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Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Most of my stories are set in a world where Corporal Punishment is in common use - by schools, employers, and police. The main focus is on spankings, humiliation and strip/cavity searches.
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Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Post by SteveBurke »

Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Amanda knelt on Annette's bed in the search position, legs wide and ass high. She was gingerly holding her buttocks open - buttocks that had taken over two dozen hard swats today. She was sore both inside and out, having taken the hose up her back passage nearly twenty times. Behind her Annette was gleefully applying lubricant to a large strap-on with which she intended to give her young friend a good rogering. Amanda was attempting the difficult task of both preparing for the invasion while keeping her small pink asshole closed.

"Ladies don't gape," Annette had warned her. "You'll be bending over in court frequently, and that little rosebud needs to be kept tight. You mustn't disgrace the firm."

Since the holes of any woman worth looking at were regularly explored by rubber-gloved fingers, this seemed like a tall order, but Amanda could appreciate that she couldn't be seen looking like a well-used porn star in court. A female lawyer was sometimes made to stay bent over for several minutes while a judge considered whether or not she merited a strapping (the decision was almost invariably 'yes',) so it was necessary to practice the discipline of keeping one's asshole from opening up even under the difficult circumstances that their work inflicted on them.

It had been a long and gruelling day for Amanda and she wanted nothing more than a hot bath and a few glasses of red wine, but Annette had insisted on 'debriefing' her, literally as well as figuratively. Annette liked to question her while applying some form of physical discomfort, to help prepare her for the rigors of the courtroom where she would be expected to perform at the highest level despite being frequently bent over to display her charms while she took another thrashing. It was the rare ability to perform under such pressure that set the ladies of the 'Quill and Cane' above all others. The famous Bare-bottomed Barristers were much sought after and held in the highest regard.

Meeting that standard was far from easy.

"You'll be dealing with the police often," Annette warned her. "Both in court and out of it. You'll get targeted as revenge for beating them in the courtroom, so you can expect more frequent attention and it will be more severe."

She had related her experience in the infamous "search room 101", and the gruelling treatment that PC Carver had given her as a result of winning the Boris Karloff case. Amanda had squirmed as she listened to the torrid details. She was no stranger to search rooms and the standard procedures, but clearly there was worse in store for her...

"But you can't ever let them intimidate you," Annette lectured. "If that happens, you'll lose every case. You have to be brave enough to lodge an objection even when it will achieve nothing but a spanked bottom. You have to accept the fact that you'll get searched every time you visit a client in custody - and every time you enter the courthouse. You must be as shameless as a porn star, cool as a surgeon, and tough as an MMA fighter. When you were in school, pain was your teacher. As a lawyer, pain will be your friend. It will keep you diligent, doing your research meticulously to minimise your punishments in court. It will stimulate your mind as you make your arguments. You must learn to use it as a tool, rather than having it distract you."

According to Annette, there was only one way to master every woman's inherent dread of the police and the powers they wielded.

"Familiarity breeds contempt!" she said firmly. "You have to be searched so often that it becomes boring. You have to be strapped until you don't fear it any more. And you have to be calm, polite, and submissive at all times. You have to swallow your pride, take whatever they dish out, and thank them for it. It's going to be a long, hard road, but I assure you this is the only way you're ever going to make the cut for the Quill and Cane."

And so it was that Amanda had gone to her local police station to offer her services as a training assistant. Normally girls were press-ganged into this as an alternative to getting flogged senseless, or else obtained a community service order as a way of clearing their tabs, but the demand was never-ending, especially since all police had to requalify every three months to ensure their skills met the required standard. Having a beauty like Amanda present herself freely was a treat indeed, and the plods had wasted no time in recruiting her for twice-monthly sessions in the search room. After being fingered by more men than she could count, and taking the hose up her ass so many times that it scarcely mattered any more, she had considered herself immune to any form of indignity. But Annette had a surprise for her.

"It's time to take it to the next level," she told her protégé. "You have to be the instructor, not just the subject."

"I'm already teaching them how to use the hose," Amanda pointed out. It was standard practice for the girls on the receiving end to give directions to the men administering it. After taking it a dozen times in a row they were the best-qualified in how to slide it all the way inside them with minimal discomfort.

Annette shook her head. "I mean you must be in charge of the whole session. No instructing officer, just you. You will tell them what to do. You have to learn to be assertive and submissive at the same time. You have to maintain your professionalism while getting invaded. You'll need that confidence and air of command when you're in court."

