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Tracey's Mock Trial

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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by donnabarber »

John met Nina again the next day and she continued to pour her poison in his ear.
‘Do you want me to show you the witness statements for her trial? Eight men have accused her of soliciting them for fucking in return for money and a further four have seen her soliciting in the street quite brazenly. I’ve entered them into evidence for her forthcoming trial, of course.’
John thought back to how ‘Tracey’ had responded to him when he raped her in her cell. She orgasmed when I raped her, didn’t she? And she didn’t seem to mind that much when I told her I was going to rape her arse and make her suck my cock, did she Maybe Nina’s right and she’s been leading a secret life as a whore – and holding out on me at the same time! What the hell for? What a fucking bitch!
‘No, I believe you, Nina. Unfortunately I think you must be right. What a sap I must have been for thinking Tracey was some kind of innocent and demure young girl when all the time she was whoring out her body for money!’
Nina smiled happily at the success of her deception.
‘Well, you’re a very trusting man, John. You always want to think the best of people and maybe especially when it was your girlfriend. At least you saw through her before she’d managed to snare you. You might have ended up marrying her and how do you think your family would feel if you’d married a whore?’
John shivered at the thought.
‘I’d have felt terrible, let alone them,’ he said. ‘At least I’ve had a lucky escape. Tracey will be facing my father in court on Friday and I know he hates whores more than most criminals.’
‘That’s good to know,’ Nina smiled. ‘So how do you feel about Tracey now?’
‘I hate and despise her for lying to me and for being a depraved fucking whore.’
‘So if she did get harsh punishment from your Dad you wouldn’t shed a tear over her?’
John considered that question while Nina waited in nervous anticipation for his answer.
‘I wouldn’t really want her to go to prison for five years like the other whores on trial. And I wouldn’t want her to get sentenced to100 strokes of the cane either. Maybe it’s best if she gets a non-custodial sentence of some kind – I don’t know, scrubbing graffiti, cleaning the streets, something like that.’
‘I’ll see what I can do. As I said, I’ll discuss the situation with Lucy and see if we can come to some kind of plea bargain.’
The two of them fucked and afterwards Nina began to consider how best to approach Lucy with her plan. She wasn’t at all sure that Tracey’s defence lawyer would go for it but if the worst came to the worst at least Tracey had undergone a thoroughly unpleasant week in prison – far worse than if she’d simply been in the holding cell like Theresa was. I wonder if I can persuade her to help me, Nina wondered?
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

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It was now Monday morning and Nina began to think that it was probably best for her to approach Lucy with her plan right away. Give her another day or two and she might make contact with Theresa, realise she’s not Tracey and then cause havoc, thought Nina. If the worst comes to the worst I can always blame the prison transfer people and make out they made a mistake in processing her. While if Lucy goes for my plan – that fucking bitch will be banged up for five years with hard labour.
She went to Lucy and began to cautiously discuss Tracey’s trial on Friday.
‘You finished reading her case notes yet?’
‘Well, all the files they gave me. As far as I can see it’s only witness statements and we both know they’re made-up ones for the sake of a mock trial.’
‘John and I are back together now. He was so shocked when he thought that Tracey really was a whore that he dropped her and came back to me.’
‘And I take it you didn’t put him straight?’
‘Well, of course not. Why would I want to do that?’
‘Have you visited Tracey in her holding cell yet?’
‘No, not yet. I was planning on doing that later today.’
‘I see. You might get a surprise when you do.’
Lucy gave her a curious look.
‘What do you mean by that?’
Nina decided to take the risk and tell Lucy the truth.
‘It’s not Tracey in the holding cell.’
Lucy stared at her in astonishment.
‘Not Tracey? But how? And I mean, who is in there if it’s not her?’
‘A real prostitute by the name of Theresa Smith. She also uses the aliases of Tracey Smith and Terri Smith.’
‘And how does she come to be in the holding cell instead of Tracey?’
‘Well, you know you left court early after Tracey had been denied bail and remanded in custody till Friday?’
‘Yes, I remember.’
‘I stayed on till the end. The very last case was Theresa Smith, who pleaded guilty to the charge of prostitution. And here’s the amazing thing – she’s a dead ringer for Tracey Smith. Not just an almost identical name but they look like twins. It’s uncanny. And that’s when I put my plan into action.’
‘What plan? Where’s Tracey? What have you done with her?’
‘The plan to switch Theresa Smith with Tracey Smith. Where is Tracey now? In the Eastfield Prison for Women, serving a sentence of five years hard labour and 100 strokes of the cane.’
Lucy stared at Nina in amazement.
‘How the fuck did you manage to do that?’
‘Well, my Dad’s a Chief Inspector in the police. I asked him for help and he was happy to oblige. He switched all the evidence, the fingerprints, DNA and other police database info so that as far as the prison’s concerned Tracey is Theresa Smith.’
‘So what happens on Friday? What am I supposed to do about the Tracey who isn’t Tracey?’
‘Well, I’m prepared to help you get Theresa Smith get off with a non-custodial sentence. I’ve already talked to her and prepped her up a bit on Tracey’s background and stuff like that. She has agreed to go along with the plan because she’d rather be doing a non-custodial than banged up in Eastfield Prison. So only Tracey winds up behind bars and Theresa goes free. Your job is to pretend that she’s Tracey and give her more ammunition to win her case or at least just get a slap on the wrist.’
‘And why should I go for your plan? What’s to stop me going to Judge Chambers and telling him that you’ve been perverting the course of justice just so that you can get his son back as your boyfriend?’
‘Well, he might not believe you. I’ve done a good job of convincing John that Tracey really is a whore. And of course my father is a powerful and influential police officer. You wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of him, would you? Anyway, Tracey’s just a fat bimbo. Why the fuck should you care what happens to the bitch?
Lucy considered her options for a moment.
‘How long has Tracey been in Eastfield?’
‘Since Friday.’
‘I wonder if she’s had her 100 strokes of the cane yet?’
‘Apparently she ended up getting 175 because after they’d given her 25 each on her arse, tits, belly and cunt they realised that all 100 were supposed to have been on her fat arse so they gave her the extra 100 on her arse.’
‘Wow, that must have hurt.’
‘Who cares? The cunt fucking well deserves it! Apparently her hard labour is being served on the stone quarrying gang. The idea of that fat bimbo sweating her arse off really appeals to me!’
For the first time, Lucy laughed.
‘Yes, that does conjure up a delightful picture. So Tracey will be spending the next five years of her life like that?’
‘Too fucking right she will!’
‘But what about her family? Won’t they have to be informed?’
‘That’s the beauty of it; Tracey and her family don’t get on at all. Apparently her parents – especially her Mum – and elder brother and sister treat her with total contempt. She’s told John that her family abused her for years and that they couldn’t give a shit about what happens to her. Even if they were informed they’d probably believe that she is a whore and that she’s only getting exactly what she fucking deserves. Which in my eyes she is.’
Lucy smiled at Nina for the first time.
‘Well, for what it’s worth I’ve never liked Tracey. She’s always irritated me with her Miss Goody Twoshoes routine and I wasn’t bothered when the judge denied her bail. Frankly I thought a week in a holding cell might do her good. But five years in prison with hard labour – that’s fucking brilliant!’
The two women laughed happily as they considered Tracey’s plight.
‘Well, I suppose I’d better go and prep up Theresa Smith in how to be Tracey Smith. See you around, Nina.’
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

