys. Hey, Leslie, may we join you for pizza somewhere, it’s a little late to start making dinner now?..... Carmine’s?........ Meet you there in 15 minutes.”
Tara’s dad, John, joined them as did Robert. Needless to say, the conversation was very animated and went on almost until closing time. Everyone kissed and hugged and went home happy. “Not bad for Day 1 of being a slave,” mused Sally.
(Texas Board of Agriculture and Enslavement, Thursday, July 22)
As Sonja with a naked Sally on a leash walking into the Ag Board building, Manager Frank Hansen met them right by the door, “Oh, good, right, on time. Let’s go down to the basement where the videographer is waiting for us.”
“Mr. Hansen, I have some serious concerns about ‘Sam the Slaveman’s new store I need to discuss with you and maybe Cesare at USDIS,” said Sonja.
“All right, let’s get the shoot started first and then I can see if I can get Cesare on a Zoom call.”
The stairs down creaked under the weight of the three of them, sounding almost like a haunted house. How appropriate for the scene which was about to unfold. They entered a dimly lit room that was decorated like a graveyard with a creepy mansion and rickety, wooden fence projected on the wall in blue, gray and black by what photographers know as a ‘Scene Machine’.
The ‘Scene Machine’ could have just as easily converted the background to a forest or a busy Parisian Street in order to create the desired atmosphere. Some photographers preferred to shoot in front of a ‘green screen’ and use their computers to insert the background later. Tom Klaw, grandson of a late 50’s soft-core pornographer, preferred the old-fashioned ‘one-and-done’ method, popular in the 80’s. Besides that, the damned thing had cost him nearly $6,000, second-hand at the time, and he was determined to get his money’s worth out of it.
There was one vertical headstone in front of the wall and a cracked one lying next to it. A black light was causing highlights in luminous paint on the tombstones to glow eerily and a fog machine had everyone almost up to their knees in a mist.
“Okay, Sally, or 233, which ever you prefer today, let’s hear you scream not like you’re in pain but a terrified scream. …..Not bad but try again a bit more… shrill……. Hmmm, not quite……. Oh, yeah, that was a good one. Do it one more time…….. Good, good, do it just like that when we shoot. Here is your script.”
Sally read the script and stage directions and started laughing, then handed the script to Sonja, who cracked up too. “This is too perfect, everyone will get the message,” said Sonja as she handed the script back to Mr. Hansen.
It was then that Glenn, the handsome, baritone announcer for the local radio station, walked in with his copy of the script in hand. “I’ve got it, Frank, I don’t need to rehearse my delivery anymore.” Sally felt a warm tingle just at the sight of his 6’6”, muscular frame and thought to herself, “You can rehearse on me any time you want,” as she recognized the former Aggie football star. Mr. Hansen spoke up and introduced him and explained that Glenn Brewster would be doing the voice-over off camera.
“Okay, places everyone. Let’s do one run through and then go for the shoot.” He said so quickly, you’d think, Tom had a hot date lined up.
“233,” said Tom, also as director for the shoot, “Go sit on the tall tombstone and put your feet on the broken one….. Oh, wow! What a sharp looking tattoo! I’m going to turn down the fog machine a little so we can get a clear view of that, just turn your hips a little to your right, so the tattoo faces the camera. What is it exactly?”
“It shows that I was graded PRIME at Sam the Slaveman’s. I’m very proud of it.”
“You should be, you and it are very beautiful. Okay, slip the fake shackles on your wrists and let’s begin.”
“Danny, are you ready back there?”
A voice rose up from an actor waiting out of sight behind the tombstone, “Ready, Tom.”
“Okay, everyone, I’m bringing in the creepy music! Here’s the owl in the distance,” said as he fumbled with the sound board. “Mike level check, Glenn, please..….Perfect, Glenn. Thank you.”
Hansen turned to Sonja, “Let’s go up to my office and see if we can catch Cesare before he breaks for lunch. Tom has this under control, they don’t need us and they may have to retake the scene several times. Tom, please bring 233 to my office when you are done. I’ll have your check ready.”
Sonja walked over to Sally and whispered; I have to go upstairs. You know what’s expected of you afterwards, so have fun.” She kissed her on the cheek and left with Frank.
As soon as the door closed behind them, Tom shouted, “ACTION!”
(Camera at wide-angle shows the whole scene and slowly zooms in on a forlorn-looking, naked slave girl.)
“Oh man, am I bored. I just want to have a little fun. I’ve got an idea, this will liven things up a bit……. BETELGEUSE! BETELGEUSE! BETELGEUSE!
(Actor, in Betelgeuse costume and make-up, pops up from behind the tombstone.)
“You Rang?”
“EEK!” (Throws her hands up to shoulder height in mock terror, chains dangling.)
(Actor begins to make out, fondle and grope the naked slave and voice-over begins.)
“This Betelgeuse isn’t real, of course, but the slave girl is! It’s all because of “the Betelgeuse rule”. She was just playing around with an old, slave collar and accidently enslaved herself when she said, ‘I want to be a slave girl’ three times. Acting like a slave and declaring yourself to be a slave is all it will take to be caught up like her.
(Close-up of Betelgeuse smearing his black and white make-up all over her chest as he sucked on her nipples. Meanwhile, she helplessly mimed the word ‘Help?’ into the camera.)