It was true - and Annette certainly led by example. During one of the cases Amanda had attended she watched her mentor give a scathing cross-examination to an indignant plod, to the point where an irritated judge had ordered her to bend and take a full dozen swats from the man she was grilling. Despite having her delightful little ass whipped mercilessly she had stood back up afterwards and continued with the same zeal as before, undaunted by the pain. She had subsequently won the case, the officer's shock at her formidable personality rattling him to the point of admitting to facts that he should have kept hidden. Amanda's bottom was soft as silk - but she had nerves of steel.

It was performances like this that made her famous, and brought more potential clients through the doors of the Quill and Cane than the firm could handle. Consequently they were always looking for more ladies to meet demand - but few could make the grade. The necessary combination of beauty, brains, and courage under fire was rare indeed. Annette was determined to bring Amanda up to scratch, and this meant putting her through the wringer until she was hard as nails.

The senior sergeant had frowned when Amanda presented him with the new conditions attached to her continued volunteering, but there was no denying that she was popular with the men. Turning her down would have lead to much resentment and loss of morale. So he had grudgingly accepted and given her full control of the instruction and grading, on the understanding that she would not allow standards to fall.

"Don't worry," she told him with a smile. "I'll make sure they are thorough as well as careful."

To sweeten the deal she had told the astonished cop that she would teach the administration of the "special" hose - a rarely-used implement that was considered a punishment in and of itself. He had gasped at her bravery.

"Aren't you a trooper!" he exclaimed. "Good luck to you!"

Amanda had smiled with fake confidence. She would need more than luck to see her through this...


That morning, the four police who lined up outside the search room had been surprised to have it opened not by another officer, but by a young woman of impeccable beauty who was wearing nothing but a pair of slippers. "Don't just stand there gawking!" she told them sternly. "Get inside. I have five groups to instruct today!"

The dumbfounded men had shuffled in, clearly both excited and bewildered by this turn of events. She had capitalised on their uncertainty to put herself firmly in charge of proceedings.

"Never show fear, never show weakness," Annette had told her. "Command them as you would a dog. Your tone and confidence is vital for success."

"Line up against the wall. And stand to attention!"

To her surprise they obeyed meekly, responding to her air of authority. Annette had been right it seemed. Now she just had to maintain her poise for the next eight hours while having a twenty-inch tube repeatedly stuck up her ass. It would be a challenging day, that was for certain...

"So then, today you will have to re-qualify to use the hose. You're all familiar with the procedure, but this re-test will be different from what you have done before. You won't just be required to demonstrate competence, you'll be graded against each other. The one who performs best will get a bonus, two of you will simply get a passing grade, and one of you will fail."

"That's not fair!" said one of them indignantly. "If we're competent we shouldn't be failed!"

"LIFE isn't fair," Amanda told him bluntly. "And you don't have any issues with using your powers unfairly, I know that first-hand. So by pitting you against each other we can raise the standards. That's what your sergeant expects, and that's what I'm going to deliver."

He settled down, admonished. So far, so good...


"The other thing that's going to be different is this:" Amanda stepped to her supply table and held up the "special" hose, displaying it's full twenty-inch length as it dangled from her petite hand. The men gasped at the sight of it. Was she really going to take that? From all of them?

"Inserting this without harming the searchee requires more skill than the regular hose." Amanda continued. "So this is going to be a challenge for you. And bear in mind that while one of you will definitely receive a failing grade, I can fail any or all of you who don't do the job properly."

Frowns and uncertain looks were the response to this announcement. Failing meant search powers revoked for the next three months, pending a successful retest! None were keen on missing out on one of the best perks of their job.

"So I recommend you pay close attention to my instruction. Are we clear?"

There were mutterings of agreement.

"I said, are we clear?" she emphasised the word.

"Yes, yes," the men responded.

"Yes ma'am!" Amanda said sharply. It was important to let them know who was in charge.

"Yes ma'am!" they chorused in unison.

"That's better." Her voice was softer this time, demonstrating confident satisfaction.

She was less confident than she sounded however. She had taken the special hose several times from the police instructor she had previously worked with to familiarise herself with the awful thing, and even in his well-practiced hands it was not a pleasant experience. So long, so thick! She would have to teach them well for her own sake. But maybe she was doing a service for all the other girls who had to submit to the invasive procedure. It certainly would be better for them if the police were well-trained.


"Oooohhhhh!" Amanda sighed with feigned pleasure as the strap-on entered her, sliding in until all ten inches were buried deep and Annette's thighs were pressing against her fingers. "Thank you ma-am, that feels so good!"

The silicone-rubber dildo wasn't as long as the hose, but it was far thicker, stretching her little ring to the limit. But as with all things under the CPA, it was her place to submit gracefully. "Please fuck my tight little ass ma'am!"

Annette complied, her hips moving back and forth in a slow, rhythmic motion, giving Amanda the full length with every thrust. The other end of the strap-on had an angled section that sat comfortably within Annette's pussy, thus giving her stimulation as she sodomised the girl in front of her.