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When Lucy entered the holding cell she was immediately struck by the uncanny resemblance between the two women. She knew of course that it was Theresa Smith and not Tracey Smith lying in the cell but it made no difference.
‘I see you’ve already met the prosecution lawyer,’ said Lucy, getting straight to the point. The two of us have talked things over and I know all about – the plan. Now I’m sure you’ll need to ask me questions about Tracey and I’ll be happy to answer. In the meantime Nina and I have come to an – arrangement. I’ll defend you; she’ll go easy on you; and we’ll see to it that you get a non-custodial sentence. The files on you have been switched with the ones for the real Tracey Smith so it shouldn’t be difficult to convince the judge. Unlike you, Tracey really would be a first offender so she’ll get away with a slap on the wrist. I’ll then appeal against your conviction and three days later the judge will quash it and you can walk out of the place free as a bird. Any questions?’
‘What about her family?’
‘No need to worry. They all think she’s a waste of space and they’ve treated her like shit for years. They’d probably think she was a whore.’
‘Her boyfriend?’
‘Ditched her when he thought she was prostituting herself. He’s now back with his ex.’
‘What about the university staff? Won’t they suspect anything?’
‘They won’t even see you while you’re held here, will they?’
‘What about the judge?’
‘Well, I expect he noticed the amazing resemblance between you and Tracey but as she hasn’t spoken in court yet and you only spoke briefly to plead guilty I don’t think he’ll assume that there’s any funny business going on.’
‘Why are you doing this? Why are you helping this Nina to frame an innocent woman? I can understand her; she wants her boyfriend back and Tracey took him from her. But you? Why are you so anxious to get me off and see Tracey suffering in prison?’
‘Because I don’t like her. She’s too high and mighty and too much a prissy schoolmarm for my liking. I think she needs taking down a peg or two and five years hard labour with 100 strokes of the cane ought to do that just nicely!’
‘That was what the judge sentenced me to,’ said Theresa quietly.
‘And surely you’d rather some other bimbo took the rap rather than have to serve a sentence like that yourself?’
‘Well, of course. I suppose I just feel slightly sorry for this Tracey, that’s all.’
‘Don’t be. Do you know she gave a presentation a couple of months ago on how prostitution was one of the worst crimes a woman could commit and that whores deserved to be given the harshest possible punishment?’
Lucy carefully refrained from telling Theresa that Tracey had only given that presentation and only adopted that particular point of view as a result of the General Election installing a new and viciously misogynist political party in power and their directives to universities had led to her giving that particular seminar paper.
‘What a fucking bitch!’ said Theresa angrily. ‘It’s a pity the judge didn’t give her life!’
‘Well, five years in Eastfield under the new prison regulations won’t be a walk in the park. If she survives that she’ll be permanently changed as a result. Anyway, Nina and I will see to it that you get off; either on Friday or on Monday week. Good luck!’7
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

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Hopefully by the end of this story you will turn the tables on Nina so that she also gets branded, whipped and gangbanged in prison.
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by donnabarber »

Watch this space!

