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Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

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Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

Post by chrwy01 »

Hi guys

I've been a big fan of the 34th amendment slavery genre for a few years now, and although I've had ideas in my head, I've never committed to actually writing anything until now. I have completed 3 chapters of this story so far, with the 4th in progress, and I have uploaded the first to Literotica under the name mtg34 with the second pending. I also have a side story which focuses on a minor character who pops up later in the story for which I am on Chapter 3. Chapter 1 is also more of a setup chapter where it will get more juicy later on. I hope you enjoy and if you have any pointers or suggestions I'm happy to try and work them in if I like the idea.


Chapter 1 - Fun and Games





These were just a few of the signs being held up by students of the local Sixth Form college as they stood protesting on the high street. They were members of the college’s Feminist Society, which in previous years had fought for gender equality but nowadays fought almost entirely against slavery, and in particular, sexual slavery and exploitation. It was the summer holidays, and this would be this group’s last public protest as they leave to start jobs or go to university for those lucky enough to have rich parents or are able to secure a loan.

Amongst the students was 18-year-old Cassie Gallacher, her best friend Sophie Eames, and their friend Tom Teasdale. They often went to these protests together, either on the high street, outside slave centres, or joining huge marches in the capital. Cassie, like other girls her age, had grown up terrified of slavery and the risk that one day it might happen to her. Fortunately for her the financial security her father’s job provided meant she posed very little risk of slavery herself, if she stays on the right side of the law that is.

Although the idea terrified her in real life, her sexually submissive side did often fantasise about slavery, though she would never tell her friends this. When performing yoga in her room she would strip off and perform slave poses in front of the mirror, studying how the curves of her shaved body accentuate her nakedness as she stretched to push out her tits, cunt and ass for her imaginary master’s viewing pleasure. She would bend over and spread her cheeks for her imaginary master, begging for him to “please fuck my arse until you cum, master”, despite her complete reluctance to have anything inserted up there.
Like an increasing number of women, she had also played slave in the bedroom for her ex-boyfriend. Some women do get off on the fantasy but many do it just to please their man, or because they feel it is expected. For Cassie, it was a bit of both. He bought a black leather collar for her to wear and barked out commands he heard from porn videos as she contorted herself into many positions ultimately designed to expose and humiliate herself. Then he would bend her over and fuck her from behind before sitting down and letting her finish him off. “How thoughtful of him” she would say to herself sarcastically. She would open her mouth to show him his load as is expected of sex slaves, before swallowing on command. Usually, the sex ended with her quietly removing her collar and sliding her clothes back on, feeling disgusted and ashamed of herself. Sometimes (usually when her father was away) he would have her naked and collared all day. Part of her loved the serenity of bobbing her head up and down on his cock for hours while he sat on the sofa watching TV, occasionally stroking her hair or telling her to get him another drink from the fridge. She also thought about what her friends, and especially her best friend Sophie, would think if they saw her like this, and the shameful thoughts aroused her. Cassie eventually ended things with him after he repeatedly broke boundaries, like trying to have anal sex with her or take photos of her while she was in “slave mode”. She allowed him to take pictures and videos of her in different positions, if no face or identifying features were visible. But when she discovered he had taken pictures of her cum-covered face while she knelt with her eyes shut, she felt he had betrayed her trust.

After the protest, Tom asked Cassie and Sophie if they wanted to go stop at the local coffee shop before going home.

“Sure”, Sophie replied, “as long as you’re paying.”

“Do you think I’m made of money?” he snapped back.

“Yes actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if your body was made up of 60% bank notes” Cassie quickly added.

“Funny, you. Fine, just don’t be getting those drinks that require a paragraph to order the thing.”

In the coffee shop, Tom went to the counter to order while Cassie and Sophie sat down at a low round table near the window.

“So, you finally have your uni accommodation sorted?” Sophie asked staring into her phone as she scrolled.

“Yes. The one I originally wanted wasn’t available but there is another one which is slightly more expensive but still affordable and I’ve been accepted for that one.” Cassie scrolled through her phone looking for pictures of the accommodation. “Look, it’s gorgeous”.

“Wow that’s lovely, I love the view of the city”.

“I know right. The only problem is that they use slaves as cleaners. I’ll be making sure my room is extra clean so they don’t have much to do.”

“Surely given how much the accommodation costs they could hire free people to clean?”

“I know. Luckily the slaves are allowed clothes from what I can tell.”

“Well yeah, what’s the point in keeping slaves naked unless they’re young and attractive?” Sophie replied while rolling her eyes.

The conversation was cut short by Tom returning with a flat white for himself, an iced latte for Cassie, and for Sophie a coffee whose name was so long Tom had to write it down.

“I heard something about your accommodation”, Tom said, “let’s have a look then”.

Cassie repeated to Tom the situation regarding the slave labour while Tom flicked through the pictures on her phone.

“Wow, nice place. Yeah, shocking that.” He said almost absent mindedly. “Disgusting what these places will do to cut costs”.

“At least it’s you living there and not someone who might potentially exploit the slaves even more” Sophie added.