"Ahhhhh! Thank you ma'am, I love it!"

Amanda was juggling the multiple tasks of maintaining position, trying to stay relaxed, holding onto her throbbing cheeks and encouraging her mentor as she worked. She moaned softly with each thrust while waiting for the questions she knew would come.

"Did you have fun today?"

"Yes ma'am!" Amanda lied enthusiastically. "I always have fun with my friends at the police station. They give me so much attention - it makes me feel special!"

That last statement was partly true at least. She did indeed get plenty of attention from the plods, even before she started offering herself up for use as a training assistant. If there had been some kind of "frequent flyer" scheme for girls who got strapped and searched she could have had a free holiday in the Bahamas by now.

"Good!" Annette said brightly. "And I hope you made sure they treated you like a real suspect?"

"Of course ma'am. I didn't let them go easy on me."

As an instructor, she had to ensure they followed procedure - even when said procedure meant she would be on the receiving end of what they were dishing out. It was a daunting task, but really no different to what Annette endured in the courtroom. She had to be bold, confident - and yet submissive at the same time. Today she had truly gotten a taste of what it was like to practice law under the CPA.

"Rough" was an understatement...


Amanda pointed at the man on the left end of the line. "You're up first." She beckoned him forward.

"You're all familiar with the stripsearch procedure, which is why I'm already naked to save time. And unless it's her first search, your subject should be familiar with the correct position, so you just have to tell her to get on the table. If she doesn't immediately spread her legs and get her ass in the air, give her four swats to remind her."

She mounted the table, fighting the butterflies in her stomach as she presented herself to them. The search position had been all-too-familiar to her even before she became a training assistant. Chin down, knees wide, back arched and cheeks spread to allow easy access to her openings. She had no shame left, and cared nothing for the fact that her smooth, lasered pussy and carefully bleached asshole were on display - it was the upcoming invasion that made her nervous. Could she really manage to take the special hose all day long? But there was no turning back now.

"Once the subject is in place, take your strap and put it under her chin."

It was a common practice among the plods. The strap in front of her face was a grim reminder of the price of disobedience. If she failed to keep her head down it would fall to the floor - earning her a swift and painful lesson in the importance of staying still. After all, having a girl move while taking a thick tube up her insides might lead to injury - it was for her own good really. Most learned how to take the hose quite quickly - only a rare few had to be put on the block and flogged into submission. The trainee complied, smiling happily as he admire the slender young woman that he would soon be using like a toy.

"Prepare the enema. Use the bags on the cart, not the ones in the fridge." Her voice was a little muffled due to the necessity of keeping her chin down on the strap - she could only hope that her tone was still firm and authoritative. One of the perks of being a volunteer was taking her enemas at room temperature rather than ice-cold, and receiving only two pints instead of four. So instead of being filled to bursting point and shivering throughout the ordeal she could remain warm and relatively comfortable - save for the hose itself. She listened anxiously as the bag was hung from the stand and the hose attached. Not long now...

"Normally the hose will follow a search, so your subject will already be lubed. But since I'm not, glove up and do the honours."

The all-too-familiar sound of stretching latex made her pussy moisten a little. She had heard it many times over the last three and a half years, and each time it had been followed by a lengthy and enthusiastic search of her tight teenage holes. While she had never enjoyed the invasion her body had learned to prepare itself through Pavlovian conditioning, and she could feel herself get wet in anticipation. Like it or not, this was her place in society, and she understood that on an instinctive level that had been reenforced by countless swats of hard leather on her soft little behind.

A few moments later her picture-perfect little ring had a large finger stuck unceremoniously into it. For most girls it would have been uncomfortable, but Amanda was a veteran of the table and it didn't bother her at all. Annette had been right about becoming hardened to the indignities she would have to endure...

She allowed the cop to explore her for a minute, his finger twisting and probing, sliding back and forth in her rectum. She needed all the lube she could get after all. But she couldn't let him go on too long lest he start to forget who was in charge.

"That's good. Now lube up the first three inches of the hose and push them in gently. Remember to angle it towards my back, not my stomach."

She relaxed when she felt the tip against her lubed-and-ready asshole, pushing out with her sphincter as it worked it's way in. "That's good. Nice and easy. Now turn on the water and wait for me to fill a little."

She kept her cheeks spread as he worked. It really wasn't necessary once the tip of the hose had passed through her back door, but the police always insisted on girls holding the position until the implement was all the way in, simply to add to their distress and humiliation. So even as an instructor she had to play their game for the sake of realism. Holding herself open not only re-enforced the submissive nature of her position, but made her feel even more vulnerable. It was an additional challenge to deal with.

"Alright, I'm ready to take some more. Lube up the next three inches and push gently."