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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

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Suzanne decided to visit her younger sister at university but to her astonishment found that she wasn’t there. She knew that Tracey had mentioned a friend called Lucy Jones and she made enquiries about her.
Lucy looked rather embarrassed when Suzanne met her.
‘I’m Tracey’s sister,’ she said. ‘I wondered why she wasn’t at uni when I called round to see her.’
‘Well,’ said Lucy carefully, ‘I’m afraid she won’t be coming back any time soon.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘It’s kind of hard to explain. Basically she’s been convicted of prostitution and sent to Eastfield Prison for Women.’
‘What?’ Suzanne gasped in amazement. ‘Tracey? I don’t believe it.’
‘Well, it’s difficult to explain how it happened. I’m a law student and we have a mock trial session as part of our final year’s course. And I asked Tracey to volunteer to pretend to be a prostitute.’
‘But it’s one thing pretending to be one. How did she get sent to prison for five years?’
Lucy felt stirrings of guilt for the first time.
‘Well, Nina – that’s another law student – she was prosecuting Tracey and when her case came to trial she opposed bail and the judge agreed so she was taken to a holding cell to be remanded till her case came up for trial in a week’s time. And then...’
Suzanne gave Lucy a long hard look.
‘There’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there? Do I need to go to higher authority or are you going to tell me what’s happened?’
Lucy felt scared but decided to throw the blame on Nina.
‘The thing is, at our mock trials we have real judges and we also mix up real criminals with pretend ones. And as it happened there was another girl called Theresa Smith – who was the spitting image of Tracey and also went by the alias of Tracey – and she really was on trial for prostitution. So the cases got mixed up and the real Theresa Smith got let off while Tracey got sentenced to five years hard labour in prison.’
‘Even so, what about things like fingerprints, mug shots, previous records, that sort of thing? Surely that would have shown that Tracey wasn’t Theresa Smith?’
‘Well, you’d better talk to Nina about that,’ said Lucy defensively.
‘I will,’ said Suzanne. ‘Go and get her to come here at once!’
Lucy reluctantly rang Nina’s mobile.
‘Hi, Nina. Tracey’s sister has just turned up and wants to know what’s happened to her younger sis.’
‘What have you told her?’
‘You’d better meet us pronto.’
So Nina raced across to meet with Lucy and Suzanne.
‘Nina Harris,’ she introduced herself.
‘Suzanne Smith. I gather you’ve somehow got my sister banged up in Eastfield for five years on a charge of prostitution.’
‘Uh, yes, I believe that’s what’s happened to her.’
‘How did you manage that? I hear from Lucy here that a prostitute called Theresa Smith with a striking resemblance to my sister was also on trial and that somehow her case got mixed up with my sister’s case.’
‘Yes, that’s right.’
Nina looked at Lucy and then at Suzanne.
‘I suppose you want me to contact the prison and explain that they’ve made an error in processing their inmates and that they’ve put an innocent woman inside instead of a genuine criminal,’ she said reluctantly.
Suzanne’s reaction stunned them both.
‘Why on earth would you think that? I think it’s fucking great that Tracey’s banged up for five years hard labour for something she hasn’t done! As far as I’m concerned the fat blonde bimbo can rot away in prison for ever!’
‘But she’s your sister,’ said Nina, in a state of shock.
‘So fucking what? I despise the cunt and for years her family has treated her like shit – beaten her, humiliated her, made her do all the work and so on. Frankly, me, my brother Simon and my Mum will find it hilarious that Tracey’s been wrongly convicted and sent to prison. My Dad might be a bit weak on that point – we’d best pretend that Tracey really is a fucking whore or he might throw a wobbly. But the rest of us will think it’s fucking great that she’s been locked up for something she hasn’t even done.’
‘I see,’ said Nina. ‘And you really don’t mind that’s she’s been wrongfully convicted in a case of mistaken identity?’
‘Nina, I couldn’t give a fuck. Frankly, if you’d framed the bitch I’d be delighted.’
At that point, reassured by Suzanne’s obvious pleasure in her younger sister’s misfortune, Nina and Lucy told Suzanne the whole story. She laughed uproariously and when she’d recovered she thanked Nina.
‘What a great fucking job you did on Tracey. I must tell Mum and Simon. Maybe we should go and pay her a visit in her new home!’
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