“True, I’d still rather not financially support it though.”

“You may as well live as a hermit in the woods then” Tom added with a laugh, and the two girls agreed with sadness.

They sat drinking their coffees, chatting about current events, with a sombre feeling that this may be the last time the three of them will see each other for a while, as they all head off to university. Cassie got accepted onto an English Literature course at a respectable red brick establishment, Sophie was studying Physiotherapy, and Tom was off to Cambridge to study politics. All three of their fathers worked for the same company. Tom’s dad, Bruce Teasdale, was the regional boss for the nearby electronics plant. Cassie’s dad worked as their chief financial officer, and Sophie’s dad was the lead engineer. The company offers to pay for the university fees of the children of long-standing employees, which was a godsend for Cassie and Sophie who would never have been able to acquire a loan elsewhere without having to pay back huge amounts after graduation. For Tom it was less meaningful, as the wealth of his father meant he could afford to send his son off to university with no loans at all.

There was one catch to the loan, however. Non-repayment of the loan required the employee to remain at the company, and crucially, for the student to undergo slave-grading as insurance on the loan in case of breaches by the employee and inability of repayment. This is a fact that has loomed over the head of both Cassie and Sophie. They had agreed that they would go to be slave graded together in a city far from where they live, so there was little chance of anybody they knew seeing them. Slave grading applicants had to be signed up for grading by somebody else, and customarily this was either a parent, partner or friend. Neither of them wanted to have a parent see them like this, both girls were single, and even worse was the idea of Tom taking them. Luckily, they had found a solicitors’ firm in the city who could send a representative to act as power of attorney to sign them over, for a small fee of course.

For Cassie, who had dabbled in slave-play before, the idea of upping the ante and being slave naked in front of countless strangers both frightened and excited her. It wouldn’t be a game; it wouldn’t have timeouts like with her ex-boyfriend. She would be naked and collared, far from home, and at the whim of the slave handlers. She was in no way looking forward to it, but she was able to use any rationalisation she could to minimise the anxiety. For Sophie however, she was nothing but terrified. Her sexual experiences so far were incredibly vanilla, and other than some boring missionary sex and a blowjob, was basically non-existent. She was reluctant even to send nudes to her ex, never mind exposing herself to strangers. Her only way to bear it was knowing that nobody would know who she was, nor care since she would be one of many naked bodies around.


When Cassie returned home, she noticed her father’s car parked on the drive.

“DAD, I’M HOME” she shouted.

“In here, love”, she heard a response from the living room. She walks in and slumps herself down on the sofa. Beside her was her father, eating a microwave curry and drinking a beer poured into a stolen pub glass. “Nice day out with your friends?”

“Yeah it was OK. A few people called us loons and nutcases as usual but we had a lot of support.”

“That’s good” he said between mouthfuls of food. “How’s Soph?”.

“Yeah she’s good. We’ve both got everything sorted for uni now”.

“Good good. And your accommodation request has been accepted?”.

“Yeah, as long as the loan is all approved”.

Her father went quiet at the mention of the loan. It was an uncomfortable truth that she was going to have to put herself up as collateral for the loan, and he didn’t want to have the difficult conversation about her stripping naked for the grading. He had tried to look for other ways to get the loan with the grading, but his boss Bruce told him it’s the only way that these sorts of loans are approved these days. But he reassured him that under the event that his daughter be enslaved, he knew the right people and could make sure she finds a good master who would only use her for housework.

Cassie eventually left for the kitchen, quickly made herself some pasta, and went upstairs to eat on her bed. On her TV she was watching a vlogger talking about her experience of slave grading, what to expect, and the dos and don’ts. Then she found another video that was by somebody who worked as a slave handler for gradings, who was answering questions as part of a Q&A. It seemed like all the questions from females related to what they should do during their gradings while the male questions were asking what it’s like to handle naked girls all day. The man in the video was very professional and explained that they don’t look down on the people being graded, and only treat them the way they do due to protocol and to give them an authentic slave experience.

After finishing her food she left the bowl on the side and locked the door to her room. She then stripped off her clothes and rummaged through a drawer of clothes, reaching for her play collar hidden at the back and expertly strapping it to her neck. She turned on her laptop, opened an incognito window, and searched ‘Slave grading positions tutorial’. She already knew the positions, but she wanted to make sure she was perfect. She clicked the first link, then ‘I am over 18 years old’, and up came a video posted to the official channel of a slave auction house. The host was an older man, and beside him was a young girl naked and collared on her knees facing the camera.

“Now this slave here has just been graded Prime and is set to be auctioned. Before she leaves us, I thought I would use her to make this video for you so you can see what it takes to be graded Prime as well.”
Satisfied that the video will do, she set the laptop down in front of her full length mirror so she had a view of both the laptop and herself. She copied the pose on screen.
“Present” said the man, and the girl quickly and expertly spread her knees wide, interlocked her hands behind her neck, and curved her back to push her tits out.
“This is the Present position, a really common and popular pose. During a grading you will be asked to perform this pose a lot, and it helps reinforce feelings of humility, vulnerability, and the fact that your body is there to be viewed and examined at ease. As you can see, her pussy looks invitingly on offer to those who may wish to use her. It is important to raise yourself off the ground slightly if you want to make sure your pussy is visible.”