The thick silicone snake tickled her anus as it slid further in, the tip nudging against her insides. She wriggled slightly at the sensation. "That's... good..." Damn, it was hard to sound detached while she was being invaded like this! It felt to be about six inches in - not even a third of its full length. "Now, give me... some more..."

A few months ago she would have been mortified at the thought of asking a man to stick the hose up her like this, but after multiple sessions on the bench she truly had no shame left. "Twist to the left and give me..." she took a quick breath, "Another two... inches."

He was happy to oblige - and in his eagerness used too much force.

"Slow down... Slow DOWN! AHHH!"

Her head came up off the bench, the strap falling to the floor. "God DAMMIT! Are you DEAF?"

She turned to glare daggers at the man behind her, whose happy smirk had changed into a look of bewilderment.

"I am the INSTRUCTOR here, not some random tart! You do AS I SAY, is that clear?"

"Um, I, uh..." he looked at the floor.

"Now then, take the hose out and put it in the bucket." Amanda returned to her position. She had about eight inches inside her, and she felt every one of them as they slid slowly, smoothly out of her. Better out than in! She clenched her anus again as the tube was withdrawn. "And since your subject failed to hold position, you must now pick up the strap. Give me four swats, hard as you can." She arched her back and stuck out her bottom invitingly, the lovely round globes tensing as they waited for the kiss of hard leather.

Her failure to comply had been entirely his fault not hers, but rules were rules and she had promised both Annette and the Sergeant that she would do her job diligently. Taking leather was a regular part of court procedure and she had to be ready for it whenever it was ordered. Demanding that he spank her was part of her training. She would frequently have to offer her sweet little ass in court and she had to learn how to bend and take it as though it were nothing. Developing such fortitude however was going to take more than the usual submission - she had to be willing and able to invite her strappings by pressing her case - and presenting her ass. Annette had been right about these instructor sessions. Training the cops was not the goal - she had to train herself to take what she would have to endure in court. This meant that she had to surrender to male authority and let them have their fun, while seeming to be grateful.

It was a tough assignment to say the least.

His good humor suddenly restored at the prospect of administering the strap, her trainee was quick to obey, retrieving his instrument of correction and taking place behind her once more. He tapped her bottom to check his range and angle. "Are you ready miss?"

"As long as we're in this room, it's ma'am," she reminded him sharply.

"Oh, yes, are you ready ma'am?"

"Yes sir! Spank me hard!"

*WHAP!* The stiff leather smacked against her soft flesh. She felt the familiar sting, followed by a burn.

"One! Thank you sir, please give me another!"

He checked his range again, rubbing the strap gently over the red mark that now adorned the centre of her small white ass. With only four swats to enjoy he clearly wanted to make it last. She heard the rustle of his shirt as he drew back and braced herself -

*WHAP!* Another solid hit on her beautiful behind. It hurt more this time.

"Two! Thank you sir! Please give me another!" She kept her voice steady. Four swats was nothing to be afraid of, since twelve was the minimum she could expect when bending over for "summary justice," and she quite frequently took eighteen or more to avoid running up a tab.


"Three! Thank you sir! Please give me the last one - and make it count!"

He waited for several seconds to let the tension build, then swung as hard as he could to deliver a fourth vicious swat across her tender little tushy.


The strap seemed to cut into her flesh and the burn was intensifying. But it was over now, and well within her tolerance.

"Four! Thank you sir!" she declared. Normally she would need his permission to rise, but she was in charge here. She climbed off the table. Turning to face the delighted men, she gave her spanker her sweetest smile. "Thank you for punishing me sir. And congratulations, you just failed."

"What?" he was shocked. "You're failing me because I strapped you?"

"No, you idiot," she told him disdainfully. "I told you to strap me because that is proper procedure. I'm failing you because you're a clumsy oaf who couldn't get the hose up me without risking injury." She smiled again at his aggrieved expression.

"Now then, that puts the rest of you in the clear - provided you do a better job. She pointed at the plod next to him. "Your turn!"


Annette was thrusting faster, the strap-on driving into Amanda's willingly-offered asshole at a steady pace. Her own pussy was wet now, both from the stimulation and from Amanda's description of events. Having been on the receiving end of every implement the police had at their disposal she was well-acquainted with the feeling of each one, and her body responded as she remembered the sensations. Latex-clad fingers, covered in lubricant. The ever-present threat of the leather strap. The feeling of being violated to unimaginable depths by the special hose... All just part of the job normally, but experiencing them vicariously like this was... well... surprisingly enjoyable. She quizzed her young friend about the details, feeling her arousal grow as she imagined the scene. Her thighs smacked against Amanda's hands and wide-spread cheeks as she pounded harder, deeper...