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Meanwhile Tracey’s unending cycle of hard labour, frequent whippings and rape by the guards continued. The governor saw to it that her ordeal was video recorded so that Nina could enjoy watching her former rival suffer in prison.
She had almost lost track of time since her arrival in the prison but when Friday came she felt a sliver of hope arise. Surely Lucy, lazy as she was, would have discovered by now that the real Tracey Smith wasn’t in the holding cell? Surely she’d then alert the judge and perhaps even the police to a miscarriage of justice?
Friday came and went with no news from the outside reaching her. Tracey could only fret and worry as it dawned on her that perhaps the judge had freed the fake Tracey Smith and didn’t even know that the real one had been transferred to Eastfield Prison by mistake.
That night Tracey wept bucketloads of tears. The realisation hit her that whatever had gone on at her mock trial had made no difference. She was stuck in Eastfield Prison and wasn’t getting out of it for five long years.
Next morning was Saturday but Tracey already knew that there were no rest days for the girls working at hard labour. She rose as usual, had her breakfast and then went out to the quarry to break rocks and cart them to the site where other women began to prepare the ground for the skilled builders to construct the new luxury hotel.
She’d been working for four hours and had just started her break when the guard beckoned her over. Tracey mentally resigned herself to yet another rape but this time it was different.
‘The governor wants to see you, 118,’ he said. ‘Follow me.’
‘Yes, sir,’ Tracey said meekly.
In the governor’s office she was greeted by the unwelcome sight of her family. There sat her mother Mary, her father Jim, her sister Suzanne and her brother Simon.
‘Well, 118,’ said the governor, ‘your family has been informed of your conviction and your sentence and have come to visit you in prison.’
‘But I haven’t been convicted – or sentenced!’ Tracey protested desperately. ‘I agreed to take part in a mock trial to help out a friend at uni and I was denied bail and remanded in custody for a week till my case came to trial. That should have been yesterday by the way – why haven’t I heard any news about how the court case went?’
‘Still denying your guilt I see,’ the governor smiled thinly. ‘I have no idea what you are talking about or why you continue to maintain this elaborate facade but the records of the court show clearly that you were convicted last Friday and that you were sentenced to five years hard labour and 100 strokes of the cane.’
‘And you gave me 175 because one of your guards made a mistake,’ said Tracey.
‘Maybe so, but you deserved every stroke you got, 118. I am afraid that it is my sad duty to inform you that your daughter was found guilty of prostitution last week. She already had a number of previous convictions for prostitution so the court decided that showing leniency would be a mistake and that justice would be better served by imposing a harsh sentence upon her to deter other girls from following her course of action.’
Mary spoke for the first time.
‘She was always a difficult child. Not like my darlings Suzanne and Simon. I never had any trouble with them – but with her! It was one disaster after another; one example of rudeness, laziness, disobedience and downright stupidity after another; and one example after another of failure and disappointment to her parents and her family. I’m not at all surprised that she’s ended up in prison. I always thought it would either be there or a lunatic asylum that would become her final home.’
‘I’m afraid she has been a grave disappointment to the family,’ Jim added, a tone of sorrow rather than anger in his voice.
‘She’s been in and out of trouble as far back as I can remember,’ Suzanne chipped in. ‘I’m not at all surprised that she’s been arrested and sent to prison. A thoroughly wilful brat and it’s typical of her to try and earn a living through whoring rather than through honest hard work.’
‘I understand she’s been sentenced to hard labour,’ said Simon. ‘What exactly is she doing in that line of work?’
‘We’ve put her on heavy construction,’ the governor said. ‘She’s breaking rocks in our stone quarry and then taking the loaded cart to the site for other workers to build a luxury hotel. When it’s finished perhaps you might like to come and stay there. It will be a wonderful place to holiday and we anticipate finishing it in the next two years so your daughter will still be a guest here for another three years.’
‘That sounds absolutely brilliant!’ Simon laughed. ‘It’s about time Tracey got off her fat lazy arse and started doing some real fucking work for a change! She’s always been a lazy fucking bitch!’
‘Does she get punished in the prison?’ Mary asked.
‘Oh yes, frequently. More so than the other prisoners to be honest,’ said the governor. ‘As well as the 100 strokes of the cane – well, 175 actually – she’s been caned by the guards, whipped by the guards for laziness and unsatisfactory work and she’s also frequently made to work overtime to make up for her poor performance.’
‘I’m delighted to hear you’re not standing any nonsense from her,’ said Mary. ‘How many hours a day does she have to work?’
‘Well, 12 hours is the basic working day but with 118 we often have to make her carry out additional hours. Since her arrival on Friday – well, we didn’t put her to work on her first day so it’s only been from Saturday that she’s been working here – she’s worked 7 days but she’s had to put in not just the basic 84 hours in a week but an additional 17 hours on top of her basic working schedule making a total of 101 hours for her first working week.’
‘Fucking amazing!’ Simon laughed. ‘I bet she’s never worked so hard in the whole of her miserable fucking life!’
‘I’m delighted to hear that you’re working her so hard. It’s absolutely typical of her not to be able to carry out the simplest task,’ said Mary. ‘And I’m so glad to hear that you’ve been punishing her with the cane and whip. I do hope your guards’ arms don’t get too tired from constantly having to thrash her. I know from my own experience that we had to resort to more or less continual corporal punishment while she lived under our roof. She just never seemed to learn and I always thought she’d never amount to anything. And here she is proving me right yet again!’
Tracey, fuming with the injustice of it all, listened in silence as her own family trashed her in front of the governor. Even if he had any doubts before, she thought bitterly, after that bloody performance he’ll be absolutely convinced that I’m a worthless whore who deserves everything I get!
She knew that any attempt at protest would be futile and would only result in her receiving yet more undeserved punishment. I wonder if Lucy set me up, she began asking herself? I know she’s never been particularly friendly before so maybe she did.
Either way she knew it made no difference now. Her old life was over and all she had to look forward to was her eventual release in five years time. God, that seems like a hundred years away, thought Tracey. They might as well have sentenced me to life!
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