“Yes, the Texas Board of Agriculture and Enslavement along with the United States Department of Involuntary Servitude want me to assure you that this is not a myth or urban legend. If you want to help rebuild the economy, you can freely choose to become a slave. If, however, you pretend to be a slave from time to time with your friends, family or even on a date, know the law or you might end up with a ‘Betelgeuse’ of your own.”
(Camera zooms to a grinning Betelgeuse looking into the camera before he turns and starts to put his head between her thighs.)
(Fade to black)
“Ignorance of the law is no excuse!”
(Discordant blasting organ chord is heard.)
“CUT! That was perfect people. 29 second spot, right on the mark. I can stretch the last chord out for one more second for dramatic effect. I think we are done here, unless anyone thinks we can do it better…… No? That’s a wrap then, thank you all.”
Sally dropped to her knees and looked adoringly up at Betelgeuse, “May I worship your cock, Master?” Danny nodded, ‘yes’ and she unzipped his costume and pull out his half-erect weapon. She fondled his ball sack in her hands while she licked up and down his shaft. As he started to stiffen, she took him in her mouth. He was just the right size to go fully in without her choking. It only took a couple of minutes of tonguing and sucking to get him off. Unfortunately, the fog machine had made the floor very slippery and Danny fell back shooting half of his load on her face and tits. It was all she could do not to laugh as he slipped around grabbing the tombstone trying to regain his footing. She grabbed his hand and helped him up then took up a position to clean him off before he put his cock away. He didn’t say a word but patted her head and left to get his check.
Sally started towards Tom but he put up his hand, “My boyfriend wouldn’t approve, so no thanks.”
Sally shifted her attention to the stud she wanted in the first place, kneeling she asked, “How may I serve you, Master?”
“Go bend over that tombstone, I plan to warm up your ass first. Every slave girl needs a little discipline to keep her straight.”……. He placed his hands on her little, round cheeks and gave them a squeeze then slap, slap, slap, slap!
Sally just oooo’d.
Squeeze. Squeeze. Slap, slap, slap, slap slap, slap, slap, slap! More oooo’ing as redness started to appear.
Slap, slap, slap, slap slap, slap, slap, slap…moaning and thrusting…… Slap, slap, slap, slap slap, slap, slap, slap……. “Oh, Master, may this slave please cum?” She was shaking now… “Cum for me, now”… Slap, slap, slap, slap slap, slap, slap, slap…..and she came in wave after wave.
She let out a soft moan his massive cock entered her. Softly she said an old football cheer, “First and ten, do it again! First and ten, do it again! He laughed at the reference as he did have 10” and he was going to pound her again and again. In about two minutes, she had recovered enough to get in rhythm with him and started to pant heavily. Three more intense minutes and she screamed in ecstasy and he came right behind her, flooding her womb with his baby batter. Her only regret was she couldn’t get pregnant. She would have loved to have been bred by this stud. “Thank you, Master.”
By the time she recovered from her ‘slave haze’, Glenn was gone and Tom was done packing up his equipment. He needed to go get his check, so he grabbed Sally’s leash and dragged her up to Hansen’s office, while her pussy dripped cum all the way up the stairs.
Sonja and Frank had just finished their conference call with Cesare and were contemplating their next move when Tom walked in, set his laptop on the desk, and pushed ‘PLAY’. The PSA was just what the doctor ordered and Frank and Sonja laughed and applauded. “A star is born,” proclaimed Frank, “Take a bow, 223.” Sally just blushed, bowed, and turned aside.
Sonja announced to everyone that August 1st, she was enrolling Sally in the Venus Academy of Sexual Arts. “Do you think we could shoot the next PSA there?”
“I don’t see why not, I’m sure they would like the free publicity. I’ll check and let you know the best date for them. Keep me posted on our other project, Sonja and be careful.”
“I will be, Frank. Let’s go, Sarah, you’ve had too much fun today, you need a bath.”
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Re: Acccidental Slavery

Post by gary »

A interesting idea on how a person could be accidentally enslaved. I like that you borrowed my idea of "Sam the Slaveman". Good Story

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Re: Acccidental Slavery

Post by Gee »

Nice story, a little bit of nitpicking though:

Don't you mean Beetlejuice instead of Betelgeuse?

Unless you really mean a guy dressed up as a red supergiant star (No kink shaming) ist doing first the shoot and then 233.

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Re: Acccidental Slavery

Post by automagix12 »

Nice story, kudos!

Ha, I remember the old 'Beetlejuice' movie featuring Geena Davis:
Good girls will not be spanked here :D

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Re: Acccidental Slavery

Post by Sissy »

gary wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:49 pm A interesting idea on how a person could be accidentally enslaved. I like that you borrowed my idea of "Sam the Slaveman". Good Story
a variant of accidental enslavement - instead of a training set for slave yoga, the girl received a set for enslavement according to the Betelgeuse law.

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Re: Acccidental Slavery

Post by Master-Geass »

It seems like the tech should still be able to remove the collar after the six months are up. It locked because of a glitch and logically there would be issues if they couldn't at least unlock it for medical reasons.
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Re: Acccidental Slavery

Post by kaylee36dd »

MMMMm i loved this story very hot.

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