"How many of them did you fail?"

"Seven... all... up..." Amanda was gasping for breath in between thrusts. "Nearly... half... of... them!"

The sergeant hadn't been thrilled by the low pass rate, but she had reminded him that she was there to lift standards.

"Those men are going to try harder next time," she pointed out. "And I'm teaching them the special hose don't forget. It has to be done properly or you'll be sending girls to the hospital. Trust me, this station is going to be famous for how good your guys are."

He had chewed his lip, not yet convinced. Mindful of Annette's advice on how to deal with cops, Amanda had stepped close and reached between his legs, stroking him through his pants while giving him her sauciest smile.

"You're going to have the rank and file begging you to transfer here," she pointed out. "You'll be able to pick the best of the best. Think what that will do for your clearance rate!"

She took hold of his hands and guided them under her skirt so he could feel the softness of her inner thighs.

"You need to re-qualify too!" she pointed out. "Wouldn't you rather it be with me? I'll be a good girl for you!"

His fingers found her slit and explored roughly. She was wet and (apparently,) willing - thanks to having lubed herself up before their meeting. Like most plods he was no great intellect, and his misgivings had been swept away by his lust and desire for status among his colleagues.

"Good boy!" she breathed in his ear as her tight pussy was invaded. "Do we have a deal?"

He nodded eagerly.

Men! So simple, so easy to manipulate! As long as you could stand being their plaything...

As the dildo continued to ream her out it occurred to her that getting fucked in the ass was basically a metaphor for life under the CPA, though this wasn't the time to point that out. In any case, Annette no doubt felt the same way, (which probably explained why she was using the strap-on in the first place.) There was no doubt that she was indeed teaching Amanda how to rise to the top of her profession.

"I hope you asked for your spankings when you deserved them."

"Yes... ma'am... every... time..." Amanda replied. "I... did... you... proud..."

As the day wore on, the hose became less of a concern. She grew used to the feeling of it penetrating to its full length, and her instructions to the men administering it became more precise, minimising her discomfort. The spankings she had to ask for however became harder to take as her beautiful behind was beaten into various shades of red and purple. Each one hurt more. Each time she had to ask for another dose took greater courage. And the willpower required to bend and take them while still remaining professional and feigning gratitude was something else again. Between the numerous invasions and even more numerous swats she began to feel like a ragdoll being played with by a less-than-careful child. And throughout it all she had to maintain her poise, seeming outwardly calm and unconcerned while her bottom was thrashed and her insides were explored. It was both physically and mentally exhausting, not to mention painful.

But she had managed. In fact, the last few strappings had seemed a little easier. She was learning how to mentally distance herself and put it out of her mind, (partially at least,) while focusing on the task at hand.


When bending for correction in court Annette would always graciously ask the bailiff to carry out the punishment ordered by the judge. It was a show of contrition and submissiveness, but also a demonstration of her courage and willpower. Asking sweetly for another dose of leather, bending over to present an already-bruised backside, and thanking him sincerely as he delivered more stinging swats was something that few women could manage. So despite her small stature, always-bare bottom, and the amusement that her spankings provided, she was in fact a commanding presence in the courtroom. Most eyes hardly left her, and she was the centre of attention any time she was standing.

"And did you give the lucky winners their reward?"

"Yes... ma'am! I... thanked... them... properly..."

"Good..." Annette purred. It pleased her to imagine her student on her knees...


"Pause. Wait for half a minute. You should have about four inches left to go."

The last of her trainees was near to completing the insertion. He'd done quite well so far.

"Lube up the last section of hose while you wait."

The water continued to flow into her, opening up her insides and making room for the tube that would soon follow. Once she was sure she was sufficiently prepared she gave her next instruction.

"Push gently and twist to the right. You should be able to get it all in, just don't rush it."

She braced herself. After the tongue-lashing she had given the first trainee, (not to mention the consequences that accompanied his failing grade,) the men had treated her with proper respect, realising that despite the fact that she was submitting her body to them, she was in full control of the situation. It was an odd arrangement to be sure, but they had learned to accept her authority. So the next three invasions of her slender young body had been conducted with far greater care. Still, taking it had been uncomfortable to say the least, and there was still a chance that he might accidentally hurt her.

Fortunately he followed her instructions carefully. The last few inches slid smoothly (albeit tightly,) into her.

"Mmmmmmphh!" she moaned quietly. It wasn't painful, but her body was being penetrated to depths nature had never intended, and while the tip made its way deeper she could feel the entire length behind it, sliding up through her back passage and into parts of her that should have remained untouched. She was grateful to feel the retention plug against her ring - they were almost done.

"Hold steady. The plug is going in!"

She breathed out steadily as the plug stretched her wider, wider... And then it was in, her body closing around it.