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Bad as things already were for Tracey, her family were determined to make her ordeal far worse. Mary asked the governor, a sweet smile on her face, if Tracey would be released at the end of her sentence.
‘Well, not necessarily,’ he said. ‘Under the new laws a female who’s convicted of a crime has a minimum sentence rather than a maximum one and is never eligible for early release. At the end of her term of imprisonment she comes before a Parole Board which decides whether or not to release her or to extend her sentence. And of course that’s not counting any time that gets added on during her stay in prison for infractions of the rules or other crimes that she may commit while she’s still an inmate.’
‘Fascinating,’ said Mary. ‘It seems much fairer than the old system.’
‘We like to think so.’
‘And how much time could be added on to the original sentence for any crimes she commits during her stay in prison?’
‘Up to a possible maximum of double her original sentence.’
‘So the 5 years Tracey has been sentenced to could mean 10 years?’
:Longer than that, actually. The Parole Board could choose at the end of the 10 years to renew her 5-year sentence for a further 5 years. In theory she could spend the rest of her life in prison if they keep renewing her sentence.’
Suzanne became very interested when she heard that.
‘What type of offences would lead to her sentence being extended?’
‘Well, the main ones are rudeness, disrespect, disobedience and laziness.’
‘And so every time she’s rude or whatever Tracey will get extra time added to her sentence?’
The governor gave her an almost sad smile.
‘I realise she is your sister but from the moment she entered this prison as a convicted criminal she ceased to be Tracey Smith and became inmate 118. She’s no longer a person; she’s just a number. So I’d appreciate it if in future you simply referred to her as 118.’
‘Sure,’ Suzanne grinned. ‘But anyway, how much time is added for each breach of the rules?’
‘A day for each offence.’
‘And what about punishments? Surely you must have other ways of disciplining 118 besides just adding time on her sentence?’
‘Well, of course, We use a variety of methods of punishment – some physical, some more psychological. Physical punishments include the cane, the birch, the whip, electric shock treatment, waterboarding, and various types of strict bondage. Psychological ones include solitary confinement, hooding and sleep deprivation. And the hole and sweatbox combine physical and psychological punishment.’
‘And how many of these punishments has 118 had so far?’
‘Only the cane and the whip at the moment.’
‘Pity. She deserves every one of those punishments you mentioned. What exactly is the hole, by the way?’
‘The hole is, as its name implies, a hole in the ground. It is covered over with a wooden board and is dug twelve feet deep in the earth, The prisoner is lowered down into it by a rope and food and drink are also lowered down from time to time. She is kept in permanent darkness within the hole and it is impossible for her to escape.’
‘Sounds fascinating!’ Suzanne said. ‘How long could you keep 118 in the hole?’
‘Well, so far it’s only been used once on an inmate. She was kept down there for a period of 24 hours. But the revised prison regulations now allow us to hold an inmate in the hole for up to a week if necessary.’
‘Fucking great!’
Tracey fumed and desperately wanted to say something but a stern glance from the governor warned her to remain silent.
‘And is there some kind of scale of offences that means that 118 would receive a harsher punishment rather than a milder one?’ Mary asked eagerly.
‘Yes, there is. We take our duties very seriously and we believe that a sliding scale of offences is the fairest way of determining an inmate’s punishment.’
‘So the basic level of punishments is the cane?’
‘Yes, that’s right. We will cane an inmate anything from a dozen strokes on her bare arse up to a hundred. The whip is generally used more to encourage the inmates working at hard labour rather than as a punishment though of course for serious offences a whipping can be employed. The birch is always used as a punishment if a simple caning is felt not to be a sufficiently severe punishment for the inmate’s offence.’
‘So for what offences would an inmate be caned?’
‘The most common ones are rudeness, disobedience, disrespect and laziness. For those offences, depending on how severe the infraction was judged to be, she would receive between a dozen to a hundred strokes of the cane.’
‘And for a birching?’
‘Again, the four most common offences would be as for a caning but it would be felt that the inmate’s behaviour had been significantly worse than usual and deserved harsher penalties than a simple caning.’
‘How many strokes of the birch would she receive?’
‘About the same as for a caning.’
‘And a whipping?’
‘Again, normally for the same four offences but the behaviour would be considered to be majorly inappropriate.’
‘And how many lashes of the whip would she receive?’
‘Between ten and fifty.’
‘What about electric shock treatment?’
‘That would involve fitting electrodes to her nipples, arsehole and clit and sending electric shocks through them. They could range from mild to severe.’
‘And how long would she be subjected to electric shocks?’
‘At the discretion of the prison staff supervised by the prison doctor.’
‘Has Tracey – sorry, 118 – been raped by the guards?’ Simon asked eagerly.
The governor was just about to answer when Tracey exploded.
‘Yes I have!’ she shouted. ‘By men and women! I’ve been raped repeatedly!’
The governor gave her a sad look. He was still not entirely sure that he could trust her family so decided to play it safe.
‘118, are you claiming that the guards have raped you?
‘Yes, I am.’
‘Well, if you want to put in an official complaint I’ll have it investigated. Can you tell me which guards you allege raped you?’
‘I don’t know their names. Or even their numbers. They weren’t wearing any kind of identification when they raped me.’
‘In that case how do you know they were guards?‘
They were wearing guard’s uniform and they were in charge of me.’
‘And where did these alleged rapes take place?’
‘In my cell and when I was out working.’
‘And did you report these rapes at the time?’
‘Why not?’
‘I was too frightened.’
‘Well, when was the last time you were allegedly raped?’
‘Yesterday, while I was working.’
‘And why didn’t you report it then?’
‘I was frightened.’
‘So why are you claiming to have been raped now?’
‘Because Simon asked if I’d been raped so I thought I might as well tell the truth. Not that I expect you’ll do anything about it.’
The governor looked at Tracey’s mother, still hesitating over how he should respond.
‘Mrs Smith, what do you think I should do about 118’s allegations?’
‘Well,’ said Mary with a cold cruel smile on her face, ‘considering that she’s a whore who routinely fucks men for money and who spreads her legs for any spare prick I’d say that I find it hard to believe that she was raped by the guards. It’s much more likely that she came on to the guards and offered to let them fuck her in exchange for some sort of favour. I’d suggest that you dismiss her bogus claims of rape and punish her for making false accusations against your fine upstanding guards.’
‘Knowing what a total fucking slut 118 is, I’m sure she fucking loved every minute of it,’ Suzanne added. ‘As far as I’m concerned the guards have done nothing wrong and 118 is just lying and pretending to have been raped when the truth is that she was fucking gagging for it and begged the poor guards to fuck her!’
Tracey looked at her family and began to cry. What did I do to deserve being born into a family like this, she thought? They’re a bunch of sadists who treat me like shit and even now I’m in prison all they want to do is make my life even worse than it already is!
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by donnabarber »