Cassie followed the instructions, lifting herself up higher and watching in the mirror as her shaved pussy came more into view. As she examined herself in the position, she couldn’t shake the thought that complete strangers were going to see her like this. She felt a tingle of excitement but also dread.
“This position pushes out the tits wonderfully”, as he said this he groped both of her tits roughly, while the girl didn’t flinch or show any emotion. “This is caused by the hands behind the neck and most importantly, the curving of the back.”

The video cut to a side view, showing how curved her back was, and almost instinctively Cassie curved her back as well. The man ran his hand down the length of her back, from her neck all the way down to the crack of her ass, before giving each cheek a smack.

“Collar”, he called out, and the girl bent over with one hand holding her hair out of the way of her neck and the other hand resting on her thigh. “This position allows a handler or owner to easily secure or remove a collar. You should stand up on your knees so that they don’t have to bend down to collar you. Remember, everything you do is to make the handler’s job easier, not yours. You are there to serve them.”
“Back hands”. The girl stayed bent over and stook her wrists out next to each other behind her back. “This position allows a handler or owner to easily secure or remove handcuffs, cable ties or ropes to the slave’s wrists. Make sure to keep your wrists high and still, no shaking.” He demonstrated by quickly and expertly taking a pair of handcuffs from his pouch and snapping them onto her wrists, then removing them and putting them away.

“Turn around. Display”. The slave quickly turned 180 degrees, placed her forehead to the floor, and reached back with both hands and pulled her ass cheeks apart, showing her vulva and anus to the camera. Cassie followed, but instead turning to the side so she could still see the video. “Now, as you can see this position is obscene, but it’s also my favourite. The purpose, rather simply, is to show the slave’s cunt and arsehole to whoever may be interested. Again, the back should be curved so that your arse is raised high. Now, in this position it will usually be expected of slaves to use mantras. Slave, give me a demonstration.”
“Please ram your big cock into both of my holes master. I’m yours to use.” Her voice was soft and cute, and sounded too innocent to be uttering the words she did.
“Maybe later”, he said with a chuckle to himself. “Stand up. Display”.

The girl quickly got to her feet, bent at the waist and then resumed pulling her ass cheeks apart for the camera. Cassie did the same, turning the laptop screen up first so she could see it whilst bent over.
“Every position that can be performed kneeling can also be performed on your feet. Turn around, Present.”

The girl turned around, and stood with her legs spread apart, her tits pushed out and her hands behind her neck.

“See, this position is the same as the kneeling variant. When standing up, you may also hear this position be called ‘Inspection’. Don’t worry, they are the same thing. It is important to remember both the kneeling and standing variants of every position.”

The video faded to black, and then part two started with the title ‘Blowjobs’ which then cut straight to a shot of the same girl bobbing her head up and down expertly on the man’s cock.

“An important part of any slave girl’s repertoire is the ability to suck cock well.” At this point Cassie decided the rest of the video wasn’t for her. She dragged the cursor over the video progress bar which showed the girl sucking his cock in different positions, then the next section covered penetrative sex, where he was fucking her from behind then her riding him. Then the next section was titled ‘Anal’ and the preview showed her being fucked in the ass from behind.

After closing the video she shut her laptop, reached into her bedside cabinet and pulled out a small vibrator. She continued to kneel in front of the mirror and let the vibrator hum away at her clitoris as she watched herself in the mirror and imagined herself as a slave girl. She cummed multiple times as she pictured herself bent over a table being fucked by a big strong master from behind while his wife grabs her hair and forces her mouth onto her pussy. When she was finished, she sucked her vibrator clean, something she imagined her master ordering her to do. She then lay in bed watching a TV show, deciding to stay naked with her collar on, before drifting off to sleep.
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Re: Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

Post by Mastergepetto »

Fantastic start so far!! I love the set up and foreshadowing! Can’t wait to read the next part!
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Re: Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

Post by jeepster »

Great start of a hopefully long story! Keep em coming!
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Re: Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

Post by Jim927 »

This was a great start to the story. I can’t wait to read the coming chapters. Well done.
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Re: Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

Post by Belinda »

Marvelous writing dear. Can't wait for next installment. You have a true gift. Thank you so much for sharing this piece.
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Re: Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

Post by Mr. Smith »

Great story. I'm looking forward to Cassie's first slave-gasm wondering when you will incorporate it into the story. :swoon:

As a true submissive she will experience the fear and humiliation of being slavie-naked in public while conflicted by the corresponding slave heat she experiences for the first time. Per chance will Sophie and Cassie decide to practice their slave yoga together at some point? Cleaning off the vibrator was a nice touch demonstrating her curriosity.
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Re: Cassie's Downfall Pt. 01

Post by Hooked6 »

I love the premise and stories like this where there is a reluctance yet eagerness on the part of the girl to see what this is all about draws the reader in. As others have said above, you have a definite talent for writing! Looking forward to your next chapters.

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