"Aaahhhh!" she sighed in relief.

"You may release your buttocks now ma'am."

Amanda let go of her cheeks and supported her weight with her elbows. "Well done! Now just wait for the bag to empty."

The hose was full-length inside her and she could feel every inch of it, just as she could feel the flow of water. The pressure inside her continued to grow slowly - then held steady.

"Are we done?" she enquired.

"Yes ma'am, all finished."

"Good. Now pull out the hose - slowly."

Amanda squirmed as she felt the tube being eased out of her body. Sliding inside her, tickling her, teasing her sensitive little asshole... Some of the sensations were not unpleasant, and she tried to focus on those as inch by inch was withdrawn and guided into the bucket full of disinfectant provided for used implements. As the tip finally exited her body she cinched herself up tight, staying in place for a few seconds so they could admire how her lovely little rosebud closed as if nothing had happened.

She climbed off the table once more and stood casually in front of them. "Well done. Apart from Constable Butterfingers over there, you have all performed well. Butterfingers - take the trash and leave. You can re-test in three months."

"Yes ma'am," was the surly response. The disgruntled cop collected the bucket and the waste bin of discarded gloves. She waited until the door slammed shut behind him before continuing.

"As I said earlier, two of you will get a pass, one will get a bonus." She spoke calmly, while fighting to retain the water. She had to pretend that none of it mattered, that she wasn't in any discomfort. "I will use the bathroom and consider which of you merits what. "Wait here."

She forced herself to walk slowly to the door of the bathroom that adjoined the search room. Once inside she seated herself on the toilet. The session wasn't over yet - she still had two more duties to perform.

She made the men wait for several minutes while she performed the necessary ablutions and cleaned herself off with the bidet. When she emerged from the bathroom she was pleased to see them looking restless - and a little anxious. Good...

"Well gentlemen, it was a close call, but I have decided that PC Whitmore was the star student today. Whitmore, step forward."

The delighted Whitmore obeyed, eager but uncertain. What would be his "bonus"?

"Now then, the search and flush procedure isn't just fun and games. It is also used to put young ladies in their place and teach them respect for authority. So even if a girl co-operates, she might still need a reminder if she hasn't submitted with good grace. Unhook your strap."

Puzzled, he took it off his belt. Surely she wasn't going to ask for another strapping?

But ask she did.

"I have been a naughty girl," Amanda declared. "Please sir, will you give me four of your best?"

"I, um... Yes ma'am?" he responded uncertainly.

Amanda turned her back, spread her legs, and bent double to grasp her ankles. "Give it to me sir! Teach me a lesson!"

Whitmore stepped to one side of her. This was his lucky day!

The strap touched her reddened bottom. "Are you ready to be punished ma'am?"

"Yes sir!" was the enthusiastic response. "Give it to me hard!"


"One, thank you sir. Please spank me harder!"


"Two, thank you sir. Please spank me harder!"

The pain was growing with each swat, but Amanda held her ankles tightly and kept her legs rigid. Only two more, she could take it...


Amanda drew in a sharp breath and swallowed. "Three, thank you sir, Please spank me harder!"


The final swat landed, lighting up her behind in a blaze of what felt like fireworks. Amanda let out the breath she had been holding. Not so bad...

She inhaled deeply and forced herself to speak in a firm, clear voice. "Four, thank you sir!"

She stood slowly and turned to face him, fighting the urge to rub at her battered bottom. Rubbing herself would be a sign of weakness - unacceptable in the courtroom. She gave him her most dazzling cover-girl smile. "Thank you for punishing me!" she cooed.

The smug cop replaced his strap, though privately reflecting that his careful work with the hose had earned him the same reward as 'butterfingers' failure. But what happened next made him an undisputed winner.

Amanda stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She pressed her slim body against him, grinding hard against the bulge in his pants and kissed him passionately on the lips. "That was a fine spanking, sir!" she said in a quiet, husky voice. "Let me show you how grateful I am!"

She dropped to her knees and unbuckled his equipment belt, lowering it carefully to the floor. As all three men looked on in astonishment she took down his pants and boxers. Her delicate, neatly manicured fingers began to tease his cock and balls and she smiled up at him.

"I love to be strapped by a big, strong man!" she lied. "It helps me to be a good girl!"

His member was larger than average - and getting larger rapidly. She giggled theatrically as she stroked him to full hardness. "My, that's a big one!!"

Keeping her eyes locked on his she took him into her mouth and got to work, licking, sucking and stroking.

Whitmore couldn't believe what was happening. Receiving blowjobs and other sexual favours was a perk of his job - but they were usually given as bribes to save a girl's behind. Never before had he been given one as a thank-you after strapping a girl!