Bad as things already were for Tracey, her family were determined to make her ordeal far worse. Mary asked the governor, a sweet smile on her face, if Tracey would be released at the end of her sentence.
‘Well, not necessarily,’ he said. ‘Under the new laws a female who’s convicted of a crime has a minimum sentence rather than a maximum one and is never eligible for early release. At the end of her term of imprisonment she comes before a Parole Board which decides whether or not to release her or to extend her sentence. And of course that’s not counting any time that gets added on during her stay in prison for infractions of the rules or other crimes that she may commit while she’s still an inmate.’
‘Fascinating,’ said Mary. ‘It seems much fairer than the old system.’
‘We like to think so.’
‘And how much time could be added on to the original sentence for any crimes she commits during her stay in prison?’
‘Up to a possible maximum of double her original sentence.’
‘So the 5 years Tracey has been sentenced to could mean 10 years?’
:Longer than that, actually. The Parole Board could choose at the end of the 10 years to renew her 5-year sentence for a further 5 years. In theory she could spend the rest of her life in prison if they keep renewing her sentence.’
Suzanne became very interested when she heard that.
‘What type of offences would lead to her sentence being extended?’
‘Well, the main ones are rudeness, disrespect, disobedience and laziness.’
‘And so every time she’s rude or whatever Tracey will get extra time added to her sentence?’
The governor gave her an almost sad smile.
‘I realise she is your sister but from the moment she entered this prison as a convicted criminal she ceased to be Tracey Smith and became inmate 118. She’s no longer a person; she’s just a number. So I’d appreciate it if in future you simply referred to her as 118.’
‘Sure,’ Suzanne grinned. ‘But anyway, how much time is added for each breach of the rules?’
‘A day for each offence.’
‘And what about punishments? Surely you must have other ways of disciplining 118 besides just adding time on her sentence?’
‘Well, of course, We use a variety of methods of punishment – some physical, some more psychological. Physical punishments include the cane, the birch, the whip, electric shock treatment, waterboarding, and various types of strict bondage. Psychological ones include solitary confinement, hooding and sleep deprivation. And the hole and sweatbox combine physical and psychological punishment.’
‘And how many of these punishments has 118 had so far?’
‘Only the cane and the whip at the moment.’
‘Pity. She deserves every one of those punishments you mentioned. What exactly is the hole, by the way?’
‘The hole is, as its name implies, a hole in the ground. It is covered over with a wooden board and is dug twelve feet deep in the earth, The prisoner is lowered down into it by a rope and food and drink are also lowered down from time to time. She is kept in permanent darkness within the hole and it is impossible for her to escape.’
‘Sounds fascinating!’ Suzanne said. ‘How long could you keep 118 in the hole?’
‘Well, so far it’s only been used once on an inmate. She was kept down there for a period of 24 hours. But the revised prison regulations now allow us to hold an inmate in the hole for up to a week if necessary.’
‘Fucking great!’
Tracey fumed and desperately wanted to say something but a stern glance from the governor warned her to remain silent.
‘And is there some kind of scale of offences that means that 118 would receive a harsher punishment rather than a milder one?’ Mary asked eagerly.
‘Yes, there is. We take our duties very seriously and we believe that a sliding scale of offences is the fairest way of determining an inmate’s punishment.’
‘So the basic level of punishments is the cane?’
‘Yes, that’s right. We will cane an inmate anything from a dozen strokes on her bare arse up to a hundred. The whip is generally used more to encourage the inmates working at hard labour rather than as a punishment though of course for serious offences a whipping can be employed. The birch is always used as a punishment if a simple caning is felt not to be a sufficiently severe punishment for the inmate’s offence.’
‘So for what offences would an inmate be caned?’
‘The most common ones are rudeness, disobedience, disrespect and laziness. For those offences, depending on how severe the infraction was judged to be, she would receive between a dozen to a hundred strokes of the cane.’
‘And for a birching?’
‘Again, the four most common offences would be as for a caning but it would be felt that the inmate’s behaviour had been significantly worse than usual and deserved harsher penalties than a simple caning.’
‘How many strokes of the birch would she receive?’
‘About the same as for a caning.’
‘And a whipping?’
‘Again, normally for the same four offences but the behaviour would be considered to be majorly inappropriate.’
‘And how many lashes of the whip would she receive?’
‘Between ten and fifty.’
‘What about electric shock treatment?’
‘That would involve fitting electrodes to her nipples, arsehole and clit and sending electric shocks through them. They could range from mild to severe.’
‘And how long would she be subjected to electric shocks?’
‘At the discretion of the prison staff supervised by the prison doctor.’
‘Has Tracey – sorry, 118 – been raped by the guards?’ Simon asked eagerly.
The governor was just about to answer when Tracey exploded.
‘Yes I have!’ she shouted. ‘By men and women! I’ve been raped repeatedly!’
The governor gave her a sad look. He was still not entirely sure that he could trust her family so decided to play it safe.
‘118, are you claiming that the guards have raped you?
‘Yes, I am.’
‘Well, if you want to put in an official complaint I’ll have it investigated. Can you tell me which guards you allege raped you?’
‘I don’t know their names. Or even their numbers. They weren’t wearing any kind of identification when they raped me.’
‘In that case how do you know they were guards?‘
They were wearing guard’s uniform and they were in charge of me.’
‘And where did these alleged rapes take place?’
‘In my cell and when I was out working.’
‘And did you report these rapes at the time?’
‘Why not?’
‘I was too frightened.’
‘Well, when was the last time you were allegedly raped?’
‘Yesterday, while I was working.’
‘And why didn’t you report it then?’
‘I was frightened.’
‘So why are you claiming to have been raped now?’
‘Because Simon asked if I’d been raped so I thought I might as well tell the truth. Not that I expect you’ll do anything about it.’
The governor looked at Tracey’s mother, still hesitating over how he should respond.
‘Mrs Smith, what do you think I should do about 118’s allegations?’
‘Well,’ said Mary with a cold cruel smile on her face, ‘considering that she’s a whore who routinely fucks men for money and who spreads her legs for any spare prick I’d say that I find it hard to believe that she was raped by the guards. It’s much more likely that she came on to the guards and offered to let them fuck her in exchange for some sort of favour. I’d suggest that you dismiss her bogus claims of rape and punish her for making false accusations against your fine upstanding guards.’
‘Knowing what a total fucking slut 118 is, I’m sure she fucking loved every minute of it,’ Suzanne added. ‘As far as I’m concerned the guards have done nothing wrong and 118 is just lying and pretending to have been raped when the truth is that she was fucking gagging for it and begged the poor guards to fuck her!’
Tracey looked at her family and began to cry. What did I do to deserve being born into a family like this, she thought? They’re a bunch of sadists who treat me like shit and even now I’m in prison all they want to do is make my life even worse than it already is!
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by donnabarber »