In a daze he began to gently stroke her hair as the others looked on enviously.

"Mmmm..." Amanda murmured around a mouthful of hard cock. She narrowed her eyes as if smiling at him, and went to work in earnest. She had given scores of blowjobs to dozens of cops, and knew all the tricks. Even back in high school she had regularly sucked her headmaster to avoid taking his cane, and like any pretty girl she had bent over his desk to be vigorously fucked rather than getting the full dozen strokes that were handed out for more serious offences. She had developed a detached attitude to such sexual favours, preferring the minor indignity of being an unpaid prostitute to the pain of taking what was due to her. The experience had taught her well. Her beauty made her a target - but it was also a tool that she could use to her advantage.

It took only a couple of minutes before the astonished plod blew his load into her warm, willing mouth.

Amanda's expression didn't change as she swallowed his hot, salty cum. She pulled his pants back up and got to her feet, still calm and confident. Handing him his equipment belt, she kissed him gently on the cheek. "I hope you enjoyed that sir!"

He was too stunned to reply - not that she cared. She walked briskly to the door and flung it open. "Class dismissed!"

The men took their leave, touching their caps as they passed her.

"Good day ma'am!"

"Thank you ma'am!"

"Wonderful class ma'am"

Amanda held her fake smile until the door closed behind them - then frowned as she rubbed at her burning bum. Eight swats so far, more to come... She stepped to the fridge in the corner that held the chilled enema bags and retrieved the ice-pack she has stashed earlier.


The fire in her buttocks began to die down. This hadn't been as bad as she'd feared, but this was only the first class of the day. A glance at the clock told her that she had twenty minutes before the next one. Enough time to compose herself. Right now, she knew that the plods would be texting their friends to tell them about their amazing new instructor. She was going to be famous at the station, that was for sure!

It occurred to her that she could possibly use that to her advantage. If she sweet-talked the sergeant and reminded him how popular she was, she might be able to get him to clear her rainchecks instead of running up a tab - without having to work it off on her knees. Her outstanding service in the search room should give her some bargaining power.

But that of course depended on her being able to endure the rest of the day - and come back for more. Not for the first time, she wondered if she had the buns for her chosen career. By the end of today she was going to find out. It would be a baptism of fire...


Annette was fucking her vigorously now, the dildo sliding in and out like a piston. Amanda could no longer talk, just grunt and moan as she was reamed out by her mentor.

There were no more questions - Annette was lost in her own fantasies. She thought of the swats she had taken yesterday in court, and of all the people who had watched. She thought about what her young friend had been through today, how she had submitted to being used and abused. She imagined possible tomorrows - the two of them together, bending over in front of a judge, being searched side by side, tending to each others' welted bottoms followed by passionate lovemaking... Images flooded through her mind - images of submission and authority, of pain and pleasure. The warmth between her thighs grew until -

"YEEEEEEESSSSS!!!" she cried out. "YES, GOD, YES!"

Her orgasm took hold of her and she bucked her hips, driving the dildo even deeper into Amanda's much-abused asshole. The distressed damsel wailed in pain as she was violated, but managed to hold her position, cheeks still wide-spread.

With a heavy sigh, Annette dropped down onto Amanda and cuddled her from behind. "Good girl!" she whispered hoarsely. "Well done!"

Amanda sobbed quietly. She had never been fucked like this, even by her most well-hung boyfriend!

Annette slowly climbed off her, the huge dildo sliding out of Amanda's rectum. She cinched up as tight as she could, praying that she didn't gape and earn herself another spanking - she'd had more than enough today. To her relief she felt a gentle pat on her back.

"You can turn over now."

With a huge sigh of relief Amanda turned over and dropped onto the quilt. She slumped in the bed, exhausted and sore. She just wanted to sleep... Here eyes closed, she heard Annette unbuckling the strap-on. Thank God that was over!

Her legs were pushed apart and she opened her eyes in alarm. Not more! But Annette was smiling warmly as she knelt down and kissed Amanda's soft thighs, working her way slowly higher. With a murmur of pleasure, the girl spread herself wider, and moaned softly as her friend's lips kissed her smooth little mound. A questing tongue found its way between the neat lips of her slit and she gasped as Annette began to lick her out.

"Yes! More!"

Satisfied that her lover was wet and ready, Annette slid two fingers into the tight but welcoming pussy and moved them in slow circles.

"Ooohhhh...." Amanda arched her back to take more. Soon the fingers were sliding back and forth, skillfully teasing her G-spot and heightening her arousal. She surrendered to the sensations inside her, eyes closed as she lost herself in the moment.


Waves of pleasure washed over her, driving all thoughts from her mind and leaving her utterly spent. She scarcely noticed as Annette withdrew her fingers and licked them clean before sliding up to kiss and hold the younger woman. For a while they lay in silence, bodies pressed together in warm embrace.