The governor looked at Mary before continuing. He was still somewhat surprised that Tracey’s own family not only had no interest in her welfare but seemed determined to increase her suffering. Wary that this might be some kind of scam to try and get him into trouble, he chose his words carefully.

‘So you don’t believe 118’s claims that she was raped by the guards?’

‘Not at all,’ said Mary.

‘Definitely not,’ said Suzanne.

‘No way!’ said Simon.

‘Well, I suppose as she was found guilty of prostitution probably not,’ Jim said more reluctantly.

‘I concur,’ said the governor. ‘So do you all agree that 118 should be punished for her false accusations against the guards?’

All four family members agreed, as usual Jim less enthusiastically than the others.

‘So, 118, you have made false accusations against our guards,’ said the governor. ‘You must be punished for that offence. Your punishment will be threefold – an extra day added to your sentence, half rations for the next week and a whipping. Do you have anything to say to me before sentence is carried out, 118?’

Tracey wanted to scream and shout about her innocence and the unfairness of it all and what sick bastards her family were but she knew that any such responses would only make her already bad situation even worse.

‘No, sir,’ she said quietly.

‘And are you now prepared to withdraw your false accusations of rape against the guards?’

‘Yes, sir,’ she almost mumbled, tears filling her eyes again.

‘Did you come on to the guards and beg them for sex?’

‘Yes, sir,’ Tracey forced herself to say.

‘In that case,’ the governor smiled, ‘you are also guilty of prostitution. That means that you have now incurred an additional punishment. I sentence you to eight hours in the sweatbox.’

Tracey’s eyes widened as she heard the news. She had no idea what being in the sweatbox meant but she was sure that it would be a terrible ordeal for her. As if to add psychological torment to her forthcoming physical pain, Suzanne intervened at that point.

‘How does the sweatbox work, sir?’

‘Well, it’s a form of solitary confinement, of course; but it also adds the features of being made to endure extreme heat, heat exhaustion and dehydration while the prisoner is kept within the box. The prisoner is locked inside and remains there until she is freed. Of course there is also a more unsavoury aspect to the conditions under which she is held.’

‘What’s that?’ a curious Simon asked.

‘Well, there’s no delicate way of putting this. Essentially if she’s left inside the box for any length of time she’ll be forced to perform her natural bodily functions and crouch inside her own body waste.’