Eventually Amanda spoke.

"Is it worth it?" she asked. "Everything you have to put up with I mean. You could make more money as a hotbot!"

"Not for long," Annette replied. Hotbots had short careers before being passed over in favour of younger and prettier girls. "Besides, money isn't the main reason I practice law. I do it because it's the only time I can fight back against the system."

"But you pay for it," Amanda pointed out. "The cops are always out to get you."

Annette shrugged. "They have been since I was thirteen. At least this way I get to win sometimes. And you will too." She smiled proudly. "You've got what it takes!"

Amanda smiled in return. She had proven herself today. Her future career was going to be tough, but at least she knew she was up to the task. She drifted off to sleep and dreamed of the day when she too would wear the open-backed skirt that marked her as a bare-bottomed barrister...

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Post by bertrumm00057 »

SteveBurke wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:13 pm Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Great story. I wasn't too sure about Amanda's authoritarian assertiveness in training the plods, but i guess she had to be that way. I would have preferred it if it had been them ordering her around, but perhaps that's just me, lol. I like to think she'll somehow have to pay for her bossy attitude.
A good few hours nude on a parade ground might suffice!
Again, that's just me, lol!

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Post by SteveBurke »

bertrumm00057 wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 1:39 pm
SteveBurke wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:13 pm Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Great story. I wasn't too sure about Amanda's authoritarian assertiveness in training the plods, but i guess she had to be that way. I would have preferred it if it had been them ordering her around, but perhaps that's just me, lol. I like to think she'll somehow have to pay for her bossy attitude.
A good few hours nude on a parade ground might suffice!
Again, that's just me, lol!

The purpose here is to train her to be assertive and submissive at the same time, just as she will have to be in court. There's plenty of M/f action in the CPA stories, but this is another example of "topping from the bottom," as it were.

And while some of the cops might resent her I like to think that most of them will develop a fondness for her. Not that it will save her ass if she gets in trouble, but she's "their" girl, which may come into play in another story.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Post by Hooked6 »

SteveBurke wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:13 pm Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

"Familiarity breeds contempt!" she said firmly. "You have to be searched so often that it becomes boring. You have to be strapped until you don't fear it any more. And you have to be calm, polite, and submissive at all times. You have to swallow your pride, take whatever they dish out, and thank them for it. It's going to be a long, hard road, but I assure you this is the only way you're ever going to make the cut for the Quill and Cane."
I just love this paragraph! It sums up the essence, in my opinion, of this whole series - toughen up and deal with it as it were.
Another great installment. Thank you for continuing these.


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Re: Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Post by SteveBurke »

Hooked6 wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:42 am
SteveBurke wrote: Mon Aug 26, 2024 12:13 pm Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

"Familiarity breeds contempt!" she said firmly. "You have to be searched so often that it becomes boring. You have to be strapped until you don't fear it any more. And you have to be calm, polite, and submissive at all times. You have to swallow your pride, take whatever they dish out, and thank them for it. It's going to be a long, hard road, but I assure you this is the only way you're ever going to make the cut for the Quill and Cane."
I just love this paragraph! It sums up the essence, in my opinion, of this whole series - toughen up and deal with it as it were.
Another great installment. Thank you for continuing these.

Thank you! And yes, it's a key part of the series. The ladies have to accept their place in a one-sided system. But for women like Annette and Amanda it goes beyond that. They have to put their sweet little asses on the line just to do their jobs - which requires a whole new level of courage and commitment.

For most women under the CPA it's just a part of life. For the select few who dare to stand tall it's a challenge beyond that - a challenge that involves frequently bending over... But that's what makes them special. They aren't slaves with no choice - they are exceptional in both brains and bravery.

Annette has to be assertive and aggressive in the courtroom, despite knowing that she could be ordered to bend for a spanking at any moment. She has to cross-examine cops who have probably strapped/searched her before - and will do so again. Amanda must develop the same fortitude.

But Amanda is starting from a different position. She hasn't yet opposed the cops in court, and she's definitely a favourite in the training room. So maybe she can develop a different relationship, as I suggested earlier. I'll see what ideas come to me.
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Re: Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Post by Freight_Train »

This was great. Thanks for posting it.

BTW, was there an Amanda #1 ?

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Re: Tales of the CPA - Toughen up! (Amanda #2)

Post by SteveBurke »

Freight_Train wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2024 11:56 pm This was great. Thanks for posting it.

BTW, was there an Amanda #1 ?
Thanks! And yes, Amanda first appeared in "The Golden Arches" - which was actually the very first "Tale of the CPA."

You can find it in my archive section: viewtopic.php?t=31
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