‘You mean she’ll have to crouch in the box in her own piss and shit?’

‘Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.’

Simon burst out laughing when he heard that.

‘Fucking great!’ he said, almost falling of the chair in his mirth. ‘A dirty fucking slut has to crouch in her own piss and shit! And when she comes out – is she punished for making a mess of herself?’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘The sooner we get her in the box the better!’ Simon laughed.

Tracey scowled at her brother but kept her mouth tightly shut.

‘Well, I’m afraid it’s time for 118 to get back to work,’ the governor said. ‘We’ll punish her after she’s finished for the day. I hope you’ve all enjoyed your visit to the prison and that you’ve found it educational and instructive.’

‘Very much so,’ said Mary. ‘I’m sure you have restrictions on prison visits but we’d be extremely grateful if you allowed us to visit fairly frequently to monitor Tracey’s – progress.’

The governor was no fool. He knew exactly what Mary meant and smiled at her when he replied.

‘I think in the circumstances we could allow that, yes. In the meantime we need to send 118 back to her work duties. Would you like to watch her working?’

‘Fuck, yes!’ said Simon. ‘The prospect of watching that fat lazy cow sweating and straining at hard labour while the guards punish her for her laziness is very – exciting.’

‘Well, follow me and we’ll go and watch 118 working,’ said the governor. 'After she's finished her chores we'll put her in the sweatbox.'

'Fucking great!' said Simon.

The eyes of Tracey's mother Mary and sister Suzanne also glistened with delight at the prospect.
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by donnabarber »

Tracey slaved away under the watchful eyes of the guards and the highly critical eye of her own family. Fuming as she was, she knew that she had to keep on struggling as anything was better than getting one of the horrific punishments she’d been threatened with.

Again and again she was chided for her ‘laziness’ and for being ‘slower than a fucking snail.’ In spite of that she kept toiling away, the sweat pouring off her skin as she worked. Even the frequent lashes from the guard’s whip didn’t stop her from working as she knew already from bitter experience that any pause in her work only led to worse punishments.

The governor and Tracey’s family sat in comfortable chairs as they watched her work. They were served refreshing cold drinks that were very welcome in the heat of the summer day. Of course Tracey was no more offered a drink than she was allowed any respite from her labour.

After a few hours she was finally allowed to stop working. The guards gave her a bowl of slop which she had to eat by crouching down on her hands and knees as she wasn’t allowed to use her hands to eat with. After she’d forced herself to eat the disgusting food she got up to her feet and the governor called her over.

‘118, it’s time to put you in the sweatbox. Are you looking forward to that?’

‘No, Sir,’ Tracey answered. ‘Please, sir, please don’t put me in the sweatbox! I’d rather take another whipping than that, Sir!’

‘I’m sure you would,’ the governor smiled. ‘But you don’t get to decide how I punish you. Guards, take her away and put her in the sweatbox!’

Tracey whimpered as two strong muscular guards dragged her away. The governor got up to follow them and Tracey’s family came with him.

They saw the door to a room being unlocked and then the lid of a box within it being lifted. Tracey was pushed through the door and into the box while the lid was closed over her.

‘As I said earlier, 118 will now not simply be locked in solitary confinement but will also have to endure extreme heat. We always maintain the temperature of the sweatbox room at 100 degrees Celsius to add to the inmate’s discomfort. And the heat exhaustion and the dehydration she’ll experience – no food or water provided of course – will add to her suffering. And of course she’ll have to piss and shit inside the box and crouch inside with her own filth. The stench and the discomfort will be appalling for her. The box is lined with dirty straw and though there are holes in it to enable her to breathe the air she’ll be breathing will be absolutely foul.’

‘Fucking great!’ said Simon. ‘So how long are you going to leave 118 in the box for?’

‘Twenty-four hours as it’s her first offence. But for any subsequent ones we can – and will – increase the time she spends locked in the sweatbox.’

‘Well, she deserves every second of it,’ Suzanne smiled. ‘I hope she learns her lesson!’

‘I doubt if Tracey will ever learn,’ said Mary. ‘In my opinion she’ll spend her time in prison being constantly punished. And deservedly so, of course. Governor, thank you so much for your hospitality. When would it be possible for us to visit your fine prison again?’

‘I think in your case we could allow daily visits,’ the governor smiled. ‘A pleasure to have met you and I’m so pleased you approve of the strict punishment regime under which Tracey is being held here.’

‘Oh, absolutely,’ said Mary. ‘Tracey deserves the harshest possible punishment and on a regular basis!’

Tracey, locked in the sweatbox, could only pray for her ordeal to end
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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by Hooked6 »

It is good to see you writing again. Looking forward to more. It will be interesting to see where the story ends up.


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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by surferchick »

Awesome to read every bit of you. So great to see you around.

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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by Cwelst72 »

Love the story Do you plan to continue?

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Re: Tracey's Mock Trial

Post by GypsieCowboy »


Though you keep refering to Tracey as fat I know that she is really a sexy, cute, delicious young woman and therefore deserving of every bit of humiliation, punishment and sufferinf the governor and sadistic guards- of both sexes - can imagine... I look forward to the continuation of this fine story! I have been hopig though that her ball gag would be alternated with a large penis gag at times.

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